Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 163: What happened back then, Warcraft Chimera, hidden

Chapter 163 What happened back then, the Warcraft Chimera, the hidden enemy!

 “Mo Kuishou, how do you feel?”

Mo Rutian, who was shaken awake, covered his eyes. The light was a bit irritating, and he felt as if all the bones in his body had been crushed by stone mills, and he was shaking in pain.

 “I’m okay…hiss!”

  I felt pain all over my body when I pulled my shoulder.

"Did a thief sneak up on you? In fact, I also met a thief in my room just now, and he was knocked away by my punch."

Luo Ming asked.

 Mo Rutian: “…”

 “There should be no thieves…”

“Then what did I smash?”

“Is there a possibility that I am the one who is knocked away by you?”

  Luo Ming: “…”


 The two of them stared at each other for a long time.

Luo Ming was suddenly startled.

 “Hit the wrong person? Sorry! Chief Mo!”

An apology flashed across his face. He had just come back and he almost went to work in the ICU.

 You can’t just try to improve your performance in Xinghai Prefecture.


“But your strength has improved a bit astonishingly...it’s only been a few months, what’s your current level?”

 “Gold level six.”


 Mo Rutian stood up directly, what a good guy, he is even more awesome than him.

 Sure enough, comparing people to each other is really annoying.

“Actually, when I come back this time, I want to ask Chief Mo about the specific details of why my parents died in the war.”

Luo Ming pondered for a moment and then said.

 “The battle of destruction of Xinghai Prefecture three years ago.”

 Mo Rutian was slightly silent.

“I was not the person in charge of the Xinghai Prefecture’s destruction battle. In fact, I am not very clear about it. I only played a general role in that battle.”

“We announced to the outside world that a large number of monsters had invaded, but in fact, there was only one!”

 A deep look of fear flashed in Mo Rutian's eyes.

"That is a demonic monster. I have never seen such an existence, and I can't find any record related to this monster in the monster catalogue."

“He has the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a python! He can spit out terrifying fire that burns everything in the world!”

“In that battle, without the support of the military, Xinghaizhou might have been captured long ago!”

“At that time, the one who was ordered to come to our Xinghai Prefecture’s aid was a military general, General Lin Yaoxin of the Lin Family in the Demon City!”

Listening to Mo Rutian's explanation, Luo Ming felt that the monster he described was very similar to a creature in myths and legends from previous lives.

 Hybrid monster in Greek mythology, Chimera.

“This monster is also a fusion beast, that’s definitely the case! And it’s not right that it’s a fusion beast of three monsters. Their technology is not mature, so it will definitely be difficult for a three-headed fusion beast.”

"Is this monster a failure? Or did it lose control and was broken into the human world?"

 “Is this monster finally dead?”

Luo Ming asked.

Mo Rutian shook his head.

"He's not dead. Not only that, he also captured the military general, General Lin Yaoxin from the Lin clan in the Demon City, and escaped from the wall. In that battle, we could only barely survive, but we suffered huge losses. It’s very huge.”

Luo Ming frowned. He always felt that there were many secrets hidden behind this matter.

 But his current strength is not enough to support himself to touch these.

 After all, even the general was captured. The strength of this monster definitely started at the Purple Jade level!

 This kind of existence is not something he can deal with now!

“Thank you, Chief Mo. Do you want to stay for a meal? Qingcheng ordered takeout.”

Luo Ming said.

"Hey! Luo Ming, what you said is so rude! What do you mean by ordering takeout? I cook all my own food!"

 I don’t know when, the dining table was already filled with a table of delicious dishes.

Luo Ming’s eyes twitched.

I know a little bit about your cooking skills. If you had cooked this, I would have eaten the pot too.

 “Did you really do it?”

Luo Ming stared at her suspiciously.

Xia Qingcheng glanced up unnaturally.

“Not entirely, actually Lu Cheng helped me a little bit.”

"Hee hee hee."

 She smiled.

 “How did it help you?”

 “Cook six dishes for me.”

Luo Ming looked at the seven dishes in front of him and fell into deep thought.

 “So, which dish did you cook?”

 “This is cucumber mixed with sugar.”

  Luo Ming: “…”

 He picked up a piece silently. "Is it tasty?"

 Under Xia Qingcheng's expectant expression, Luo Ming nodded.

 “This dish of cucumbers mixed with salt is good.”

“Huh? This is cucumber mixed with sugar! Don’t talk nonsense!”

 “Try it yourself?”

Luo Ming stuffed a piece of cucumber into her mouth at lightning speed.


“Bah, bah, bah! What the hell, it’s so salty!”

 She began to vomit violently.

 Suddenly realized that I added sugar to salt.

 “Accident, this is definitely an accident!”

“It’s a good surprise. Don’t be surprised next time. I don’t want to eat cucumbers mixed with MSG, cucumbers mixed with chicken essence, and cucumbers mixed with flour.”

Luo Ming sat down expressionlessly.

 Xia Qingcheng's face immediately turned red.

 “Okay, I admit that I have no talent for cooking.”

 “But I can learn!”


“I can learn from the classics, but it’s better not to do things you are not good at.”

Luo Ming shook his head.

“There are specialties in the art industry, but sometimes you still have to try to accept your shortcomings. For example, I can’t cook, so I always order takeout.”

 Xia Qingcheng: “…”

“But, Lu Cheng, why are you so good at cooking?”

 Lu Cheng smiled.

“Before I was adopted by the Qin family, I was from an orphanage. Because I was the eldest child, I would always cook for the other children.”

 “Do you want to go back and have a look?”

 Lu Cheng’s hand paused while eating.

"Forget it, let's not go back. When I was adopted by the Qin family, they all thought I was lucky. I finally got through and could live a good life."

“There are also children who say they hope they can live a life like mine.”

“But they don’t know that I just became a dog domesticated by the Qin family.”

“He did a lot of dirty work for the Qin family.”

“Lu Cheng’s hands are no longer the hands that could cook for the children.”

"So I won't go back. Just think of me as dead. Or maybe I'm just a child without conscience. I want to live a comfortable life and throw away everything I once had."

 He smiled forcedly.

"This is good. I am a dead soldier, and my destination is to be buried in the ruins. I can fight in the hot summer, and it is not a loss to be with you and walk such a long way."


 Mo Rutian put his chopsticks on the table.

“Young man, don’t be so pessimistic! You are also a genius! How could you not be able to become a general, a general, or even a king in the future?”

"Wait until that day comes when you go back! All of them will cheer for you! At that time, you can say openly that you are a hero and you are fighting for the hot summer, right?"

Mo Rutian said loudly.

 “Young people must be ambitious!”

 Lu Cheng flicked his wrist.

 "War General Yanxia...can I do it too?"

 Luo Ming nodded.

“Yes, in the future, all of us in the Mingcheng team will be the mainstay of Yanxia!”


 “Jie and Yan are both dead.”

“You are so impulsive. You are always running around in human society. How can you not be discovered?”

 In a dark cafe.

“But the boy named Luo Ming is really hard to kill...and he has a power beyond ordinary people. Now I suspect...this guy has a totem in his body!"

The young man with red hair took a sip of coffee, his sun-like eyes exuding a burning aura in the darkness.

 “Should we still attack him?”

 The other person is a handsome guy with brown hair who looks very gentle. He wears rimless glasses and is holding a book.

 There is not a single word in the book.

 “Of course, this is the best opportunity.”

"My idea is... to seal off the entire Xinghai State and then have a massacre!"

“Back then, after No. 0 went berserk, he appeared in this state.”

“No. 0 kidnapped a human being and then disappeared. We can be sure that the human being had a totem in his body!”

"But...he is not a native of Xinghai Prefecture, so why did No. 0 attack Xinghai Prefecture?"

 The brown-haired young man slowly raised his eyes.

 “Because Xinghai Prefecture…has a totem!”

The red-haired young man snapped his fingers.

"You discovered it, and it's probably in the body of that guy named Luo Ming!"

 (End of this chapter)

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