Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 183: The only finished product, Arrogance! Hidden by Lin Xiao

Chapter 183 The only completed product, Arrogance! Lin Xiao’s hidden power! Bloody meteors falling from the sky!

 Just when the **** torrent is about to crush lust.


 A torrent of destruction as dark as ink surged towards it.

 Boom, boom, boom!

Two terrifying waves intertwined together, causing the ground to tumble layer by layer.


 Everyone was shocked. Seeing that the situation of the battle was about to reverse, they did not expect that Arrogance intervened.

 “As expected...it’s still a semi-finished product.”

  Haughtily, he shook his head helplessly.

He pointed a finger, and the torrent of destruction easily overwhelmed the **** torrent.


 The killing light that destroyed everything swallowed up the air and nothingness, and Luo Ming was forced to retreat.

He looked at the six-winged figure. He was as holy as an angel entering the church, but he had two devil's horns. His body was gray and black, and his face was covered with magic patterns. He looked like a devil who had fallen into hell.

 He is...a fallen angel-like existence!

“This guy is not on the same level as the other six guys in terms of strength, completion, and strength.”

Only arrogant, he reveals a kind of golden proportion beauty, his wings are spread out to cover the sky, and there are obvious muscle lines on his body. Looking at nothing else, he looks like a bodybuilding champion.

Moreover, the black lines on his face are dotted with evil spirits, and the two curved demonic horns show off his sharp edge. He is completely different from those haphazardly mended Seven Deadly Sins!

If this is an experiment, those six guys are all test subjects, and Arrogance is the finished product!

 So his strength is not at the same level as those six guys.

 “Oops, no more fun.”

 He was about to give up and grabbed the Qinghua Fox King's sword.

 “I’m a little tired after playing dodgeball with you for so long.”

 He put one hand on Shen Huaqing's chest.


 A black light passed directly through the body.


 Shen Huaqing spurted a mouthful of black blood. The blow was not fatal, but it was enough to make him lose his fighting ability.


 The sword fell to the ground and turned into nothingness. His body trembled and fell from the air, returning to his human body again.

 Fell to the ground and passed out immediately.


Everyone was shocked, even someone as strong as Shen Huaqing was defeated by Arrogance with just one move!

His body was suspended in mid-air, floating towards King Lu and Xiao Tianyu.

 “Arrogant brother…”

Gluttony lowered his head respectfully, his arrogance hovering beside him, and he glared coldly.


 Hand slapped him away and hit him **** the wall.

 “Trash, I haven’t been able to catch two ants for so long.”


With just a tap of his finger, the black light penetrated King Lu's two ridged caps.


 The huge dark red porcupine king instantly fell to his knees on the ground.


 King Lu roared and tried to stand up.

 “Did I give you permission to get up?”


 His fingers casually pointed out, directly destroying the opponent's legs.

 Then, he drifted up to King Lu and watched the ferocious porcupine growl at him.

 “You look...too ugly.”


 He raised his foot, turned his heel, raised it all the way to the top of his head, and then dropped it with a crash the next second.

  Hit King Lu on the head.


The opponent's huge body trembled suddenly, and the next second he fell directly to the ground.


 “Oh, there’s also 伱.”

 He appeared in front of Xiao Tianyu and slapped him.


 Xiao Tianyu was lying on the ground, unable to fight back at all.

 “How is it possible...Why is the gap so big!”

Xiao Tianyu roared and wanted to get up, but he couldn't understand it himself.

 “Everyone, get out of the way!”

Feng Tianyang, Xiao Zixuan, and the remaining people all strode back together, guarding against this powerful arrogance.

"What a strong sense of oppression. No diamond-level monster has ever given me this kind of pressure. Even a war general lowering the level is not enough." Feng Tianyang looked at the guy in front of him warily.

 His speed of light and shadow can probably not keep up!

“Cows and sheep always come in groups, and only ferocious beasts can walk alone. Do you think a herd of cattle and sheep can resist the pace of ferocious beasts? You’re so naive!”


 He put his hands on his chest, and dark lightning flashed in his palms.

 Then a huge black ball of light levitated.


 Just throw it towards them.

 “Come here! Attack with all your strength! Be sure to block it!”

 The wind and the sun are roaring.

“Light and shadow gun! Hurricane is coming!”

He raised his hand, and a javelin transformed into holy light appeared in his hand. The roaring hurricane wrapped around the javelin, pierced the air and shot toward the black ball of light.


Xiao Zixuan and Guo Wuxiang also took action, sweeping out the sword light and dragon roar at the same time.

"Weak, you are too weak. Among you, the only one who is truly qualified to fight me is...him!"

His finger came down, not pointing at Luo Ming, but at Lin Xiao.

“Boy, all your teammates are going to die, how long are you going to hide your power? Don’t you plan to show it out!”

Lin Xiao slowly put down the trident in his hand.

 “Ah, ah, ah, it looks like I can’t hide it anymore…”

He walked towards arrogance step by step.

 “Choose a way to die.”

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and spoke softly.

Everyone’s expressions suddenly changed. Their arrogant strength is obvious to all, but you are so rampant. This is too...

“The world only knows that Luo Ming is very strong, but they don’t know that killing Luo Ming is just like killing a chicken and a dog.”

"I show only a few points of strength on weekdays, do you think you and I are on the same level? There is a huge difference. In the hot summer, the only real talent is me, Lin Xiao! The rest are just local chickens and dogs. "

“Millions of arrogant people in the hot summer must bow their eyebrows and look down upon me when they see me!”

His body was shaking as if some powerful force was resurrecting.

at the same time.

Outside, Ye Changan and others frowned.

 “These children are dying, let’s take action.”

  “It’s time to take action.”

“If we don’t take action, we will all be killed.”

A few people looked at each other and immediately planned to take action.

 Zhou Ruyin laughed even more.

"It seems that Luo Ming doesn't have the strength to turn the tide. Brother Chang'an, you lose!"

Ye Changan was silent. They didn't expect the power of arrogance. This guy has been hiding his clumsiness. He made a mistake!

 The horse stumbles.

 But at this moment, a violent fluctuation began to roll in the sky.

 A fierce force suddenly descended from the clouds.

 Feeling the huge ominous power, all of their expressions changed drastically.

 “What on earth is this fluctuation?”

I saw a **** red light falling to the ground from the clouds like a meteor, and it hit the herbarium from a distance.

That ancient and sinister aura shocked Ye Changan and others and they couldn't help but frown.

 “What a terrible smell, what on earth is it!”

 Everyone’s expressions changed drastically.

Ye Changan’s eyes widened and he murmured to himself.

 “I have felt this breath before.”

"What did you say?"

 Everyone's eyes were on him.

 Where it was felt.

 Ye Changan's eyes were deep and he spoke word by word.

 “In Luo Ming’s body.”

 (End of this chapter)

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