Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 144 Saber-toothed tiger! Ancient elephant! Ancient human beings waiting to die!

Lu Yuan squatted down and started to create, and quickly dug it out.

"It's a stone again."

"Quick, change places. 99

"Old Lu and Shishi have an indissoluble bond.

Lu Yuan picked up the stone and said with a heavy weight, "This is also a fossil."

"Forgive my clumsiness, isn't this just a stone?"

"Old Lu, don't bring such deceitful people.

Lu Yuan hehe said: "It is indeed a fossil, to be precise, a stone tool used by ancient humans.

"Ancient humans? I go, there have been people living in this place?

"Lao Lu, are you digging for ancestors?"

"Really dig ancestral graves!

Lu Yuan said: "This is a quartz stone, and the ancient human beings explored and found the most suitable stone to be used as a weapon in their survival. Judging from the shape of the stone tool, it is a stone tool made by forging, which is a symbol of the Paleolithic Age.

"It is basically certain that this was used by the ancient humans of the Paleolithic.

"I'm just not sure if this piece is a fossil from the same era.

"All together, it must be a period of time. Years

"The giant panda was probably killed by them.

"Maybe it was killed by this stone in your hand. 35

"The ancestors are awesome, kowtow to the ancestors!"

Lu Yuan said: "Don't be busy kowtowing. Most of the Paleolithic people were Homo erectus, and our ancestors were Homo sapiens."

"However, there were also Homo sapiens in the Paleolithic Age. They also used stone tools to make them at the beginning. There is too little information to judge. Let's dig and find out."

He put the stone tool back and digged towards the next treasure point.

There are many treasures in this piece, and it seems that they are all prehistoric fossils.

As for whether it was the same period or not, it's hard to say.

It does not mean that the fossils were unearthed in one place, or the same period.

The same land may have lived several generations of Homo erectus or Homo sapiens.

Their traces of life will overlap.

The reason for the overlap is simple. Ancient humans also had the instinct to seek good luck and avoid evil.

At that time, where was suitable for survival, where did they go.

For so many years of crustal movement, it is very normal for fossils from different periods in the same area to appear in the same soil layer.

This has been found in many places before, but not many.

However, the fossils discovered so far all belong to the Middle Pleistocene, and Lu Yuan prefers that they are of the same era.

While digging, he kept thinking about the natural disasters that might have happened here hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Heavy rain broke out in the nearby mountains and merged into the Jingwei River Basin, passing through the valley, causing no grass to grow along the way, burying everything.

It used to be the residence of ancient humans. They were born and grew up here. Under the guidance of their parents, they learned to make stone tools, learned to hunt, and lived in peace and stability.

One day, the sky and the earth changed color, and a flash flood swept over this livable place, submerging them and disappearing into history.

A group of 230 may be Homo erectus, or it may be an early Homo sapiens, extinct.

If not for that accident, time may have made them evolve towards a higher-level species.

But no if.

The ancient human beings who have just been born with intelligence are unable to cope with the natural disasters in terms of quantity and IQ.

They are not the protagonists of the earth, nor the darlings of the earth.

They are just the passers-by who came into being on this planet, are destined to leave a trace, but are also destined to become extinct.


A fossilized bone was imprinted in the eye.

He excavated along the extending direction of the skeleton, and finally unearthed a mutilated skeleton.

Only the tail and one leg are left of the skeleton, and it is impossible to determine what kind of ancient creature it is.

A complete skeleton like that giant panda is very rare and rare, and it is extremely lucky to find one.

At twelve o'clock, Lu Yuan had unearthed dozens of fossils.

Except for giant pandas, no more complete fossils have been dug up.

But the paleontology it discovered, especially the traces of the existence of ancient humans, caused quite a stir in the academic circles.

Gu Deyong endured not to call, he was waiting for Lu Yuan's notification.

Lu Yuan was digging up and had already forgotten about it.

Mainly, this place is not an ancient tomb. Although it also belongs to the category of archaeology, it is basically not difficult to excavate.

And the burial is not deep, he estimates that he will work overtime and will be able to dig out almost all of them at night.

At this time, the Chinese Academy of Sciences also received a call.

Dr. Jiang from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was very interested after receiving the call, and is watching the live broadcast at the moment.

Seeing such a complete giant panda skeleton, the light of both eyes can be seen through glasses.

"This is the Panda Panda, all the characteristics match, you can't go wrong!"

"This Mr. Lu is really professional."

Dr. Jiang grabbed the phone and called Qin Fuyin: "Director Qin, do you have this Mr. Lu's phone number?

"You want to go?"

"Yes, I'm going to see the scene. He found the Papian panda and stone tools. I think there may be traces of Homo erectus there. 99

"Let me give you a call and ask. 35

Qin Fuyin called Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was digging up the soil around the newly excavated fossil, and took out his mobile phone with one hand: "Hello, Curator Qin."

"Little Lu, Dr. Jiang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences wants to visit you. He studies paleontology and is quite professional. Maybe he can help you."

"OK, no problem.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan thought for a while, then called Gu Deyong: "Mr. Gu, do you want to do archaeology on paleontological fossils?

"I want what I want!"

"Then come here, by the way, there is a doctor (bjbc) surnamed Jiang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is also here. 99

"Jiang He?

"I don't know, I forgot to ask my name."

"It should be him." Gu Deyong said: "He may go, he is more professional in this regard, and we will help out."

If Gu Deyong can say what to do, this Dr. Jiang is probably not an ordinary professional.

After hanging up, Lu Yuan continued to dig.

Another stone tool.

The excavation lasted until evening, during which time several pieces of stone tools were dug, including choppers, scrapers and stone balls.

The processing methods are all simple hammering methods, and the stone flakes are used directly without the second step of processing, which is quite typical of Paleolithic signs.

It is basically certain that this place is where the ancient humans lived.

Lu Yuan sat on the ground, watching the nearly 100 golden lights remaining, eating slowly.

"Boom boom~"

The sound of the propeller sounded.

Lu Yuan's eyes were sharp, and he saw Gu Deyong in the cabin at a glance.

The plane hovered, and Gu Deyong was quite skilled in his movements down the rope.

The archaeology of Zhao Gao's tomb has come to an end. In the past few days, Gu Deyong has been doing archaeological work at the Qinling cemetery.

He originally planned to come earlier, but when he learned that Jiang He was also coming, he waited until now.

24 people got off the plane in turn.

Except for a fat man in his 30s who wore glasses, everyone else belonged to the Gu Deyong archaeological team.

Recently, the archaeological teams in other cities are trying to change their minds. Following Gu Deyong, there are opportunities for archaeology every day.

It is not the tomb of the monarch, or the tomb of the emperor, and there are still the remains of ancient human beings.

They were also the first to come for archaeology.

It's a good deal, nothing to say.

"Little Lu."

Gu Deyong came over and introduced with a smile: "This is Dr. Jiang Hejiang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 99

"Hello, Dr. Jiang.

Lu Yuan was a little surprised at his youth.

This is the real scholar.

The Institute of Paleoanthropology, at first glance, is specialized in this.

It's just that the research direction is too small, and there are not many specimens for research.

Jiang He shook hands with him, and then glanced at the more than 100 fossil pits that had been excavated at dusk: "Mr. Lu, can I take a look?


Lu Yuan said: "I just want to continue digging, you guys take your time."

Gu Deyong said, "Xiao Lu, do you want me to help?"

Lu Yuan said: "Everyone is here, let's dig directly. Just dig along the fossils that have been excavated. There should be many fossils here. 35

it is good. "


Gu Deyong greeted the personnel to start the excavation work.

Lu Yuan also continued to dig.

Jiang He came to the Pap Panda fossil, took pictures and kept it, and then carefully observed it.

With the help of the archaeological team, the excavation work is carried out faster.


Lu Yuan saw bones next to the soil layer and dug up the layer. He found that the fossilized bones underneath were quite large.

He dug down the fossil all the way, and the more he dug, the more frightened he became.

Jiang He came here at this time, wanting to see Lu Yuan's progress, and happened to see this fossil.


He was silent, just watching without disturbing him.

Half an hour later, Lu Yuan had dug more than two meters long, but the soil layer was not deep, or it would take several hours to dig.

"Ivory!" Lu Yuan affirmed.

Jiang He nodded: "Well, it's ivory, it seems there is.

"I'll keep digging."

This fossil has a very intuitive biological image, so huge and curved, with a pointed end, rounded and more stout.

This is very iconic ivory.

"I'll go, this ivory is two meters long, right?

"It's big, is it a mammoth?"

"Was the mammoth bigger than this?"

"That's the immature mammoth. 35

With the continuous excavation of Lu Yuan, other parts of the fossil were gradually revealed.

At nearly eight o'clock in the evening, the entire fossil was dug up.

The overall length of the fossil is nearly six meters, lying horizontally, and the height is about two meters eight.

Even if there is only one skeleton left, it can be judged by the huge figure and the two complete and huge tusks that this is an elephant!

Just ivory is 2.5 meters long.

The body size of this elephant is very close to that of modern elephants.

Jiang He could feel his heart beating faster, excited, too excited.

What a complete paleontological skeleton this is!

So complete, rare in the world!

Lu Yuan said: "It should be an ancient rhomboid.

"Yes, it should be!" Jiang He nodded in agreement: "This size, there are Paleolithic stone tools, and the Papian panda, only the ancient diamond tooth is more suitable.

"Dr. Jiang, take your time, I will continue to dig.

He walked not far to dig.

After half an hour.


When he saw a sharp fossil, Lu Yuan's heart burst.

I'm going, it's an ancient rhododon again?

Are these all hunted by ancient humans?

Being able to hunt down one head is already extremely amazing, if it were two heads, it would be unimaginable.

Digging and digging, he found himself thinking too much.

This is indeed a fossil tooth, but not ivory.

Of course, not too small.

The teeth are shaped like daggers and are about 12 cm long. Although they have not been dug out yet, Lu Yuan has already judged from the teeth and the fragmented skull that this is a saber-toothed tiger!

A saber-toothed tiger active in the Middle Pleistocene.

This saber-toothed tiger fossil is quite well preserved. He dug out the last bones and turned his head: "Dr. Jiang, come and have a look."5


Jiang He was overjoyed, he must have found something good again.

When he came over and saw another nearly complete skeleton, Jiang He was so excited that he almost fainted.

"Saber-toothed tiger fossil! 35

"Well." Lu Yuan said: "The shoulder height is about 1.1 meters, and the body length is three meters. It should be a short saber-toothed tiger.

"I'm going, the famous saber-toothed tiger!

"Thanks to Lao Lu for letting me see the saber-toothed tiger fossils for free.

"Is this an animal from the time of the dinosaurs?"

"Digging and digging, maybe there are dinosaur fossils nearby!"

Lu Yuan said: "The two are not from the same era. When the dinosaurs were not extinct, there was no saber-toothed tiger. The saber-toothed tiger would have to go extinct when it was released. 99

"Saber-toothed tigers survived for more than 13 million years and did not become extinct until 11,000 years ago."

"Ancient humans and saber-toothed tigers coexisted for more than 1.5 million years. This guy was also one of the biggest threats to ancient humans at that time. Ancient humans and saber-toothed tigers hunted each other.""

"Hunting saber-toothed tigers, mom, it's so exciting to think about it!"

"Ancient human cattle batch is worthy of my ancestors!"

"There are still tribes in Africa that hunt lions. 95

At this time, Gu Deyong and the others also found a lot of fossils.

There are individual bones, there are hammered stone tools.

One of the young men unearthed a complete paleontological fossil.

Lu Yuan and Jiang He walked over, and the young man they dug up blushed with excitement.

Jiang He observed it for a while and said, "It should be a spotted deer, a creature from the late Middle Pleistocene."

Lu Yuan pondered for a while leaning on his hoe, and said, "The time range can be further reduced, about 150,000 years ago. From the point of view of the fossil division and completeness, the creatures in this place, including those stone tools, I think they are all from the same period. of."

He stepped on the soil under his feet: "It is very likely that floods broke out here before, and then it became a river channel in the Jingwei River Basin, and then the river channel dried up and turned into the surface."

"There are ancient rhododons, short saber-toothed tigers, as well as the spotted deer and some other creatures. And there are several complete fossils, indicating that the ancient people here have fully mastered hunting skills. Based on these, I tend to think that , The ancient humans living here were not Homo erectus, but early Homo sapiens.

Jiang He nodded: "I think so too.

The brain capacity of Homo erectus is not as good as that of Homo sapiens, and according to the current archaeological information, Homo erectus is very lazy, does not want to make progress, does not know how to make progress, and is more comfortable with the status quo, commonly known as lying flat.

In those prehistoric times, being content with the status quo meant that life and death were only in the line of sight, and that extinction was a matter of time.

In addition to scattered skeleton fossils, there are also several complete biological fossils.

With so many prey, Lu Yuan had a hard time believing that this was hunted by Homo erectus, more like what Homo sapiens could do.

"If you dig further, since there are so many paleontological fossils and stone tools, there should also be some ancient human skeleton fossils left. 99

Lu Yuan walked over and continued to dig.

Although Jiang He didn't want to pour cold water, he still said: "Don't put too much hope. I estimate that it is unlikely that there will be fossils of ancient humans here. It is very rare to have some stone tools left behind."

The young man who was digging not far away asked curiously, "Why? 99

Lu Yuan said: "Dr. Jiang's point is that the formation of fossils is very difficult, and the right time and place are indispensable.

"If you find a fossil, it means that there may be more than tens of thousands of creatures killed by natural disasters here, even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. But so many creatures died, but only a few pieces were left. fossil."

"The formation of fossils not only requires conditions, but also requires a large number of bases. The larger the base, the greater the possibility of fossils. 35

"In addition to making stone tools, the most found fossils of ancient creatures are fossils of ancient creatures, so we will guess that these ancient creatures were hunted by ancient humans. Because they are already dead, even if they encounter disasters, they can't run away. But ancient humans are alive. , in case of disaster, they will run. 35

The young man suddenly understood what the two meant.

Therefore, Jiang He did not hold out hope of unearthing ancient human fossils here.

Lu Yuan didn't hold out hope either, but he had to dig it out and take a look.


Lu Yuan bowed his head, the headlight shone down, and a skull very similar to a modern human was imprinted in his eyes.

"Dr. Jiang. 35

"Huh?" Jiang He looked down, his pupils shrank slightly: "Skull! 35

Lu Yuan digs the soil along the edge, it doesn't matter if he doesn't dig, this digging, even Lu Yuan's eyelids are jumping wildly.

What did he see!

Another skull!

He continued to scratch, the third piece, the fourth piece...

This piece is an ancient human skull!

There were so many that Lu Yuan was a little confused by Jiang He.

how come?

Why don't they run?

Even if it is a flood, even if it runs a few hundred meters, it is impossible to appear here, let alone in such a dense situation.

This discovery broke their basic cognition, as well as the result of clue analysis.

This unscientific!.

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