Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 72 The Master Of The Late Qing Dynasty, The Man Qi Baishi Would Also Bow To!

Liang Yong picked up his bangs a little bit.

"That's right, I started checking it from the time of payment.

After searching, I found that many years ago, our Sotheby's auction house had sold a calligraphy work, which was also signed "Cang Shuo". I investigated the specific information of the calligraphy work and learned that the author was a calligrapher from the late Qing Dynasty. Everyone, Wu Changshuo. "

Wang An raised his eyebrows.

Some forgotten knowledge comes back to mind.

Wu Changshuo.

Wanqing was a famous Chinese painter, calligrapher and seal carver.

Masters such as Qi Baishi also received support and guidance from Wu Changshuo. Qi Baishi once lamented: Ivy Snow is a faraway mortal, Laofou is old and has no talent, I want Jiuyuan to be a lackey, and the wheels will turn around under the three families.

Among them, Laofou refers to Wu Changshuo.

The general idea is that Qi Baishi lamented that he was born at the wrong time.

If you don't have the chance to be the disciples of the three masters while you are alive, you would rather be the lackey of the three masters after your death.

This shows Wu Changshuo's high status.

In addition to Laofou, Wu Changshuo has countless aliases.

Cang Shuo is one of them.

Thinking of this, Wang An hurriedly picked up a piece of printing paper, observed the words on it, and then compared it with the words on the copybook.

"Mr. Liang, are the words on the printing paper those of senior Wu Changshuo?"

Liang Yong nodded and said: "Yes, the words on this are taken from some calligraphy works of senior Wu Changshuo. I studied it on the way you came here, and I can confirm that this calligraphy was written by senior Wu Changshuo. Add The signature of "Shangcang Shuo" further supports my conjecture."

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, is my judgment correct?"

His expression was like that of a child waiting for praise from the teacher.


The couple looked closely at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "By the way, I think so too."

A quick glance.

It fell on the copybook.

[Item]: Cherish the empty bottle copybook.

[Details]: Written by Wu Changshuo in 1901...

[Value]: 1.18 million.

With Jiang Chen's approval, Liang Yong seemed even more proud, "You made 24 heads at 1 o'clock, and the stone in my heart dropped [I was worried that what I said was wrong just now."

Hearing this, the couple even swallowed their saliva.

Why do you hear this………………

It seems that Jiang Chen is the authority to determine the truth and falsehood of a sentence.

Not only them, but the water friends in the live broadcast room also felt that something was wrong:

[Hey, Mr. Liang, you look like a primary school student answering the teacher’s questions!]

[XD I’m laughing so hard. The auction house’s appraisal experts have made a judgment. It’s up to me, Brother Chen, to see if I can nod in approval. Who is the expert? 】

[But brothers, who is Wu Changshuo? 】

[Perhaps only those of us who study art know that Wu Changshuo is an all-round artist in modern times. Anyway, there is information on the Internet. You can check it yourself. Nothing else.

Baishi, you must know that this big shot is willing to be Wu Changshuo's disciple. 】

[Minister Wang is also introducing Wu Changshuo. 】

in the screen.

Wang Anzheng was concentrating on studying the copybook.

He originally didn't know who wrote it, but now that he learned that the calligraphy was written by Wu Changshuo, he was inevitably encouraged.

"Senior Wu Changshuo, like most talented people, experienced many hardships in his early years. He entered the official career when he was young and led the Qing army to fight the Japanese army, but unfortunately he was defeated. Later he became the county magistrate, and soon resigned and returned to his hometown. Since then, Then he concentrated on calligraphy and painting and accepted many disciples.

When the "Stele of Three Old Man of the Han Dynasty" was bought by himself, senior Wu Changshuo also led his friends to conduct a charity sale and raised 8,000 yuan, and finally redeemed the "Stele of the Three Old Man of the Han Dynasty" and kept it in China. "

Listen to him.

The young couple next to them turned green.

Asked stumblingly:

"Teacher, are you sure you read it correctly? What is this really, a painting by Wu Changshuo?"

The two of them knew something about Wu Changshuo.

But not deep.

It is limited to knowing the other party's name and approximate achievements.

Wang An laughed angrily, "I can be wrong, but Mr. Liang can't be wrong, and Jiang Chen can't be wrong either."

One sentence.

The young couple was so scared that they swallowed their saliva.

Because the two of them noticed the details of this sentence, Mr. Liang could not misunderstand it, and Jiang Chen could not misunderstand "geng". This also shows that in Wang An's subconscious, Jiang Chen is more authoritative and reliable than Liang Yong.


But it was Xiaoyou who was three or four years younger than the two of them.

Liang Yong continued: "Senior Wu Changshuo likes cursive writing, and Zhang Xu was also called the Saint of Cursive Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty. [I think it was the senior who imitated Zhang Xu's style and wrote this calligraphy."

In addition, I noticed that the content on the copybook was in line with the version of "Collection of Poems of the Tang Dynasty" unearthed in Dunhuang in 1900. I think it was at that time that Wu Changshuo, an old man, was idle at home and heard about a new version that was about to be sold. He wrote it on a whim. This work. "

Jiang Chen didn't know much about this information.

This is something not mentioned in the system details.

But as a professor of archeology, Wang An understood this, and nodded immediately and said: "Yes, in 1900, a Taoist priest from the Qing Dynasty discovered a scripture cave in the Mogao Grottoes, which was recorded in the "Collection of Poems of the Tang Dynasty" The poems in "About to Enter the Wine" are different, more bold and arrogant, in line with Li Bai's character, so the tenth generation caused a shock in archeology and literature.

And 1900 happened to be the year when Wu Changshuo resigned and returned to his hometown to stay at home. ’

It has been decided in the two people's minds.

This copybook.

It was Wu Changshuo himself who wrote and sometimes composed.

Liang Yong carefully rolled up the copybook and sighed: "Senior Wu Changshuo left many works in his life. Unfortunately, there were too few left in the war-torn years. Most of them were given to friends for collection and are now available on the market. On the Internet, the works of senior Wu Changshuo are not common. Once they appear, they will definitely attract the attention of many calligraphy enthusiasts and compete for bids.

For example, another calligraphy and painting signed "Cang Shuo" that I used as a reference was auctioned for 780,000 years ago.

Looking at the painting in Jiang Chen's hands, it is larger and better preserved. In my opinion, if it were placed in our auction house, it might fetch 1.2 million yuan. "

Hear this number.

The minds of the young couple were even more blank.




An imitation copybook!

It actually sold for 1.2 million?!

What is this concept?

The two of them had just started working in the museum, and their monthly salary was only 5,000 yuan, which added up to just over 10,000 yuan, which is 120,000 yuan a year. They worked continuously for ten years without food or water before they could scrape together 1.2 million yuan to buy this copybook!

And this 1.2 million was bought by Jiang Chen for 2,500!

However, water friends have a different attitude.

【Only 1.2 million?】

【This is too low! I thought it was more than 10 million!】

【What is "talent"?】

[1.2 million won’t catch your eye? Okay, okay, if you can pick up 100 yuan on the roadside, don’t laugh out loud!]

[Looking at how much money you have in your pocket, do you look down on 1.2 million?]

Seeing the barrage of water friends, Jiang Chen also smiled helplessly.

Water lovers are used to picking up national treasures worth tens of millions, so now they only miss a copybook worth over one million. They feel a sense of disparity, so they look down on 1.2 million.

But let's be honest.


This is what an ordinary wage earner earns in ten years.

Jiang Chen took the copybook, put it into a cloth bag, and asked Wang An: "Teacher Wang, your museum doesn't need this copybook, right?"

Wang An shook his head, "No need."

After all, the Jiangnan Museum is at the provincial level, and the things it seeks are treasures that can tell the story of history. A copybook by a master from the late Qing Dynasty is not enough to attract the museum's attention.

If it were a calligraphy museum, I would definitely be excited.

Liang Yong on the side suggested: "Jiang Chen, please keep the copybook in our company. I will find a few calligraphy experts to authenticate it, issue a few appraisal certificates, and send it to Shanghai for auction if it passes. Although the realization period is long, you have it now. There is enough cash, and it will be enough for a short period of time to reach one million yuan."

This makes sense.

The money Jiang Chen missed these days has already exceeded hundreds of millions.

Even if the Jiangnan Museum still has tens of millions that it has not settled with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen still has tens of millions that can be used. The bonus for winning the professional challenge is more than enough.

I’m really in no rush to cash out right now.

Jiang Chen responded happily:

"Then I'll trouble you, Teacher Liang."

Liang Yong spoke quickly and said generously: "What's the trouble? If you entrust your things to our company, not only will our company make money, but I will also earn commission from you. Don't think you are troubling me. If you really If you think this is trouble, then please be sure to trouble me more in the future."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Chen put the cloth bag on Liang Yong's table and invited: "Teacher Liang, Teacher Wang, let me treat you all to a meal and enjoy your meal."

Wang An took two students and followed Jiang Chen around to work.

If you don't show your gratitude in a casual way, people won't say anything about you behind your back. Jiang Chen, is he unkind and unrighteous?

Liang Yong waved his hand and said: "I have to go to the court later, and I don't have enough time.

Go to court?

An expert in appraisal.

What to do in court?

After all, Wang An had a lot of experience. He immediately guessed the reason and asked: "Is there a lawsuit involving antiques that I need you to appraise?"

Liang Yong nodded: "About that, I don't know the details yet. Not only me, but also Lao Chen have to go together, and I have to collect Jiang Chen's copybooks before going. I really don't have time, so I won't have dinner with you. . Minister Wang, please go with Jiang Chen."

Wang An smiled naively: "My wife has prepared food at home. Jiang Chen, come to my house to eat."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and headed west.

The tricycle that happens to be collecting scraps is still downstairs of Wang An's house.

After leaving the Sotheby's branch, the four of them got in the car and drove back.

Wang An and Jiang Chen were chatting and laughing.

Only the young couple in the back row no longer had any liveliness. The two of them remained silent throughout the whole process, as silent as if they had never existed.

After having dinner at Wang An's house, Jiang Chen continued to go out to work.

The young couple also left soon after, and when they were passing through the messy alley, they happened to see the man selling copybooks rolling around at the police.

"I don't care! That's mine! That's my copybook! You must help me get it back!"

There were many people watching the excitement around.

The two policemen also had a headache.

"Uncle, don't be like this. Once the transaction is over, the business relationship is confirmed. What's more, they didn't deliberately set up a trap to deceive you. How can we, the police, help you recover it?"

The uncle couldn't listen, and he wailed on the ground: "Why didn't you lie to me? In addition to that young man, there were two young lovers beside him. They talked about 'fake' and 'high imitations' and laughed at me! This was not intentional. My price? I think they did it on purpose! Liars! A bunch of liars who have been beaten by heaven! My 1.2 million! Give me back 1.2 million!!"

Hearing that something is about to happen to him.

The young couple couldn't help but shudder.

The two held hands and hurriedly walked behind the crowd with their heads lowered.

They swear to God.

They really didn’t know Jiang Chen at that time!

It’s not Jiang Chen’s fault!

If they had known that the copybook was so valuable, would they have risked leaking it to Jiang Chen?

I should have bought it myself!



Jiang Chen checked the time.

It's half past six.

He stopped to take a break and drink some water. Thinking that today's commercial had been broadcast, Jiang Chen reminded: "Brothers, it's getting late. It's time to go off the air."

[Brother Chen, are you crazy? It’s only half past six and you’re going to stop broadcasting?]

[In the past, the broadcast was only at eight o'clock. Why, you are slacking off now that you have money? 】

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"The main reason is that today's harvest is not good. After walking around for a whole day, I didn't see many people selling scraps. Look at my carriage. It's so small and not even one of it is full."

[Actually, Brother Chen is already considered a model worker. Why are you still collecting scraps after letting others pick up tens of millions in such a short period of time? You should have given up your pick a long time ago!]

"Hahaha, if it weren't for the 100 million bonus holding me back, I would have shouldered the burden long ago."

Have a few complaints with water friends.

Jiang Chen continued to beat the gong and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Whoever has scraps, sell them! Collect scraps, collect scraps!"

When passing by a luxurious villa community on the roadside.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but take a second look.


If I remember correctly.

This is a well-known wealthy community in Jiangnan City. It is full of small single-family manor villas. One square meter is 200,000 yuan, and the area of ​​480 square meters is hundreds of millions. Therefore, the people who live here are all local successful bosses.

This means.

Jiang Chen picked up the missed earned money.

It’s only enough to buy a villa here.

Thinking of this, it's hard for Jiang Chen not to feel envious.

Passing by the gate of the community, a moving company's car happened to drive out. Seeing Jiang Chen's tricycle, the van suddenly stopped in place.

Immediately afterwards.

A man stepped out of the passenger seat.

He looked Jiang Chen up and down, smiled and took out a cigarette: "You look good, little brother, come on, smoke."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "Thank you, I don't know how to smoke."

"That's it." The man put away the cigarette awkwardly and explained his purpose: "Brother, I'll give you money and you do me a favor, do you think that's okay?"

Jiang Chen became interested and asked: "What's the deal? How much can you give me?"

The man smiled and explained: "You put on our company's work clothes and go to a customer's house in this community to help sort out the garbage. If you can sell it for money, you can find a way to take it away. If you can't sell it for money, you can help move it downstairs and throw it away. Go to the trash can. There is cleaning in the community. I’ll give you five hundred yuan, what do you think? Do you want to do it?”

Jiang Chen understood instantly.

"Did you outsource the work to me?"

"Yes, that's what I mean! You are a waste collector, right? I'll give you five hundred yuan, and you can pick up some waste and sell it for money. You kill two birds with one stone, little brother."

"Hmm... That's fine. If you have money, don't be a bastard."

"Okay, I'll go to the car and get you a piece of work clothes, and I'll give you 500 yuan. Remember, when people ask, just say it's from our moving company."



The man took a blue work clothes and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"The customer's address is here, you can just go in. By the way, tricycles are not allowed in. You can find a way to transport the waste out by yourself."

Jiang Chen felt it was a little tricky, but he still put on his work clothes.

Place the tricycle next to the community gate.

Then he walked into the gate of Xijiangyue Community in the name of a moving company. .

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