Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 165: Instant kill at the speed of light! Come all to the bowl!

Chapter 165: Instant kill at the speed of light! Come all to the bowl!

"What happened!"

The movement in Xinghai Prefecture was instantly noticed by the military department.

 Mo Rutian’s expression changed.

"Check! Check it for me quickly! Within a minute! Find out what happened!"

 “Report the matter to the military headquarters immediately!”

 He strode through the administrative corridor of the military building and came to the command room.

 “Chief! No signal! Unable to report!”

 Someone said anxiously.

 “What! Even the signal is locked! What do they want to do!”

Mo Rutian's face wrinkled and looked extremely ugly. Could it be that the same destructive battle as three years ago was about to begin again!

 “Where’s the insider!”

“Signals within Xinghai Prefecture can be transmitted, but signals cannot be transmitted to the outside world!”

 Mo Rutian slapped his hand on the table.

“It’s so obvious that we are trying to catch a turtle in a urn, and the enemy is well prepared!”

"Inform me immediately to the deans of the five major colleges in Xinghai Prefecture! All the powerful people above the gold level! Inform me all! Let them take action immediately!"

 “Where does the energy occur? Have you found it out?”

Mo Rutian asked while contacting Governor Ning Yuan.

“Ning Yuan, you should have seen it! The spider silk appeared in the sky above Xinghai Prefecture!”

 “Well, what’s the situation over there?”

 “I’m looking for someone to check now.”

“It’s been found out! The most violent energy fluctuations are near the Yunshangjing Western Restaurant!”

 The investigators replied immediately.

"You heard it, Ning Yuan, in the realm above the clouds, immediately gather troops to the realm above the clouds, and at the same time broadcast the broadcast throughout the city! Everyone is three kilometers away from the realm above the clouds! No, five kilometers! Must evacuate immediately!"

Mo Rutian commanded with a solemn expression.

“The cloud...the realm above the cloud, Luo Ming and Qingcheng are eating there!”

Ning Susu's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What did you say!"

 Mo Rutian's face turned even more ugly.

“Could it be that the enemy this time is coming for Luo Ming?”

 “Everyone, move out quickly!”

 He rushed out of the military building, followed by many military guards.

“Chief Mo, I have received the notice from Brother Luo. I will take you there now.”

 Outside the military building, Lu Cheng was waiting outside.


 He instantly turned into a blue war horse with its body burning with flames.

 “Mo Kuaishou, come up!”


 Mo Rutian nodded vigorously.


 He got on his horse and turned into a white silver wolf.

Xinghai Prefecture's gold-level and above combat forces, almost at the same time, all flocked to the outside of the Cloud Realm Restaurant in their own ways.

 “It’s really amazing...Yue.”

At this time, above the spider web, a young man with red hair spoke.

Between the two of them, there was a girl wearing a black Gothic **** dress and holding a fluffy parasol, standing on the spider silk. Her face hidden under the black umbrella was white and without any impurities, even purer than the white snow in winter. Be thorough.

“You are the only one among us who has the ability to blockade a city.”

The handsome brown-haired guy holding a book also spoke.

                ification, after you bring the totem back, you will be credited with my first-class merit.

 The gothic **** girl named Yue spoke.

"No problem at all."

 The two of them smiled and nodded.


 Three figures suddenly fell from the spider silk to the ground.

“Luo Ming, let’s just surrender. Who else can save you this time?”

The red-haired young man rubbed his wrists and strode towards Luo Ming.

 “Hey! Boy, quickly hand over the totem to me!”


His big palm-like hands fell directly on Luo Ming's shoulders.

 But at the moment of contact, his expression changed.


"Why not! The totem...is not on you! Where is it! Where on earth is it!" Oh!

He wanted to stop his hand as fast as lightning, but found that his wrist was tightly grasped by a big hand.

"Sorry! I'm short of some resources. Since you guys committed suicide yourself! It saves me the trouble of searching for them!"

Luo Ming looked into his eyes with a playful smile.


The clothes on Luo Ming's upper body exploded instantly, revealing his strong muscles.

 The five-clawed golden dragon coiled around its chest, and the immortal phoenix almost rising into the sky behind it!

 The dragon roars and the phoenix roars! With momentum rising, Luo Ming exerted force with one hand. Under the pull of his wrist, the red-haired young man's arm deformed rapidly.

 “Asshole! Let me go!”

 His face gradually became distorted.

 “Change it for me…”

 He was about to shout transformation.


 Two chains directly entangled his hands and body.

"What's this!"

The red-haired young man stared at the red-gold chain wrapping his body with wide eyes, his expression extremely ugly.

"I have been on guard against you for a long time, how can I allow you to transform! Hand over your beast core! The glutton in my body is already going crazy with hunger!"


Luo Ming tore one of his wrists directly from his shoulder.

Rolling blood splattered on the ground.


 The red-haired young man roared in pain.

“I promise, you are the most sluggish fusion beast in history!”

Luo Ming leaned into his ear and whispered.

 “Quick! Yue! Hai! Save me!”

 He shouted.

 “Sorry, it’s over!”


Luo Ming raised his hand and slapped him on the head.

 A huge head flew out.


 Luo Ming threw it on the ground casually.

 He gently brushed his cheek with his **** fingers.


 “Do you want his body?”

Luo Ming pushed the corpse, then squatted down and found the beast core and beast territory inside his body.

“It turns out to be a combination of a lion and an eagle. Is this...a griffon?”

Luo Ming stroked his chin.

 He threw the animal core in his hand.

“Swallow this one, and I’ll kill you two again!”

 He sneered.

 “No! Yue! Stop him!”

 The expressions of the brown-haired young man and the Gothic Loli girl changed.

 The two of them really didn’t expect that the situation would change so quickly!

In just such a moment, one of the three of them died in battle.

 “Can’t stop it! Swallow it!”

Luo Ming was surrounded by **** flames, and he turned into a glutton.

  Then, under the infinite devouring works, the beast's core shrank rapidly, turning into a torrent of energy and pouring into his body.



 “The evil blood flames!”

A scorching hell-like flame burst out from Luo Ming's body.

The strong wind was blowing, and he had already completely absorbed the beast's core in just one face-to-face meeting.

 This is a method that only Luo Ming can do!

 “Gold level! Seventh level!”

 “Okay, now, I have nothing to fear from any of you!”

 “Come to the bowl, everyone! My big gun is thirsty!”


Luo Ming carried the Sky Devouring Spear and rushed towards the two of them.

Lin Yuning, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't open his mouth when he saw this scene.

“This, this, this, this! How could he be so powerful without transforming! And what are those two tattoos on his body!”

“And more! Why can he absorb the beast core so quickly and complete the breakthrough! He doesn’t need to purify the beast core! Also, he is only gold-level, why dare he swallow the diamond-level beast core directly!”

These all overturned Lin Yuning's cognition.

She couldn't help but wonder, is this totem really so powerful?

 Can everything that happened to Luo Ming really be explained by the totem?

 (End of this chapter)

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