Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 86 Are You Dating In The Principal's Office In Broad Daylight?

On the second day, the transformation class classroom.

Professor Minerva McGonagall sat behind the horizontal desk at the front of the classroom, frowning at the little wizards below.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she seemed to see wounds on the bodies of these little wizards.

And it looks like a wound from a beating.

Could it be that these little guys fought in the dormitory last night?

Or punch each other?!

The little wizards of Raven Crow didn't know that Professor Minerva McGonagall was looking at them, but instead they looked at Professor Minerva McGonagall with some surprise.

"Professor McGonagall didn't turn into a cat today!"

"That's right, it's so strange. Professor McGonagall always turned into a cat in the Transformation class. What's going on this time?"

"Ah! Professor McGonagall doesn't change cats, I'm not used to it."

"Hey! I heard that Professor McGonagall doesn't change cats because of Zhang Xuan!"

"What does this have to do with Zhang Xuan!"

Many little wizards of La Wen Keluo didn't know what was going on.

The few people who knew looked at Zhang Xuan secretly, and then said.

"Zero Three Three" "I also heard from people in Gryffindor."

"At that time Zhang Xuan had just come from Longguo, he didn't know that Professor McGonagall would turn into a cat when he took the transfiguration class, because Professor McGonagall was a real cat.


The little wizard secretly glanced at Professor Minerva McGonagall behind the horizontal table.

’ So he pulled out a thing called a cat teaser, and there he scratched Professor La McGonagall.


Knowing Zhang Xuan's previous feat, the little wizards of La Wen Keluo couldn't help but gasp.

It can be said that Zhang Xuan has done something that they all wanted to do before, but dared not do!

"That's not all!"

"Before, Zhang Xuan said in public that he would stew Professor McGonagall and Voldemort together, and the stew would become a dragon-tiger fight!"


As soon as the little wizard finished speaking, the little wizard next to him quickly covered his mouth.

Can the name Voldemort be said casually?

That's a guy who can't even say his name!

"By the way, is Dragon Tiger Fight delicious? How do you make it?"

"Said it was made of snakes and cats.


The little wizard of Rawen Claw let out a cry, and the little wizards of Slytherin who were taking the Potions class shuddered for some reason.

Professor Minerva McGonagall could clearly see the whispering among the little wizards below.

She couldn't help thinking secretly in her heart.

These little wizards don't look like they have a bad relationship.

There should be no private fights.

The little wizards suddenly found that Professor Minerva McGonagall was watching them, and they quickly sat down properly.

After the Transfiguration class was over, Professor Minerva McGonagall immediately found Principal Dumbledore.

To his surprise, Zhang Xuan had already appeared in Dumbledore's office.

He was standing next to Fox, reaching out to dig into the ashes, and pulled out the reborn Fox from the ashes.

Fox raised his head, and rubbed Cengxuan's hand a little loosely.

"It seems that Fox likes you very much."

Dumbledore came down the stairs with a book in his hand.

"This is for you. Go back and take a good look. The little animals you raise need to stay at Hagrid's place until they are sure whether they are in danger."

"Oh." Zhang Xuan nodded.

He reached out and took the book Dumbledore gave him.

This is a book that records various magical animals. It is said that it was written by one of Dumbledore's students.

Headmaster Dumbledore looked at Professor Minerva McGonagall.

"What's the matter, Minerva?"

Professor Minerva McGonagall nodded.

"Albus, something seems to have happened to the children of La Wen Klaw.

Professor Minerva McGonagall said with a serious face.

"Oh?" Headmaster Dumbledore frowned.

La Wen Keluo is an existence with a low sense of existence among the four major colleges.

They are all extremely smart, what can happen to them?

"There may be a private fight among La Wen Keluo's children." Professor Minerva McGonagall looked serious, and her tone was more serious.

Professor Dumbledore quickly looked at Zhang Xuan.

"Is there a bad relationship with the little wizard of La Wen Keluo?"

Zhang Xuan also looked confused, they were quite friendly last night...

"Probably not, I think they have a pretty good relationship."

Professor Minerva McGonagall frowned.

"During the Transfiguration class this morning, I saw that many young wizards in La Wen Keluo had injuries on their bodies. Those injuries looked like they were caused by fighting."

"Fight?!" Principal Dumbledore looked at Professor Minerva McGonagall in disbelief.

When did these little wizards start shaking their fists?

Hearing the conversation between Principal Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall, Zhang Xuan immediately understood what Professor McGonagall was talking about.

Zhang Xuan slowly raised his hand and said something weakly.

"Professor McGonagall, I think I know what you're talking about."

"What?" Minerva McGonagall immediately turned to look at Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan coughed lightly and explained first.

"First of all, Wen Keluo's classmates did not fight."

"There was no fight, where did their injuries come from?"

Professor Minerva McGonagall frowned and looked at Zhang Xuan suspiciously.

"Professor McGonagall, do you know about Gua Sha, cupping, and massage sets?!"

Zhang Xuan reached out and pinched Professor McGonagall's arm.

"Scraping, cupping, massage?"

Both Professor Minerva McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore were somewhat confused.

"What is this?"

asked Professor Minerva McGonagall.

Zhang Xuan laughed, and asked Principal Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall to call two house elves...

There is a huge kitchen in the basement of Hogwarts, and next to the kitchen there is a room full of house-elves.

These house elves are responsible for cleaning the entire Hogwarts school, cooking three meals a day for the teachers and students of the school, and sometimes assisting professors or students.

Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall were a little dazed as Zhang Xuan handed over the two house elves.

Not sure what he was doing with the house-elf.

After the house elf entered Principal Dumbledore's office, he looked very cramped.

The two elves lowered their heads, like servants waiting for their master's orders.

"Help Principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall do a scraping and cupping."


The two house elves were very happy after receiving the order.

They walked towards Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall respectively.

"Great Headmaster Dumbledore, please let your faithful servant do the scraping and cupping for you."

Another house elf walked up to Professor Minerva McGonagall and spoke to her very respectfully.

Principal Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall looked at each other, and then they followed the house elves to do scraping and massage.

Soon, there were bursts of pain in Principal Dumbledore's office.


"Oh, take it easy!"

"Oh, my old waist, it hurts! Click!"

Professor Pomona Sprout stood at the door of the office, listening to the pain duet of the men and women in the office.

For a moment, she didn't know whether to go in or not.

"Dumbledore and Minerva are kinda crazy..."

"Oh, but why do you think this CP is a bit spicy?" 2.8

Professor Pomona Sprout looked at the formula that Severus and Pomfrey had just given her in her hands.

"Forget it, since they are still busy, let's come again next time..."

Professor Pomona Sprout didn't knock on the door either, and turned to leave.

At this moment, Zhang Xuan opened the door from the inside.

Looking at Zhang Xuan standing in the door.

Professor Pomona Sprout didn't know what to say for a while, and looked at Zhang Xuan with strange eyes.

"Professor Sprout."

Zhang Xuan greeted her very politely.

After the door opened, the voices from the office became louder.

Professor Pomona Sprout just felt that her face was very red.

"It's okay, I'll come over when Professor Dumbledore is done."

Then as soon as she finished speaking, Professor Dumbledore's shout came from the office.

"Ah! Pomona, don't go!"

"Quick, come in and enjoy..."

Dumbledore's voice came from inside, his voice seemed to be in pain and happiness. .

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