Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 184: Seven sins in one, ten-winged fallen angel! arrogant

Chapter 184 Seven sins combined into one, ten-winged fallen angel! arrogant!


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

 In Luo Ming's body... what on earth is this red light!

 Is it the legendary totem!

 Zhou Ruyin frowned.

“According to legend, totems can evolve monsters and bring unparalleled power, but a person can only fuse one totem... If this is a totem, what is in Luo Ming’s body?”

“Can Luo Ming fuse two totems?”

 Qin Yanran also shook her head.

 “How is it possible that someone can fuse two totems! This is absolutely impossible!”

 She didn't want to believe it.

 Ye Changan stroked his chin.

“Is there a possibility that Luo Ming did not have a totem in his body before?”


 Suddenly everyone’s eyes turned to him.

"I also think that there should be no totem in Luo Ming's body before. You all think that his strong combat power is because of the totem, but... I think that is just his own talent."

“No matter how powerful a totem is, it is still a foreign object. The real powerful thing is human beings. We humans should not be confused by the power of totems.”

 Xiao Pingan also spoke up.

 Zhou Ruyin squinted his eyes.

If it weren’t for the totem, how could Luo Ming’s combat prowess be so amazing...

Either... there is only one possibility. The monster he awakened is beyond the SSS level!

 Zhou Ruyin's body started to tremble.

"Beyond the SSS level, could it be said that it is a serial-level monster? Luo Ming will become a serial-level existence in the future!"

 “Then he is...the king of beasts in the world!”


 The **** meteor crashed down and instantly penetrated the fog created by lust.

 “Hmm…this power!”

A divine power that almost came from the same source came, making Lin Xiao's expression change.

 I saw a **** stamp smashing through the building, falling from a high altitude, and finally suspended in mid-air.

On it, a huge **** beast that swallows stars and the moon is roaring, as if it wants to bite the entire sky!

 “That’s... a totem!”

When Arrogance saw the **** seal, a look of greed appeared on his face.

 “What an extra bonus! There is one more totem! I can take away three totems in one go today!”

 A ferocious smile appeared on his face.

 “Come on! Totem! Come and serve us!”

Arrogance even gives rise to an extremely crazy idea.

 The Beast King ordered them to collect totems, hoping to use the power of totems to complete their evolution and surpass all the beast kings in the past.

Then if he can swallow this totem, does it prove that he also has hope to evolve into a supreme and invincible beast king?

 “The power of the totem...can I also become the beast king!”

 “I also want to become the king of beasts!”

In the arrogant heart, endless greed emerges. Others deserve it, why shouldn’t he?

 “I am arrogant...I am absolutely no worse than anyone else!”

 As he said that, he stretched out his hand to grab the totem.

 The totem fell into his hand, and then he pressed it towards his chest.

 “Arrogant brother!”

 The expressions of the other six sins changed.

 “What are you going to do! Arrogant brother!”

“The dean asked us to bring the totem back! He didn’t ask you to fuse the totem yourself!”

 Gluttony rushed forward to **** the totem from Pride.


 But he kicked him away.

 “Get out of my way, bastard!”

"The power of a totem is infinite. With a totem, I can become the king of beasts! Why do I need to care about his dean? Why should I be arrogant and depend on others!"

“I want to become the pinnacle of monsters and reach the highest step by step! Above all monsters!”

"This is me...I am the only one in heaven and under heaven!"

As he spoke, the **** Taotie Totem was pressed against his chest.


Haughtiness roars wildly.

 He only felt a terrifying force rushing through his body.

"It's too powerful. Is this the power of the totem! I feel like I can swallow everything!" His eyes turned and he saw the dying anger lying in the corner.


 Suck him over with a palm from the air.

 “Swallow it!”

 The **** light flows around the arrogant body, swallowing the angry body completely like a big mouth!

 “Ah ah! No! Don’t! Brother, spare me!”


 When the red light disappeared, the anger completely disappeared from this space.

“It’s such a powerful force, I feel like... with a few more, I can break through to the Sapphire level directly!”

Haughty looked intoxicated, feeling that this power was more fragrant than anything he had encountered before.

 “Come again!”

He stretched out both hands at the same time, sucking in the giant monster fish Jealousy and Gluttony that were as big as mountains.

 Similar to the same method, **** the two of them dry.

 These two sins are defenseless against him!

  Can only make deafening roars and roars, and be sucked away alive.


 The remaining three sins took a breath of cold air upon seeing this.

 “Arrogance has gone crazy! He betrayed the dean! He is so ambitious!”


The two-headed bird flying in the air let out a strange cry greedily. The gold and silver all over his body made a loud sound, and he quickly fled away into the distance.

 “Can you escape?”

Haughty body swayed slightly in mid-air, and appeared behind Greed.

 “This is...the ability of jealousy!”

Feng Tianyang looked shocked.

This arrogance, after devouring other sins, can actually use their powers!

 This is really amazing!


With an explosion, greed turned into blood mist and was swallowed by him.

 All that remains are **** and laziness.

"Ah! Brother! Spare me! Don't kill me! I maintain the Dark Path Labyrinth. If you kill me, the labyrinth will disperse, and those humans will come in!"

He knelt on the ground with a pleading look on his face, his three heads banging and kowtowing towards arrogance.

 “Kill you, and I can still get your power and maintain the maze!”

Haughtiness said lightly.


 The blood in his hands reappeared.

"Arrogance, you really want to be so cruel! Then don't blame us for being rude!"

"kill him!"

The lustful eyes widened, and the goat head forced the devil's eyes.

His eyes have been destroyed by Luo Ming, but he sacrificed his head to unleash this move!

 The arrogant body was controlled in mid-air.

Behind him, a python came out of the air, opened its **** mouth and bit at his head.

 Lazy takes action.

The ape-arm swept the dark snake spear and stabbed it towards the back of the arrogant heart.

"I have been on guard against you for a long time. Do you really think I can be assassinated by you so easily? A bunch of ants! You deserve it!"

 “Get out of here!”

The **** flames burned and surged in all directions. As the flames burned, Lazy was instantly swallowed up.

Lu Lu was shocked and just as he was about to retreat, three of his heads were swept by a black light and exploded into the sky.

 The blood around Arrogance turned into a giant beast, opened its **** mouth, and swallowed it completely!

 At this point, of the seven deadly sins, only one, arrogance, is left alive.

 After devouring the Six Sins, his strength has been greatly improved, and a terrifying aura is boiling.

“This totem can infinitely consume the flesh, blood and strength of others to feed itself, it’s amazing!”

Haughty face was shocked, and his body suddenly grew a lot bigger!

 Hands and limbs became thicker, and two pairs of sky-covering wings spread out from behind again!

 Pride has successfully evolved from six wings to ten wings!

 He has also officially entered the ranks of the Blue Jade level, which is the Yanxia Commander level!

 And the strength of Arrogance is far beyond that of ordinary commanders!

 “I feel...I’m invincible!”

 (End of this chapter)

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