Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 113: Three people, kill instantly! Luo Ming's terrifying strength,

Chapter 113 Three people, kill instantly! Luo Ming's terrifying strength, Zhao will be defeated!

 “Look carefully, this is the fist.”

Luo Ming's body was filled with golden dragon energy, lingering around his fists.

 “Dragon Tactics, True Dragon Fist!”

 “Bite your teeth and don’t spit out yesterday’s dinner!”

hold head high!

With an earth-shattering dragon roar, the real dragon punched him in the abdomen.


 In an instant, the Martial God Kangaroo's serious condition was covered with bloodshot eyes, and his entire eyeballs seemed to burst out of their sockets.

 The next moment, the power of the fist covered the whole body.


 His muscles and bones all over his body groaned.

 Luo Ming shook his hand.

 The two of them jumped up and rushed towards Luo Ming at the same time.

 It was torn apart alive by a terrifying force.

 “Where’s the real dragon!”

 The next second, it turned into countless fragments and rushed in all directions.

 A huge violent bear of more than ten meters covered the sky, casting a large shadow.

 In front of Luo Ming's height of more than three meters, he looked extremely small at more than ten meters.

Na Adu also nodded.

"This is... the genius of the hot summer! It's so terrifying!"

He carried a sledgehammer and hit Luo Ming.


 Zhenlong Fist did not dodge, and punched the earth violent bear's sledgehammer.

 “Are you going to take action? Otherwise, you have no chance.”

 The two of them suddenly felt a wave of cold air rushing from the soles of their feet to the sky.

hold head high!

 The sound of the dragon's roar echoed through the air.

 “Dragon tactics, dragons fight in the wild!”


The posture seems to be prostrate, and also seems to be kneeling.

 “True Dragon Fist!”

 In an instant, all the ground thorns were shattered into sand and gravel by his kick.

 He was bleeding profusely, and his whole body was stained red with blood.

 Fortunately, Ye Fu came forward in time and bandages wrapped around Joseph's body.

Joseph's eyes flashed with deep fear.

 “Kangaroo bathed in blood.”

 After shattering the soldiers with one punch, the True Dragon Fist still showed no signs of weakening.

The violent earth bear's eyes widened, and he seemed to see a golden five-clawed golden dragon rising into the sky, opening its **** mouth and biting him.


 In a second, he turned into a cannonball and flew backwards in mid-air.


Luo Ming stopped paying attention to him and turned his head to look at the other two people.


He turned over and kicked out with his whip legs carrying the strong wind.


 “This is kind of interesting.”


In an instant, the sledgehammer shattered inch by inch.

 Otherwise, the body of more than ten meters would hit a group of students watching the battle.

 Then he jumped up and rushed towards the violent bear in mid-air.

 Joseph shouted loudly.


 Hands of ground spikes protrude from the ground, surrounding the target opponent in all directions.

Luo Ming smiled disdainfully and immediately threw it aside.

 Cheng Liulie recovered his body and lay on the ground. He tried his best to raise his head and look at Luo Ming.

Long Tong was full of majesty that looked down on all living beings. At this moment, he only felt that he was as small as dust.

On the other side, the Earth-shattering armored beast crawling on the ground is also the power that activates the earth element.

The earth-shattering armored beast was still immersed in Luo Ming's earth-shattering punch. When he reacted, the real dragon had already disappeared in mid-air.

 He shook his body and looked around.

 The real dragon is really missing!

 But for some reason, cold sweat broke out on his back.

 “Where are you looking?”


As a cold voice sounded.

 A golden dragon claw fell from the sky and clasped on his back.

 “Dragon tactics! Dragon claws catch the air!”

This claw actually shattered the armor on the Earth-shattering armored beast!


His whole body fell to the ground, his limbs went limp, and he let out a painful whimper.

"Have you taken it?" "YES! YES!"

 He nodded vigorously.

 “Then get lost.”

Luo Ming turned over and landed on the ground again, walking towards the distance without looking back.

 But at this moment, the earth-shattering armored beast lying on the ground suddenly let out a roar.


A thorn in the ground rushed towards Luo Ming's back at an extremely fast speed.


 Luo Ming suddenly looked back.

 “True dragon spirit!”


 The ground thorn exploded instantly.

 “You really don’t learn well...”

“I have reached an agreement with the hospital in Yanxia Territory. If I send one in, they will give me half a million.”

 “Student Adu, you can only be wronged.”

“Help me, my ICU business partner, improve my performance!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Ming suddenly appeared on his face.


 Hit his foot towards Adu’s head.

 Bang, bang, bang!

Three feet stepped down on him, causing his head to bleed.

Finally he stretched out his hand, and **** passed through the armor of the Earth Splitting Beast and pierced into his flesh.

"Earth-shattering armored beast? Without armor, how can you crack the ground? Can you perform it for me?"

 As his voice fell.


Luo Ming squeezed hard, and the Earth-shattering armored beast's body suddenly tensed up.

 “Ahhhh! NO!”

He roared in pain, and the armor all over his body fell off piece by piece like scales.

It was crushed from the inside by Luo Ming.

“ICU, welcome.”


 Throw Adu on the ground casually.

This time he no longer had the energy to make a sneak attack and had completely passed out.

Luo Ming waved his hand and walked towards the distance.

“Dear Miss Tang Momo, do you need my help?”

Luo Ming crossed his arms and watched the fight between Tang Momo and Anna.

Hearing Luo Ming's voice, Anna trembled instantly and almost collapsed to the ground.

If Luo Ming takes action, she will simply admit defeat.

This woman, known as the "Poison Queen" in Britain, was frightened after seeing Luo Ming's horrific achievements.

 “No, I will defeat her myself!”

Tang Momo shook his head.

 She can't always rely on others. Even the best friends can only accompany you for a certain period of time.

 In the end, you have to rely on yourself. In the most difficult times, you are the only one who can save yourself.

 “It is indeed very powerful, this monster called the True Dragon.”

 Xiao Pingan nodded in approval.

"It's a pity... there is not much time left for him, otherwise maybe Luo Ming can really play in the Hundred Schools League."

Xiao Pingan nodded with regret.

Hundred Schools League is an event organized by Blue Star Hundred Countries. It is held every three years. It is a competition that only juniors can participate in. There are only three months left.

Ten team members were first selected from major domestic universities.

 Then you can represent your country in the competition.

 It’s a pity that it was completely missed from Luo Ming’s time.

 Just like Ye Changan back then.

I also happened to miss the time to participate in the Hundred Schools League.

In recent years, Yan Xia's international performance has been quite average. Although it is not bad, it does not meet the strength level of top powers.

Today's hot summer urgently needs a genius who can control the situation, otherwise, I'm afraid he will be laughed at and have no successor.


A thundering roar from the field drew Xiao Ping'an's attention back again.

 I saw a black figure being smashed out like a meteor.

 It is Zhao Jiran.

 He was defeated in the battle with Li Tian!

Li Tian was so crazy at this time, his three heads were roaring at the same time.

  A terrifying light, thunder, silver evil, and red fire erupted all over his body.

 Three divine powers intertwined, if this move failed.

 Zhao Jingran will definitely stay in the ICU for several months.

What on earth did he say to Li Tian just now that made him so angry that he almost went crazy!

 (End of this chapter)

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