Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 147: I'm protecting you. Didn't you spend the whole sophomore year

Chapter 147 I am protecting you. No one in your sophomore year can beat Luo Ming!

Zhao has passed away. He knows that he is the genius of the Zhao family, but this time it seems that he has suffered a loss.

Lin Xiao didn't take these students from Yanxia University seriously. His opponents were the top students from the four monster universities, as well as the top university geniuses from among the hundred countries.

 Even the inheritor of serial weapons.

These are his goals.

Yanxia University is naturally the cradle of talented people in the military.

 The average quality is better than other schools, but it's average.

Furthermore, it is based on the premise that only one hundred people will be recruited a year in hot summer.

 So, being number one in hot summer may not necessarily lead to number one in the country.

 But what Lin Xiao wants is much more than the number one in the country.

 He wants to be...the strongest human being!

 “Hey! Is your boy Luo Ming?”

 At this moment, a palm clapped in front of him.

 “Is something wrong? Senior?”

Luo Ming didn't need to look up to know that this person was not a freshman.

 “How do you know I’m a senior?”

The man asked doubtfully.

“Because… throughout my freshman year, no one dared to bark in front of me.”

 He raised his head silently, his black eyes unruffled.

Dai Qiu was slightly shocked.

 Strange, what am I afraid of? He is just a freshman. Even if he wins the Rookie of the Year title, he is still a freshman. What do I have to be afraid of?

“Ahem, Luo Ming, I want to discuss something with you.”

 “I have a younger brother who wears a sword.”

"Sorry, I don't know you. I refuse. I don't want to discuss. Goodbye, senior."

Luo Ming finished the last bite of his meal, picked up his plate and was about to leave.

 “Stop! Damn it! How dare you leave!”

But Luo Ming didn't react at all and continued walking away.

“Didn’t you hear me telling you to stop? What kind of attitude do you have as a junior! Do you still know that I am your senior!”

 “Sell me the invitation! I owe you a favor!”

Dai Qiu said loudly.

 “No, I’m not interested.”

 “How dare you refuse me! Luo Ming!”

Dai Qiu strode away.

 He stretched out his hand to grab Luo Ming's shoulder.


Luo Ming put the rice bowl on his head with his backhand.

 “Don’t make me beat you up!”

 He put one hand on Dai Ren's shoulder and said.

 “You dare to hit me in the living area? Just try it!”

 Dai Qiu's cheeks twitched, and the oily vegetable soup poured over his head, and it is still dripping onto the ground.

If it weren't for the living area, he would have taken action long ago.

 But this new student is even crazier than him!

“There’s something exciting to watch. Dai Qiu, the tenth-ranked sophomore, and Wang Luoming, the freshman, are about to start a fight.”

"If you can't do it, who dares to do it in the living area? The last person who did it in the living area was locked up in a solitary cell for a month! His temper has been softened!"

“However, Luo Ming is really stubborn. It would be fine if he was just an ordinary sophomore. After all, Luo Ming is also a genius. He has gold-level strength in defeating Li Tian. It is indeed true.

“But Dai Qiu is one of the top ten in his grade and has the fourth level of gold level. How can Luo Ming fight with him?”

 Everyone shook their heads.

 Many of the people watching the game were sophomores and juniors.

 The dormitories for sophomores and juniors are not in the same dormitory as those for freshmen.

 So, when Ye Changan came that day, they didn't see it.

 Of course I don’t know about Luo Ming’s amazing achievements.

  To them, Luo Ming might just be an ordinary newcomer king.

Only a few freshmen seniors looked at this scene and sneered.

Just because you are one level older, are you bullying Luo Shen?

Deputy Commander Ye said that killing a gold-level fifth-level Luo Shen is like killing a dog.

They have been bullied to some extent by their seniors in daily life, so now they deliberately remain silent just to see their seniors suffer.


 A slap suddenly sounded.

 “I took action, what can I do?”


Following that, Luo Ming slapped him again.

"I call you senior, but don't really think of yourself as senior. If you make me angry, you will just be a dead dog."

Luo Ming slapped Dai Qiu twice, making him stunned.

  "Okay, okay! Luo Ming! You were the one who started the attack! Then don't blame me! If I don't beat you until you are paralyzed today, I won't be Dai Qiu!"

 His energy was surging all over his body and he was about to transform.


 A loud shout came.

I saw a figure striding from a distance. "Dai Qiu! You can't do it!"

 Everyone was shocked when they saw that figure.

 “It’s Zhao who has passed away! He is here!”

 “Is he here because of Luo Ming?”

 Many sophomores and juniors are surprised.

“I personally sent Luo Ming’s invitation, how dare you ask for it?”

 “Didn’t I send you an invitation?”


Dai Qiu was speechless.

 “I want to do it for my brother…”

 “Sorry, your brother does not meet the qualifications.”

 Zhao Jishi paused.


Dai Qiu's eyes lit up. Is there still a chance of improvement?

 “Now you are no longer qualified.”

Dai Qiu: “???”

 Good guy, my hanging heart is finally dead.

“Luo Ming, have you received the invitation letter I gave you?”

Zhao Jishi asked.

 Luo Ming nodded.

"Luo Ming, I have to say that I underestimated you before. You do have great potential. In the future, maybe you will become my potential opponent. I recognize you."

 Zhao Jishi put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

“Senior Zhao, I think you made a mistake.”

"Your potential opponent in the future is not me, it should be Zhao Siran. He will catch up with you as quickly as possible."

Luo Ming said calmly.

 “What about you? The target is you.”

 “This is unrealistic.”

Luo Ming shook his head.

 Zhao Jishi was stunned for a moment, and then asked in an unbelievable tone.

“You mean it’s realistic for him to catch up with me, but it’s unrealistic for him to catch up with you?”

Luo Ming nodded.

  “That’s what it means.”

“Do you think I’m not as good as you? I’m not qualified to be your opponent?”

 “It’s just a matter of time.”

 After saying that, Luo Ming stopped staying and turned around to leave.

 Only Zhao Jishi stayed where he was with a confused look on his face.

 No, how can there be such crazy young people in the world?

The surrounding sophomores and juniors also frowned.

This Luo Ming... is too crazy!

“Senior Zhao, why did you stop me just now! This guy is too crazy! I want to fix him!”

Dai Qiu on the side said reluctantly.

“I was protecting you. If you do something, be prepared to spend the Chinese New Year in the ICU.”

 Zhao Jishi sighed.

"Luo Ming's strength... I can only say that none of you sophomores can beat him."

 After saying that, he didn’t want to talk to Dai Qiu anymore.

 That’s so stupid.

Dai Qiu was left alone in the messy place.

 “How…is this possible! He has only entered school…a few months ago!”

 The students around him all felt very unbelievable.

“Senior Zhao is exaggerating! This is looking down on us sophomores! He even said that none of us can beat him!”

"That's right! Dai Qiu is only tenth! There are nine guys ahead of him who are better than Dai Qiu! Why should we say that our sophomore year is not as good as Luo Ming!"

“Zhao Jishi is very powerful, but there are times when he may make mistakes.”

"The exaggeration is too high. I even suspect that this is a conspiracy by Zhao Guidi. He is trying to kill Luo Ming!"

 Everyone shook their heads in disbelief.

 The first-year students remained silent.

 I just want to see how you don't believe it, then come to find trouble, and then get hammered.

"Interesting, this Luo Ming... is more interesting than I thought."

Lin Xiao watched the whole farce.

 With a playful look on his face.

 Luo Ming's eyes are very similar to his... those are eyes with invincible ambition!

 (End of this chapter)

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