Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

067 Starting from scratch, one step kendo master?! (Subscribe)

"I know, senpai, come down immediately."

"it is good."

hang up the phone,

Lu Yin's eyes shone slightly, his smile unabated.

Originally, he was thinking of taking time out later to find a secret place,

Come and test the strength of the Eagle Eye Swordsmanship that you have inherited.

Right now.

Don't go to other places on purpose, just go directly to the equipment department to test.

Anyway, according to what Su Yuxi said,

If you want to get the strongest weapon in the warehouse, you must show the corresponding attainments.

Time to try it out!

while thinking,

After Lu Yin took a quick shower, he was ready to go out.

Before leaving, I saw the cat lying on the balcony, enjoying the morning sun comfortably.

Lu Yin chuckled lightly, walked over and squatted down, while stroking its soft hair, he smiled softly:

"Miss, you worked so hard last night. 35

"I'm going out soon, do you want to be with me today too?"


The kitten barked without raising its head.

Apparently, due to the long day outside with Lu Yin yesterday,

Today, she seems to have lost interest in hanging out with Lu Yin.

Naturally, Lu Yin had already anticipated this, and shook his head helplessly with a smile.

Although he also wanted to reward the eldest lady,


It looks like it's useless.

Sometimes she is happier when she plays alone.

After a while,

When Lu Yin came downstairs, he saw Su Yuxi leaning on a blue Maserati waiting for him.

However, today, instead of playing with a mobile phone, I was flipping through a thick book.

Lu Yin walked over with a smile, waved his hand and said, "Sister, good morning.

the voice fell,

Su Yuxi suddenly raised her head and looked over, then looked up and down, and said in surprise:

"Why are you smiling so sweetly all of a sudden? Did you win the lottery?

"Haha it's nothing, it's just nice to see you. Lu Yin said casually as he walked over with a smile.

And Su Yuxi rolled her eyes and scolded with a smile:

"Stop doing this, get in the car. Nian

come to the car,

However, Lu Yin immediately saw that there were two unseen bank cards in the co-pilot seat.

A golden sheet with a pattern of towering ancient trees.

A silver piece is painted with an unknown ancient dragon.

Lu Yin was surprised, "This is...?

"Oh, this is your salary card and bonus card, which the headquarters asked me to bring to you.


As soon as the words fell, Lu Yin was stunned.

Su Yuxi sat in the driver's seat, looked over, 397 chuckled lightly:

"Don't you really think that the night watchmen are all working for the country for free? 35

"Uh," Lu Yin laughed bitterly, "isn't it?"

Of course not.

Su Yuxi showed a funny expression and explained patiently:

"If you join any department under the Night's Watch, different wages will be paid according to the position, which will be paid every Monday and will be automatically credited to your account name."5

"Secondly, when you complete some hunting tasks or make various great contributions, there will also be special bonuses issued.

"So, here's a pay card and a bonus card, get it?"

"Uh...get it. 99

Lu Yin sat in the car with a dry smile, and took two bank cards to observe carefully.

And Su Yuxi on the side started the car and said:

"Ah yes, both cards have been completely bound to your information, and the passwords are the last six digits of your ID card. 35

"If nothing else, the money should have been paid by now. According to my guess, 39

"The salary card should be 100,000, and the bonus card should be... um, about 3.5 million.


As soon as Su Yuxi said these words, Lu Yin was startled.

I rely on?

There are so many???

Su Yuxi noticed his expression and laughed lightly:

"Don't be surprised,

"As the most dangerous department, the executive department has the highest salary and the highest bonus among all the Night Watch's agencies.

"The night before yesterday, you successfully prevented the birth of a sub-species, and got one million."

"Last night, you destroyed the blessing ceremony and destroyed the base of the Eternal Night Church, another million. 99

"In addition to killing a priest in white, it is estimated that there are about 1.5 million.

"Of course, I'm just guessing."

"Anyway, it can only be more, it can't be less than I thought."


After hearing Su Yuxi's explanation, Lu Yin suddenly realized and nodded.


I can't help but laugh in my heart,

When he joined before, the senior did not mention the salary to him,

So much so that he really thought it was just a white job...

If you think about it now, it's really outrageous.

After a while,

After Lu Yin collected the two bank cards, he was already thinking about what to buy next.

At this time,

Su Yuxi reached out and handed over the thick book he had read before, saying:

"Give you this.


Lu Yin took the book and was slightly taken aback.

But on the black cover, the title of the book was written as sharp as a knife—

"Sword Experience: From Beginner to Mastery"


Lu Yin was stunned for a moment, stunned.

On the other side, Su Yuxi was driving the car while smiling slyly:


"Didn't you say you're not good at swordsmanship or swordsmanship?"

"I brought this book to you from the archives on a special trip."

"From today onwards, you will follow my senior sister and learn from scratch!

"Until you can get a dusty weapon from the warehouse of the equipment department!

Su Yuxi said with high fighting spirit, while her eyes seemed to be shining.

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment, then lowered his eyes and smiled lightly:

"Thank you, senpai.""


He lowered his head again, opened the catalog of the book, and glanced at it.

as predicted,

Almost all of the swordsmanship recorded in it are some basic techniques starting from scratch.

If placed before,

Naturally, Lu Yin couldn't understand what was written.

But now, after obtaining the inheritance of Eagle Eye, his swordsmanship has reached a very high level.

For him, the content here is no different from the textbook for the third grade of elementary school.

After Lu Yin briefly glanced over, he suddenly thought of something.

He raised his eyes and looked at Su Yuxi, pretending to be curious and asking:

"By the way, senpai, doesn't this book record how to release sword qi and other moves?"

As soon as this is said,

Unexpectedly, Su Yuxi, who was driving, was suddenly stunned and dumbfounded. Then, she rolled her eyes again and smiled angrily:

"Sword Qi?

"Nonsense, of course there is no record!

"That's an extremely high-level power that only the rumored "Great Master of Kendo" can master!"

"Don't you want to start from scratch and go straight to the Great Master of Kendo in one step?! 99

... uh, no.

Lu Yin suddenly laughed dryly.


After hearing this,

In his heart, he actually started to cry.

This Nima,

The original so-called "Sword Qi",

In this world, it is already considered to be the level of the rumored great master of kendo......???

Wouldn't that say.

I really started from scratch, one step master???

Lu Yin couldn't help but feel happy again.

It seems,

The top inheritance of the world's No. 1 swordsman is really powerful..

After a moment.

Su Yuxi drove onto another avenue, and gradually began to approach the suburbs of Linjiang City.

The destination is naturally the headquarters of the Equipment Department.

In fact,

The major departments of the night watchman are not all in the same area.

But according to the different responsibilities and powers of the major departments, they are in different positions.

It's like an omnipotent logistics department,

Due to the need to deal with various sites in a timely manner,

Therefore, it is evenly divided into each area of ​​Linjiang City, so that it is convenient to arrive at the destination as soon as possible.

And like the research department and the equipment department, because they often make big noises and do not need timeliness, they are generally located in hidden and remote suburbs.

The executive department is different. As the head of the major departments of the night watchman, it needs to plan all hunting operations at all times.

Therefore, the executive department of the night watchman in major cities is generally located in the center or near the city.

Linjiang is no exception.

The Shenxia Insurance Company Building of the Executive Department is also located not far from the city center.

Although the equipment department, research department, logistics department and other departments are entrusted, there are also branches stationed on the 4th to 10th floors of the building.

However, the scale is naturally very small.

Su Yuxi is going to take Lu Yin this time to the equipment department headquarters building in the southern suburbs of Linjiang City.

Maserati twists and turns all the way,

In the end, it finally stopped outside the building of an insurance company.

Naturally, it was the familiar Shenxia Insurance Company.

However, it is not a building, but a relatively small ring-shaped building with several buildings in a circle.


They are all equipment specialists who are responsible for developing, building, and repairing various Night Watch weapons, armors, and more.

Lu Yin and Su Yuxi entered the building.

Immediately afterwards, the staff on the side quickly came up and said enthusiastically:

"Hello, two! Is there anything I can do to help you?!"

Su Yuxi's expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly, "I'm looking for your lobby manager, Liu Yingshan.


The staff member was stunned for a moment, but then he immediately reacted and said quickly:

"Ah... ok! I'll go find him!"

After speaking, he quickly turned and left.

Although she is a new insurance company employee, she has also heard the instructions of the lobby manager:

If someone calls him by his first name, he must be notified as soon as possible.

Although she didn't know why, of course she didn't dare to neglect.

And just a moment later,

A middle-aged man wearing a black suit and slightly plump black-rimmed glasses quickly walked out of the inner office and came towards the two of them, Su Yuxi.

After seeing Su Yuxi's face clearly,

An amiable smile appeared on his face.

After approaching, he lowered his voice and smiled and said:

"Long time no see, Commissioner Su Yuxi, why are you free to come here today?


The lobby manager, who is also an internal member of the night watchman's equipment department, recognized her identity at a glance.

And hearing this, Su Yuxi smiled politely:

"Uncle Liu, long time no see,"

"I brought this trainee to choose weapons today. His name is Lu Yin. You should have an impression, right?"

the voice fell,

Liu Yingshan suddenly looked towards Lu Yin, then nodded with a light of admiration in his eyes, and said with a light smile:

"Of course I know."

"According to the rumors, he single-handedly prevented the birth of the next-generation species, and also annihilated the Eternal Night Church and the white-clothed priests alone."

"The "Lone Wolf of Ice" of the Executive Department. 35

"Happy to meet.

Saying that, Liu Yingshan immediately smiled and stretched out his hand.


At this moment, Lu Yin here is naturally stunned.

and many more?!

The Lone Wolf of Ice from the Executive Department???

What the hell?!

Who the hell gave me this nickname!!?


Su Yuxi on the side saw Lu Yin's expression,

But he couldn't help but laugh, and he was trying hard not to laugh out loud.

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth twitched slightly, then he stretched out his hand and said with a dry smile:

"Heh... nice to meet you."

The two shook hands,

This Liu Yingshan no longer has ink marks anymore, and said with a smile:

"Come with me, you two. 35


They walked forward with the two of them.

The difference from the executive department is that the buildings on the equipment department's side are not divided according to levels, but are divided according to buildings.

For example, the outermost building is dedicated to the insurance business.

and go inside,

This is the real equipment department.

After he brought the two to the building on the far left, he said loudly:

"Come out alone!"

After a while, I saw a cute girl with a ball head running out of an office!


She shouted very slowly.

The lobby manager Liu Yingshan nodded and said:

"Feng Keke, this is Commissioner Su Yuxi and Commissioner Lu Yin of the Executive Department, today is here to select weapons."5

"You have contacted before, you should know, and then it will be handed over to you.


After finishing the instructions, Liu Yingshan greeted Lu Yin and the two again and left.

And this side,

The cute girl with the ball head came over and said with a smile:

"I am Feng Keke, Commissioner of the Equipment Department! 35

"You two please come with me, the equipment is all ready, just waiting for you to choose!!"


They led the two towards a huge equipment room.

the moment you enter,

Lu Yin immediately saw,

In the equipment room, there are more than a dozen huge steel frames,

And on the shelves here, there are all kinds of strange weapons and equipment, exuding all kinds of mysterious atmosphere.

Obviously, they are not conventional cold weapons.

And at this moment,

The other members of the equipment department around also looked towards this side immediately.

Then, Feng Keke said with a smile:

"All the weapons here, you can choose at will.

"If you really don't have a favorite weapon, we can customize one for you according to your preferences.

"After all, this is your privilege of being the first in the interview.

Feng Keke said with a smile.

the voice fell,

Su Yuxi on the side also looked over and said, "Choose whatever you like, Lu Yin.


After hearing this,

But Lu Yin didn't start to choose. Instead, after a moment of silence, he looked towards Feng Keke and suddenly said:

"Do you have a weapons warehouse?"

"I want to challenge to get the dusty weapons in there. 55



When the voice fell, the audience was instantly silent, and there was no sound!

Even Su Yuxi, who was beside Lu Yin, suddenly widened her eyes and was stunned!

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