Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 185: Totally gluttonous! Driving mode, second body

Chapter 185 Totally gluttonous! Control mode, second body! A gluttonous body!

Haughtiness enjoys the power that this **** totem brings to him.

 After gathering the Seven Deadly Sins, his greedy eyes also looked at the remaining humans such as Luo Ming.

“If I swallow you, I can really reach the sky in one step!”

“With three totems added to my body, I can’t even imagine how strong I can become!”

 “So...contribute to my path to the Supreme Being!”

Arrogantly carrying ten wings on his back, he approached Luo Ming and others.

 “The aura on this guy...is the aura of Taotie!”

Luo Ming's eyes were fixed and he looked straight at him.

“I am definitely not wrong, the giant beast on the totem is Taotie!”

“Could it be that...the so-called ten totems are the ten evil spirits that have been stripped away from the self?”

“If that’s the case, if I release the power of Taotie, I might be able to peel the totem off of him!”

Seeing that Arrogance had already taken hold of Shen Huaqing and Nangong Xi who were lying on the ground, one by one.

 Hold their neck.

 The two of them struggled, but to no avail.

In front of arrogance, it seems that no matter how powerful the genius is, he is just an ant!

“Something is going to happen to Nangong and Shen Huaqing, we can’t wait any longer!”

 Cheng Jinghong's face was very ugly.

 “I’m going to take action and kill this monster!”

 He strode forward.

 “Wait a minute! Wait a minute!”

 Ye Changan stopped him.

 “There is still hope!”

“There’s no hope! The students of our Imperial University are all going to die! You’re still talking about hope with me, Ye Changan, you idiot!”

 Cheng Jinghong couldn't control himself and cursed loudly.

 “If something goes wrong with my students! Can you be responsible for it?”

 Ye Changan's expression changed.

"No! Principal Cheng! It's not that time yet! Look at Luo Ming!"

As his words fell, everyone's eyes turned towards Luo Ming.

Taotie was seen standing motionless, his eyes closed tightly, and the **** flames around him spread little by little in the air, becoming illusory.

Behind him, the huge **** beast roared, as if calling for something.

"This is…"

Cheng Jinghong’s expression changed.

"If I guessed correctly, that totem was attracted by Luo Ming! He came to look for Luo Ming!"

 Ye Changan put his hands in his pockets and said firmly.

“Zhou Ruyin, just watch, Luo Ming will definitely be able to turn the tide! You are going to lose this round!”


As Ye Changan finished speaking, the **** beast behind Luo Ming opened its mouth and spat out a torrent of blood and rushed towards Pride.

 “Stay stubborn and resist! Die!”

Haughty was about to interrupt, but he never thought that the **** light directly hit his chest where it merged with the Taotie Totem.

 “This…what’s going on!”

 The arrogant body trembled violently.

 He felt that the power in his body that did not belong to him seemed to be separated from him.

 “Hey…where are you going!”

 “Asshole! Come back!”

The Taotie Totem on his chest trembled violently. Arrogance wanted to stop it, but was completely powerless.

At this time, he could no longer care about Nangong Xi and Shen Huaqing. As soon as he let go of his hand, the two fell from the air.

Feng Tianyang rushed forward and caught the two of them.

 “What the **** happened!”

Feng Tianyang and others also looked puzzled.

Lin Xiao slowly dissipated the power in his body and looked at Luo Ming with an even darker look.

"Luo Ming, you are indeed not simple. You are qualified to be my stepping stone."

 He walked aside, stopped taking action, and watched the scene leisurely.

Others also raised their heads and looked at Luo Ming in shock.

"Luo Ming is resonating with the totem! Did this totem come to him specifically?" "Absolutely, otherwise this scene cannot be explained. The totem is about to fly out of this guy's body!"

The arrogant body was shaking in mid-air, and he felt that the totem was going to leave. Not only was it going to leave, but it was also going to take away the power of the Seven Sins from his body!

 “Asshole! You actually want to destroy my foundation!”

 “At least leave me the power of the Seven Sins!!”

Haughtiness roared.

 He forcibly stripped away the power of the Seven Sins, and then the **** light rushed out of his body and headed towards Luo Ming.

 “Hey! Old man! Your baby is here!”

 In the Ten Ominous Temple, the real dragon shouted loudly.

Taotie slowly opened his eyes.

“It’s back, my original power, now I can safely hand over everything to this kid!”

Taotie stepped out, and the door of the Temple of Ten Evils slowly opened.

 He walked out of the temple step by step.

“There have been talented people from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years. From now on, you will be the last glutton in the world.”


 The totem rushed directly into Luo Ming's eyebrows.

 Then, Taotie opened his **** mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.


Behind Luo Ming, in addition to the glutton he manifested himself, there was also a bigger glutton.

The giant glutton roared, and the entire space seemed to be banned.

Even the external projection of the three-eyed **** general was obscured by a layer of blood.

 “Senior Taohan, why are you out?”

Luo Ming looked a little surprised.

"I have to go now."

Taotie’s **** eyes swayed.

"I said at the beginning that there are three inheritances of the Taotie Trial. Now, the third one...is here."

“So, senior, do you want me to accept the inheritance?”

Taotie nodded.

 He looked at Taotie behind Luo Ming, who was much smaller than him.

"Although the divine tortoise has a long life, it still has its time. Although the divine eagle is young, it will one day fight against the sky. It is a great good."

“Come on, Luo Ming, devour me with your infinite devouring power, and then you can evolve into a real glutton.”

 Luo Ming was horrified.

 The last level of trial actually required him to eat the gluttonous rice!

“Don’t be surprised, cannibalism is a normal thing for the Taotie clan.”

Taotie smiled slightly.

“If you don’t do it, then I’ll do it for you.”


 I saw the Taotie behind Luo Ming jumping up uncontrollably.


 Luo Ming was shocked.

 “There are many difficulties on the way forward! Don’t be indecisive!”


The small glutton opened its **** mouth and swallowed the giant glutton in one gulp!

 Suddenly, the two merged.

Luo Ming felt as if his soul had been ejected from his body.

"This is…"

 “Are you gluttonous?”

 He turned into a huge glutton, a glutton in the true sense of the word!

 Taotie in complete animal form.

  【The host has completed all the gluttonous trials! From now on, the host becomes the last glutton in the world! 】

  【Unlock all Taotie's abilities! The host unlocks the second body! A gluttonous body! 】

  【Driving mode on! The host can control the body of a beast with a human body! 】

Luo Ming was surprised to find that he seemed to have two bodies.

 One is a Taotie transformed from a human body, and the other is a Taotie in the form of an animal.

  Luo Ming: “???”

 So, while others are flying giant Gundams, I can drive the Taotie?

Then are you going to give me a combination of the Ten Evils in the end?

 What kind of special plot? ? ?

 (End of this chapter)

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