Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 146 Time, place, luck! So I found a dinosaur! [Part 1] Ask for custom, ask for monthly pass,

Homo erectus was killed by Homo sapiens.

Lu Yuan's speculation, or guesswork, shocked many people.

After clarifying the relationship between the two, Lu Yuan's guess became particularly bold.

Many experts and scholars did not refute immediately, but stared at the teeth in his hand.

It's a pity that across the screen and it's night, even with the lights on, it's hard for them to see the holes on such a large fossil tooth.

Lu Yuan leaned closer and said, "Each fossil tooth has holes in it, and these teeth may have been strung together."

"Boots, Lao Lu, you really dare to say that.""

"It's a guess, and you don't have any strong evidence."

"The hole might be a cavity."

Lu Yuan said: “I am not making a blind analysis, nor am I making random guesses. Experts and scholars have discovered this situation before.35

"Neanderthal jawbones with knife marks have been found in parts of France, and at the same time fossils of Stone Age humans slaughtering deer and other animals have been found, and those fossils have slashing marks similar to those on the jawbones. Not only that, they also found necklaces made of teeth in the ruins.

"At that time, some people speculated that prehistoric ancient humans once hunted each other as prey and ate each other.

"Of course, these are hypotheses, but based on the available information, such conclusions can be deduced.

"And I can't think of a better explanation."

He put the tooth fossils in the soil one by one and said: "There are a lot of polished and hammered stone tools here. I guess this place was once the residence of Homo sapiens. They hunted ancient creatures and hunted Homo erectus."

"Although there is a gap in physical quality with Homo erectus, they know how to use their brains. The biggest difference between Homo sapiens and other ancient creatures is that they can use their brains and have imagination. Wisdom is the biggest watershed between Homo sapiens and other species, and Homo sapiens will soon become the earth. The greatest strength of the overlord."

"Wisdom allowed them to discover fire, master fire, and enter the Neolithic Age from the Paleolithic Age. The polished stone tools are sharper and easier to use, and both lethality and portability have been greatly improved. Improvements. These are enough to make up for the gaps in physical fitness that are already small.""

"They have lived here for hundreds of thousands of years, their mastery of stone tools is close to the mid-Neolithic, and the barbaric Homo erectus can no longer do them harm.

"They hunted ancient creatures, hunted the nearby Homo erectus, and they began to have a sense of territory. In order for the tribe to have enough to eat, and for the children to grow up safely, they had to kill all enemies that might threaten them.

"Compared to the gigantic rhododon, the saber-toothed tiger with dagger-like teeth, H. erectus is the biggest enemy."

"They're lazy, but their brains are unmatched. Most importantly, their areas of life overlap.

"Hunting Homo erectus is inevitable.

Lu Yuan stood up and looked in the direction of the ancient creatures: "They killed a huge number of Homo erectus, ate their flesh, cut off their heads, and stacked their heads together. This is what Homo sapiens showed to Homo erectus. A symbol of strength."

"They drilled their teeth and made them into necklaces, which represented victory. Wisdom took the high ground in an era of brutality, and the tooth necklace was a nod to their wisdom."

"The few Homo sapiens who have just been captured, they curled up on the ground, watching the corpses of ancient creatures such as the slaughtered rhododon and saber-toothed tiger piled up on the ground, they have a clear grasp of their own destiny, they are afraid .""

"But on that day, a flash flood broke out, and Homo sapiens fled without caring about anything.

"The flood swept the entire mountain, submerging their prey and trophies, turning them into fossils. After more than 100,000 years, these traces have been preserved."

This is Lu Yuan's speculation.

A very complete timeline.

And this kind of thing happened frequently in all the places on earth suitable for survival in that era.

But there may be only a few places that have been preserved.

"Stop listening.

"I'm going, is Homo erectus so miserable?"

"There's no way, after all, it's an era in which brains can only survive."

"If I travel to a primitive society, how likely is it to survive? 59

"Don't think about it, those of us who are not diligent in our four bodies will be killed without even having a chance to show our wisdom.

"It's no wonder that the Homo erectus fossils have been preserved, but only the stone tools of Homo sapiens have been seen, and the feelings have escaped."

Jiang He and Lu Yuan wondered before, why didn't these Homo erectus run?

Oh, it turns out that he was killed long ago, or his limbs were broken, and he couldn't escape.

It is no wonder that there are a large number of polished stone tools and flints here, but no fossils of Homo sapiens have been seen.

all run away.

Lu Yuan dug along his teeth to the last treasure point.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen fossil teeth were dug up.

These teeth were strung together with rattan or something. The flood did not wash them away, but they rotted in time.

Lu Yuan turned around and glanced at it, only a few treasure spots were left.

And in this piece, they have dug holes one by one, and there are more than 200 holes.

Lu Yuan walked over and said, "Teacher Gu, rest and dig tomorrow."

"it is good.

Gu Deyong and his party set up a tent and got food.

During dinner, Lu Yuan said: "Here you guys dig slowly tomorrow, I'll go first. Contact me after the archaeological work is done, and I'll have someone come over and take the things away."

Gu Deyong asked curiously, "Wait?"

Lu Yuan wondered: "What are you waiting for?"

"Buyers. 39

"No." Lu Yuan shook his head: "These are not for sale."

"Not for sale? Why?"

"I opened my own private museum." Then he added: "Just in Yingtian.

"Good. 35

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yuan's cell phone rang.

Looking at Li Huakai's call, Lu Yuan was not surprised at all.

"Old Lu, the complete skeleton of Homo erectus has already been contacted by a buyer, and the price will definitely surprise you!

Fossils are a very niche category in the collectible market.

Most of the prehistoric biological fossils are in major museums or academic institutions, and the flow into the market is too small and very scarce.

Less market means higher prices.

Most of the fossils that occasionally flowed into the market before were some paleontological fossils, similar to this kind of ancient human fossils, which could be counted with a finger.

Lu Yuan said: "No, these are not for sale, I keep them for my own collection. 35

Li Huakai was a little surprised, and immediately said: "Old Lu, do you want to hear the price first? 95

"No, please help me refuse, and you don't have to come here, I'll be leaving tomorrow, and I'll leave it to Teacher Gu to dig for archaeology.


Li Huakai regretted it, but thought about it carefully.

How expensive are fossils to sell?

How about selling a few hundred million?

For Lu Yuan, more money is just a series of numbers.

With money, I started to pursue something different.

This is what happens to everyone.

The phone hung up, and Lu Yuan fell asleep.

The next morning, Lu Yuan ate breakfast and went straight to the road.

It's left to Gu Deyong, he doesn't need to worry about it.

When everyone saw him set off, they didn't feel anything at first, and the further they went, the more they realized that something was wrong.

"Old Lu, why are you going?

"Is this gone?"

"Damn it, you don't care about those things?"

Lu Yuan said: "The ancient human site is almost excavated, and the rest can be left to Teacher Gu."

"Aren't you waiting for Boss Fang?"

"Buyers are on their way, and you run away. Who are they looking for?"

Lu Yuan also took this opportunity to say: "I have opened a museum myself, and all these things must be put in the museum. In the future, everyone can come and visit my museum."

"Hold the grass!"

"Lao Lu, are you real? 39

"Why did you change careers to become a family?

"Isn't it better to sell than to collect it yourself?"

"Yeah, a few bucks for museum tickets. 35

"Sand Sculpture, is Lao Lu still short of money? Yes, at his level, he has begun to pursue different things.

"It's fortunate that Lao Lu is still digging, one day he'll stop digging when he's tired, and we won't have to watch.

The major museums were on their way, but Fang Hai and others didn't come.

Fossils of ancient humans, boring, they do not have the hobby of collecting ancestral fossils.

If the dinosaur fossils are similar.

"What did Xiao Lu say? Don't sell it?"

"He opened his own museum?

Lin Guangmin and the others were about to arrive in Baoji, where they entered the Qinling Mountains, which was closer than that in Lantian County.

Suddenly hearing Lu Yuan say this, their brains are buzzing.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Yuan.

Looking at the incoming call, Lu Yuan knew that the phone was going to blow up this morning.

But it is temporary, there is always such a process.

"Yes, not for sale, I opened my own private museum.""

"The address has been set, and the ready-made building is in Yingtian."

"Thank you, Director Lin, for your kindness, but no need, my home is in Yingtian, so I won't run so far."

After the phone calls were made, it was confirmed that Lu Yuan really wanted to open a museum, and everyone was nervous.

Immediately changed his posture and invited him to come to his own city.

Lu Yuan refused, and their hearts went cold again.

Li Botao, old thief, you must have known it for a long time!

A group of curators were so angry that they hung up the phone and called Li Botao, expressing their emotions directly.

On the other hand, Lu Yuan was walking fast.

It was about yesterday that he thought about the fossils of ancient creatures and ancient humans, which gave Lu Yuan great confidence.

He walked directly to the depths of the mountainside, and said as he walked, "Dinosaur fossils dig today!"



"What's the situation? Did you find a dinosaur fossil?""

"No, is the fossil Chinese cabbage?"

Lu Yuan laughed: "I haven't found it yet, but it's not a big problem.

With this confidence, it is not due to the scanning of the system.

Rather, it is based on knowledge of dinosaur fossils.

"More than 90% of the fossils in this world are on the surface, or not deep underground."

"There are few ancient human sites in the Stone Age, mainly because they are too smart, so there are not many left."

"But there are not a lot of fossils from the Stone Age, because they are stupid and have no intelligence."

"Dinosaurs are the same, no, not the same."

"Dinosaurs experienced several major natural disasters during their survival, and creatures like to live in places with abundant food and water sources, so they can't escape in the event of large-scale natural disasters. The probability of forming fossils is very high.

"If you pay attention and observe, you will find that basically only one dinosaur fossil is found, then there may be a very large number of dinosaur fossils.

"So, I only need to find a few traces of dinosaur fossils, and basically I can find a large number of dinosaur fossils.

"It just so happens that my private museum is relatively vacant, so I can collect some dinosaur fossils."

Lu Yuan said to himself that it was a very good idea.

Everyone thought he had discovered it, but it turned out to be imagining here.

"Lao Lu is too arrogant. You can find out first."

"How easy is it to find dinosaur fossils?"

Lu Yuan said: “Compared with ancient tombs and Stone Age hominin sites, dinosaur fossils are relatively easy to find. 35

Although finding fossils requires great luck, rich experience and adequate preparation are the prerequisites for whether you can encounter this luck.

Without enough knowledge about the division and formation of dinosaur fossils, it is difficult to spot them even if they are right next to you.

Lu Yuan has walked three kilometers, scanning and recalling the scenery and environment he just passed along the way and the soil he dug up.

And came to the conclusion that there are no conditions for the formation of fossils in this piece.

After the scan was over, he digged along the golden light, all of which were medicinal herbs or potential drinks.

This walk is more than half a month.

During this period, he went deep into the mountain, in the real belly of the mountain.

There are quite a lot of old medicinal materials in the mountainside. He dug up eleven wild ginseng plants that were over 300 years old, and dozens of Polygonum multiflorum plants that were over 100 years old.

It's an ancient tomb, never seen again.

The deeper you go into the mountains, the fewer ancient tombs, or even none at all.

But once there is, it must be an imperial tomb.

However, Lu Yuan didn't think anyone would be buried here, it's too deep, how much labor would it take to get here to build the mausoleum?

Before the mausoleum was repaired, people died of exhaustion and starvation.

These days, the ancient tombs have not been encountered, and the fossils have not been encountered.

But this did not dispel his obsession with dinosaur fossils.

Those places I went to in the past did not have the conditions for the formation of fossils.

But Qinling has it.

Can't find it, just haven't found it yet.

In his view, this is a matter of time.

"It's been almost 20 days, Lao Lu, where's your dinosaur fossil?

"I'm thankful for the flowers. 55

"If you can't dig a dinosaur, you can dig a saber-toothed tiger.

"It's really not acceptable for pandas."

Looking at everyone's ridicule, Lu Yuan smiled: "Don't worry, I'm still looking. 35

"What are you looking for? Can the fossil pop out by itself?"

"Tell me, how to find it, I will help you find it together. 39

Lu Yuan did not hesitate to explain: "Three o'clock!"

"First, the right place. Second, the right time. Third, the right luck."

"The location is well understood, I have to find layers that might have buried dinosaur fossils.

"Dinosaurs in the traditional sense lived in the middle of the Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous, and it is generally only possible to find dinosaur fossils in the strata formed by deposition on land during this period.

"The meaning of time is that it is too early, and the Mesozoic rock layers are still underground. It is late, and the fossils in the Mesozoic rock layers that have been exposed to the surface have been weathered, and they will go in vain. So time is very important.

"So the first step is to find the outcropping Mesozoic rock layers. Generally speaking, the 1.2 layer of the surface rock is destroyed by the river, and then the Mesozoic rock layers are exposed. So during this time, I was looking for it in the valley or near the river."

With satellite images, he could better and faster identify where Mesozoic rock formations might appear.

But it doesn't matter, he has been searching for it for more than half a month.

With this kind of plan and purpose, as long as Qinling has it, it will be found.

"It sounds professional, but the reality is cruel."

"It's been more than half a month, you're almost at Taibai Mountain, right?"

"It's so special that you can run, even Master Bei can't run like you."

"Not to mention, the survivability of the old land is really top."


"Clang! 99

"You dug up the [potential drink] 39

Lu Yuan stared at the dirt pit and squatted down slowly.

He grabbed a handful of soil and stared at it carefully.

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up and he laughed.

He stood up from the ground, surrounded by woods, but there were some Mesozoic rock fragments in the soil.

"The emperor pays off, I can feel that the dinosaur fossils are very close to me!

Under this purposeful search, after nearly 20 days and more than 100 kilometers of walking, I finally found some traces.

After he dug the last treasure spot, he accelerated under his feet and walked quickly towards the forest ahead.

After walking some distance, stop to dig a few shovels, some with debris, some without.

After walking about five kilometers and reaching the end of the woods, the vision in front of me suddenly widened.

A desolate, several-kilometer-long hillside sits on the left side of a mountain peak.

The desolation there is in stark contrast to the lush vegetation nearby.

The hillside formed by rock formations is very bright in color, mainly purple-red and gray-white, with a small amount of purple-red siltstone.

This is a very iconic Mesozoic rock formation.

Lu Yuan let out a long sigh, and let it out after holding it for more than half a month.

"found it!"

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