Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

065 I thought it was the floor, but I didn't expect it to be the ceiling! (Subscribe)

As soon as the young man's voice fell,

Before waiting for the masked man over there to reply, the man in white standing beside him suddenly had a hint of joy in his eyes, looked over, and said:

"Is the information true?!

"Absolutely true!

The young man kneeling on one knee looked extremely serious, and said condensedly:

"The notice has been sent to the major cadres, and the time will be 8 o'clock tomorrow night."

"The person who participated in the assessment was a trainee in the executive department named Lu Yin.""

"By the time,

"Some cadres representing the highest combat power of the Executive Department will come off the court to conduct a simulated battle with him..."

"And the rest of the cadres will also watch the battle and give him a rating.

"It's a rule that has always existed in the Night's Watch.""

"There can be no mistake!

The young man bowed his head and said with oath.

And after the voice fell,

The man next to him suddenly looked happy.

Afterwards, he looked at the masked man in front of him again, bowed his head and said respectfully:

"Excellent, His Excellency Pope."

"The previous snake-tailed griffin failed to attract their highest combat power to dispatch..."

"This time, our chance has finally come!!"

in his mind,

Of course it's heartfelt excitement.

before thinking,

The purpose of the juvenile invisible snake-tailed griffin incident that they deliberately planned was to distract the attention of the executive department.


To their disappointment,

Although all the commissioners of the executive department were dispatched to participate in the hunt.


Those real cadres did not join them.

All night, the only strongest combat power dragged out by the monster was that S-rank Su Yuxi.

Of course this is not enough.


They just need to wait for a better opportunity,

When all the high-level combat powers in the executive department are all held back, enter the chaos!

And now, the time seems to have finally come.


His voice fell,

The masked man known as the Pope also lit up slightly,

A faint green flame-like light shone out from within the pair of eyes that were as dark as ink.

After a while, he said lightly:


12 "Go ahead and act as planned. 35

"Tomorrow night - start fighting back. 99

His voice was very deep and deep, although it seemed calm as water.

But the moment he said it, it seemed to make people feel like the waves were surging and surging!

And after hearing the "counterattack",

The two people next to them were even more excited in their hearts!



And just after their voices fell,

On the figure of the masked man, a thick black aura suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person turned into black smoke and disappeared directly into the night sky.

no longer exists.


see this picture,

The man beside him still didn't show any expression,

And the young man who knelt down on one knee suddenly looked shocked and exclaimed:

"Meta, elementalization?! 35

"Sir Pope...has already evolved into a demigod!?!"


After his voice fell,

The man next to him chuckled lightly and shook his head:

"not yet."

"This is not elementalization, it is just a projection of the spiritual law of the Pope, that is, a clone."

"The Pope is still one step away from the real demigod realm.

"However, it's too soon."

Having said that, the man stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and grinned:

"As long as tomorrow night, 99

"If the Pope successfully entered the underground of the Linjiang Executive Department, then..."

"Even without evolving into a demigod,

"You will also gain a powerful power comparable to a demigod!"


When he said this, the man smiled and his eyes shone brightly.

The young man on the side was even more shocked. After a while, he cautiously said:

"Sacrificing adults, dare to ask..."

"Then what is there in the underground of the executive department... The Pope needs to go in and get it in person?"

He was extremely suspicious about this.

Logically speaking, it seems that the Pope does not need to risk himself, and he can let the priests in white come in and help him get it.

Unless that thing is so powerful that even the priests in white can't control it...

Only the presence of His Excellency the Pope can be obtained...

While he was thinking,

The priest in white over there also looked over, and a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face, saying:

"Have you heard of..."Fallen Angel"?""


The screen turns.

Go back to the other side.

Su Yuxi and Lu Yin left the minister's office after confirming matters related to tomorrow's assessment.


Su Yuxi offered to drive Lu Yin home, but Lu Yin naturally refused.

on the way,

Su Yuxi drove the car, while Lu Yin sat in the co-pilot and hugged her kitten.

After what happened tonight, Su Yuxi was no longer worried about the so-called rating assessment.

She firmly believes that Lu Yin can definitely get at least a super A grade or above.


She also didn't talk about tomorrow's rating assessment.

And Lu Yin, who was sitting next to him,

Then one hand stroking the cat, the other holding the phone,

Brushing the news in the executive commissioner group, a funny expression appeared on his face.

To his surprise,

Not long ago,

When they entered the minister's office,

That Commissioner Chen Qiujian even took a photo of the Yongye base scene and directly passed it to the group.

Then, he briefly stated what Lu Yin had done tonight.

As a result, in an instant,

Just as a stone stirs up a thousand waves,

The whole group of commissioners exploded!

Whether it is the commissioners still in the headquarters or the commissioners performing special tasks outside, after hearing about what happened tonight and seeing the photos taken at the scene, all of them immediately boiled!

"Fuck, fuck!!!"

"Isn't this really a rumor?!!"

"Commissioner Lu Yin...killed the entire Evernight Church secret base alone?!!!

"Not only did he stop the blood-giving ceremony, but he actually killed a white-robed priest?!!

"Cow!! Before the minister brought people over, all the fighting was over!!!"

"Still unscathed?!!99


"It's just against the sky, isn't it?!!"

"I thought he was the floor of the executive department, but...it turned out to be the fucking ceiling!!"

"This frozen scale must be a special S-class, right?!

"All I can say is terrifying!!

"Let me go back, I'm going to worship my brother Lu in the headquarters now!! 35

A group chat message,

Like a tide, it surged in instantly, completely swiping the screen.

In less than a minute, it easily broke through 99+.

look at their words,

Lu Yin laughed heartily.

It seems that the people in the executive department are not all weirdos.

But at this time,

I don't know who, suddenly started to Aite Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's remark in the group of executive commissioners is called "Su Yuxi's little follower".

Of course he didn't do it himself.

It was Su Yuxi who secretly used her administrator's authority to modify it the day before yesterday.

That's right.

In this group,

In addition to the cadres who are administrators, Su Yuxi, who is S-rank, is also one of the administrators.

see your notes,

Lu Yin glanced at Su Yuxi next to him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


No matter where you are, you can't get around the authority of dog management...

And at this moment,

When one begins to Aite,

More and more commissioners also started to call him.

One by one, they spoke excitedly:

"@Su Yuxi's little follower, the great god Lu Yin! Come out and bubble!!

"Brother Lu! How does it feel to fight with the white-clothed sacrifice, can you tell us in detail! @Su Yuxi's little follower!

"@Su Yuxi's little follower, yes! Talk about it in detail!"

"cnm! It's on fire!"

"I'm already getting excited!!

"@Su Yuxi's little follower, shouldn't you have solved the sacrifice in white clothes in a particularly crushing manner?!

Pieces of Aite messages, as well as crazy questions, instantly began to fill the entire chat interface.

In their words, they could already feel the heat in their hearts.

If said before,

Lu Yin single-handedly prevented the birth of the next generation, just to the extent that they admired.

So now, it is not just admiration to annihilate the Yongye base and the white-clothed sacrifice with one's own power!

But total admiration!

This is no longer a powerful word to describe it!

At this moment, they can't wait to hear more details about the battle!

see here,

Lu Yin smiled helplessly.

And just when he was about to type and reply to them in the group.

Suddenly, a phone call came.

is an unfamiliar number.

Lu Yin was slightly surprised, but answered the phone anyway.

As a result, a girl's gentle and sweet voice suddenly came from inside.

"Hello, Commissioner Lu Yin!

"I'm Feng Keke, a trainee specialist from the Equipment Department! 55

"We found that you haven't come to the equipment department to choose your own exclusive weapon.

"Are you free to come and pick it up tomorrow?"

A series of energetic voices fell, without any slack.

And Lu Yin was stunned for a moment.

That's right, I said before that I can freely choose equipment, but I never went there.

So after thinking about it, he nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow morning." 5

"Okay, see you tomorrow~"

Commissioner Feng Keke on the phone responded very energetically, and then hung up the phone.

Lu Yin couldn't help but laugh in his heart, are all the people in the equipment department so ignorant...

After a while, he put down the phone, looked at Su Yuxi again, and said with a light smile:

"Senpai, are you going to help me choose weapons tomorrow?"


Su Yuxi smiled and nodded, subconsciously agreeing.

However, just a few seconds later,

She seemed to be thinking of something again, and suddenly Jian's eyes lit up and said:

"Wait, are you good at swordsmanship or swordsmanship?!


As soon as this inexplicable word came out,

Lu Yin was naturally a little stunned, shook his head, and said honestly, "Uh, not very good at it."

As soon as the words fell, Su Yuxi's face that had just risen suddenly turned bad again, and then said in a loss:


"I was thinking of taking you to get the best knife in the equipment department tomorrow, but it seems like it's out of the question..."


As soon as these words came out, Lu Yin was taken aback,

"As the first person in the interview, don't I have the right to choose freely from them? 35

Su Yuxi rolled her eyes helplessly and smiled bitterly:

.Different. "

"The ones you can choose freely are only what they offer you to choose.35

"And I want to take you straight to the best knife.


"Since you are not good at these, it is estimated that 397 is not good enough."

"According to the words of the equipment department, "Pinks are given to beautiful women, and swords are given to heroes." 39

"Only those who excel in swordsmanship or swordsmanship can gain their approval and acquire those special and powerful weapons.

"Therefore, the stubborn commissioners, 35

"I'd rather put those powerful weapons in a warehouse to collect dust than to use them on unqualified people."

"So so far,"

"No one has obtained the strongest weapons that hold the warehouse... 99

Su Yuxi said with emotion.

Hearing this, Lu Yin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked curiously, "How strong can it be?

words fall,

Su Yuxi suddenly turned her head to look over, her eyes shone brightly, and said with a light smile:

"It's strong enough to slash a god.


After a while,

Lu Yin arrived in the community

While walking home with the cat in his arms, he was still thinking about what Su Yuxi said just now.

A weapon powerful enough to slash a god...?


I have to say, it does sound very attractive.


So far, he has never learned any swordsmanship or swordsmanship at all.

Even the previous battle against the headless grudge was all slashed with the freezing power of the ice blade.

think of this,

Lu Yin looked at the cat in his arms again and smiled helplessly:


"If you go out next time, would you consider stealing some swordsmanship or something for me to come back?

"It doesn't matter how good it is, just give me the green algae head."


The voice fell,

The cat in his arms suddenly showed a look of disdain on his small face,

Then, just listlessly "meow"

As if to perfunctory Lu Yin.

Lu Yin suddenly laughed unhappily.

this lady,

It's really hard to handle...

After returning home.

Lu Yin found out that several men in black in the living room had been taken away by the logistics department.

By the way, he even helped him fix the blown door lock.

There was a note on the table with all this written on it.

see here,

Lu Yin suddenly laughed out involuntarily.

This logistics department... as expected, it is the most versatile department.

It even knows how to fix locks.


After putting down the cat on me,

Lu Yin originally wanted to study the treasures he brought back, but he was really tired today.

So, I went straight to the shower and went to sleep.

But just after he fell asleep,

in the living room,

The figure of the kitten... quietly disappears again!

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