Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 146: Dinner, invitation! Standing on top of Yanxia University

Chapter 146 Dinner, invitation! The person who stands at the top of Yanxia University!

"The three major holy groups are now going to the mountains and seas together. This time, one of our holy groups in Yanxia was destroyed. This is by no means a small matter! This is a huge event, and we can never just let it go!"

“This time we will definitely ask them to pay back everything they deserve!”

When Luo Ming came to the principal's office, he was told that the entire Tianchi Holy Group had been dispatched to the ruins.

"However, regarding the monster transformation and fusion beast technology you mentioned, I have already reported this matter to the military."

“The superiors will investigate the entire thirty-six regions and seventy-two states of Yanxia, ​​so all you have to do is protect yourself, you know?”

Xiao Ping'an warned.

"There are still three days left, and the first semester is over. The Chinese New Year is almost here. Go back and recuperate. Next semester, there will be a league of hundreds of schools waiting for you. Now Qin Luoming's name can be regarded as one of the most popular among colleges and universities in the hot summer. Now that you are famous, there are many people who want to step on you and get the upper hand. "

Xiao Ping'an chuckled and shook his head.

 “Don’t become a stepping stone for others.”

 Luo Ming nodded.

“This stepping stone of mine may be a bit irritating to my feet, and the sole of my foot may be gone if I’m not careful.”

 “Hahahaha! I feel relieved if you have such confidence!”

Xiao Ping'an laughed.

Time passed quickly, a flash of emotion flashed in Luo Ming's eyes, and the semester came to an end before he knew it.

 He plans to go back to Xinghai Prefecture during the winter vacation.

 Let’s pay homage to our parents’ graves.

 As for the Chinese New Year...

He is alone. If he has an easy life, he can just make do with it.

  It has always been like this anyway, in the past and present life.

During the days when I was dating Su Wanqing, I would go to KTV with a few classmates to sing and eat late night snacks on the New Year’s Eve.

 Even though he is the one who pays the bill.

 After leaving Xiao Ping'an's office.

“Come back safely, Senior Ye.”

Luo Ming looked towards the sky in the distance. Thin clouds were rolling, the sky was blue, and the sky was vast. There was still a long way to go in the future.

"Luo Ming, you are back. This is the invitation to the party."

 When she returned to the dormitory, Chen Hui was cooking.


“Is it from Zhao Jishi?”

Luo Ming looked at the invitation letter up and down.

 At the end of each semester, some of the top students in their junior year hold an independent banquet.

 The banquet invites are basically some influential figures from the first and second years of college.

 At the same time, this is also proof that they are favored by the junior seniors.

 Simply put, this is a ticket to the top circles in the hot summer. There are many freshmen and sophomore students in the entire hot summer university who have worked hard for a semester, maybe just for this invitation.

Last year, it seems that my boyfriend did not receive an invitation letter, and then his girlfriend broke up with him and moved to another student who had an invitation letter.

To be honest, Luo Ming was quite disgusted.

 They are just some old guys who woke up a few years earlier than him. Why are they pretending to be big-tailed wolves and do they still need your approval?

 “Are you going? Luo Ming.”

Chen Hui asked.

"depend on mood."

“Yeah, I thought we could go together.”

 He held up an invitation and smiled.

“Senior Chen Hui, you have one too...is this...an invitation letter from Xiao Tianyu?”

Luo Ming’s pupils shrank.

Zhao Jishi is a famous figure in Yanxia University, ranking among the top three in the entire grade.

 But there were two other people in front of him.

One is Xiao Tianyu, the biological son of principal Xiao Pingan.

 There is another one who is a genius from a top family in Shanghai.

That family's power in the Magic City can even surpass that of the Li family.

He is also the true uncrowned king of the entire Yanxia University.

The Lin family of the magic city, Lin Xiao!

 “Okay, I’ll go there then.”

Luo Ming nodded.

 “That’s great, let’s eat first, hahahaha!”

Chen Hui laughed and said.

“Xiaohe is still sleeping, and Ningning has gone to the imperial capital to participate in the assessment of the Tianchi Holy Group.”

“After that incident, his parents were able to understand him to a certain extent.”

"So...it doesn't seem to stop Xiao Ning from pursuing his own life now. He said that he will become an excellent Holy Order warrior in the future, guarding Yan Xia, just like the Star-killing White Tiger." "Ahem."

 Luo Ming coughed twice.

 This threshold cannot be crossed.

 At the beginning, he took action outside the wall in the posture of killing the Star White Tiger, and defeated the Star-Moon Beast wave in one battle.

It is famous in Yanxia. Although it is just a flash in the pan, many people do know that Yanxia has such a warrior who may be comparable to the king-level combat power.

 So...he seems to be quite famous.

“The dinner is tomorrow night. After attending, you can go home for the day after tomorrow.”

Chen Hui said with a smile.

"But, I won't go back. I'll wait for you to come back in the dormitory."

 He smiled.

Luo Ming looked at him deeply.

This senior seems to be not as simple as he seems on the surface. You can tell just by the fact that he received the invitation letter.

 Only those who are in the top ten in a grade are eligible.

And the lonely expression he showed just now...maybe he is also a person with a complicated family background.

 “Invitation letter…”

the next day.

 When Luo Ming went to the cafeteria to eat, everyone was talking about the invitation letter.

There was even a couple who quarreled at the entrance of the cafeteria in full view of everyone.

 “You said you would definitely get an invitation letter this year! Where are the things?”

 “Well…I didn’t get it, but next year I will…”

“You don’t have a next year! You loser! You’ll be a junior next year! Break up!”

 Luo Ming shook his head.

 The world is getting worse...

 Just a letter of invitation, what does it mean?

How can a person's achievements and future be limited by a piece of paper? What's more, the students at Yanxia University are the top talents in Yanxia.

 “Hey! Look! It’s Senior Lin Xiao! So handsome!”

“Senior Lin Xiao will graduate in one semester! I heard that he passed the captain examination before the holidays! Now he is the captain of the military department! That’s amazing!”

"Yes! Others are already thirty-four when they are promoted to captain, but Senior Lin Xiao is only 22 this year!"

“That’s so good! If I were half as good as Senior Lin Xiao, my girlfriend wouldn’t be able to lick me hard!”

 “Oh, look at your potential! If I were you, I would have another girlfriend!”

 “That...brother, turn around and look.”

 “Holy shit! Honey! I was wrong!”

Luo Ming glanced at the rice bowl.

Lin Xiao, a figure who stands at the top of Yanxia University.

But he didn’t care, it had nothing to do with him.


Lin Xiao seemed to notice that someone was looking at him.

  means to turn around and look.

“Is he that Luo Ming?”

 The followers around him nodded.

"Yes, he is Luo Ming, who was very popular in freshman year. Even the overlord's son was defeated by him!"

The follower spoke.

"Son of the Overlord? Does Li Tian deserve to call himself the son of the Overlord? As we all know, the Overlord Li Lin is the most in need of sons. In addition to Li Tian, ​​he also has many outstanding sons. Li Tian just comes out on top among that group."

Lin Xiao shook his head.

If the top figures of the third generation of the Li family in the Demon City are just people like Li Tian, ​​then what qualifications does the Li family have to be compared with the Lin family?

“Send an invitation letter to Luo Ming.”

Lin Xiao opened his mouth and said.

 “Brother Lin, he already has an invitation letter.”

“Already have it? Who sent it?”

 “Zhao has passed away.”

 “Sigh...it’s interesting.”

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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