Let You Awaken Monsters, Will You Awaken the Ten Evil Spirits of Ancient Times?

Chapter 196: The fireworks and moonlight are so beautiful, it’s the first day of the new year to vi

Chapter 196 The fireworks and moonlight are so beautiful. On the first day of the new year, visit the Holy Group!

“Luo Ming, there are stars in the sky, is this a good sign?”

"Yes, the moon and stars will guide us."

Today is New Year’s Eve. After the New Year’s Eve dinner at the Xia family, Luo Ming received many big red envelopes from the Xia family’s elders.

There were also some young children who smiled and stuffed a lot of candies into his hands, trouser pockets, and coat pockets.

 One brother-in-law.

 Xia Qingcheng turned into a red face.

 After dinner, the two climbed up to the roof.

New Year's Eve in the imperial capital is very lively, and the city is filled with fireworks.

“Are the fireworks in the air round or flat when viewed from the side?”

Xia Qingcheng asked curiously.


Luo Ming was startled.

 He thought for a moment.

“It looks flat when viewed from the side, but round when viewed from the front.”

"is that so?"

Xia Qingcheng tilted her head.

 “It should be so.”

  “Then would you choose to look at it from the front or the side.”

Luo Ming asked.

 “I would choose to look at it from the front.”

Xia Qingcheng had a slight smile on her face, and her eyes seemed to be shining under the reflection of the fireworks.


“Probably...choose to face this feeling.”

 Luo Ming's heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

 He looked at his palms and was silent for a moment.

 “Is this really good?”

"What if...I mean what if, what if one day in the future, I die on the road...?"

 “Then I’ll carry you back.”

Xia Qingcheng answered with a smile.

 “Carry it back? How to carry it?”

“I’ll wrap you up in a bamboo mat and carry you all the way back.”

 “Then…what if the journey is long?”

“No matter how far away I am, I will definitely carry you back.”

 “You have to believe in my strength.”

As she spoke, she pulled up her sleeves, exposing her white arms, trying hard to stretch out some muscles.

 The result is unfortunately that the girls are all soft and fragrant and have no muscles at all.

 “What if I can’t carry it back?”

 “You have to carry it even if it doesn’t come, no matter where you are.”



Luo Ming looked into her eyes steadily.

 Then smile.

 “Stop making trouble, just use your strength.”

"Damn it! You actually look down on me! Let me show you how powerful I am!"

As he said that, Xia Qingcheng rubbed her tiger teeth and was about to rush towards Luo Ming.

With his black hair hanging down, Luo Ming was lying on the roof, with his hair hanging down on his face.

 The aroma is wafting.

 “It’s time for me... to have my own life.”

 He turned his head to look and saw another round of bright fireworks blooming in the distant sky.

 “The moonlight tonight is so beautiful.”

Luo Ming spoke softly.


“Hey, hey, hey! Dear Comrade Luo Ming! Guess who I am!”

Luo Ming rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed sleepily.

 “Ah! Brother Chang’an, good morning.”

 “How did you sleep last night? Hehehe!”

 Ye Changan covered his mouth and snickered.

 “Did anything indescribable happen?”

 “Huh? What nonsense are you talking about.”

 “Hey! Aren’t you guys having a great time on the roof?”


Luo Ming's sleepiness disappeared instantly.

 “Damn it! You’re spying on us!”

"What do you mean by peeping? It was obviously you who bumped into my field of vision. I was just watching the fireworks."

Ye Changan said in a frivolous tone.

  Luo Ming: “…”


“What does 9 mean? Isn’t it 6?”

 “Because 6 is turned over.”

Ye Changan: "..." "Okay, come quickly, we agreed to visit the headquarters of the Tianchi Holy Group today and show you the elites of the Holy Group that I have personally cultivated."

 Ye Changan had a proud tone.

“Many of them are graduates of Yanxia University over the years and are your seniors.”

“Seniors and seniors love and care for their juniors very much.”

As he spoke, he smiled.


Luo Ming finished washing and went straight to the headquarters of the Tianchi Holy Group.

 Ye Changan had been waiting for him at the door early.

 The headquarters of a holy group is no smaller than Yanxia University. It has dormitories, playgrounds, training rooms, and canteens.

 “It always feels like the fifth school in my life.”

Luo Ming looked at the Tianchi Holy Group headquarters in front of him and said.

 “What fifth school?”

 “Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, university, and then factory university.”

 Ye Changan: “???”

“You said our Tianchi Holy Group Statue Factory?”

"Yes, I train during the day, go to the playground after dinner at night, then look at the female players, go up and ask for contact information, go back to the dormitory and say hello, and then roll around like maggots on the bed, there is this kind of déjà vu. feel."

 Ye Changan: “???”

 Don't say it, really don't say it!

 Ye Changan himself did this kind of thing when he was young.

 At that time, the other party also cried to him that his mother had passed away.

 He replied that he could go over and accompany him.

 As a result, the other party said that he had a boyfriend to accompany him.

 Ye Changan thought for a while and replied, "Okay, my mother asked me to eat."

 Then he was blocked.

 “Let’s go in first.”

Luo Ming followed Ye Changan into the Tianchi Holy Group.

“We in the Tianchi Holy Group are all elites, and you guys probably can’t beat any of them.”

Ye Changan felt that Luo Ming could not ridicule his holy group as a factory university, so he planned to regain his face.

"How is it possible? I must be able to beat him, such as the grandpa who just came in."

Luo Ming said unconvinced.

That was an old man who was basking in the sun and drinking tea at the door.

Looking extremely weak, Luo Ming felt that he was definitely stronger than him.

 “He is the previous Yanxia War General and has just retired.”

  Luo Ming: “…”

 “What about that kid?”

He pointed at the little kid playing with the cat not far away. He looked like he was seven or eight years old.

“He is an immortal town general, a red jade-level man. Even though he is young, he is actually over forty years old.”

  Luo Ming: “???”

 He looked around.

 “Ah! I can definitely win that one!”

He pointed to a big yellow dog on the roadside and said.

“Ah…that is Tianzhe’s pet, an S-class monster, a demon spirit dog, and a purple jade-level first-class strength.”

  Luo Ming: “…”

“Let me take you to the training room and let you meet the elites of the club. You should be the youngest among them.”

 Ye Changan smiled.

Luo Ming's performance during this period was so amazing that he killed all thirteen of Li Lin's sons.

 Ye Changan planned to kill his spirit.

 Otherwise, this guy’s tail will be raised to the sky.

Hence, he planned to bring him to meet the elite of the Holy Group.


 The two of them arrived at the training room. The training room was very large, no smaller than the playground outside.

Each venue is divided and some people are exercising.

 Some people were transforming into monsters to spar, while others were sitting cross-legged to absorb the beast core and blood.

 “Ah! The deputy commander is here.”

Seeing Ye Changan's arrival, they all stopped what they were doing.

  They gathered in front of Ye Changan and looked at him with eyes full of reverence.

 It can be seen that Ye Changan's status in the Holy Order is still very high.

 Ye Changan glanced at Luo Ming proudly.

You see, this is my commanding power.

These guys are all my little fans.

“Ahem, let me introduce to you, this is the person I keep mentioning Luo Ming in front of you!”

 “I’m bringing him here to get to know you all today.”

 Ye Changan pushed Luo Ming in front of everyone.

 “Strange...Why do they look at me strangely?”

Luo Ming frowned, feeling a wave of resentment.

It seems like this is the first time I have met them, so there should be no grudges.

Where does this resentment come from?

 And it’s not just one, but several.

 (End of this chapter)

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