Chapter 118 Mingcheng Team, first mission!

 “Sequence token…what is this?”

Luo Ming looked at Xiao Pingan in front of him with doubts on his face.


Xiao Pingan smiled slightly.

“Luo Ming, you should know the thirteen numbered monsters that appeared in the history of Blue Star, which are also the serial monsters, right?”

Luo Ming nodded. These were thirteen powerful monsters whose combat power exceeded the black jade level. Each of them almost destroyed Blue Star. In the most tragic case, half of Blue Star's hundreds of kingdoms were penetrated!

Dozens of black jade-level warriors died in battle around the world, and humanity was almost wiped out.

“We humans have survived thirteen world-destroying disasters, and all thirteen numbered monsters have been killed by us.”

“Except for the corpses of monsters No. 9 and 10, which were taken away by monsters in the ruins, the corpses of the remaining eleven monsters are all on the human side.”

“Human beings used the bones, armor, and muscles of these eleven monsters to create serial weapons containing terrifying power. Unfortunately, because the weapons were too strong and the attributes were too violent, several capable people have died.”

“And this serial token is a fitness qualification. Find the right person from all over the world to become the master of the serial weapon.”

“Yanxia University has two sequence tokens, and I will give you one of them.”

Xiao Pingan said.

“Six of the eleven serial-level weapons have been identified as owners, but none of them are from Yanxia!”

“I hope you can successfully regain a serial weapon for me, Yan Xia!”

Xiao Pingan looked at Luo Ming with burning eyes.

“Originally, this was not a reward for first place in the competition. I personally joined in. Luo Ming, I am very optimistic about you. You will definitely surprise the whole world in the future.”

 Come out of Xiao Ping'an's office.

Luo Ming looked at the token in his hand, thinking.

 At present, his strength is not up to standard, and not all the sequence tokens have been issued.

Xiao Pingan said that the ceremony of recognizing the master will not begin until about a year later.

 So he doesn’t need to be nervous now.

“Currently, my team has begun to take shape, and it’s time to go to the military headquarters to take on a few tasks. I’ve been staying at the school and I feel like my bones are going soft.”

Luo Ming thought about it. With the addition of Zhao Yiran and Chu Qingning, their team had reached the minimum standard for accepting missions, a six-person team.

 Log in to the military mission platform.

“Two-star mission, a gold element mineral vein, destroying the Thunder Beast Cave in the mineral vein, requires three teams of more than six people, the task reward is two hundred yuan stones for each team.”

 After returning to the villa, Luo Ming summoned the members of the team and asked everyone for their opinions.

 Everyone expressed their willingness to accept this task.

 “In that case, I’ll take it.”

Seeing that no one had any objections, Luo Ming pressed accept.

However, when filling in the team name, he suddenly got stuck.

  “Well...our team didn’t seem to have a name this week.”

Luo Ming looked at them awkwardly.

 “Why don’t you come up with a name first?”

 “I know! I’ll just call them the Goddess Team!”

Chu Qingning smiled slightly.

“After all, there is no more suitable name than this to have a goddess like me, who is so charming and loved by everyone, join us.”

Luo Ming twitched the corners of his mouth and ignored him.

 “Call the Death Squad! It sounds very intimidating.”

Zhao already spoke.

 “Isn’t this too middle-of-the-road?”

Xia Qingcheng, Tang Momo, and Chu Qingning looked disdainful.

 The three girls don’t like this kind of name.


Luo Ming searched the team list and found that there were not ten but seven people called the Death Team.

 Are there any other members of the God of War Team or the Thunder Team? Okay, I know you are suffering from chuunibyou.

 “How about we call it the singles team.”

Luo Ming stroked his nose. It happened that all the team members were single.

 As a result, everyone unanimously rolled their eyes.

 “Not as good as my goddess team.”

Chu Qingning looked disdainful.

  “I don’t think it’s as good as Death Squad either.”

  Zhao already nodded.

 “How about otherwise.”

 Lu Cheng, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth.

“How about calling them Mingcheng Team? Just take one word from the names of the captain and the vice-captain.”

 “Why is Xia Qingcheng the vice-captain!”

Chu Qingning looked a little unconvinced.

 “Because Qingcheng is better than you!”

Tang Momo replied.

“Mingcheng Team, I think it’s good.”

Zhao already nodded silently.     “I think it’s okay too.”

 Luo Ming scratched his head.

 “Then let’s call it this name.”

  After entering the team name and everyone’s contact information, someone immediately pulled them into a new group chat.

“By the way, do you want to call me Senior Yan Shi!”

“No, with Senior Yanshi’s strength, participating in missions with us is a complete waste of time, and it also loses the meaning of experience.”

Luo Ming shook his head.

“Senior Yan Shi will not take action unless it is a last resort.”

A few people discussed the time to gather and then dispersed.

 Early the next morning.

 Six people gathered at the gate of Yanxia University.

“Zhao Jianran said he would drive us there.”

“What a rich boy. He actually drives a car when he goes to school. When the time comes, he drives a Cullinan. That’s so high-profile. The other teams will probably run away when they see us.”

Chu Qingning complained.

Luo Ming said nothing. The cars in this world were no better than those in his previous life, especially the luxury cars, which could even be used as combat weapons.

They are all specially customized. Although the shape is similar to the previous life, the engine, energy source, shell, etc. are all made of expensive metals and carapace from monsters.

Some even have to use elemental stones as fuel, which is ridiculously expensive.

 At this time, a yellow pickup truck slowly drove out of the school.

“Let’s go, young masters and ladies, please get in the car.”

 Zhao already hung up the window and said.

 “I’m going to…this is the Great Wall! Cannons?!”

Chu Qingning was stunned.

You, a son of the Zhao family, actually drive a pickup truck?

 Furthermore... this is obviously a four-seater, so two people are not allowed to sit in the car?

 The three women looked at each other and hurriedly got into the car.

Then the miserable Luo Ming and Lu Cheng could only sit in the trunk.

 The wind was blowing all the way.

“It’s quite helpless. How about you change your body, Lu Cheng, and I’ll ride behind you?”

Luo Ming said.

 “Um…well, captain, I don’t have a license plate.”

 Lu Cheng looked a little embarrassed.

  Luo Ming: “…”

The Great Wall Cannon was galloping all the way, and the strong wind blew up the bangs. After the two looked at each other, their faces were filled with silence.

The wind is really noisy today.

 Hurry to the mission hall of Yanxia Domain.

Luo Ming looked around for the other two cooperative teams.

 The Wolf Hunting Squad and the Steelmaking Squad.

“Hey! Young people, are you the Mingcheng team?”

Suddenly, a bald man in a flowery shirt patted Luo Ming on the shoulder.

"You are…"

 “I am the captain of the wolf hunting team, you can call me Daolang.”

The bald man said.

Immediately pointed at the skinny man in a black T-shirt next to him.

“He is the captain of the steel-smelting team, Wu Gangmen.”

  Luo Ming: “…”

The other person scratched his head.

“My father’s name is Wu Tiemen, my father’s name is Wu Tongmen, my brother’s name is Wu Jinmen, and my brother’s name is Wu Tongmen, so I…”

 “Is it called Wu Gangmen?”

Luo Ming answered.

 The five people behind him were laughing uncontrollably.

 “You can just call me Lao Gang.”

His face couldn't help but turn red, and he scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

 After so many years, I have become accustomed to it. One extroversion has led to a lifetime of introversion...

“But you are quite young. Why don’t you study at your age?”

 Sword Wolf scratched his bald head and said.

 Well...Is there a possibility that we are students?

But before they could explain, playful sounds came from not far away.

“Old Steel Gate, Iron Wolf Head, is it because of these brats that you refused to join our team?”

 (End of this chapter)

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