Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 164: Luo Ming has a sister? Enemies coming from heaven! Repeat!

Chapter 164 Luo Ming has a sister? Enemies coming from heaven! Repeat!

“Susu knows that we are back and wants to treat us to dinner!”

“Are you sure it’s us? She’ll only invite you.”

 “Oh! Let’s go together! I’m so bored by myself! Let’s go for a walk!”

Xia Qingcheng insisted on pulling Luo Ming.


 “The realm above the clouds!”

"Um...I remember it was a couple's restaurant...didn't she invite you to dinner at the couple's restaurant?"

 “You still want to take me with you?”

Luo Ming was a little confused.

Xia Qingcheng's face turned red.

"I don't know either. Let's go and have a look. It's the place she booked."

 The two took a taxi all the way to the realm above the clouds.

It is indeed a Western restaurant with extremely luxurious decoration, and its standards are the best in the entire Xinghai Prefecture.

 Professional waiter service and pianist performance, the whole environment reveals the flavor of hot summer money.


Xia Qingcheng answered a phone call midway.

“I’m sorry, Luo Ming, Susu said she was temporarily busy and couldn’t come.”

  Luo Ming: “…”

Just now I saw something flying over my head. Very quickly, it turned out to be your abacus beads.

 “Then let’s eat it ourselves.”

Xia Qingcheng simply ordered a few dishes.

 She looks very skillful and obviously eats in this kind of restaurant often.

“Luo Ming, actually I have something to ask you.”

 “What’s the matter, tell me.”

 Luo Ming had a spoon to pull out the pasta.

"Would you like to come back to the capital with me on New Year's Eve? Go to Xia's house to spend time!"

Xia Qingcheng asked with eyes shining.

Luo Ming's palm froze slightly.

Xia Qingcheng looked at him expectantly.

"I think…"

Just when Luo Ming was about to speak.

 Deng Deng Deng!

A beautiful girl wearing a white dress and excellent temperament rushed in, and then ignored the waiter's obstruction and came directly to Luo Ming's side.

 Then he took his hand and ran out directly.

Xia Qingcheng: "???"

Am I...being cut off?

Luo Ming was pulled outside the store by the girl.

 He looked confused.

 “Well...I have a girlfriend, I don’t need special services.”

Luo Ming said awkwardly.

 Although you are good-looking, I don’t know you.

 “Who gives you special services! What are you dreaming about!”

“Hurry up and follow me!”

The girl's face turned red with anger, and she hurriedly spoke to Luo Ming.

 “Where to go?”

“No matter where you go, you can’t stay in Xinghai State! It’s very dangerous here!”

 “Go to Magic City! Yes! Go to Lin’s house in Magic City! Come home with me!”

 The girl said anxiously.

  Luo Ming: “…”

 No, sisters, why are you trying to steal the bride? ?

 “There’s no way he’s coming home with you!”

Xia Qingcheng rushed out of the restaurant.

 “This lady, you haven’t gotten married yet…”

  “Brush whatever you want.”

Xia Qingcheng threw a black card to the waiter, and then hurriedly ran towards Luo Ming.


 She grabbed Luo Ming's wrist and pulled him behind her.

 “Who are you! It’s so rude to do such a thing!”

Xia Qingcheng was like a female cat protecting her calf, hugging Luo Ming's arm tightly to declare her sovereignty.

 “I’m his sister! Then who are you!”

The white-haired girl asked.

Xia Qingcheng: "???" Luo Ming: "???"

younger sister? Where did he get his sister? Has Luo Xuan Laodeng cheated on you before?


This girl just mentioned that she is from the Lin family in the Magic City. The Lin family...

His mother is called Lin Qingxin, and the general who surrounded Xinghai Prefecture three years ago is called Lin Yaoxin...

  Could it be that...his mother is from the Modulin family?

 “You are…General Lin Yaoxin’s…”

“I am his daughter. Although he is older than my aunt, I was born later than you, so I can be considered your sister.”

Lin Yuning said angrily.

 “What about you! What is your identity?”

 Xia Qingcheng: “…”

 "I...I am his...him...his personally recognized vice-captain!"

 However, in comparison, this identity is not very convincing.


Lin Yuning smiled contemptuously, and Xia Qingcheng's face instantly turned red in anger.

“Okay! I don’t have so much time to waste here! Brother, these years I have been investigating the battle of Xinghaizhou three years ago, as well as the matter of my father’s capture!”

“Some time ago, I finally found the notes he left!”

“Brother, my father has a totem in his body! And, not only my father, your mother also has a totem in her body!”

“The two of them are twins, born totems!”

"Now my father has been captured by a monster! And my aunt and uncle died three years ago, so the totem in my aunt's body must be in your body!"

Lin Yuning said with a solemn expression.

"I have been investigating you during this period, and I found that your combat power is incredibly powerful, and... the monsters you possess are also powerful monsters that have never been seen before!"

“So, you must have a totem on your body! This is your secret, right! Brother!”

 “These are all given to you by the totem!”

Although Lin Yuning does not have glasses, she silently took out a pair of glasses without lenses and slowly put them on.

 Then he pushed up the mirror holder, looking like he knew everything.

Luo Ming wanted to complain, "Hey, don't play the role of some unknown primary school student who will bring death!"

 You are a college student!

 “I guessed it right! Brother!”

Lin Yuning said confidently.

  Luo Ming: “…”

If he really had the so-called totem, how could the Ten Evils not tell him? Luo Ming could be 100% sure that the so-called totem was not on him.

But Lin Yuning is still chattering.

"The effect of a totem is very terrifying. It can even change a person's innate talent! The totem can make the monsters of the awakened evolve! This is why the beings in the ruins are so eager to get the totem!"

“Brother, once the news that you have a totem is spread, there will definitely be a lot of people, not only some ill-intentioned families in the country, but also foreign countries and some monsters in the ruins! They may all come!”

“So, if you follow me back to the Lin family, only the Lin family can protect you well!”

Luo Ming shook his head.

 “I think you misunderstood, my monster is not something...”


 At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

 The sky was covered with a hazy white mist.

As the mist spread violently, white spider webs looked like bowl lids, covering the entire Xinghai Prefecture.

“This is... spider silk? When did it happen?”

Luo Ming looked surprised.

 “No! Brother! The enemy is coming!”

Lin Yuning's expression changed, she moved too fast!

These guys!

Xia Qingcheng also took out her mobile phone.

 “The phone can’t be connected, all signals are blocked!”

“They sealed the entire Xinghai State directly!”

 “What a quick move!”


In the sky, white mist filled the sky, blocking the sun. On the densely intertwined spider silk, there were three figures standing side by side.

“I heard it all! Luo Ming, you really do have a totem on your body!”

The three of them looked at Luo Ming and others condescendingly.

 There was chaos on the street, on the road.

 The sudden change has plunged the entire Xinghai Prefecture into panic.

 Some people who had experienced the great destruction battle three years ago had a look of fear on their faces.

 Because it was so sudden and unexpected three years ago!

 A pillar of hell-like fire fell from the sky, and then the entire Xinghai State turned into a sea of ​​fire.

 Countless people perished in the flames.

 Three years later, everything seems to be happening again!

 (End of this chapter)

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