Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 195: As the new year approaches, God's Hand Technology Company is established!

Chapter 195 As the new year approaches, Hand of God Technology Company is established! A turning point in history!

“Haha, it seems that Brother Lin, you have a white-eyed wolf in your Lin family.”

Li Lin laughed.

"Luo Ming! If your uncle hadn't protected you today, I would have crushed your head alive. Not only did you not show gratitude to him, but you also refused to acknowledge your relatives. You are really funny!"

“It’s none of your business whether I can be funny or not. At the very least, Bawang Li probably won’t be able to laugh today. After all, twelve sons have died and he may still have to mourn when he returns home.”

 Luo Ming plays with taste.

An angry Li Lin bared his teeth.

 “A sharp-tongued boy!”

Lin Yuan deeply felt that things were gradually becoming troublesome.

Luo Ming was not as easy to deceive as he thought, and he was not blinded by the so-called power of the Lin family.

“Totems are the path to invincibility. Multiple totems create different paths. We must find a way to bring Luo Ming back, and then transplant his totem into Xiao’er’s body. In this way, Xiao’er can become the true number one in Yanxia throughout the ages!”

“When Xiaoer obtains serial weapons and grows into the king of the military in the future, then it will be time for my Lin family to unify Yanxia!”

 Aristocratic families are fighting back and forth to preserve their inheritance and status. For the position of the Heavenly King, only the Heavenly King can join the human federation and become a member of the parliament.

 But the Lin family is obviously not satisfied with this, he wants to make Yanxia their one voice!

If you have no hope, then hope that your son will succeed!

“Luo Ming, are you really not going back with us?”

Luo Ming shook his head firmly.

"Well, I know you have some misunderstandings about me and the Lin family now, but I believe that time will give the answer."

Lin Yuan sighed deeply and shook his head helplessly.

 “Let’s go, Xiao’er.”

The moment he turned around, Lin Yuan's eyes became gloomy.

"It's hard to persuade the **** ghost. If you don't go back, I'll tie you back."

Lin Xiao followed Lin Yuan onto the flying manta ray.

 Lin Yuning decided to stay in the imperial capital temporarily.

 “Luo Ming, return the Spear of Longinus to me!”

Li Lin said with a dark face.

"This is my trophy. Just like Bawang Li, when you kill a monster in the ruins, won't you also decompose its corpse, flesh, carapace, and blood and take it away?"

 “You compare my son to those wild monsters?”

“Aren’t your precious sons going to hunt me first?”

 “Haha, Luo Ming, you are very good.”

 “I’ve always been fine.”

 “I hope you will always be well.”

 “This doesn’t need to worry the overlord. The overlord should go home quickly for the funeral.”

“A black man carries the coffin, performs a dance at the grave, and arranges a drifting hearse?”


Li Lin took his son's body and strode away angrily.

 “You’re so good, boy, you’re even more arrogant than I was back then.”

 Ye Changan patted Luo Ming on the shoulder.

“If Brother Changan wasn’t here, I wouldn’t dare to be so arrogant.”

Luo Ming smiled and shook his head.

 He can be considered... taking advantage of the situation.

 “You boy.”

 Ye Changan smiled and shook his head.

“Happy New Year, this is the gift I won for you, the stone that penetrates all things, and when fused into your sky-devouring spear, it will have the property of penetrating all things and being irreparable.”

Luo Ming looked at the crystal in surprise and slowly took it.

 “Thank you.”

This strangulation battle can be considered successfully completed.

 As of now, no one has died.

 Except for Li Quan, this one committed suicide by himself.

“Counting the time, the New Year’s Eve is coming soon.”

Luo Ming was a little emotional.

 This is the first time in his life that he celebrates the New Year.

 Beyond the mountains and seas.     Among the dark ruins.

 There is a group of buildings made of pitch black crystal stone.

 Looks like a research institute.

 “I didn’t expect that this group of wastes all failed!”

“Luo Ming, you have successfully attracted my attention.”

An old, silver-haired man wearing a white coat and glasses.

Leaning on a cane, he has a crystal in front of him.

 In the crystal, Luo Ming's figure appeared.

“The fusion beast was killed, and the Seven Deadly Sins were also killed. Many good things were destroyed by him. The beast king is about to resurrect. Without sufficient energy, he is afraid of malnutrition.”

 The old man frowned.

 “Send the order, increase the intensity of the attack, and attack Shanhaixiongguan in an all-round way!”

“The more people die, the better!”

“By the way, has the integration of Chimera and that human been completed?”

 A huge tentacle immediately reached down from behind the old man, and the tentacle was wrapped in an oval glass cover.

 “Oh? Almost successful?”

 The old man saw the human head exposed in the glass cover.

 “Very good, then let’s let Chimera go.”

"This Luo Ming is very trouble-making and has many enemies in the human world."

 “Please contact Li Lin, the overlord of the Li family, for me.”

"Let's just say...the principal of Hunter Monster University has a big gift for him."

 The old man laughed softly.

“Chimera can already fuse with humans, the seven deadly sins can be considered a successful experiment, and our fusion beast technology is becoming more and more mature.”

“Then we can carry it forward in the human world.”

 “It’s not easy to attack Yanxia Kingdom, then...change another country.”

 The old man smiled sinisterly.

“There is no shortage of careerists in this world. As long as there are enough interests, it is also a good choice to seek skin from the tiger. The fish will easily take the bait.”

 As New Year’s Eve approaches, a piece of news comes out that shocks the whole world.

 The three top technology companies, Lighthouse Country, Free Technology, God Technology, and Lord God Technology, announced their merger!

 Let’s build a new technology company together!

hand of God!

 After the establishment of Hand of God, the first scientific and technological achievement published attracted the attention of the whole world.

 The latest technology that will subvert the future of mankind!

 Man-made genius!

 Hand of God with mythical power!

 The ancient monster awakening ritual will be completely subverted!

The emergence of this technology instantly shook technology companies around the world.

  Among them, Yanhuang Technology is naturally included.

 “This...is fusion technology!”

 Looking at the research results released by God's Hand on the screen in front of him.

Tang Yanhuang of Yanhuang Technology couldn't help but change his color.

If fusion technology can really be popularized, then the so-called innate conclusion of the awakening ceremony will become a joke.

Even if you awaken a garbage monster, as long as you can capture the powerful monster in the ruins and fuse with it, you can change your life!

 This is a technology that subverts human history. It means that in the future, geniuses will no longer be high in the sky and sit alone in the clouds!

 Genius will become a product of technology!

“After the end of the year, there will be the Federation’s 100-school competition and the battle for serial weapons. At this time, the Lighthouse Nation released fusion technology and established the Hand of God! Do they want to take over everything!”

Moreover, this is not the most terrifying thing.

 What is really scary is that once this technology develops to maturity, will humans be able to fuse with the corpses of the dead beast kings?

If successful, humans will have artificial beast kings!

This is the clarion call for mankind to counterattack the ruins.

But this is by no means good news for the hot summer.

"20025, I can foresee that this is a turning point of an era. Where will the hot summer go in the future!"

Tang Yanhuang couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

 (End of this chapter)

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