Chapter 161 The burning wall of flames! Stopped train! In the hot summer, there are only soldiers who died in battle, and no one who retreated!


A fireball fell from the sky, a flame spread in the air, and then a rectangular copper wall and iron wall fell to the ground, burning with blazing fire.

The entire copper and iron wall was embedded in the ground, causing the ground to tremble uncontrollably for miles around.

“What is that? A wall of fire?”

Xiao Tianyu and Ye He were both stunned. The palm-sized feathers on Luo Ming's hand turned into such a big wall.

"No! It's about to hit! Such a big train, with this weight, will turn into scrap metal if it hits the wall!"

Xiao Tianyu’s expression changed.

“And it’s still burning with flames. It’s about to explode. I feel like Luo Ming is playing tricks on us.”

Ye He also looked silly.

There are hundreds of students on this train. If something happens, the whole hot summer will be shaken!

 The overwhelming public opinion cannot even be suppressed.

 Some time ago, the Eternal Calamity Holy Group, one of the four major holy groups, was just destroyed.

How long has it been? If another major event like this happens, the credibility of Yanxia's military will be challenged.

 There is no telling what will happen by then.

"At this point, we have no other choice, right... we can only trust Luo Ming."

 Xiao Tianyu shook his head.

“Besides, this guy doesn’t look like he’s going to trick us.”

As he spoke, the train was roaring like an arrow and crashing into the wall.

Moreover, the brakes were broken, the train was out of control, and the speed was directly increased. The entire train roared under pressure, the carriage was swaying, and a group of students were thrown around like sandbags.

It’s miserable.

 “Look! What is that!”

 With the bumps in the carriage, someone was swayed to the window and stuck his head out to take a look.

 He turned pale.

 In front of the train, a sky-high wall burning with flames appeared!

This train is like a death train bound for the Nine Nether Hells, and these flames are the underworld flames of the dead!

“It’s over, we’re dead! Even if we get rid of the monster, we still have to die! If we hit that kind of wall, the car will be destroyed and everyone will be killed!”

“Based on the current speed of the train and the mass of the carriage, we will probably turn into a pile of mud within three seconds of the collision.”

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and this way of dying... can be called a prosperous death in a sense."

 A student wearing glasses spoke quietly, instantly arousing dissatisfaction from a large number of people.

  Red is red, and there is fire, but when combined, I don’t know why it makes me want to hit someone.

 “Can you say something nice! We are all going to die! You are still here scaring people, you bastard! Your quality is so poor!”

The man with glasses sighed helplessly.

"Jimei's attack power really makes me Dinghan. Is this the strength of version T0? I give up."

He shook his head and retreated into the corner again. No matter how much the carriage shook, he still held a book in his hands and would not relax.

Even though he might die in the next second, he was still reading without any distractions.

Xia Qingcheng looked surprised. This student is so amazing.

Just when the train was about to hit the unbreakable wall, finally, the wall moved.


On the wall, chains of flames poked out of the air, wrapping around the train from all directions.

Then, like a rice dumpling, it was tied to the train. More and more flame chains came out, wrapping the train tightly.

Some students saw with their own eyes the chains passing by the bed. Although the heat wave hitting their faces was scorching, it did not burn them.

 On the contrary, it reveals a warm smell, just like the sun shining on the body.

 “It’s so warm...This flame is not the flame of the underworld, this flame is the flame of salvation, it can protect us.”

 Some people raised their necks and felt quietly.

“Sure enough, I know that Luo Ming is a reliable guy, and I am optimistic about him.”

Xiao Tianyu laughed, and the long chain of flames swept past his side. He closed his eyes and felt as if a new force was pouring out of his body.

As the train was completely entangled, the chain began to exert force and braked urgently, pulling the train to a halt.

 The speed also slowed down visibly to the naked eye.

 Three hundred…two hundred…one hundred…fifty…twenty…


 Until it stops completely!

And the violent wall at the front of the car is still one finger away.      “Hu.”

 The two of them sighed, this boy, the mission has been completed.

 Next, he notified his superiors and dispatched a special car to take the children home.

As the train braked to a stop, Luo Ming landed on the car from the sky, and the unbreakable wall turned into divine feathers again and fell on his hand.

"it's over."

 “It’s amazing, Luo Ming, you still have this method.”

“By the way, can this weapon be turned into a motorcycle?”

Xiao Tianyu asked curiously.

 Luo Ming nodded.

 “Where’s the plane?”

 Luo Ming still nodded.

 Xiao Tianyu’s eyes lit up.

“Ahem, um, Luo Ming, why don’t you… lend me this thing for two days? I won’t play for free, I’ll pay you for it?”

  Luo Ming: "There is a bagpipe coming from the distance."

 “What do you mean?”

Xiao Tianyu rubbed his head with a puzzled look on his face.

“Senior, I told you to read more books. This sentence means get out.”

 Yehe patted his shoulder and said.

 Xiao Tianyu: “…”

“No, Luo Ming, you kid, damn, you’re so funny when you talk.”

 All three of them exited the transformation state and re-entered the carriage together.

“Luo Ming, how are you?”

 “Are all the students here?”

 Luo Ming scanned around.

 Xia Qingcheng nodded.

“Yes, two students were killed, and then the train conductor, conductor, and police officers all died.”

“In addition, more than a dozen students were injured.”

Luo Ming glanced over and saw that there were indeed a few students huddled in the corner. They had some wounds on their bodies and looked a little embarrassed.

 The expression was depressed and the eyes were blurry. Several students from famous schools were also like this.

 Obviously, what they experienced today had a great negative impact on them.

The side also highlights the poor psychological endurance of these new students.

“Since you are all students of Monster University, you should understand that this is the only way for you. If you go deep into the ruins to fight in the future, you will only encounter dangers that are a thousand times or ten thousand times more severe than this!”

“It’s just this level of sluggishness. My suggestion is to drop out of school and go home to retire. Don’t waste resources and your parents’ pensions!”

Luo Ming shouted.

"You...why do you say that? We are only freshmen, and it is our first time to experience these things...we need time to grow!"

 Some students retorted angrily.

"There is not so much time for you to grow up! The Holy Order of Eternal Tribulation has fallen. No one knows what is happening in the ruins, and no one knows to what extent the monsters will evolve. A full-scale war is not far away, and even Maybe tomorrow!"

"Who will give you time to grow up! When monsters come over, can you tell them this? You are so naive!"

Luo Ming shook his head. In comparison, the students at Yanxia University were much better than them.

Needless to say, the top ones in Yanxia, ​​but most of them may be like this, children who are completely unable to take on important responsibilities.

 That's right, to Luo Ming, these are just children!

“The Luo Ming you see in front of you is also a freshman like you, but he has carried out many missions deep into the ruins, narrowly escaped death many times, and made great achievements in battle!”

"I am not saying this to show off my junior, but to tell you, men of hot summer, cheer up, you are the future of hot summer! You are the hope of mankind!"

 “ must not be decadent!”

"In the hot summer, there are only soldiers who died in battle, and no one who retreated!"

Xiao Tianyu also stood up and spoke loudly.

I wish you all a happy 520, and you will be able to meet your favorite goddess.



 (End of this chapter)

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