Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 88 Hogwarts Collective Teachers And Students 5G Watching Drama

On that day, the house-elves at Hogwarts received more attention than ever before.

This makes these house-elves uneasy, but with a great sense of honor.

Because, they are needed by their masters!

Their existence can help their masters!

At the same time, they also regard Zhang Xuan as their belief.

Because of Zhang Xuan's existence, they were recognized by the masters and met the needs of the masters.

The next morning, in the Hogwarts Great Hall, all the young Hogwarts wizards dine here.

Many owls are flying around in the sky to deliver messages.

And among these owls, a bird with a pure white body, black tips on its wings, and a vermilion bird with no feathers on its head is extremely conspicuous.

"What kind of bird is that?"

Many young wizards looked up at the cranes flying and quacking in the sky.

"Quack~ Your master sent you a letter!"


The little wizards all looked at the bird that was born to fly in shock.

"It can actually talk!"

That's right, the bird in the sky can speak, and it still speaks pure English!

Everyone present understood what he said!

"OMG! Whose owl is this?!"

"Are you stupid that your owl looks like this?"

"What else could it be if it wasn't an owl? A dove? How could a dove grow so big!"

Looking at the stupid crane flying in the sky, Zhang Xuan only felt a black line at one end.

It seems that this dumb-headed crane has another eye problem. Is it so obvious that it can't see?

Zhang Xuan whistled towards the crane.

The crane that was out of place with the owl gracefully landed beside Zhang Xuan.

It lifted its paw.

He signaled Zhang Xuan to untie the letter.

Seeing Zhang Xuan untie the envelope, all the little wizards around looked at him with burning eyes, very curious as to who was writing to him and what was written in it.

"Who the hell is writing to Zhang Xuan!"

"I feel that the relationship between that person and him must be very good, the envelope is very thick!"

"That's not necessarily true. There were twelve courses in the assessment before, and seven of them were P grades. My family sent me seven shouting letters!"

"That's too miserable."

"But Zhang Xuan shouldn't be, he is Zhang Xuan! I heard that he is the only one in this assessment who got all O grades in all twelve courses!"

The little wizards around nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Zhang Xuan's grades can definitely make Hogwarts proud!

After all, he is now a legend.

Divination classes, fortune-telling and Feng Shui.

Potion class, hot pot alchemy.

The transformation class teased Professor McGonagall with a cat teaser, and even thought about stewing Professor McGonagall.

The Charms class simplifies the Sinicization of all spells.

Flying class Professor Yujian Flying Thunderbolt.

He had pulled out Professor Pomona Sprout's mandella and planted a bunch of fruits and vegetables before he even started his herbal class.

Among the speculations of the young wizards.

Zhang Xuan opened the very thick envelope.

He took out the letter inside.

What they didn't expect was that the inside was not letter paper, but stones of different sizes.

Seeing the stones of different sizes, Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up!

This thing is a good thing!

He rummaged through the bottom of the envelope and found a piece of letter paper.

The number and corresponding content of the stone are written on the letter paper.

The little wizard next to Zhang Xuan approached Zhang Xuan, looking at the content on the letter in his hand.

"Langya Bang, my regiment leader, my regiment, martial arts rumors, the Ming Dynasty..."

"What the hell is this?!"

The little wizard next to him was dumbfounded, completely confused about what these things were.

"Hey, new drama!"

Zhang Xuan was very excited to discuss the new play with the young wizards around him.

"Your family members are all in the Dragon Country, but they actually sent you a TV series from the Dragon Country!"

"Wow! The people in your family are too kind to you! The people in my family only care about how my magic is doing and whether I have caused trouble.

"My parents are the same, they only care about whether I have embarrassed my family W.." 1

Seeing the envious eyes of the little wizard, Zhang Xuan expressed deep sympathy.

From childhood to adulthood, his master would only ask him if he had a fight, whether he lost or won.

In a fight, if he wins, the master will only scold him symbolically, telling him to think twice before acting, and not to be so reckless.

And lost...

Master will definitely give him a solid beating.

Over time, he understood that Master never cared whether he caused trouble or fought.

As long as he can solve it, then everything is easy to say.

If it can't be solved, the master will help to solve it, but he will inevitably be punished.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Xuan developed the habit of praising his junior.

Zhang Xuan carefully put away those audio-visual stones. These are all kinds of good dramas that he spent a lot of effort to let his juniors collect from the Internet.

Losing any of them is enough to make him feel distressed for a long time.

The professors who have been paying attention to Zhang Xuan are speechless when they see what Zhang Xuan has created.

They thought it was some important letter from Longguo, and their feelings were simply to send something for entertainment to Zhang Xuan!

Professor Minerva McGonagall watched Zhang Xuan put away those audio-visual stones one by one, and couldn't help saying to Principal Dumbledore beside him.

"Albus, it looks like your new pastime has arrived."

The story of Principal Dumbledore staying up late to watch dramas has almost spread among the Hogwarts teachers.

Faced with Professor Minerva McGonagall's ridicule, Principal Dumbledore was completely blushing.

"Haha, Minerva, I think you should have a good look at the TV series that Zhang Xuan brought, there are still a lot of interesting things."

"Thank you, recently I feel that mahjong is more suitable for me.

Professor Minerva McGonagall immediately refused.

Before, Dumbledore recommended a TV series called "Deep and Rainy" to Sybill Trelawney.

This made Sybill Trelawney, who was already a little crazy, even crazier

She held her head all day long, rubbed her hair, and shouted loudly.

"Ahhh, there will be a demon in your future, and that demon will take your life!"

"Don't pull me! I see everyone's future!"

"Why! Why are Death Eaters invading Hogwarts in the near future! Who is it! Who the hell opened the door to Hogwarts!"

Thinking of Sybill Trelawney's current appearance, Minerva McGonagall didn't want to watch the so-called TV series until ten o'clock.

"Hey... Minerva, you just have to try it, I recommend you to watch it, Chess Soul!"

"The characters in it are well portrayed, the characters are illuminated, the children inside grow up all the way, and the feelings are pure and beautiful!"

"Impossible! I don't think I will read it!" Professor Minerva McGonagall directly covered her ears, refusing to listen to Principal Dumbledore's recommendation.

Professor Filius Flitwick, who was sitting next to Professor Severus Snape, felt a headache when he heard Principal Dumbledore recommending TV series to Professor Minerva McGonagall!

Just when Zhang Xuan first arrived in the common room of La Wen Keluo College, he was like the bronze door knocker of the La Wen Keluo common room, recommending famous TV dramas such as The Legend of Zhen Huan, A Dream of Red Mansions [Journey to the West].

As a result of his recommendation of the TV series, all the little wizards of Rawen Crowe were locked out of the common room by the bronze door knocker.

Those little wizards searched for materials and documents about Dragon Kingdom and the content of TV dramas with their books in their arms all day long.

Only the little wizards of Lawen Keluo, who were confident that they were very knowledgeable and smart, had deep doubts about themselves.


Principal Dumbledore watched them refuse very firmly one by one, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Well well, these people don't know how to appreciate.

in a few days.

Hogwarts Transfiguration classroom.

Professor Minerva McGonagall was at the front of the room.

Said with melancholy.

"Oh, what have you been lately... I watched a TV series, and suddenly felt that lovers are really worrying!"

"Look at the courtiers of the Long Kingdom, they all go to court before dawn, let's look at you!"

Professor Minerva McGonagall was at the forefront of the Transfiguration classroom.

Said a lot eloquently.

And the little wizards sitting below all fell into silence.

They were all puzzled and looked at Professor Minerva McGonagall standing in the front.

Ron Weasley couldn't help looking at Hermione Granger beside him.

"Hermione, do you understand what Professor McGonagall is saying?"

"Why can't I understand at all!"

Ron Weasley looked dazed.

"What am I?"

"What is Aiqing?"

"And what is Shang Dynasty?"

"Professor McGonagall doesn't want us to come to class before dawn! That would kill people!" Ron Weasley whispered from below.

And Hermione Granger gave him a hard look, and then threw a thick book in front of him.

"Didn't you see I was flipping the pages of the book?"

"These are the problems of the bronze door knocker summed up by the people of La Wen Keluo!"

Ron Weasley and Harry Potter looked confused.

What they were wondering now was Professor McGonagall's reaction.

Why did Hermione turn over the bronze knocker question?

Is there any relationship between the two? Why can't they figure it out again?

Hermione Granger looked at the expressions of the two of them, and couldn't help but said, "Are you guys stupid!"

"Why can't the students of Ra Wen Kelao get into their lounge?!"

"Isn't it because the bronze door knocker watched the TV series recommended by Zhang Xuan, and the questions it asked were all from the TV series!"

"I can guarantee that Professor McGonagall watched the TV series too!"

"As long as you understand all the questions in this book clearly, you will naturally know what Professor Minerva McGonagall is talking about!"

Hearing Hermione Granger's explanation, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

Potions class.

Seamus Finnigan carefully put the herbs into the dry pot.

Obviously it should be an extremely safe process.

In his hands is full of danger.

When other people's herbs entered the pot, water rippled gently, but his dry pot was already bubbling and bubbling.

Before he could react.


A loud noise resounded throughout the Hogwarts basement.

In front of Seamus Finnigan, the potion in the crucible splashed and exploded very evenly.

Professor Severus Snape stood behind Seamus Finnigan expressionlessly.



Professor Severus Snape's slow, flat, emotionless voice sounded behind Seamus Finnigan.

Scared, he stood up quickly, as if he had made a mistake, he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Professor Severus Snape's face.

Professor Severus Snape put his hand on his head and rubbed it vigorously.

"Such a simple appearance can cause an explosion due to misconfiguration, and 10 points will be deducted from Gryffindor!"

"Oh, no, Professor!"

Seamus Finnigan and the little wizards around him howled endlessly.

At this time, they all miss Zhang Xuan very much.

With Zhang Xuan sitting in front of alchemy, Professor Severus Snape wouldn't care even if the crucible was blown up.

But now there is no Zhang Xuan sitting in front of alchemy to attract attention.

Professor Severus Snape's full attention was on them.

A small mistake could cause Professor Severus Snape's displeasure.

Professor Severus Snape snorted again, looking at Seamus Finnigan's head.

After seeing it, he actually said something that didn't fit his image.

"Oh, this brain is buzzing again..."

Harry Potter, who was sitting in the corner and reduced his sense of existence as much as possible, felt speechless for a while.

He dared to use his own head to vouch that Professor Severus Snape was definitely the same as Professor Minerva McGonagall, and he didn't know what TV series he watched.

"He must have learned this from some TV series!"

Just when Harry Potter was thinking, Ron Weasley next to him whispered.

"Harry... Potter..." Professor Severus Snape's eyes fell on Harry Potter. (ok good)

Harry Potter felt helpless for a while.

He had obviously reduced his presence, but Professor Severus Snape still found him in the crowd.

Ron Weasley covered his mouth.

Apparently, Professor Severus Snape had just attracted his attention!

Professor Severus Snape started the daily life of falling in love with Harry Potter.

After Potions get out of class is over.

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley gathered to discuss the recent changes in the professors.

"Recently, the professors have been speaking strangely, and I always feel a little out of place." Harry Potter pushed his glasses, speaking with a bit of distress.

Hermione Granger nodded in agreement.

Recently, in order to understand what the professors were talking about, she had to go to the bronze door knocker quiz notes written by La Wen Keluo's students.

This had a great impact on her learning progress.

Ron Weasley said it with a hint of suggestion.

"How about we go find Zhang Xuan?"

"Ask him to borrow those TV shows that the professors have watched. We might know what they are called and what they are talking about after watching them!"

In any case, he couldn't stand those boring question and answer notes.

In order to understand what the professors are talking about, he is willing to borrow TV dramas to watch!

Isn't watching TV more fun than reading those dry Q&A notes?

"good idea!"

After his reminder, Harry Potter's eyes lit up a little.

Hermione Granger frowned. Those professors are obviously not watching a TV series, so when will they watch it!

"As far as I know, there are at least 50 TV series that Zhang Xuan has produced. Are you sure you can watch them all?"

Zhang Xuan seems to recommend different dramas to everyone.

It is unrealistic to want to watch all those dramas!

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