Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 119: You fear Li Tian as much as you fear God, and Li Tian seems insignificant to me.

Chapter 119 You fear Li Tian as much as you fear God, but Li Tian is like a dust to me!

Looking sideways, I saw a big man who looked like a golden-haired lion king, walking towards them with steps that he didn't recognize.

"This is Cheng Jinhang from the Golden Lion Team. The reputation of their Golden Lion Team has always been poor in the Hot Summer Territory. Especially when the teams are combined for missions, the opponent's team is often wiped out and only their team comes back safely. "

“Some people speculate that they deliberately stayed in the ruins in order to take advantage of other people’s rewards..."

 Sword Wolf made an action that everyone understands.

“So, I don’t want them to join this mission. I didn’t expect him to hold a grudge. Be careful, this **** may attack you.”

 Sword Wolf warned.

 Cheng Jinhang led eight people from his team towards Luo Ming.

“Let’s get to know each other? Cheng Jinhang from the Golden Lion Team, how about you?”

 “Mingcheng Team, Luo Ming.”

 “Haha, is it Luo Ming?”

 He leaned over to Luo Ming's ear.

"I advise you to give up this mission voluntarily, otherwise..."

 “What if?”

Luo Ming asked with twinkling eyes.

“Otherwise, I can guarantee that your team will not receive a single mission from now on!”

 “You are a bunch of inexperienced children who want to learn from others to do tasks, so go back to your ivory tower!”

 Cheng Jinhang threatened in a low voice with a look of disdain.

  "Intimidating me? Sorry, one of my main characteristics is that I don't listen to advice."

Luo Ming narrowed his eyes slightly. Cheng Jinhang was not very strong at this time. At most, he was only a third-level gold level guy. In a fight, he could kill him with just one slap.

Facing Luo Ming’s deep gaze, Cheng Jinhang couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

This look reminded him of a person.

In the past, their team was active in the mountains and seas. To put it bluntly, they were oil-headed veterans who disobeyed discipline.

Later, they provoked a person in the imperial pass because they bullied the small with the big.

The entire eight people in the team were repaired by this man.

In the end, I couldn’t survive in the mountains and seas, so I had no choice but to run to the Yanxia Territory in despair.

Later they learned that the man was called Li Tian, ​​and he was the son of Li Lin, the overlord of the Li family in the Demon City.

 couldn't help but feel extremely lucky. Fortunately, his team escaped in despair, otherwise they would have been killed by Li Tian.

But now that they have returned to the Yanxia Territory, they have become independent again.

 After all, in a place like Yanxia Territory, you should not encounter a freak of Li Tian's level.

 But the look in Luo Ming's eyes reminded him of his past experience.

 Finally suppressing his fear, Cheng Jinhang took a deep breath.

 Maybe it’s because he’s overthinking it, or because Li Tian’s experience has cast a shadow on him.

How could there be so many freaks and he could just happen to meet them.

 Not all young people are perverted like Li Tian.

"Boy, you are very brave, Luo Ming, right? I will remember you! From now on, you will be unable to move even in the Hot Summer Territory!"

 He spoke harshly to Luo Ming again.

 As if he wanted to get back all the humiliation he had suffered from Li Tian on Luo Ming.

"I am looking forward."

 Just when Cheng Jinhang was about to leave.

 “Outside the number! Outside the number! The latest news! The latest news!”

“The Yanxia University Freshman Competition has ended! Li Tian, ​​the son of the Demon City Overlord, was defeated miserably!”

 Originally, Cheng Jinhang didn't want to hear it, but he accidentally heard the familiar name.

 His heart trembled.

 The steps stopped involuntarily.

I thought to myself, are there such awesome freshmen at Yanxia University? Even Overlord Li Tian is no longer his opponent?

 Others don't know Li Tian's strength, but he knows it very well.

 Li Tian’s combat power is at the first level of gold level, so let’s fight against him, who is at the third level of gold level!

It was a powerful one, especially the world-burning cannon that destroyed the world. Cheng Jinhang felt that that move was enough to blow him to pieces while alive.

 So, he was very curious as to where the freak came from and defeated Li Tian.

"The person who defeated him was Luo Ming, who ranked first in the freshmen assessment!" "It's amazing! Luo Ming defeated three foreign students in one battle! He even easily defeated the overlord Li Tian! I heard that Li Tian was in Luo Ming's army in that battle There was no way to fight back! They were all beaten to the ground!”

“If someone from the Li family hadn’t come to Yanxia University to take away Li Tian, ​​Luo Ming might have beaten him to death!”


 Everyone took a breath of cold air.

There is such a fierce young man in Yanxia University?

“Luo Ming, what a scary young man. If you meet him in the future, you must take a detour.”

Cheng Jinhang's heart was beating wildly. He thought Li Tian was the most powerful person he had ever seen.

I never thought there was someone more powerful than Li Tian!

Who is this person named Luo Ming?

 Luo Ming…Luo Ming…

He thought about the name carefully.

 Oh, that’s not right, why does it sound familiar?

 I seem to have heard it somewhere.

 Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind.

 “Mingcheng Team, Luo Ming.”


 Cheng Jinhang suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo Ming, whose eyes had remained calm.

My heart was beating wildly.

 Could it be said that he is...

The Daolang and Wu Gangmen beside Luo Ming also reacted.

  Looking at him with a look of horror.

"Little brother, your name is Luo Ming? You are the Luo Ming who defeated that Li Tian? Are you a student of Yanxia University?"

Luo Ming nodded.

"Yes, this is my first time on a mission. I hope you can give me some advice."

  "Hahahaha! You're welcome! You're welcome! With a young genius like you here, the pressure on our team is instantly gone!"

 The three of them burst into laughter.

Cheng Jinhang felt as if his brain was half deprived of oxygen and his breathing seemed to have stopped.

Why the **** am I so unlucky? I finally escaped from Shanhaixiongguan.

 In the end, I met a guy who was more terrifying than Li Tian in Yanxia Territory!

 Cheng Jinhang's whole body was shaking.

The boy who didn't care at first turned into a terrifying beast in his eyes.

 “That…Luo Ming, I…me!”

 Incomparable fear enveloped Cheng Jinhang, making his calves tremble.


He couldn't help but knelt on the ground.

Luo Ming looked confused. Are you too scared?

 Sword Wolf on the side leaned into his ear and explained a few words, and then Luo Ming understood.

 It turns out that he was cast in the shadow by Li Tian.

Luo Ming shook his head, Li Tian's men were just defeated, and it would be a loss of status to argue with him.

“You fear Li Tian as much as you fear a god, but Li Tian is like a tiny particle of dust to me!”

 “Let’s go.”

 Shaking his head, Luo Ming, Dao Lang and others left the mission hall.

  I stopped talking to the shivering Cheng Jinhang.

 The Golden Lion Team is like this, self-defeating!

 Cheng Jinhang lay on the ground, shivering, and the shadow in his heart deepened again.

 Perhaps, it’s really not suitable for this line of work.

At this moment, he even had the idea of ​​disbanding his troops and returning to the field.

 Half a month later, the Golden Lion Team disbanded, and Cheng Jinhang returned to his hometown in the countryside, and has never left the world since.

 (End of this chapter)

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