Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 116: My young master has an invincible appearance! ah? my home

Chapter 116 My young master is invincible! ah? Why was my young master beaten to death? ?

 He ​​is the steward of the Li family, Li Tao. He has served the overlord Li Lin since he was a child. Although he has not joined the military, he still has considerable strength. He awakened a B-level monster with blue jade-level strength and is the leader of the military.

I came here today just to watch my young master's first performance after returning from Shanhaixiongguan. In itself, Li Tian was able to suppress the entire Yanxia University students, which was a quite brilliant achievement.

 It can be regarded as making the Li family famous in the magic city.

As for the possibility of Li Tianhui losing, he never thought about it.

 Not only him, Li Lin would not think about it either.

Because Li Tian was a fierce general who fought on the front lines of Shanhaixiong Pass, how could he be compared to these children in the ivory tower?


Luo Ming's fist burning with blood-colored flames hit Li Tian's head.

 One punch sent him flying dozens of meters.

 “Get up! Aren’t you very strong? The son of the overlord of the Li family is nothing more than that!”

Li Tian struggled to get up, but his vision had become blurry.

“Luo Ming, don’t bully others too much!”

Li Tian was on the verge of death after being stepped on by Luo Ming.

Li Tao sneered, and immediately quickened his pace.

Li Tao’s mouth opened into a smile.


Luo Ming struck again. As soon as Li Tian got up, he went up and punched him to the ground.


 His knees hit the ground.

 He gritted his teeth to prevent his consciousness from becoming confused, and yelled at Luo Ming.

As for why the voice sounded a bit sad, Li Tao thought that maybe the young master was temporarily excited and failed to control his emotions.

In a daze, Li Tian seemed to see that majestic figure on the battlefield of Xiongguan Mountain and Sea.

At this moment, Luo Ming had one foot on his shoulder, inexplicably like a king judging sinners.

"This kid is still the first in the freshman assessment, and should be the focus of the young master. At this moment, he is stepped on by the young master and is dying. This is the fate of offending my Li family. Even if she is a concubine, she still has Li family flowing in her body. Bloodline is not something you pariahs can touch."

 “Kneel down for me!”

"Before I came here, the master seemed to have told me about a student named Luo Ming. This kid actually killed one of the master's outside heirs. Although there is no absolute evidence, but... I, the Li family, never need evidence when doing things, I only want to do it. and don’t want to do it.”

 “Ahhhh! You’ve gone too far!”

Li Tian, ​​who was originally strong, was like a sick cat that was muttering. He was no longer as arrogant as before.


With a foot stepping on his shoulder, Li Tian couldn't even stand up this time.

There is nothing worse than kneeling down and humiliating someone. Li Tian roared with grief and indignation.

 The extreme humiliation and physical pain, both combined, almost made him faint.

“The young master has gone crazy! I didn’t expect that such a child-like freshman competition could make him have so much fun. It seems that the young master’s previous life was too hard.”

Although Li Tian was defeated, he was still the son of the Overlord. How could he be humiliated in public!

how come!

 “Haha, I see you are very dissatisfied! If you are dissatisfied, I will beat you until you are convinced!”

His mind seemed to have already imagined Li Tian transforming into the Three Emperor Beasts and sweeping away a group of so-called arrogant students in the summer.

At this time, Li Tao, who had just walked through the gate and rushed through the teaching area towards the playground, suddenly frowned.

That person is who he was back then.

 But now, the figure disappeared like a bubble, replaced by a shadow holding a **** spear.

The shadow looked back slightly, which actually made Li Tian tremble physically and mentally.

At this moment, Luo Ming has turned into his inner demon!

 “Master? Is it the master?”

 There was a voice of doubt.

When Li Tao came to the playground, the fighting platform was blocked by a group of students, and he couldn't see clearly.

I just vaguely heard someone shouting, "Good fight, good fight."

He originally thought that the young master had such prestige in this hot summer university and could attract so many students to cheer for him.

 As expected of being the son of an overlord, he is the center of the crowd wherever he goes.

 As a result, someone said something later.

The beating made Li Tian croak. He immediately felt that something was not right.

 Maybe it will develop in a direction that he cannot predict.

 He pushed through the crowd and reached the front of the ring, and then he saw it clearly.

My young master was beaten and held down like a dead dog. In the end, he even knelt down in front of the opponent in an almost humiliating manner.

This scene instantly made Li Tao's scalp numb, and he felt as if the Tianling Gai had been overturned by a big hand.

How can this be! My young master is so powerful, he is a young genius in the mountains and seas!

  Why were they suppressed by a group of children who had never been to the battlefield?

Moreover, the figure who suppressed his young master seemed to be that Luo Ming!

Could it be that…

Li Tao had a bad premonition in his heart. The roar he heard in the teaching area just now was not that the young master was venting his emotions, but that the young master was being abused and felt unwilling, ashamed and angry!

How could this be unreasonable? This student dared to insult his young master like this and trample the face of the Li family under his feet!

You must know that Overlord Li Lin is best at two things, one is a woman, and the other is this so-called reputation!

 But now, the overlord's son is kneeling in front of others like a loser. If this scene spreads to the upper class society in Shanghai, Li will become a laughing stock!

Immediately, Luo Ming's sarcastic words made him tremble with anger.

“Overlord Li? In my opinion, you are just a **** with a high head!”

Li Tao was furious. If Li Tian was a bastard, then who was his master Li Lin?

 Big tortoise?

How dare a little brat with no hair to grow dares to humiliate his master!

Which one is tolerable?


Li Tao shouted angrily.

 Luo Ming and Li Tian raised their eyes when they heard the sound.

 The former had doubts in his eyes, while the latter had a look of surprise on his face.

 “Uncle Tao! Save me!”

With this shout, Luo Ming finally knew the origin of the other party.

 Presumably he is from the Li family in the Demon City.

 It’s just...stop if you say stop?

This is Yanxia University, not your magic city, Li Family. There are so many teachers sitting here, how dare you touch me?

  "Stop if you say stop? Then wouldn't I look very shameless?"


 Luo Ming whipped Li Tian to the ground.

 Immediately stepped on his cheek.

 Most of Li Tian's head was sunk into the ring.

Luo Ming opened his mouth and let out a breath of white air.

Looking at Li Tao with a serious look.

"If you kneel down to me, I will reluctantly let your young master go."

Li Tao's eyes were shocked. He had never seen such an arrogant person before!

 He is Li Lin's personal butler. Even the heads of other families in the Demon City will respect him when they see him!

 But today, a kid younger than his son dared to ask him to kneel down!

 "You deserve it! If you don't let my young master go..."


 A blue light suddenly appeared from Li Tao.

 A huge blue scorpion appears in the ring, its body covered in a crystal-like jacket.

There are green poisonous hooks on the long tail on the back, which glow coldly.

Two big pliers seem to be able to cut everything.

 B-level monster, blue poisonous scorpion.

 “If you don’t let go, I will kill you!”

 (End of this chapter)

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