Let You Develop Games, And The Boss Is Actually Aizen

256 The Anchor Takes Over, And Li Mubai Continues The Live Broadcast Instead Of Pdd.

So PDD immediately called Li Mubai, briefly explained the situation, and invited him to come to the live broadcast.

Li Mubai on the other end of the phone listened to PDD explain the situation and asked with some surprise: "What, you are sick and can't live broadcast, you want me to continue to live broadcast the game plot for you to the fans?"

PDD hurriedly explained: "Yes, I feel very sick now and have to go to the hospital. But fans want to know the follow-up plot of the game, so I hope you can live broadcast the remaining content for me for the time being. This will also help you promote the game It’s very helpful.”

After hearing this, Li Mubai pondered for a moment and said: "I don't care, but the plot of the game is indeed confidential. As a producer, I will directly reveal the spoilers to the fans. This is not appropriate, right?

PDD quickly said: "The fans have already reached the middle stage of the game and are very much looking forward to the subsequent development. How about you just play a little bit to give them a head start? You can stop it when the key plot is reached, so that you can also hang on to "880" "Satisfying their appetite is beneficial to both of us."

Li Mubai thought for a while and said: "Haha, that's right, okay, I happen to be free today, so I will help you broadcast for a while and interact with the fans.

PDD said happily: "Thank you so much, bro! I will send you the room number immediately. Then you can go directly to my room and continue broadcasting."

Li Mubai said cheerfully: "Got it, I'm going to enter the venue right now!"

In the end, Li Mubai agreed to live broadcast the remaining game plot content for PDD today.

PDD conveyed this news to fans in the live broadcast room:

"Okay, family members, I have sent the room number to Li Mubai, and you will be able to see the follow-up story from him then!"

PDD announced excitedly: "I won't tell you more, I feel too uncomfortable and I have to go to the hospital quickly!"

After saying that, PDD released Li Mubai's live broadcast room number, waved goodbye to the fans, and then exited the room.

In the comments, fans expressed that they would immediately transfer to Li Mubai, and also told PDD to take a good rest and recuperate.

After PDD left, many fans quickly gathered in the live broadcast room.

At this time, after the signal in the live broadcast room flashed, a handsome face appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room.

"Hello, fans! I am Li Mubai, the producer of this game. Since PDD is very unwell, I will continue to broadcast the exciting plot to everyone!"

Li Mubai appeared in front of the camera with a smile on his face and waved to the fans.

Fans were cheering and welcoming in the barrage.

"Wow, it's a real producer!"

"It's great, we finally know the follow-up plot!"

In the barrage, fans cheered.

{Let's continue the story from last time. }

Li Mubai clicked to load the last progress.

After Konoha Village was rebuilt, Naruto and Sasuke were preparing to embark on a new path of training.

{We have to leave for a while to experience. }

Naruto said to Kakashi.

{ Konoha Village is in your hands. }

Sasuke also nodded slightly.

The two were about to set off, but met Jiraiya at the entrance of the village.

{Where are you going?}

Jiraiya asked suspiciously.

{We are ready to practice and enhance our strength. }

Naruto replied.

{No problem, I’ll go with you!}

Jiraiya said cheerfully.

"Wow, Jiraiya wants to train with them!"

“I feel like there will be a lot of exciting plots!”

In the barrage, fans started discussing in anticipation.

The three of them embarked on a journey of experience.

They came to many ancient and mysterious ruins and saw many unknown powers in this world.

In an underground maze with an ancient seal, they accidentally discovered a mysterious stone tablet.

{What's this?}

Naruto looked at the densely packed ancient inscriptions on the stone tablet in surprise.

{Looks like some kind of forbidden knowledge. }

Jiraiya frowned.

{We have to be careful. }

Sasuke reminded.

Just as the three of them were studying the stone tablet with great interest, the underground maze suddenly began to vibrate!

"Wow, the ground suddenly shook. What big thing is going to happen?"

"Could it be that what is recorded on the stone tablet is actually some kind of Forbidden Technique?"

In the barrage, fans were discussing nervously.

{Run away!}

Jiraiya shouted.

The three people quickly fled.

The ground cracked, rocks collapsed, and the three people were shuttled through danger.

Just when they were about to escape, a huge hole suddenly appeared and sucked the three of them in!

"Oh my God, I was sucked into the hole!"

"Will it be teleported somewhere?"

In the barrage, fans looked like they couldn't believe it.

The three of them rolled in the turbulence of space, and then fell heavily into a strange and bizarre world.

{This is where?}

Naruto looked around warily.

{It seems that we have broken into some kind of alien space..0}

Jiraiya said seriously.

The alien space is full of strange colors and mountains, with strange symbols floating everywhere.

{Be careful, this place is full of unknown dangers. }

Sasuke reminded.

The three of them traveled cautiously and explored this unknown world.

A huge crack suddenly appeared in front of me, and countless hands stretched out from the void to grab the three people!

"Ahhhh I'm going to be caught!"

"Find a way to escape quickly!"

In the barrage, fans were nervous and nervous.

{Summoning Technique, Sarutobi Hiruzen!}

Jiraiya quickly formed a seal to summon the soul of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Hiruzen unfolded the Summoning giant blade and chopped those hands into pieces.

The three finally escaped.

{Too dangerous. }

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

{Looks like we need to be more cautious. }

Sasuke nodded.

The three continued to explore and found that this alien space was full of various weird species.

They seemed to be hostile to the three of them and attacked them frequently.

"Oh my God, this different space is so dangerous!"

"But it is also full of unknowns, and there must be hidden secrets!"

In the barrage, fans were anxious and full of expectations.

The three of them fought for a long time and gradually became tired.

{It seems that if you want to break through, you must open the first door}

Jiraiya said.

He began to form seals quickly, and a huge ape warrior appeared out of thin air!

{Summoning·Monkey King!}

Jiraiya shouted.

The monkey warrior, the Ape King, unfolded his golden cudgel and blasted those species away.

The road finally opened.

"Fuck! Jiraiya summoned the Summoning Monkey King!"

"It's so cool, this summoned beast is so powerful!"

In the barrage, fans watched with excitement!

{Let’s catch up!}

Naruto shouted.

The three of them rushed forward with the Ape King.

A huge stone door appeared in front of him, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

{There must be a big secret hidden behind this. }

Sasuke looked at Shimen and said.

{It is indeed full of unknowns. }

Jiraiya is also very serious.

Just when they were about to open the stone door, a cold voice suddenly came.

{Want to open the stone door? Dreaming!}

A man dressed in black appeared in front of the three of them!

"What! Who is this man!"

"Could he be the guardian of this different space?"

In the barrage, fans exclaimed again and again!

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