Let You Develop Games, And The Boss Is Actually Aizen

255 Rebuilding Home, Unity And Hope Of Konoha Village

The Fourth Generation quickly turned sideways to avoid it, and the mirror took the opportunity to suddenly explode and rush towards the cliff behind!

"He's going to run away!"

In the barrage, fans shouted.

{Don't let him get away!}

Naruto and Sasuke immediately gave chase.

Jing came to the edge of the cliff, laughed ferociously, and jumped directly into the abyss!

"Oh my God!"

PDD's eyes widened.

Naruto and Sasuke rushed to the edge of the cliff and could only watch the mirror fall into the abyss~ and disappear.

{Did he...escape?}

Naruto murmured.

{It seems so. }

Sasuke frowned.

{We must be vigilant, the mirror is still at large and may come back. -}

Fourth Generation reminded in a deep voice.

"Oh my God, this ending is so heartbreaking!

PDD looked annoyed.

"The great demon king Mirror actually managed to escape!"

“I won’t be able to live peacefully in the future!”

In the barrage, fans also expressed disappointment and concern.

At the same time, the battle on the other side also came to an end.

Madara, Itachi and others have left, leaving only Teru Yoruichi scarred and embarrassed.

{Don’t think it’s over here...

Kaguya managed to get up and said coldly.

After saying that, a space ninjutsu suddenly wrapped her up and disappeared without a trace.

{It seems that the threat from the Ōtsutsuki clan still exists...}

Kakashi frowned.

{Yes, we must always be vigilant. }

Jiraiya is also very serious.

Although everyone in Konoha successfully repelled this invasion, they also understood that this was just the beginning, and they would definitely face greater catastrophes and challenges...

"Ahhhh, it's a perfect ending!"

PDD said with excitement: "Today's battle was so exciting!"

"It's a shame that Kaguya and Kagami escaped."

"Hopefully the heroes can deal with them soon!"

"Yeah, I believe Naruto and Sasuke can do it!"

"We will always support you!"

In the barrage, fans were discussing and cheering for the heroes.

Although this vigorous defense battle is over, the greater test has just begun.

What challenges will Naruto and Sasuke face?

Although Naruto and Sasuke severely injured Kagami and the Ōtsutsuki clan in the decisive battle, they themselves were also seriously injured.

"Huh...it's finally over."

PDD took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his head.

In the barrage, fans also cheered [Victory in the defense battle!]

{The injury is serious. You need to take a good rest for a while. }

Naruto was scarred and had wet bloodline on his face.

{Well, we have to regain our strength quickly to prevent the mirror from coming back. }

Sasuke also looked embarrassed.

"Thank you heroes! Go to the hospital quickly!"

“Take care of yourself is the most important thing!”

In the barrage, fans expressed concern and asked them to seek treatment.

{ Mr. Kakashi, we have to go back to Konoha Village to repair. }

Naruto turned to Kakashi.

{Okay, you both need to have a good rest. }

Kakashi nodded {Konoha Village also needs to be rebuilt, and we all need time to recover. }

"Ah, Konoha Village must be miserable this time."

PDD sighed.

Then, the camera cuts to the devastated Konoha Village.

Many buildings were destroyed and the area was in dire straits.

"Wow, it's really tragic!"

In the barrage, fans sympathized with Konoha Village's experience.

{We have to rebuild our homes as soon as possible. }

Naruto said seriously.

{Well, this is also the responsibility of us ninjas. }

Sasuke nodded in agreement.

"Great, the heroes have entered rebuilding mode!"

"Come on, rebuild your home!"

In the barrage, fans cheered for Naruto and Sasuke.

Reconstruction work officially began.

Naruto and Sasuke took the lead in cleaning up the ruins, and Kakashi and other Jōnin also actively assisted in the reconstruction plan.

The various ninja teams in Konoha worked together to quickly rebuild their homes.

“It’s so heartwarming, everyone is trying their best to help rebuild their homes!”

"The camaraderie of Konoha is so touching!"

In the barrage, fans had tears in their eyes.

{Phew...it's finally finished. }

Naruto wiped his sweat and looked at the rebuilt Konoha Village.

{Yes, through everyone's efforts, hope has been restored in Konoha Village. }

Sasuke also smiled.

“Awesome! Konoha Village was rebuilt successfully!”

"A very touching story of reconstruction, thank you for your hard work, heroes!"

Fans chanted "Long live Konoha"!

At this time, Fifth Generation Tsunade came to Naruto and Sasuke.

{You two are really the hope of Konoha Village. }

Tsunade smiled slightly {The future of Konoha is left to you. }

"Wow! Naruto and Sasuke have been entrusted with important tasks!"

"So excited! They are the future of Konoha!"

0Please give me flowers…………

In the barrage, fans cheered for the two.

Naruto and Sasuke smiled at each other and held each other's hands.

No matter what challenges there are in the future, they will face them side by side and protect Konoha and everyone's home!

In this way, the defense war came to an end [Konoha also ushered in a new beginning... 013602320 Feilu 021433571]

What exciting adventures will the heroes face?

Stay tuned for the breakdown next time!

"Ah! It's finally over!"

PDD said happily: "That's it for today, see you next time!"

"No, I still want to see it!"

"Yes, yes, there will definitely be more exciting plots in the future!

Fans have requested to extend the live broadcast time.

"Sorry everyone, today really has to end."

PDD made a sorry gesture and said: "Please renew your appointment next time, bye~"

After saying that, he cruelly disconnected the live broadcast.

"Oh, I got pinched like this!"

"Ah ah ah how long do I have to wait to see the follow-up!"

In the comments, fans expressed their reluctance and annoyance.

In desperation, Yinjia could only endure the pain and wait for the next live broadcast.

The next day, PDD was preparing to broadcast the latest episode of the Hokage ninja game.

Fans in the barrage are looking forward to what new enemies and difficulties Naruto and the others will encounter in their journey.

Just when PDD operation Naruto was about to open the mysterious stone door, PDD suddenly started coughing and his face turned red.

"Oh, why do I feel so uncomfortable all of a sudden!"

PDD said while coughing and wiping his sweat.

Fans in the comments were all concerned about PDD's situation.

"I seem to have a slight fever today. Maybe I caught a cold due to the long live broadcast last night."

PDD frowned and explained to the fans.

Fans expressed their concern and reluctance, insisting that PDD go back to rest.

"I understand your good intentions. I'm not feeling well either, so I have to stop broadcasting and see a doctor."

PDD said helplessly.

He originally wanted to end the live broadcast directly, but he saw in the barrage that fans were begging to at least finish telling the story before stopping. After all, he was just at the climax of a very exciting plot.

PDD thought for a moment, then suddenly had an idea and said: "I'll contact the producer of the game, Li Mubai, to see if he can continue to broadcast the game for me first, so that you can also know the follow-up of the plot!"

Fans cheered in the barrage to express their strong support for Yi. .

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