Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 100 Invite The Beast To Be The Professor, And The Little Wizards Are Crying!

Dumbledore looked at the small animals in front of him with some shock.

He really didn't expect that the strength of those animals could be compared with the professors at Hogwarts.

If this is the case, then he has to re-evaluate Zhang Xuan's strength.

There are more of these small animals than there are teachers in Hogwarts. If these small animals really mess up, the consequences will be disastrous~ think about it!

Also, the youngest ones have been cultivating for more than seven hundred years. Doesn't that mean that the older ones of these animals are thousands of years old?

Dumbledore was taken aback.

If this is the case, wouldn't the Dragon Kingdom have found a way to be immortal?

Isn't that what Voldemort has been looking for?

Voldemort's younger brother is called the Death Eater, who is to devour death and gain the power of immortality.

And Voldemort himself, in order to live, divided his soul into multiple parts and lived in that morbid form.

Dumbledore took two deep breaths, then asked.

"Zhang Xuan, are all the magical animals in your Dragon Kingdom so powerful?"

"It's different too, some are quite powerful, some..." Zhang Xuan thought for a while and then shook his head.

What he received was indeed very powerful.

Because many of these were collected by the seniors and placed in the evil tower. There are too many demons and ghosts in the tower.

Those who can survive in it are the elite of the elite.

Dumbledore looked at the small animals inside and didn't know how to deal with them for a while.

Zhang Xuan thought for a while, then asked.

"By the way, does the school recruit sparring partners? The ones that include food?!"

In fact, Zhang Xuan was quite happy about handing over the little animals to Hagrid.

These days, I don’t need to feed these small animals, so I feel relaxed!

It's just that these old guys don't seem to be doing well, and the color of their coats is not as bright as before.

It seems that the weather at Hogwarts is a bit cold these days, these guys need to be raised to a better coat color, then he will be able to shave and knit sweaters!

Dumbledore looked at Zhang Xuan with some differences, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"These guys came out of the heavy siege, among other things, the actual combat experience is absolutely reliable.

"And most importantly, they're made of skin and flesh!"

Dumbledore looked at Zhang Xuan with a bit of hesitation: "Do you want them to serve as sparring partners for the little wizards?"


What Zhang Xuan thought was that if Dumbledore used these guys as sparring partners, someone would 'walk the dog' and feed him.

This way he can save a lot of worry.

Dumbledore thought about this possibility, and felt that this seemed to be a good idea.

It would be a good thing if these magical animals in the Dragon Kingdom could be managed by Hogwarts.

Immediately, Professor Dumbledore agreed to Zhang Xuan's request.

However, he also has his own purpose, that is, before that, he wants to test the strength of these small animals.

Regarding this point, Zhang Xuan is naturally not worried at all.

A week later, an extremely enchanting beauty appeared in the transformation class classroom.

She was wearing a bright red floor-length dress with a flying bun, and four long sword hairpins on her head.

Seeing her standing in the classroom of Transfiguration class, all the little wizards in the classroom looked at a loss, not knowing who this person was.

"Who is this! She is dressed so strangely!"

"It's strange, but she looks good! When did we have such a big beauty in our school?"

"Is it a new student? From that college?"

"No...why do I have an ominous premonition, she is not like Zhang Xuan, she is an exchange student from that country! Just begging Zhang Xuan is enough, come again my little girl I can't stand it anymore!"

"Hey, do you think she is from our academy?"

Many little wizards looked at the big beauty in front of them very curiously.

And this beauty didn't seem to be afraid of strangers, she felt that someone was looking at her, and she even gave the crowd a wink, many of the little teachers who watched were stunned.

Obviously the other party is a woman, but the girls among those little wizards are also attracted by her.

It's time for class, and all the little wizards are done.

Only this big beauty whom no one knew stood in the middle of the classroom.

"Hello, my name is Qingjiu, and I will be your next professor of transformation class."


The group of young wizards below were stunned.

This turned out to be their new teacher?

Isn’t the professor of their transformation class Professor McGonagall? Why did they become this Professor Qingjiu?

Also, is this person really a professor?

Why do you look so young and look like a foreigner.

"Help! Our professor is replaced by this one?!"

"Where's Professor McGonagall?"

"Shh~" Qingjiu put his index finger on his lips, and shushed softly.

"My ears are very good."

Qingjiu looked at the little wizard present with a bit of playfulness.

"I am different from the gentle Professor McGonagall. If you are disobedient in my class, then I will eat you!"

Qingjiu made a cannibalistic expression towards them.

But such a beautiful woman failed to arouse everyone's fear, and on the contrary found this new professor even more interesting.

Seeing that they were not afraid, Qingjiu was not angry either.

She snapped her fingers casually, and she turned into a little fox with nine tails.

Looking at the fox in front of them, both George Weasley and Fred Weasley couldn't help but gasped.

Others don't know, but they are very clear.

They have seen this fox!

In Zhang Xuan's bedroom!

At first they wanted to play a prank in Zhang Xuan's bedroom, but they didn't expect that after tearing off the two yellow talismans, a group of strange animals rushed out of it.

Among them, there is this fox.

It is precisely because it looks good, not as scary as the snakes, that they are impressed by it.

"Fred, do you think this professor looks familiar!"

"Yes, George, I also think this professor looks familiar."

Among the Gryffindors, there were quite a few people who saw the small animals in Zhang Xuan's dormitory last time, and besides the two of them, many people had recognized them for a long time.

"I'm numb, isn't this Zhang Xuan's pet? Can even a pet be a professor these days?"

"Shouldn't our focus be that Zhang Xuan's pets can be professors, so Zhang Xuan is better than her!"

"Who is this Zhang Xuan? He doesn't look like a student no matter what!"

"Do you think the ones who can afford this thing are ordinary students?"

However, just as the little wizard's words fell to the ground, there was a piercing sound.

A white, fluffy big tail has appeared in front of his eyes.

This sudden change made the little wizard tremble with fear.

"Little guy, as I said, my ears are very good."

"Qing...I'm sorry, Professor Qingjiu!"

The little wizard was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"You have to be obedient, otherwise I will really eat people."

In an instant, the small nine-tailed white fox suddenly became huge, and a single fox occupied most of the classroom.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to say, my teaching method is different from that of Professor McGonagall."

Said that Qingjiu became that stunning beauty again, and then saw her snap her fingers, and then the genders of all the little wizards sitting there changed, male little wizards

turned into female little wizards, and all the female little wizards became male little wizards!

Seeing the changes in themselves, these little wizards all stared wide-eyed!

what's the situation?!

Do you want to play so big as soon as you come!

What if it can't be changed!

"Professor! We will come here as soon as we want!"

"Yes! Professor!"

The little wizards were all in a hurry.

They look like this now, it's really a bit hot-eyed.

It's okay if it doesn't change in a short time, but what if it takes a long time?

They go to the bathroom, do they go to the men's room or the women's room?!

Looking at the anxious faces of these little wizards, he covered his mouth and smiled for a long time.

Let's see if they dare to talk nonsense.

Thinking about it, Qingjiu handed over the methods and principles of the transformation technique to them.

However, shapeshifting is a dragon kingdom's spell, not magic.

These little wizards have never been exposed to changeling.

Even the extremely smart Hermione Granger tried for a long time, but failed to turn herself into a woman.

Ron Weasley next to him looked even more desperate, not to mention anything else.

Based on his previous score in the Transfiguration class, he felt that he might have to be a woman for the rest of his life.

Ron Weasley let out a deep breath.

"Well, actually, I think it's pretty good to be a woman."

.” Both Harry Potter and Hermione Granger couldn't help but move away from him.

At the end of the morning class, the young wizards gathered in the Hogwarts Great Hall for a meal.

Seeing each other's appearance, the little wizards from the four colleges couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, Harry, look quickly, do they look like beggars in Slytherin?"

Ron Weasley couldn't help bursting out laughing as he looked at the little Slytherin wizards in scanty clothes.

And the people in Slytherin couldn't help laughing when they looked at the people in Gryffindor.

"What's going on in Gryffindor today? Everyone is male or female! No matter how you look at it, your eyes are hot!"

......What's the situation with the Hufflepuffs, have they planted themselves in the ground? Why are they all covered in pictures!"

"By the way, shouldn't I read La Wen Keluo's? What's the matter with them? I know they love to read, but they don't have to read for dinner!"

In the entire auditorium, the voices of little wizards were everywhere.

They looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing at each other.

And the professors sitting on the horizontal table at the front couldn't help but gasped.

Professor Minerva McGonagall looked at the little wizard of Gryffindor, and couldn't help but look at Qingjiu beside her.

...asking for flowers...0

She has heard about Dumbledore's story about Qingjiu, and she has seen Qingjiu's ability with her own eyes.

But she really didn't expect that Jiu's way of teaching would be so simple and rude.

She actually directly changed the forms of all the little wizards.

"Professor Qingjiu, is it not good for you to do this?" Professor Minerva McGonagall looked at the little wizard below with some concern.

Qing Jiu shrugged.

"In order to become an adult, I suffered seven or forty-nine thunderstorms."

"It's not so easy for them to turn into animals."

Qingjiu looked at Hermione Granger in Gryffindor below.

Then she said with a bit of disdain.

"I've seen your Animagus, it's not quite.

She pointed to the big orange cat in Hermione Granger's arms, and said.

"Then your kind of transformation technique, even that stupid cat can spot it."

"And what I want to do is make them undetectable after turning into animals.

It is the most difficult for animals to cultivate adults. Even though the fox clan has natural advantages, she has cultivated for more than three hundred years.

It is actually very easy for human beings to transform into animals, but some people cannot restrain their own instincts.

What she has to do is to crush their self-esteem and make them lose all their shame.

In this way, the efficiency will be faster.

Professor Minerva McGonagall didn't know what to say after being so scolded by her.

It was Professor Filius Flitwick next to him who looked at the people around him with some hesitation.

"Are you sure this is really okay?"

Professor Filius Flitwick, looking at the disheveled Slytherin students below, was very worried.


This is the first lesson that Qiongqi teaches the little wizards about magic spells.

But it's only been one morning, and these little wizards can be eaten when they go out.

Qiongqi looked at the little wizards below, and then gave a thumbs up to Professor Filius Flitwick.

He said confidently.

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem!"

Professor Filius Flitwick felt nothing but skepticism at the moment.

And some professors next to him felt very worried at this time.

The fierce beasts invited by Principal Dumbledore are strong, but they don't play their cards according to the routine.

This made the little wizards all in a panic.

On the contrary, Professor Severus Snape next to him had no opinion at all, and even had a tendency to agree with it with both hands and feet.

Because he successfully changed his job to become a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class!

He has wanted to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a long time!

This time he finally succeeded!

The teacher who came this time seems to be very familiar with all the plants, herbs and formulas.

His control over potions seemed to be stronger than his own.

It seems that no matter what the formula is, it will come alive in his hands.

Professor Severus Snape looked to his side at Bai Ze, the professor who taught Potions to the young wizards after him.

"Professor Bai Ze, I see that you are very knowledgeable about potions. I wonder how long you have been studying them?"

Bai Ze, who had been eating with his head down, raised his head slightly, thinking about it with a bit of bewilderment.

"Oh, about two or three days."

"Your potions are quite interesting."

"There are many ideas that overlap with our Dragon Kingdom's medicine, and it seems to be quite fast."

"Two... two or three days?"

Professor Severus Snape was stunned.

He couldn't believe it was real.

Bai Ze nodded.

"That's right, I read along with my master when he was reading, and it was also the time when the two masters went. y


Severus Snape suddenly remembered Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan seems to be able to refine the formula into a pill just by looking at the formula.

Could it be that this guy also understood all the potions?

"Zhang Xuan... is also very proficient in potions?"

Severus Snape asked cautiously.

Bai Ze hesitated for a moment.

"It should be regarded as proficient. Although it is not as good as alchemy, I think he has changed a lot of formulas on it."

"By the way, you can go and look through his lounge in Gryffindor."

"I remember there were quite a few recipes he left behind."

"..." Professor Severus Snape suddenly felt that his lunch was not tasty.

He got up immediately and walked towards the Gryffindor lounge without looking back.

Completely forgot, without the password, he couldn't even get into the Gryffindor common room.

The professors who heard the conversation between the two all involuntarily looked towards the long table of La Wen Keluo.

In the meantime, Zhang Xuan was sitting there leisurely eating lunch, but there was no book beside him.

His appearance was in stark contrast to the other little wizards of Ra Wen Klaw who were reading binge-reading books while eating.

"Don't look at it, the things they read are all written by the master.".

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