Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

066 Let you steal the green algae head and directly steal the eagle eye?! (Subscribe)


(The refinement of chapter 58 is finally done, and it comes out...)

(Brothers who couldn't watch it before, you can go back and watch it now~)

(text below:)

The next day, early morning.

The sun shines as always, re-lighting the city.


Inside Shenxia Insurance Company, 12th floor, file coffin.

Inside one of the confidential collections.

Su Yuxi was carefully looking for something on the bookshelf, her face was very serious.

But it seemed that she searched all over and couldn't find what she wanted.

at this time,

A young girl on the side came over and said with a smile:

"Senior Yuxi, what are you looking for, I can help you search it?"

There is also a sign hanging on her body, which is obviously one of the administrators in the archives.

Su Yuxi turned her head and looked over, frowned and said:

"I was looking for that book, Sword Experience: From Beginning to Giving Up, but... it seems to be missing?


When the voice fell, the girl was stunned for a moment, and said:

"Ah, you mean the book From Beginner to Mastery? 35

"However, this book seems to be read by beginners, you shouldn't be able to use your strength as a senior, right?

the voice fell,

Su Yuxi sighed helplessly and said, "I didn't see it myself, it was for my junior.


Hearing this, the girl was stunned for a moment, then her eyes suddenly lit up,

"Your apprentice?

"You mean, the one who went deep into the enemy base alone last night and wiped out the Church of Eternal Night..."

"Executive Department "Lone Wolf of Ice", Commissioner Lu Yin?!


After hearing this series of prefixes, Su Yuxi was dumbfounded.

After a while, he couldn't help laughing and crying:

"Uh... yes."

"But who gave him this strange title?"

the voice fell,

The little girl suddenly laughed and said honestly:

"Hey, they said it in the group,"

"It seems to say that Commissioner Lu Yin, the two major tasks so far, have been completed alone..."

"That's why everyone calls him the "Lone Wolf of Ice" from the executive department, which sounds very appropriate.

After listening to this explanation,

Su Yuxi couldn't help crying and laughing in her heart.

However, after what they said, it seems that the kid Lu Yin is indeed quite unique...

At this time,

The girl asked curiously:

"By the way, Senior Yuxi, isn't this Commissioner Lu Yin's ability already very powerful?"

"I heard that he directly frozen a priest in white,

"Since you are already so strong, why do you want to learn swordsmanship?

"Isn't this kind of physical aspect only practiced by those with less powerful abilities? 99

The little girl opened her eyes, obviously very strange.

After hearing this, Su Yuxi smiled and shook her head, and said patiently:

"Oh no.

"Real masters, on the contrary, will retain a variety of trump cards."

"Even if the ability is strong enough, try to master other fighting methods as much as possible."

"After all, 35

"In case the ability is restrained or blocked by the enemy, the combat power will be greatly reduced.

"So, the more senior the commissioners are, the more unordered combat methods they will have."

Su Yuxi explained with a smile.

Of course, this was what was on her mind.

The reason why she wanted Lu Yin to get the best knife in the equipment department was because she wanted him to master one more skill.

After all, his previous fighting style, although powerful and gorgeous, was still too simple after all.

And in this world,

Single means that it may be restrained by the enemy.

Once they encounter a strong enough opponent, they are likely to fall into a desperate situation.

To avoid that situation,

Su Yuxi came to the archives early in the morning,

Ready to start today, using that book as a teaching material, to formally teach Lu Yin the art of swordsmanship.

And at this moment,

After the girl here heard Su Yuxi's words, she suddenly realized that she nodded and sighed:

"Ow! Combat really is a very profound knowledge."!"

"I understand! Senior Yuxi!"

"Wait a minute, I'm going to help you find the location of this book! 35


She immediately ran to the computer next to it to operate.

After a while,

Immediately ran over from there, and then began to rummage for a box.

After half a day, he finally took out a heavy book and handed it over.

"Senior Yuxi, do you see this?"

After Su Yuxi took it, she glanced at it briefly and showed a satisfied smile.

"That's right, that's it, thank you.

"I want to borrow it for a while, it should be fine, right?"

"No problem at all!"

The girl replied with a hearty smile, and then smiled again:

"With your authority, it will be fine even if you don't return it later.

After a moment.

Su Yuxi took the book and left the archives, ready to go directly to find Lu Yin.

Of course she won't return it,

However, it may indeed be borrowed for a long time. ,

After all, she didn't expect Lu Yin to learn to what extent today, it was completely unreal.

As for the strongest weapons in the equipment department, it is estimated that it will take a long time.

Only then can Lu Yin try again.

However, at least from today onwards, let him practice slowly from the basics..

While thinking so,

Su Yuxi started her blue Maserati and drove towards Lu Yin's house.

And at the same time.

Lu Yin, at home, still slept soundly.

The large-scale battle last night, of course, also consumed a lot of his physical strength.

He was having a strange dream.

The sun shines on the windowsill, the morning breeze blows, and the subtle floral fragrance is refreshing.

And at this moment,

Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes in a daze.


Of course it didn't come naturally.

Instead, he was awakened by the touch of a very familiar cat's paw.

As expected,

Right next to the pillow, the kitten was shoving its front paws and pushing on his head, whimpering.


Lu Yin was in a daze in his heart, and he didn't wake up at all, so he said casually:

"Miss, let me sleep a little longer... a little sleepy...


It looked like he was going to fall asleep again.


And seeing this picture,

The cat on the side suddenly made a somewhat disgusting sound,

Immediately, he took something in his mouth and applied it directly to Lu Yin's face.

"Crack. 55


Lu Yin felt,

It was as if something had hit him in the face.

He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and a strange feeling came from his heart.


and many more..

Why does it look like a cross?

I don't believe in Western religions either...???


He lifted the object in his hand to his eyes, and then opened his eyes in confusion.


What he is holding in his hand is indeed a somewhat large golden cross pendant...


At this moment of seeing clearly,

Suddenly, the long-lost system notification sound suddenly sounded in his ear——


"Your kitten thinks your swordsmanship is rubbish, and ran to another world overnight, and stole the "Hawkeye's Cross Knife" for you!

"Incidentally: "The World's No. 1 Swordsman" ・The inheritance of top swordsmanship!"


The moment the prompt sound appeared, it was like a thunderstorm, making Lu Yin instantly sleepless!

He almost had a cardiac arrest, and he just gasped!

And then, he suddenly widened his eyes, staring at the golden cross pendant in his hand in shock!

next moment,

A little force of the hand.

Sure enough, from the cross, a pocket sharp knife was drawn!

The silver blade reflects the cold light!


Lu Yin was stunned for a while!

Then he immediately turned his head and looked at the kitten beside him.


The cat had already raised his head high, as if he was too lazy to pay attention to him at all, and turned around arrogantly and left.

see here,

Lu Yin immediately cried out in his heart!

good guy!!!!

I told you last night to steal a green algae-level swordsmanship...

You actually... stole the inheritance of the special eagle eye directly for me??!!!


staring at the cross knife in his hand,

Lu Yin swallowed.

Of course he couldn't have been unaware of this!

This is the cross knife pendant that the great swordsman "Hawkeye" is wearing!

and eagle eye,

On the sea, the legendary existence known as the "World's No. 1 Swordsman"——

Jolackle Mihawk!

A man who stands on the great route by himself and has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship!


With just this cross knife, he easily killed the green algae head that just went out to sea!

The gap between its strengths is like a moat!!

his swordsmanship,

Needless to say more.

In that world, as long as everyone knows how powerful his strength is.

And even more terrifying,

This guy... fights never call moves!

When each knife is cut out, although it is the same as flat A, its power is outrageous!!

The more you think about it,

Lu Yin can feel more and more, the cross knife in front of him and the weight of inheritance!

this means,

As long as he comprehends the inheritance of this man's swordsmanship,

In the future, even without using frozen fruits, you will be able to rank among the super-powerful ones!

think of this,

Lu Yin clenched the cross pendant in his hand, and the light in his eyes became more and more hot.

He looked at the cat in the distance, and an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the reason why this eldest lady showed her listless expression last night,

It's not that he doesn't want to ignore his demands.

But because of...

It knew early on that it could steal something better than that green algae head!

Just when Lu Yin was excited.


The system beep sounded again——

66 "Is the inheritance accepted immediately? 55

"Yes! 99

Naturally, Lu Yin didn't hesitate at all, and immediately agreed on the spot!

And at the moment of consent,


He immediately felt an incomparably strange force,

From above the cross knife in his hand, toward his body, it surged forward.

Immediately after,

One after another mysterious memories and methods rushed into his mind.

All kinds of peculiar swordsmanship, practiced invisibly in the depths of his consciousness, began to gradually integrate into his DNA!

After just five seconds,

He completely engraved everything in the inheritance in his heart!

And then,

When he opened his eyes,

Among the pupils, there was a powerful aura that was as fierce as a sword and halberd out of thin air!

Just as the gaze of an eagle is chilling enough to stare,

After obtaining his top inheritance, Lu Yin also has this incomparably fierce momentum!

This is no ordinary coercion of the strong,

But——the feeling of oppression that belongs to the strongest swordsman!!!

Lu Yin stood up,

He raised the cross knife unsheathed in his hand and stared at the flowerpot on the windowsill in front of him,

Immediately, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and waved his knife!


in an instant,

separated by dozens of centimeters,

On the flowerpot, an incomparably neat break appeared in an instant!

Was directly cut in half without hindrance!!!

This is "Flying Slash"!

(Ho Nuo Zhao)

And Lu Yin prefers to call it... "Sword Qi"!

At the moment when the knife is swung out, the slash can be transmitted directly from the air, and it can be cut into the distance from the air!

For those mediocre swordsmen,

This may already be regarded as a quite advanced realm.


In Hawkeye Mihawk, it can still only be regarded as a flat A!

Although Lu Yin has only just obtained the inheritance, he has already fully grasped the secret in his heart!


This inheritance is incredibly powerful!

An extremely satisfied and strong smile appeared on Lu Yin's face.

In this way,

In addition to Frozen Fruit and Six Forms, he has another powerful hole card.


This time, the inheritance of eagle eye swordsmanship,

On top of the pure attack power and destructive power, it has even completely surpassed the frozen fruit!

Lu Yin's heart was naturally extremely excited, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise wildly.

After a while,

Lu Yin started to use the knife again, and tried several sword-qi slashes.

The more you use it, the more you feel the joy of being skilled.

And at this moment,

The phone next to the pillow rang suddenly.

After connecting,

Su Yuxi's voice suddenly came from inside——

"Lu Yin, did you get up yet?"

"I've already gone downstairs to your house, and I'll take you to the equipment department to pick out weapons today." 5

Hearing Su Yuxi's words,

Lu Yin's heart moved slightly, and then he recovered from the excitement and joy just now.


I'm going to the equipment department today, Zhu.


Seems like it's time to challenge

On their side, the so-called "holding warehouse" is the strongest weapon.

think of this,

A smile appeared in Lu Yin's eyes.

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