Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 101 The Dragon Kingdom Culture Invaded, Hogwarts In Front Of Me Is A Little Strange

Hearing Bai Ze's words just now, several professors present couldn't help being surprised.

The little wizards of La Wen Keluo read the book written by Zhang Xuan?

What was written on it?

Could it be some novel?

Dumbledore asked: "Professor Bai Ze, I don't know what you let them see?"

"Oh, it's nothing but the master wrote it in his free time, and it's about the difference between the foundation of magic and the foundation of spells.

There is still an essential difference between the magic of the Dragon Kingdom and the magic of the West.

Headmaster Dumbledore and the other professors couldn't help being silent.

"Are all the children of Long Kingdom so outstanding these days?"

Is it too monstrous for a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child to write about the difference between the basics of magic and the basics of spells?

But, they seemed to see what was going on!

In the end, it was still Principal Dumbledore who had a thick skin, thinking that Bai Ze would ask for a book on the difference between the basics of magic and the basics of spells.

When a thick book fell into his hand.

Headmaster Dumbledore was stunned.

How long has Zhang Xuan been at Hogwarts?" "Eight Six Three"

Not even a semester.

Before, he took everyone to dance square dances and sold breakfast all day long, but he didn't expect that he could write such a thick book.

Dumbledore opened the book with a touch of awe.

But after opening the book and seeing the table of contents, Dumbledore felt that he seemed to have taken the wrong book.

Are you sure this is the difference between magic foundation and spell foundation?

Looking at the directory, it seems that I don't want to.

Table of contents.

Volume I, Hogwarts Soil Analysis.

The second volume is the analysis of prey species and cooking skills in Hogwarts hunting grounds.

The third volume, experience of growing vegetables in Hogwarts greenhouse.

The fourth volume is the analysis of the dean and professors of Hogwarts College.


Look all the way down.

Dumbledore finally saw the difference between potions and pills, magic and spells, broomsticks and flying swords, etc. at the end.

However, just looking at the proportion, the experience of various planting and cooking in front will account for more than 80%.

This made Dumbledore feel his heart tremble.

Professor Dumbledore thought for a while, and then opened the Hogwarts hunting ground prey species and cooking skills analysis.

After all, the delicacies of Longguo that Zhang Xuan made before were really unforgettable for him.

And the other professors, looking at the books in their hands, didn't know what to say for a while.

This book is really a good book, almost everything about Hogwarts is clearly recorded, but I feel a little bit stuck when I read the table of contents.

Just when these professors sighed incomparably one by one.

Dumbledore gasped in surprise.

Seeing the surprised expression on his face, the other professors couldn't help but become curious.

Professor Minerva McGonagall, who was closest to him, couldn't help but see what he was looking at.

Upon seeing this, Professor Minerva McGonagall was also taken aback.

Looking at the catalogue, it is indeed an analysis of the species of prey and cooking skills in the Hogwarts hunting ground.

But there's more to it than just cooking.

It talks about the statistics of the small animals raised in the Hogwarts hunting ground.

Even the habits, personalities and weaknesses of the animals are clearly written.

In addition, there are many formulas written on it, but those formulas clearly state what kind of herbs are used with the meat of many animals, and what kind of effect will be.

It seems that every food he wrote can have a certain medicinal effect.

"Albus, are you sure this is a recipe and not a potion?"

Professor Minerva McGonagall looked at the dense recipes in the book in her hand, and always felt that she was reading a cookbook.

Next to her, Ms. Pomfrey, who rarely had time to come to the cafeteria to eat, couldn't help sighing when she looked at the recipe above.

"No wonder there is a smell of rice in the school infirmary today. It turns out that these little wizards in the Potion Dungeon are cooking in it!"

Early this morning, she could smell the aroma of food wafting everywhere.

And the taste of those meals changes from time to time.

It seems that they cooked many kinds of meals in the morning.

"???" All the professors looked at Ms. Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey said with a smile.

"You guys are upstairs, so you probably didn't smell it, but in my school doctor's room, the smell of the food is too strong.

"If it wasn't for being too hungry because of the aroma, I wouldn't come to the cafeteria to eat."

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to Bai Ze.

Bai Ze said with a smile: "Your school regulations stipulate that it is not allowed to use a crucible to make alchemy, but it didn't say that it is not allowed to use a crucible to cook vegetables."

"In this weather, stew some dishes to strengthen the children's resistance, so they won't get sick easily."

"..." Professor Dumbledore said, he was being hasty.

If he had known, he should have inspected the Potion Dungeon, and maybe he could have a meal.

"This... is it true or false?"

Next to Professor Pomona Sprout, she couldn't help exclaiming as she watched the Hogwarts soil analysis and Hogwarts greenhouse planting vegetables.

Zhang Xuan went so far as to find out all the places in Hogwarts that are suitable for growing plants and crops.

Moreover, he will clearly list which crops are suitable for planting and which herbs are planted.

What's more, he also marked the topographic map of the entire Hogwarts on it, marked the soil quality of the land, and what he had planted on it.

Looking at this picture drawn by Zhang Xuan, Professor Pomona Sprout felt her eyes widened.

"How long has this kid grown vegetables and herbs all over Hogwarts?"

"Is there a mistake!"

Professor Pomona Sprout passed the picture to the other professors and Headmaster Dumbledore.

She pointed out to them where it had been planted...  

When these professors saw it, they all couldn't help but gasped.

Good guy.

Zhang Xuan completely filled Hogwarts!

He didn't even spare the depths of the Forbidden Forest!

Even in the Black Lake, he planted lotus and water chestnut.

and many more!

He even raised fish in the black lake!

Black fish, grass carp, carp, crucian carp, Qingjiang fish, Chinese sturgeon…………

Zhang Xuan is simply using the available resources to the extreme!

"Merlin's beard, where did this kid find so many fish fry?"

Dumbledore was stunned.

Zhang Xuan often goes hunting when he has nothing to do. He knows about fishing, but no one has ever said that he not only fishes, but also raises fish!

Professor Minerva McGonagall next to Dumbledore suddenly remembered something, and asked Principal Dumbledore.

"Albus, did you tell Zhang Xuan that there are monsters in the Black Hood?"

The Black Lake at Hogwarts is actually very dangerous.

There are not only mermaids in it, but also a very aggressive big octopus.

In addition, there are many aquatic monsters in it.

Professor Minerva McGonagall was not worried that Zhang Xuan would encounter danger in the Black Lake.

After all, that kid can recover so many powerful 'beast' professors, so there is no need to question his strength.

What worries her are the fry that Zhang Xuan puts in.

Those guys in the Black Lake are not easy to get along with, and the fish fry Zhang Xuan put in may lose all their money.

"..." Professor Dumbledore thought for a while.

"Zhang Xuan should know about this, he seems to have caught mermaids before."

"Oh, you said those aquatic creatures."

Hearing them say this, Qingjiu said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about this, they are docile."

"With Jiaolong at 5.6, they can't make waves!"

That dragon is an evil dragon with more than 900 years, because it has done so many evils that it was targeted by Zhang Xuan.

Originally, this flood dragon had already grown its horns and claws, and as long as it survived the thunder calamity, it could truly transform into a dragon.

But on the eve of his dragon transformation, he was captured by Zhang Xuan.

After being beaten up by Zhang Yitong, he couldn't get through the thunder tribulation smoothly. In the end, his cultivation was exhausted and he had to start all over again.

Although his strength is not at the peak now, the skills he has accumulated over the years are still there. Coupled with his ferocious aura, those guys in the water dare not resist.

Dumbledore was silent.

Why did he feel that Hogwarts, which he was so familiar with, suddenly felt strange?

Is this his delusion?

It must be his illusion!

Professor Minerva McGonagall looked at Principal Dumbledore with some concern.

She felt that Hogwarts was a bit like the Longhushan branch school.

It seems that the whole Hogwarts is filled with the breath of Dragon Kingdom!.

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