Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 87 The Collective Hogwarts Professor Was Injured, Shocking The School's Young Wizards!

Professor Pomona Sprout refused.

But soon she was attracted by Headmaster Dumbledore's words.

"Quick! Come in and have a cupping massage and scraping! This feeling will be unforgettable for a lifetime!"

"Hiss~ Lighten up!!!"

When Professor Pomona Sprout entered the headmaster's office, what she saw was the curtain drawn in the middle of the headmaster's office. Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall were lying on a soft sheet. on the couch.

The backs of the two were bruised and purple, as if they had been beaten.

"What's wrong with you? Have you been beaten?"

Professor Pomona Sprout looked at the two people lying on the soft couch in disbelief.

But Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall felt very comfortable.

Professor Dumbledore waved to the house-elf who was massaging himself to stop him, then he pointed to Professor Pomona Sprout.

"Click for Pomona."

Professor Dumbledore got up and motioned to Professor Pomona Sprout to try.

Professor Minerva McGonagall also got up and signaled the house elf behind her to give Professor Pomona Sprout a press.

Professor Pomona Sprout was full of resistance, but she couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of Principal Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall.

She was dragged by two house elves to lie down on the soft couch where Professor Minerva McGonagall was lying on her stomach just now.

Soon, Professor Bona Sprout also heard a voice of pain. twenty four

Professor Pomona Sprout felt the pain spread from her tendons and bones.

That kind of pain is not a straight pain, it is a sore pain.

People can't help exhaling softly.

But after exhaling, the whole person seemed to relax a lot.

"It's really miraculous."

Professor Pomona Sprout was in pain and joy.

After this operation, Professor Pomona Sprout forgot what she was doing to find Dumbledore.

Professor Pomona Sprout walked out with Professor Minerva McGonagall.

The two ran into Professor Severus Snape head-on.

After seeing Professor Severus Snape, Professor Pomona Sprout and Professor Minerva McGonagall could not help but look at each other.

Professor Pomona Sprout smiled at Professor Minerva McGonagall: "Minerva, I have an interesting idea."

Minerva McGonagall smiled back.

"Pomona, you are right, I have an interesting idea too."

The two whispered together for a while, and then Professor Pomona Sprout walked up to Professor Severus Snape.

"Snape, I need you to look at something for me."

Professor Severus Snape was not surprised to see that it was Professor Pomona Sprout.

After all, potions and herbs are closely related.

Sometimes, when Professor Pomona Sprout found strange herbs and potions, she would come to him to have a look.


Professor Severus Snape waited for her to take it out.

Professor Pomona Sprout shook her head.

"What I found this time is too important, I didn't bring it out, so come with me.

Professor Severus Snape nodded unsuspectingly, and followed her towards the office of the herbal medicine professor.

As he approached the office, he realized that something was wrong.

Because in this office, besides him and Professor Pomona Sprout, there are also Professor Minerva McGonagall and two house elves.

The current situation, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like asking him to see the potion...

"Come on, Severus, you get down first."


Professor Severus Snape was stunned!

What's the situation? Didn't he come to see the potion?

Why did he get down?!

"Hurry up, this special potion from the Dragon Kingdom has to get down to try it!"

Professor Pomona Sprout continues to persuade this.

Although Professor Severus Snape felt a little strange, his emphasis on potions finally defeated his doubts.

Full of doubts, Professor Severus Snape lay down on the soft couch in Professor Pomona Stillout's office.

As soon as he got down on the ground, two house elves immediately stuck to him and quickly stripped off his shirt.

Before he could react, he sucked several jars on his body.

Immediately, Professor Severus Snape felt a burning sensation all over his body.

"Professor Sprout, what the hell is this?!"

Professor Severus Snape had the feeling that this was not observing potions, this was his execution!

"Oh, ah..."

Professor Pomona Sprout paused, as if wondering what it was.

After a while, she said.

"This is called cupping."

"In Longguo, cupping, scraping, and massage are the basic procedures for relaxation."

"Snape, come and help me see if this really has a relaxing effect."

Professor Severus Snape looked at the red marks looming on the necks of Professor Pomona Sprout and Professor Minerva McGonagall.

I immediately guessed that they must have done the so-called cupping, scraping, and massage.

Whether it has a relaxing effect or not, they already knew it.


As the cupping ended, the house-elf began to scrape. The always taciturn and expressionless Professor Severus Snape showed a painful expression.

There was also an uncontrollable cry of pain.

They didn't think so at first.

Now watching Professor Severus Snape cry out in pain, they feel that the scraping and cupping this time is extremely comfortable!


When Professor Severus Snape got up from the soft couch, he only felt relaxed.

Although his body felt as if he had been beaten, his flesh hurt, but he hadn't experienced the relaxed feeling in his body for a long time.

Is this the Longguo cure?

It's very interesting and effective.

"By the way, what happened to the professors recently? It looks like they were beaten violently by someone.

"Hey, don't say it's not just the professors, haven't you seen it? The people who pulled Wen Keluo are the same as the professors, as if they have been beaten by someone!"

"No way! I met the people in La Wen Keluo before, they are very energetic!"

"That's right! This morning's run seemed to be the most enjoyable one for them!"

"Look, is that the person who pulled Wen Keluo?"

Someone pointed to a group of Raven Klau's approaching people.

This group of people didn't look like they were injured at all, they were walking like flying, refreshed!

He was full of energy when speaking, and his face was full of joy.

However, if you look carefully, you can indeed see bruises and purple marks on their naked necks.

Those marks look scary.

Like it was left after being hit hard.

No one would believe anyone who said he hadn't been beaten.

"Wen Kelao's people, is this a collective beating?"

"It's not just the people who pulled Wen Keluo, I think their injuries are very similar to those of the professors!"

Many young wizards whispered to each other.

And the little wizards of Raven Crow are looking for the house-elf for a massage on networking night.

"Let me tell you, the house elf who gave me a massage yesterday said that he learned a foot massage technique from Zhang Xuan, and we can ask the elves to massage our feet after soaking our feet.

"Really? How does it feel?"

"I don't know, I only know about scraping, cupping and massage!"

"That's true!"

The students of La Wen Keluo communicated happily.

"After finishing my homework at night, soak my feet, have a massage, and watch dramas, I feel like my life is complete!"

Listening to the conversation of the little wizards of La Wen Keluo, the students of other colleges looked confused.

what's going on?

Why do they feel that their college is becoming more and more strange?

It is obviously their own magic academy, why is it full of the cultural atmosphere of the Dragon Kingdom everywhere?

"Help! Can someone tell me what's going on!"

The little wizards just felt confused for a while, they couldn't figure out what happened.

"I heard them talk about house elves, how about we go find a house elf and ask?"

Someone proposed.

Many young wizards around nodded.

Yes, they can go straight to the house elves!.

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