Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 73 Xijiangyue, The Court Searched And Confiscated Assets!

"Brothers, like you, I am entering Fuhao Community for the first time. It just so happens that we can learn a lot together." Jiang Chen smiled and looked for the client's home under the guidance of the security guard.

Walking in the neighborhood.

Looking at everything around him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

It is indeed a community for rich people.

The smell of money is everywhere...

In addition to making money during this trip, Jiang Chen also wanted to see if he could pick up any leaks. After all, he had heard some news when he was in school. Some rich kids often throw away valuable things as garbage. Maybe this is the case. Can things happen to you?

In addition, Jiang Chen also came here with an inspection mentality.

If this community is very good, it might not be a bad idea to buy a villa to live in in the future.

Arrive at the customer's doorstep.

Jiang Chen pressed the doorbell.


A woman asked over the intercom: "Who?"

Jiang Chen said: "I'm from a moving company and I'm here to deal with your garbage."

"It came pretty quickly, come in."


The door opens automatically.

Jiang Chen took one step forward.

I saw a poetic and picturesque little yard with gardens, pavilions, children's playground, small bridges and flowing water...

In the middle is a three-story villa.

[I’ll go! Is this where rich people live? 】

[It’s really a city within a city, a garden within a garden! I can’t imagine how confident and cheerful I would be if I lived in a place like this!]

【Learn more from Brother Chen!】

Jiang Chen went straight to the villa.

The woman who opened the door was a woman in her fifties, with an uneasy expression on her face. She glanced at Jiang Chen, her brows relaxed at first, thinking that Jiang Chen was very eye-catching, but then she frowned and said displeasedly: " What’s going on, you’re the only one here to dispose of the garbage? You’ve created so much garbage, can you handle it all by yourself?”

Jiang Chen shrugged, "It's done, don't worry."

The woman asked Jiang Chen to come into the house, but she was still mumbling: "Look what you have done to my house by moving something. It is really rubbish everywhere! You are not willing to clean it up, why, this Isn’t it your obligation? Tell you, if you don’t clean it up for me, I will definitely complain to you!”

Entering the room, Jiang Chen looked around and saw more than a dozen display cabinets in the hall.

The cabinet is clad in clear tempered glass.

There are various collections inside.


Jiang Chen couldn't help but take a few glances.

It’s all good stuff!

It seems that this family is also a collector who likes to collect.

Without even looking at it twice, the male host walked over while making a phone call. He said in a humble tone:

"Your Honor, it's not that I don't want to pay back the money, I really don't have the money to pay back!"

"Give me some time and I will pay you back if you have the money."

"Please be accommodating, Lord Qingtian!"

"Alas! Even if you come to my door, I don't have the money to pay you back!"

"Okay, okay! Got it!"

hang up the phone.

The man looked at the woman depressedly, and said sadly with a hint of happiness: "It's pretty much what I thought. The court is really going to raid our house. Fortunately, I knew that such a day would come.


The woman coughed dryly and reminded, "The people from the moving company are back."

Hearing this, the man noticed Jiang Chen's presence.

He froze for a moment.

And he hides his uneasiness very well.

He smiled and changed the subject:

"Little brother, can you handle it by yourself?"

Jiang Chen looked around and saw that there were a lot of things that could be sold as scrap, so he responded, "I'll try my best."

The woman immediately became unhappy: "I said, what does your company do with so many people? You can't send a few more people here! What kind of service attitude do you have?"

She kept babbling.

Jiang Chen's head was getting big.

What this old lady says is so secret!

No wonder the people at the moving company can't stand it and would rather outsource it than come back to work.


Jiang Chen kept nodding: "I know, I know.

Then he started working.

【This family is in good health, [What should I do when moving?】

[I see that the furniture and everything here are still there. Did they move to a lonely place? 】

[I work in the court, and after listening to what the man said on the phone, I guessed that this family was insolvent for some reason, and the court was going to confiscate their assets. The family had long expected this day, so Before the seizure, move the unregistered items overnight to recover some losses. 】

【What is something that has not been registered?】

[That is much more complicated. Anyway, as long as you are sure that the court cannot find out that you have this thing, you can find a way to move it away to avoid being punished by the court. Of course, if the court has enough evidence to prove that you own this thing and you move it away, if the court cannot find it, it will definitely hold you accountable and convict you of deliberately and maliciously resisting law enforcement.

Guilty plus one. 】

[So, this family is secretly transferring unregistered property. 】

【So it turns out you can still do it like this!】

[I know this man. He is the chairman of Qianyue Group in Jiangnan City, one of the top 100 richest people in the city! I heard that Yuyue Group has borrowed more than one billion in debt and cannot repay it, so it has long been investigated by Lidi. 】

[Shall I go to Yue Group? My brother works in this company!]

Non-stop for over an hour.

Jiang Chen finally finished cleaning up the garbage in the hall.

If you cannot sell scraps, drag them to the trash can outside and wait for the community management to deal with them.

Jiang Chen wanted to put it on a tricycle outside if he could sell scraps.

Checked the time.

It's eight o'clock.

Just work harder and you'll be done soon.

But the landlord came over and said: "Hey, stop it. You can go back tonight and come back tomorrow. We are not used to having strangers in my house so late."

Jiang Chen looked at the scraps packed away in the corner and said, "There are only two packages. Just carry them out and it will be done. It won't waste much time."

The woman glared: "I'm the employer, it's up to me how you do things! Who knows if you have any other motives for delaying work so late on purpose? How can I rest assured if a stranger is left at home at night?"

Jiang Chen opened his mouth and smiled helplessly.

This aunt is so mean.

There is no human touch at all.


Come back tomorrow.

Leave the neighborhood.

Jiang Chen found a hotel nearby to rest for the night.

During the period, I chatted with water friends and learned that Qianyue Group was going to be investigated.

Early the next day.

Jiang Chen rushed to that house, intending to take away the packed waste.

Two bags of scraps only cost 180.

Not much money.

But Jiang Chen worked hard for this little money.

You can't let the duck meat fly away from your mouth at this time.

However, when Jiang Chen returned to the door of the villa, he saw that the road in the community was full of cars, including several black and white police cars with the word "Court" printed on them. There were also many courts around. The staff surrounded the villa.


There were also TV reporters present to broadcast live.

There are also many people watching the excitement, who have surrounded the place early.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

What are you doing?

【So many people!】

[The court’s car? Is the court really coming to raid your home?]

[Pay attention to the terminology, this is called seizure!]

[Why are people from the TV station even here? The Qianyue Group CEO’s pomp is so grand! 】

·[No, such a rich boss, how can he not have any background behind him? Is it really just a matter of confiscation? Shouldn’t it be easier to rely on the relationship? 】

-[Maybe someone has given him a few years to calm down? In addition, maybe the creditor’s background is even more impressive!]

Jiang Chen walked over.

I heard a reporter from the TV station reporting live news.

"It is reported that Qianyue Group's capital chain is broken and it owes Jiangnan Municipal Government, Urban Investment and other companies a total of more than 1 billion in funds. In the past three years, it has only repaid less than 100 million...

"The court has divided its forces and is seizing the assets under the name of Qianyue Group and the personal assets of the chairman of Qianyue Group. [All assets will be sold through multiple channels to repay debts."

"Our reporters will continue to follow up with your reports!"

After standing nearby and listening for a while, Jiang Chen figured it out.

This family owed money to the local municipal government and could not afford to pay it back. After several years of delay, the court could not bear it and decided to seize their property and take away all their belongings and sell them to pay back the money.

But Jiang Chen knew it.

This family had long received the news and had transferred unregistered assets.

Now when the court takes action, it can only take away some registered assets.

Although this family will suffer a heavy hemorrhage and lose more than one billion in assets, they can still live a prosperous life relying on those unregistered assets, even if they only have two to three billion, even if it is 100 million, or 50 million. It's comfortable, much better than ordinary people anyway.

at this time.

Yesterday, the man and woman were confronting the bailiff in front of their home.

They bared their teeth and claws.

He explained himself hoarsely.

Please ask the court for more time.

But the judge who led the team no longer believed in their slow-down strategy and said sternly: "For three years, your group has still been operating normally and has income, but you just rely on the money and refuse to pay it back! You treat the law like this Nothing! It’s too late for you to regret it today. We have obtained the documents issued by the Provincial Supreme Procuratorate, seized all the assets in your name, and auctioned them on the spot! Come on! Break the door!"

The judge ordered.

The bailiffs swarmed up and pushed away the couple who blocked the road.

Then a large number of people rushed into the front yard of the villa and continued to advance throughout the house.

There was some confusion.

Jiang Chen saw this and followed him, wanting to take away two bags of scraps that could be sold for money.

I worked hard for an hour.

Just finished packing these waste products.

If you just throw it away.

I feel so sorry for myself for working so hard last night.

In chaos.

Jiang Chen glanced at him.

I saw two familiar figures.

Sotheby’s appraisal experts:

Chen Wanshan, Liang Yong.

At this time, the two of them were following the bailiff towards the villa, and were still chatting with a few people around them.

[Eh? I seem to have seen Chen Wanshan. 】

[That person looks like Chen Wanshan, and the person next to him looks like Liang Yong. 】

[Don’t look alike, that’s Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong. 】

Jiang Chen also squinted his eyes and stared at the two of them, and after engraved he said with certainty: "It is indeed Teacher Chen and Teacher Liang.

【Why are they here?】

[Yesterday Liang Yong mentioned that he was going to the court. Is it just for this matter? 】

[It's very possible! I remember that Brother Chen entered the villa yesterday. There were many display cabinets in the living room, and there were antiques in the cabinets. Maybe the court also considered this, so Ning Appraisal Expert came to the scene to help with the valuation. 】

Follow the crowd.

Jiang Chen is also watching the audience's discussion.

Nine times out of ten, it is exactly what the water friends guessed.

The court has already investigated the assets in the homeowner's name and knows that this

There were a lot of antiques inside, so I called in an appraisal expert to help check the value so that the court could check the asset price.

Following the crowd, Jiang Chen stopped outside the villa door and looked inside.

I saw.

The bailiffs were rummaging through the villa.

It really looked like a house raid in ancient times, with no corners spared.

The judge stood on a high place and announced to the people blocking the door: ~Everyone, all the items in this room are now available for bidding. Everyone can pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan.

With a security deposit and an agreement signed, you can come in and choose what you want to bid for, and the one with the highest price will win!”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone applauded.

Everyone knows.

Things put up for auction by the court.

The prices are 20 to 30% cheaper than the market price.

It's a good opportunity to pick up the slack.

Jiang Chen was surprised. Is this allowed in terms of procedures? Will it violate the regulations?

But think about it.

This was led by people from the court.

I guess I got special permission.

While Jiang Chen was still thinking, the others had already lined up to pay the deposit, and started wandering around the villa, looking for what they wanted, like visiting a museum.

It’s Jiang Chen’s turn.

Think about it for a moment.

He also put out a deposit of 20,000 yuan, signed an agreement and entered the villa.

If I remember correctly, I saw a dozen valuable antiques in the villa yesterday. If the price is right, Jiang Chen intends to take them and sell them outside.

Bought for 990,000.

Sold for one million.

That's also a profit of ten thousand.

Nowadays, most people’s monthly salary is less than 10,000 yuan.

Of course, Jiang Chen wouldn't want to miss out on the good thing of making 10,000 yuan in one move.

Entering the villa, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to pick out things. He knew that the people who appeared here had received the news in advance and were here for the opportunity to pick things up.

It was too slim, Jiang Chen didn't have much hope, so he went to say hello to an old acquaintance first.

at this time.

Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong are studying a Jihong glaze bile bottle.

The two of them looked at it seriously.

He didn't even notice that Jiang Chen was standing behind him.

"The quality of the fetus is very delicate."

"Well, the red glaze is bright and eye-catching, and the color is consistent throughout. It's very good and rare."

(De Wang Zhao) "I think the shape and color look like those from the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. Let's see if the style is the same."

"Let me take a look...it's really Yongzheng's style.

"You can't be wrong, old guy. Selling it for more than three million won't be a problem."

Jiang Chen glanced at the red porcelain bottles in their hands.

[Item]: Ji red glaze bile bottle.

[Details]: Height 21 cm, red glaze...

[Value]: 4.17 million.


The two opened the display cabinet.

Put the porcelain vase back.

He took out another small card.

I wrote information about the bottle on it and gave an approximate estimate of what I wanted.

Finally place the card on top of the display case.

Do it all.

The two of them turned back and were about to check out the next item.

But he bumped into someone head-on.

The two were startled.

After calming down, take a closer look...

"Huh? Jiang Chen?"

"Why are you here?"

They were a little surprised.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, Teacher Liang, good morning. I forgot to take something here, so I was going to come over to get it. I happened to see such a big battle, and you two also

Now, I was curious and came over to see what happened.

Chen Wanshan smiled kindly and said, "That's what I said."

Liang Yong was curious: "Do you know the team with this family?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said: "I don't know, I just came over yesterday to help them sort out some waste, but it was too late and I didn't take away the waste.

Their eyelids twitched.

Good guy.

The scrap collection business has come to Xijiangyue?

Jiang Chen asked again: "Teacher Liang, you said there was something going on in the court, is this the matter?"

Liang Yong responded: "Yes, the court investigated the financial transactions of the owner of the household and found that the family had conducted many antique transactions. It also found that they had some antiques in their home. The court

Please ask us to come over and help check the value of these antiques to avoid mistakes. "

Chen Wanshan also added: "Professional people do professional things. We have a clear division of labor with the court.".

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