Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 162: Back to Xinghai Prefecture, is there a thief at home?

Chapter 162 Returning to Xinghaizhou, is there a thief at home?

 A group of students seemed to be shocked by Xiao Tianyu's sonorous words.

 “You...are you a soldier of the military department!”

 Someone asked in confusion.

"No, I am also a student. I am a junior at Yanxia University, but I am also a squad leader in the military department."

 Xiao Tianyu said.

"This is a sophomore student here, named Ye He, and Luo Ming, who you know, is the best student in our freshman year in Yanxia, ​​and is a freshman like you."

 After hearing his introduction, the other students all looked at each other in astonishment.

 “It’s amazing...he’s obviously just a student, and he’s obviously the same age as us.”

They looked at Luo Ming with eyes full of longing, especially some girls, with stars in their eyes.

Xia Qingcheng’s eyebrows furrowed crazily, and Lu Cheng watched with horror.

 If you keep frowning like this, you might get forehead wrinkles at a young age.

"You are safe. A special vehicle from the military headquarters will come to take you back."

 Luo Ming nodded.

 Speaking, he walked towards Xia Qingcheng and the two of them.

 Not even close yet, poof!

 Two figures appeared in front of him.



 “We were wrong!”

  Luo Ming: “???”

No, you just want to recognize your relatives blindly? Take advantage of me?

I can't give birth to you two crooked melons and cracked jujubes.

 “Forgive us! I shouldn’t have…”

The two chattered a lot, and Luo Ming didn't even want to listen.

 “Who are these two?”

 Xiao Tianyu frowned.

 “Just a clown.”

 Luo Ming responded.

 After briefly understanding the cause of the incident, Xiao Tianyu smiled.

“Students of Yanxia University often encounter this kind of thing when they go out, mainly because the school is relatively low-key.”

"Some time ago, when I went on a mission, I met a guy who boasted to me that he was a graduate of the Demon City Monster University and was the captain of the military team at a young age. As a result, he was frightened by an ordinary gold-level monster. "

 Xiao Tianyu shook his head.

“I remember that guy’s name is Zheng Si? He seems to have that name, and he graduated from the Monster University in Magic City. Do you know him?”

 He asked the two of them.

The two of them stopped talking immediately, especially Tang Chuan, whose whole body was shaking.

 Because the military squad leader he knew was named Zheng Si.

“By the way, you are from the Tang family.”

 At this time, Xiao Tianyu smiled slightly.

“Here, Luo Ming, captain of the Mingcheng team, you, the eldest daughter of the Tang family, Tang Momo, is a member of his team.”

“In addition, there are also the eldest young lady of the Xia family, the eldest young lady of the Chu family, the eldest young master of the Zhao family... and the grandson of King Yanzhan of Jinling, the richest man in the Yanxia region, and the young master of the Lu family, all of whom are under his command.”

 “As a junior, I have nothing to say.”

Listening to the names that came out of Xiao Tianyu's mouth, Tang Chuan felt that his limbs were so weak that they were degenerating.

 He wants to kill Xu Kun next to him. You have provoked an old Buddha!

And the girl you are teasing is the eldest lady of the Xia family in the imperial capital. You are looking for death!

 Don't say you are a student of Monster University, you are the principal and his son is not good at it!

 The granddaughter of the contemporary king of heaven!

“During the Chinese New Year, my old man will have tea with your principal. I will react at that time and think that the students who come to Monster University are really bad in style and need to be corrected.”

Xiao Tianyu said lukewarmly.


 The two men lay on the ground with ashen faces.

This is just a fool's errand.

 This is not sent directly.

 You teased a female student and then stabbed me in front of the principal?

Afterwards, special buses from the military department sent the students home, and Luo Ming and the other three were naturally sent to the station in Xinghai Prefecture.

“I forgot to notify Chief Mo when I came back.”

Luo Ming shook his head and smiled.

“Forget it, let’s go home first, and then we’ll contact Chief Mo.”

Luo Ming was in a hurry to go back and absorbed the two beast cores in his hand. Seize the time to improve your strength. This period of time is really busy. Things come one after another, and there is no chance to calm down and improve yourself.

 “Um...where do I live?”

Lu Cheng asked with an embarrassed look.

"I'll ask Mo Kuishou to arrange a place for you. Go to my house first."

Luo Mingdao.

Back to her room, Xia Qingcheng said she was going to cook, so Luo Ming went back to his room.

  At any rate, he was used to ordering takeout from a high-end restaurant.

“I don’t know what level these two diamond-level beast cores can elevate me to!”

 “Infinite Devour! Activate!”

A powerful suction force emanated from the palm of the hand, and the glutton in the body began to roar deafeningly, as if it had been hungry for a long time.

On the other side, Mo Rutian happened to pass by the door of Luo Ming's house after finishing his day's work.

 Actually, it's not a coincidence. He comes to check on it every day to prevent any thieves from breaking into the empty door.

If Luo Ming's house was robbed, he would not be able to entertain others at that time.


Through the window, he saw bursts of red light emanating from Luo Ming's home.


 “Good boy, you are looking in the wrong place!”

 “If you dare to come here to steal things, I will teach you how to behave!”


He jumped up in one step and turned into a silver wolf, holding a knife and dodging through the window.

“Gold level six! It is indeed the beast core of the fusion beast, and it is not comparable to ordinary beast cores at all!”

If it were an ordinary diamond-level fourth-level beast core, it would be great to upgrade it to a third level!

Where can it be like this?

 Luo Ming clenched his fist, extremely satisfied.

"There are eight fusion beasts left, kill them all, and I will be 100% able to break into the diamond level!"

 Luo Ming began to stroke his chin.

 Such a good resource, I don’t want to give it to others.


A breeze blew by, causing the curtains to ripple slightly.

Luo Ming frowned suddenly, and he noticed a bright light from the sword.

 “You dare to come to my house and attack me? You don’t want to live anymore!”

 The moment he turned around, he instantly turned into a real dragon.

 Then a real dragon punch was struck.

“Wait a minute, this man’s back looks familiar, this is Luo…”

Mo Rutian wanted to stop, but found that the opponent's fist had already come over.

The power that made his soul tremble almost made Mo Rutian's mentality explode.

It has only been one semester, but Luo Ming is already so much better than him?

In desperation, he held a knife in front of him.


The golden fist was accompanied by a dragon roar. Luo Ming punched out, and he instantly fell freely and flew out of the window.

 “I don’t know whether to live or die.”

Luo Ming poked his head out and took a look. The man was embedded in the ground at an unknown depth.

 It doesn’t really look like it.

"The security situation in Xinghai Prefecture is not good. I'll contact Chief Mo and ask him to take care of it."

Luo Ming took out his cell phone and called Mo Rutian.

 After three or four calls, I found no one answered.

“Has Mo Kuishou been so busy lately?”

 His face was full of doubts.

Not long after, Xia Qingcheng came back from shopping for groceries.

"Luo Ming! Come on! I met Chief Mo on the way. He seemed to have been attacked by someone and was knocked unconscious!"

Luo Ming was shocked.

 “What! I’m coming!”

“Whoever dares to attack the leader of Xinghai Prefecture, this thief is so bold, I will destroy eighteen generations of his ancestors!”

 Speaking, he pushed open the door and walked out.

 (End of this chapter)

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