Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 117: Yanxia University is your backing! my study

Chapter 117 Yanxia University is your backing! Only I can punish my students!

The powerful aura of the sapphire-level monster appeared on the ring.

 It instantly alarmed many people.

"He's from the Li family... He's so stupid. He actually attacked Yanxia's students on the stage of Yanxia University. Does Li really think he's invincible?"

 Zhao Jishi shook his head disdainfully.

The Li family in the Demon City is certainly good, but in terms of background, there is still a slight gap between them and the five families in the Imperial City.

Xiao Ping'an, the president of Yanxia University, is not an ordinary person. He was once the deputy leader of the Eternal Tribulation Holy Group, one of the four major holy groups.

This Yanxia University is run by the Military Department and the four holy groups.

 He dared to take action at this juncture, which made it clear that he did not take the four major holy groups seriously.

Li Lin didn't dare to be so overbearing, but one of his servants dared to disregard the rules of Yanxia University?

 How ignorant.


The poisonous hook on the back of the blue poisonous scorpion tore through the void and shot towards Luo Ming.

 “Stop! Who allowed you to take action here!”


 A figure stood in front of Luo Ming.


 The ghost-eyed civet flashed out and strangled the scorpion's tail with one claw.

 Then he squeezed it hard and crushed it alive!


 He kicked Li Tao away with his feet.

“Who allowed you to attack my students in Yanxia in Yanxia’s arena!”

 Ye Bu Xing looked at Li Tao coldly.

Li Tao's face was twisted with pain.

"He insulted me, the young master of the Li family, why don't you ignore him!"

  He asked Ye BuXing.

"Haha, bullying? So... did the young master of the Qin family admit that he lost? As long as he admits it in person, the game will stop."

Li Tao’s pupils shrank.

 Himself admitted, how could a young master from the Li family say such a thing!

Li Tian has been taught since childhood that he should not admit defeat even if he dies.

It would be harder for him to admit defeat than to kill him.

"Principal Xiao! Li Tian is the son of my master, the son of the overlord of the Li family. The Li family has never suffered such a shame and humiliation! He insulted my master! He insulted me, the Li family! I hope you will give me the face of the Li family!"

Li Tao immediately spoke to Xiao Ping'an, who was in a high position.

Xiao Pingan glanced at him lightly.

 So...people of the Li family have muscles instead of brains?

 Thinking with your fists?

How could he agree in such a public place?

 Furthermore…after learning about Luo Ming’s talent and strength.

Xiao Pingan is also willing to spontaneously become such a genius protector like Ye Changan and Tang Yanhuang.

Given time, he will definitely be able to change the current situation of Blue Star and Yan Xia.

 He has the glory of the savior in him!

 So...compared to this, what kind of person are you, Mr. Li?

 Have you really treated yourself like a dish?

 “Teacher Ye, deal with it impartially.”

Xiao Ping'an glanced at Li Tao disdainfully and ignored him.

Li Tao's complexion suddenly changed. His clan was used to being arrogant in the Demon City. Who wouldn't betray the overlord Li Lin to save face?

Even the principal of the Demon City Monster University is no exception, but here... he seems to be worthless!


 But before he could finish his words, he turned into a ghost-eyed civet again.

"What are you doing? You really treat yourself like a dish! Li family, Li family! The Li family is so powerful, why don't they guard the mountains and seas? The Li family is so powerful, why don't they guard the ruins!"

"Your Li family, Li Tian, ​​is a human! My Luo Ming from Yanxia University is not a human! He is the person that Ye Changan of the Heavenly Chi Holy Group and Tang Yanhuang of Yanhuang Technology both value! He is also the number one in my freshman year at Yanxia University! My The background is not weaker than yours, Li!"

“If you want to bully my students at Yanxia University, it doesn’t matter who you are! I’ll find you and beat you!”


 The ghost-eyed civet's closed eyes were completely opened at this moment.

 Suddenly, a black murderous aura swept over the scene. The civet cat's eyes were red. It stayed awake all night and opened its second eye, trading reason for killing!

  "Roar!"   He roared like a beast. The teacher, who had always been groggy but extremely sleepy, showed his extremely powerful power at this moment!


The ghost-eyed civet slapped the blue poisonous scorpion to the ground with one claw, and then tore off his tail alive.

 Click click click!

 The two pincers were smashed to pieces, and the carapace all over his body exploded piece by piece.

 Li Tao was knocked back to his original form by one move.

 He looked at the mad civet with fear on his face.

 Catching Li Tian means running away.

“Master! Let’s go! Go back to the Magic City! Master will take action to bring justice to us!”

The two of them immediately fled Yanxia University in embarrassment.

 This time, the Li family in the magical capital was completely defeated!


 The ghost-eyed civet closed its eyes and rested for a while before turning back into a human body.

As a result, the dark circles under my eyes that I kept awake at night became more serious.

“Fuck! I really want to sleep with him for a year and a half.”

 He rubbed his eyes and turned to look at Luo Ming.

"Just do whatever you want to do in the future. Don't be afraid. No one dares to use power to suppress you throughout Yanxia. There are many people behind you! And now, there is Yanxia University!"

 “You are my student, no one can punish you except me!”

Ye Bu Xing patted Luo Ming on the shoulder and encouraged him.

“Just go ahead and do it, I hope that one day, you can become a very important figure in this Blue Star!”

Luo Ming nodded vigorously.

 He did not expect that his teacher would stand up for him many times.

It seems that this head teacher looks cold and indifferent, but he is much gentler than expected.

“Then, I’ll ask you to take care of my brother.”

Luo Ming was stunned.

ah? younger brother?

 Wait a minute, my surname is Ye, and I look like I can’t sleep all day long.

No, there is such a guy in his dormitory!

Night River! The guy who likes to eat raw meat and has reversed day and night schedules is actually the younger brother who never wakes up at night!

 Come on, these two people don’t look alike at all!

 One is a gloomy middle-aged man, and the other is a sickly white-haired and cold-faced boy!

Depend on!

Luo Ming suddenly realized that the identities of his roommates were not simple.

However, his battle is finally over, and there are still a few left...

 He turned his head to look.

The British Anna may have been frightened by him, and her subsequent moves became weaker and weaker, and she was finally defeated by Tang Momo.

 Xia Qingcheng also relied on the power of the Fire Phoenix to successfully defeat Chu Qingning!

At this time, Xiao Pingan stood up silently.

"Okay! I announce that...the first place in this freshman competition is...Luo Ming!"

 As he finished speaking, the whole place was in a state of shock!

And amidst this commotion, this time the competition came to an end.

The top ten from high to low are Luo Ming, Li Tian, ​​Zhao Weiran, Xia Qingcheng, Chu Qingning, Tang Momo, and Anna.

 As for the last three, they have already been admitted to the ICU.

 Li Tian was expelled from school because of Li Tao's troubles.

 So, the second place now belongs to Lao Zhao.

 The first place reward in the freshmen competition is still very generous.

Luo Ming has obtained a lot of blood essence and beast cores, and his strength is enough to be upgraded to the tenth silver level.

 In addition, he also got a token.

This token is called a sequence token!

I had three warts on my hands. After I went to the hospital to freeze them off, I learned about the three-finger Zen typing method.



 (End of this chapter)

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