Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 145 Redefine our ancestors! The ancestors are awesome! [Chapter 3] Ask for custom, ask for m

"How come there are so many?" Jiang He asked blankly.

Lu Yuan shook his head and didn't say a word, just focused on scratching.

After half an hour, he swept the piece out.

7 skulls!

Two of them are very intact, and the remaining five are damaged to varying degrees.

But it can be seen very intuitively that this is the skull of an ancient human.

Lu Yuan took out his flashlight, pointed it at the skull, and looked at it again and again.

Jiang He was also watching, and neither of them spoke.

After looking at it for a long time, Jiang He said: "The nasal bone is generally large, and the palatine bone is wide and prominent~.

Lu Yuan said: "It should be an erect-person."

Jiang He said: "The easiest way to determine whether it is Homo erectus or Homo sapiens is to send it to test the brain volume. 35

Lu Yuan hummed, picked up a skull, and observed it carefully.

There is already a set of formulas for the measurement of brain volume, without testing, as long as the accuracy is sufficient, a rough range can be inferred.

Lu Yuan stared at it for a while, then used his fingers to measure the skull's cranial length, cranial width, and upper ear cranial constants, and quickly came up with a number in his mind.

Brain volume of about 900mL.

is Homo erectus.

There may be errors in the measurement results, but not particularly large.

The gap between the brain capacity of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens is very obvious. The upper limit of the brain capacity of Homo erectus is the lower line of the brain capacity of Homo sapiens, which is such a gap.

Moreover, the features that Jiang He just mentioned are also features that can clearly distinguish the two.

The anatomical differences between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens are limited to the skull and teeth, but not much in terms of limb bones.

Of course, a small difference does not mean that there is no difference.

If there is a complete ancient human skeleton here, Lu Yuan can basically determine whether this is the site of Homo sapiens or the site of Homo erectus.

These fossils can only be preliminarily speculated, whether they are specific or not, they still have to be sent for testing.

"Why didn't they run?" Jiang He muttered to himself.

Lu Yuan also wanted to know: "Yeah, why not run?"

"Did the disaster come quickly?

"At that time, there were very few disasters that could directly affect the entire earth, even if it was a flash flood or a mudslide, they had every chance to escape.

"What I can't figure out is how these Homo erectus could be so smart," Lu Yuan said.

Jiang He looked at him: "Smart?"

"Don't you think so?

Lu Yuan pointed to the fossils of ancient rhododon and short saber-toothed tiger in the distance: "This large ancient creature, with the characteristics of Homo erectus, hunted one or two, but there are more than one prey found here. 35

Jiang He had a different opinion: "Homo erectus is a natural hunter, and it is not surprising that they are the best hunters in nature.

"It's still too much." Lu Yuan said: "It's quite inefficient to make stone tools alone. They won't continue hunting if they have enough food to eat. That rhododon is enough for a group of Homo erectus. Eat for days."

Jiang He said: "These are all speculations. No one knows what happened at the time, whether it was a flood or another accident. If it was a flood, it means that this is not the real place where they lived, or that these ancient creatures just happened to be involved in the flood. , rushed here together."

Lu Yuan said: "There is a possibility, I will dig and see if I can dig up something valuable. 39

There was one more doubt he didn't say.

That is, why do these ancient humans only have their heads left?

This is not really a doubt, and he himself has an explanation.

Most of the fossils of ancient humans discovered so far are mostly heads, but there are not many fossils other than heads.

As for complete fossils of ancient human bodies, there are few.

Most are heads, or other body parts.

On the contrary, a pile of broken bones was discovered in Africa. After piecing together, a fairly complete skeleton was obtained, that is, the girl Lucy who surprised the world at that time.

The reason why there are so few ancient human body fossils is also related to the high IQ of ancient humans.

Pursuing good luck and avoiding evil, the environment after their death is almost impossible to become a fossil.

Unless it is a large-scale natural disaster, there is a slight possibility that it will leave a little trace.

Lu Yuan is still digging.

And the seven skull fossils he dug up are spreading rapidly in the academic world.

Not only the domestic academia, but also experts and scholars from paleontological institutes in Europe and the United States were awakened by phone calls from their sleep.

These seven skull fossils, once the age is confirmed, will play a very important role in the division and research of ancient human beings in the current Stone Age.

At present, there are not many ancient humans discovered in the Qinling Mountains. The most famous one is the Lantian man. The site of Homo erectus was discovered in Lantian. At the same time, ancient humans from another period were also discovered in that area.

In Dali County, which is only more than 100 kilometers away from Lantian County, an early Homo sapiens was also found, which was named Dali Man.

The unearthed Dali man skull fossils also filled the blank period of transition from Lantian to Dingcun.

The ancient human sites found here, Lu Yuan roughly judged from the available information, were 150,000 years ago.

Perhaps later than the Dali people, close to the Dingcun people.

"Mr. Gu, I dug it up!" a young man shouted loudly.

Gu Deyong hummed and walked over in a hurry.

After a few seconds, Gu Deyong shouted loudly: "Little Lu, come and have a look.

Lu Yuan stopped digging and ran up with Jiang He.

Gu Deyong pointed to the contents of the pit, which contained two stone tools.

On the left is a two-handed, elongated stone tool with uneven edges.

On the right is a rectangular, twenty-centimeter-long single-edged stone tool.

Jiang He was a little dumbfounded: "Grinding stone tools?"

"It's a stone tool." Lu Yuan clicked his tongue a few times and was speechless.

Grinding stone tools is one of the important symbols to distinguish Homo erectus from Homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens can use hammered stone tools, but also use polished stone tools, both are used, but there are many problems.

But Homo erectus, no grinding stone tools have been found so far, all of them are hammered stone tools.

In the vernacular, Homo erectus has a bad brain and is relatively stubborn. Anyway, it can be used to make stone tools and can hunt.

In addition, Homo erectus has more developed thigh bones than Homo sapiens and is more suitable for hunting, and their dependence on physical fitness is higher than that of tools.

The tools were just icing on the cake for them, so they didn't continue their studies in this field.

Homo sapiens hunted with stone tools, perhaps by chance one day, they found that sharper stone tools were more deadly to animals.

So began to try to transform the stone tools in different ways, and then the polished stone tools appeared.

Simply put, Homo sapiens prefer to use their brains than Homo erectus, commonly known as IQ crushing.

"What the hell, where did you get the polished stone tools in this place?"

Lu Yuan muttered to himself.

When he first discovered the number of paleontological fossils and stone tools, Lu Yuan took it for granted that this place must be the residence of Homo sapiens.

Then, seven heads were excavated, which were determined to be Homo erectus by simple measurement.

But now, there are polished stone tools, although there are only two pieces, but from the point of view of the grinding of single-edged stone tools, the technology is not rough at that time, and it is obvious that it has been mastered for a long time.

"Those seven heads should belong to Homo sapiens," Jiang He said.

Lu Yuan didn't speak.

Although his measurement is rough, it is very scientific, and even if there is an error, it will not be so big.

What's more, the skull, palatine and nasal bones are also very obvious features of Homo erectus.

That's what Jiang He said, the point is, if those skulls were not from Homo erectus, these polished stone tools would be inexplicable.

Jiang He said: "One of the two must be wrong. 95

After speaking, he continued to be silent, biting his nails and thinking.

"What if it's all right? I mean if, if those skulls were from Homo erectus, the polished stone tools here are from Homo sapiens," Lu Yuan said.

Jiang He shook his head, not knowing how to respond.

Gu Deyong was in a fog, unable to keep up with the rhythm of the two.

He is not particularly professional in paleontology, and can only do some auxiliary work.

The young man on the side listened to the conversation between the two and said: "Is there such a possibility that these stone polishing tools were made by the group of Homo erectus?

The two still didn't speak, maybe they didn't think about it.

All I can say is, it's possible.

"There is also a possibility." Lu Yuan picked up the hoe and said, "Everyone continues to dig.

He went back again.

There are not many treasure spots here, and with the joint excavation of so many people, the efficiency is very high.

"What did Lao Lu say, I don't understand at all.

"I probably understand. Dr. Lu and Jiang initially identified the seven skull fossils as Homo erectus. The stone tools discovered before were also made of stone tools, all of which are characteristic of Homo erectus. But the stone tools just discovered are polished stone tools, which are unique to Homo sapiens. of."

"So what? Is there a problem?"

"The big question is, how can the things of Homo sapiens and Homo erectus be in the same place?"

"Didn't Lao Lu say that it is normal for fossils of different periods to be unearthed in one place?

"Did you not watch the live broadcast in the middle? Lao Lu speculated that there was a flood here, and then it became a river, and the river dried up before it exposed the surface. If so, these fossils are all from the same period.

"The paleontological fossils discovered before can also prove to be the same period. 39

Lu Yuan screeched hard, dug hard, and soon found it.

Another skull fossil, Lu Yuan looked at it and measured, um, it was still Homo erectus.

After half an hour.

Lu Yuan dug up a few more stone tools, he dug up the soil on the side, Jiang He had already squatted down, and when he dug up, he recognized it at a glance, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Flint!

The two looked at each other, Jiang He gnawed on his nails: "Why is there still flint, why is this place so weird?

Lu Yuan also looked helpless: "It's weird.

When flint was found, it can basically be concluded that this is the site of Homo sapiens.

Both Homo erectus and Homo sapiens have archaeological discoveries of making fire, the difference is that Homo erectus relies on natural fire.

They use fire, but they don't make fire, and they don't preserve it.

We can only wait for the day when God strikes the thunder, chop it down, and go up to get the fire.

Homo sapiens are different. Day after day, year after year, they hunt and kill wild animals, and the stones thrown out cannot always hit the prey 100%.

Perhaps one day, the stone tools they threw collided with the rocks, producing sparks.

Homo sapiens, who like to use their brains, was puzzled and picked up a stone and collided with another stone in his hand, but no sparks were emitted.

So he smashed into the rock again, and sparks appeared again.

Oh, it turns out that not all stones can spark.

They have been good at grinding stone tools, and they know that not every kind of stone is suitable for hunting.

...for flowers...

In the same way, they also found that only this kind of stone can spark sparks, so they found flint.

Smart Homo sapiens have mastered more and more survivability and no longer have the original fear of fire.

Stupid and vulgar Homo erectus had the same chance of spotting fire, but their brains limited their imagination, and they preferred savagery and violence.

Lu Yuan continued to dig.

Other places have also heard the sound of finding fossils.

More and more polished stone tools have been discovered, as have hammered stone tools, along with some paleontological fossils.

At present, more than 200 fossils have been discovered in this piece, which is a considerable number.

At that time, only more than 200 pieces were discovered at the Lantian people site.

The fossils here are almost the same as those of the Lantian Man Site, but the quality and integrity of the fossils far exceed those of the Lantian Man Site.


Another skull fossil.

But soon, Lu Yuan found that things were not so simple.

As he continued to dig, under the skull, there were fossils!

"Hold the grass!" Jiang He couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw it.

Lu Yuan glanced at him, Dr. Tangtang, can't there be a word of cultural surprise?

Just say "my grass".

Half an hour later, an ancient human skeleton with a completeness of about 70% was dug up.

He was in a crouched position, missing a leg, about 1.6 meters long, and missing two-thirds of his vertebrae.

It can only be seen roughly as a person.

This has been hard to come by.

Such complete ancient human fossils are rare in the world.

Lu Yuan swept from head to toe, then stared at the skull, then at the thigh.

Homo erectus has very developed thighs and is good at running and hunting, which is incomparable to Homo sapiens.


After ten minutes of observation, Lu Yuan was 100% sure that this was Homo erectus, not Homo sapiens!

Jiang He's voice was dry: "This looks like Homo erectus.

"Be confident and get rid of the appearance."

"But what about those polished stone tools?

"Why explain?"

Lu Yuan said: "I'm only responsible for discovering, not for solving puzzles."

Although I am also curious.

Archaeologists and paleoanthropologists from all over the country, looking at this complete ancient human fossil, are so excited that their mouths are fragrant, and they keep greeting herbs.

"Let's change our minds." Lu Yuan bypassed the fossil, came to one of the few treasure spots, and said while digging, "Is it possible that Homo sapiens and Homo erectus coexisted peacefully for some time?"


"Don't worry." Lu Yuan said, "I'm just proposing a possibility. For academic purposes, you have to make bold assumptions and verify carefully. 35

"Hasn't someone in the academic world analyzed it and thought that there was interbreeding between ancient humans?

Lu Yuan said: "The ancient human beings are different from our modern ones in this respect. If the family needs more in that respect, and there are fewer females in the group, you happen to bump into a group of Homo erectus, a good guy, the appearance is not much different, it will be soon It's not impossible."5

66...99 Jiang He was speechless. Although it was ridiculous, there were not a few people in the industry who held this view.

Experts in Pretty Nation even compared the genomes of Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern Africans, and it turns out that they interbred in ancient times.

This result shocked the jaws of many people at the time, but as Lu Yuan said, it was not impossible in an era full of barbarism.

In modern times, there are still three brothers fighting lizards. They are all ancient humans, so why can't they love each other?

It's reasonable, it's too reasonable.

"It's here too." Lu Yuan dug up again.

Looking down, it was a fossil the size of a fingernail.

The two squatted down, the light shone on, and Jiang He picked it up: "Fossil tooth.

"You observe slowly, I continue to dig. 35

Lu Yuan continued to dig along the edge, and soon there were more than a dozen fossils the size of a fingernail.

All are fossil teeth.

Lu Yuan squatted down, picked it up and put it in the palm of his hand, Jiang He suddenly said, "Hold the grass, I know!"

"what do you know?"

"Show me." Jiang He didn't explain, he stretched his head out and stared at the fossil tooth in his hand, then his body trembled a little because of excitement: "As expected!

Godly babble.

Lu Yuan took a closer look again, and immediately looked startled.

There are holes in the teeth!

on every tooth.

Looking at Lu Yuan's dull expression, Jiang He said, "You know that too?"

"Yeah." Lu Yuan nodded in amazement, and after a long time, four words popped out: "The ancestors are awesome!

The holes in the teeth made all the doubts in the hearts of the two people explained.

"Hold the grass, it's killing me!

"Tell me, where is the grandfather?"

"What did you find?"

Lu Yuan said: "Those skull fossils are indeed from Homo erectus, the stone tools were polished by Homo sapiens, and those ancient creatures were also hunted by Homo sapiens. No, this is temporarily doubtful. As for why Homo sapiens and Homo erectus coexisted The trace, quite simply, that Homo erectus was captured and killed by Homo sapiens."

He raised his hand and showed the teeth in his palm: "These teeth are most likely the spoils of Homo sapiens.

[Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass] Ding.

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