Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 96 Foreign buyers: I will give you a price you can't refuse! [Part 2] Ask for custom, a

The three of Li Huakai discussed for a while, and said, "There was a record of an excavation of ancient wines in the Ming Dynasty, but there was no auction. We can't determine the specific price."

If you simply look at the amount of the world, the amount of ancient wine in the world is even rarer than the chicken cup.

But when it comes to the value of its cultural relics, it is obviously not comparable.

Wine is something that cannot be appreciated and has no ornamental value.

You said that collection... For ordinary people, it seems that it does not have the value of collection.

What do you want to drink?

The ancient wine of the Ming Dynasty, after so many years, do you dare to drink it?

This has led to the valuation of ancient wine into a very embarrassing situation.

The price must be estimated, but there is no way to give an estimate in such a short period of time like other cultural relics.

Hou Guangyao said: "Mr. Lu, I made a phone call.


When he took out his mobile phone, some people in the tomb also took out their mobile phones to make calls, and walked away from each other, talking softly.

In about five minutes or so, these people came back.

A man in his thirties spoke first: "Mr. Lu, our Wuliangye Wine Industry Group is willing to buy it at a price of 1 million per jar."


It's really not very convenient without an estimate.

The system gives 3 million per altar, and 1 million is obviously lower.

Immediately, Lu Yuan realized that this person is from Wuliangye Group?

Everyone immediately looked at Hou Guangyao, and they knew that this person belonged to the Maotai Group.

Hou Guangyao smiled slightly, and just as he was about to speak, another person said, "Mr. Lu, on behalf of Jiannanchun Wine Industry, I will buy it at a price of 2 million per jar."

The smile on Hou Guangyao's face gradually disappeared, and he found that his efficiency did not seem to be the highest.

The wine industry group who came to the scene was not alone.

Sure enough, another humane said: "Mr. Lu, Luzhou Laojiao bid 3 million per altar to buy it.

Hou Guangyao didn't speak, he silently stepped aside and continued to call the boss.

There were several "143" groups in the wine industry that appeared over there. He described the situation here in detail and quickly got a response.

After hanging up the phone, Hou Guangyao walked back with a calm smile on his face.

At this time, these wine groups have increased the price of each jar to 5 million.

Taking advantage of the interval between their stops, Hou Guangyao said, "Mr. Lu, Maotai Liquor Co., Ltd. bought it at a price of 10 million per jar. 35

As soon as these words came out, the other wine industry groups all frowned and looked at him.

I was wondering why I didn't make a bid before. Is this feeling a big move?

Hou Guangyao kept smiling and did not go to see other wine groups.

After just talking to the boss to report the situation, the boss only said one sentence: "Add 5 million to the original base and must buy it.

The two largest wine groups in Longguo, Maotai and Wuliangye.

These two, one ranked second in the world and the other ranked third in the world, are far from comparable in strength to other wine groups.

The man from Wuliangye immediately called the boss.

A few minutes later, the man came back, glanced at Hou Guangyao, and said nothing.

A few minutes later, Hou Guangyao's cell phone rang, and it was the boss who called.

He stepped aside and connected, with a clear surprise on his face.

After the phone call, Hou Guangyao walked back and said, "Mr. Lu, I want 6 altars for 10 million altars.

The original plan was to win all of them, but with Wuliangye there, it would be difficult to win.

The representative of Wuliangye called to report the matter. Obviously, the heads of the two groups also talked on the phone and each made a concession.

Of course, the so-called concession is only an equal division between the two.

As for other wine companies, they don't have the strength to take food from them.

The representative of Wuliangye said: "For 10 million jars, Wuliangye needs 6 jars.

Seeing this, the representatives of other wine groups continued to make phone calls.

A few minutes later, the call was over, and the few people stood silently without saying a word.

Apparently, they are no longer involved.

In the end, the 12 altars of Ming Dynasty ancient wine were taken away by Maotai and Wuliangye each.

Is 10 million jars of ancient wine expensive?

This is not expensive, but sky-high!

But do they care?

Obviously don't care.

Only in the wine industry group can ancient wine exert its greatest value.

Sixty million, six jars of wine, and the promotion in the later stage can bring them much more than sixty million.

At the level of the group, tens of millions are all petty.

And the ancient wine of the Ming Dynasty, it is truly rare.

Don't say 60 million, Lu Yuan is asking for 100 million yuan per jar today, and their eyelids won't even blink.

So far, all the cultural relics and antiques that Lu Yuan excavated overnight have been traded.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and a flashlight shone from outside.

A few people just below the robbery cave squinted their eyes and raised their hands to block the light.

Someone turned the flashlight back and asked, "Who is it? 35

The person outside said: "Mr. Lu, can we come down?""

"Come down.


After a few minutes, the two men jumped down the ropes.

Lu Yuan was a little surprised, one of them was a foreign face, blond and blue eyes, in a suit.

With an awkward accent, the foreigner reached out to Lu Yuan: "Hello, Mr. Lu, my name is Louis, I am entrusted by Mr. Jason to come here to buy the cultural relics you excavated.

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "The transaction is over."

Louis smiled slightly, as if he didn't hear him, turned to look at the pile of cultural relics, and asked, "Mr. Lu, can I take a look?"

"Yes. 35

Louis walked over, focusing on several national treasure-level cultural relics such as chicken pots, official seals, golden books and iron coupons, and cricket jars.

After the observation, he pointed to these things and said in English, "Mr. Lu, these are what Mr. Jason wants."

The man accompanying him translated his words.

Lu Yuan shook his head, saying the same thing: "The transaction is over.

Louis put on unskilled Chinese: "Oh? Really?

He pointed to the official seal and asked, "Excuse me, how much is this cultural relic?"

No one answered him.

Everyone present frowned slightly.

Fang Hai's temper is not good, and he said directly: "I don't understand the words or what? I don't understand what the four words "end of transaction" mean? Are you a translator? Translate for him what is the end of the transaction."5

The translation was a bit awkward, but translated anyway.

Louis smiled: "In my opinion, the deal is not over."

Immediately, he looked at Lu Yuan: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Jason will offer a price you can't refuse."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Guangmin's face sank, are you fucking here to make trouble?

Lewis said: "I saw your transaction on the way here. If I remember correctly, the official seal of this party is 300 million? 55

He muttered to himself, looked at Lu Yuan and said, "Mr. Jason bid 310 million, how about Mr. Lu?"

Translation Simultaneous translation, Lin Guangmin's face became more and more ugly, and he directly attacked: "What do you mean by Nong?

The sudden accident caused the live broadcast room to explode.

"I'm going, this is to lift the table?"

"What is the origin of this foreigner, 310 million? Isn't money money?"

"People said it was bought on behalf of Mr. Jason.

"So who is Mr. Jason?

"Ghost knows."

"Isn't this a good thing? The deal is over, and this time the bid is too much?"

"In theory, oral contracts are legally effective, but this man gave too much.

"Is the official seal a national treasure-level cultural relic? According to the regulations, it can't be sold to foreigners, right?"

"Before the State Administration of Cultural Heritage identified and issued a certificate, there were no national treasures."

Louis ignored Lin Guangmin's anger and looked at Lu Yuan with a smile: "Except for this one, the chicken pot cup, the cricket jar, the golden book and iron scroll... These cultural relics, Mr. Jason will also raise the price by 10 million. Mr. Lu , it was a pleasant transaction."

The faces of Fang Hai and the three of them sank: "Xiao Lu, the price of the chicken cup has been raised by 50 million. I want to see today, how did you take the chicken cup from me.""

The three were clearly angry.

It's just money, they don't lack.

If it's a normal price increase, it doesn't matter.

But after the transaction was over, he ran over to raise a high price, which annoyed everyone.

Lewis said: "Sir, I'm just a normal purchase. If it makes you feel unpleasant, please forgive me, but Mr. Jason really likes these things."

Just as Lao Yuan was about to be rude, Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "You guys don't need to be angry, although I like money, I haven't gotten to this point yet.

He looked at Luis: "Your price doesn't tempt me, the deal is over. 35

Louis said unexpectedly: "Mr. Lu, maybe the translation is not accurate enough...

"The translation is very accurate, I can understand English too, one piece is 10 million, I'm listening.

"Price can be negotiated..."

"There's no need." Lu Yuan waved his hand to interrupt him: "I am an honest person. If you come to join the transaction earlier, maybe you will be sold. But you come too late, these things don't belong to me anymore. If Mr. Sen really likes it, you can buy it from them. I believe that Mr. Jason will be able to offer a price that they cannot refuse

Louis smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, I made a phone call.

"At will. 35

Louis stepped aside to call and report the situation here.

Lao Yuan scolded: "I dare to pick my peaches? What the hell!

This really pissed him off.

He really didn't care about money or anything, but the other party's tone of "everyone present is poor" made him very unhappy.

The curators of the major museums were secretly relieved.

They were so afraid that Lu Yuan agreed, and as soon as he got it, the treasure he got would fly away.

Soon, Louis walked back and said: "The original price has been raised by 20 million, Mr. Lu should be able to feel Mr. Jason's sincerity. 35

Lu Yuan shook his head, he was too lazy to repeat it.

Louis looked at Lin Guangmin and the others again: "If you are willing to make a move, the original price is 20 million, and Mr. Jason will take it."

No one paid him any attention.

Fang Hai suddenly smiled and said: "20 million? It's too little. If your boss likes it, I can resell this chicken pot. It's 1 billion. I can't refuse this price."

Lao Yuan also joked: "I don't need 1 billion for this big blue and white, but if I come for 500 million, I can't refuse."

Louis' smile froze, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while.

"Haha." Louis stepped aside with a smile and dialed the phone again.

After the call this time, he did not raise the price, but said, "Mr. Lu, we are late this time. If there are any such antiques in the future, please leave them to Mr. Jason."5

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head: "This cannot be guaranteed."

Come early if you want to buy it, you won't be able to buy a few if you arrive late.

Of course, even if those national treasure-level cultural relics are not identified, he will not leave the country.

At this time, there was movement from the underground cave leading to the main tomb.

Gu Deyong and his party got out one by one.

I was a little surprised to see so many people in the tomb.

Gu Deyong said: "Little Lu, we will start digging from the outside tomorrow, the main tomb has already been priced and photographed, will you dig with us tomorrow?

Lu Yuan shook his head: "No, I have to leave tomorrow. You can dig it by yourself here. You can dig how you want.

The babies are all out, an ancient tomb, how to dig how to dig.

Gu Deyong felt a little regretful, he still wanted Lu Yuan to participate.

This kid's digging skills are really strong. As long as he digs out a brick, he can dig it out along the outline of the building below.

Lu Yuan suddenly remembered that there was one thing left unsold—coffins.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan decided not to sell it.

The system's valuation is only 800,000, and it can be sold for two or three million.

He is not short of this money, so keep the coffin.

The pagoda was bought by the Magic Capital Museum, but he was not sold.

Mainly because it's a bit wicked.

It is enough to sell the funeral goods. It is really immoral to sell the few hands that people redeemed before their death.

Lu Yuan handed over the handfuls wrapped in brocade: "Mr. Gu, when you turn back and open the coffin, put them in.

"what is this?

"A few of the West Factory Admiral's."

Gu Deyong's expression changed for a while, and he took it over: "Okay, leave it to me.""

Lu Yuan said: "Go up, don't stay here."

He was the first to climb out, just in time to bump into a group of policemen coming in from deep in the woods.

A total of 15 people came, and all of them were tired.

They came over and said, "Mr. Lu, where is the body you dug up?"

Lu Yuan pointed to the one on the side, and then pointed to the hole where a group of people kept crawling out: "There is another one below.

"We'll take them back in a while, and we'll take these four back as well. 35

"Let's rest for a while." Lu Yuan said, "Wait, I'll send a helicopter to escort you off. 35

It is estimated that Fang Hai and the others did not meet when they came up, or else they would have taken them with them.

A dozen kilometers of mountain roads are hard enough.

The police nodded and did not refuse: "Thank you, Mr. Lu."

They sat down, took out chocolate and water, and ate to replenish their strength.

Several people from Fang Hai had already come up, and Lu Yuan walked over and said, "Brother Fang, I have to trouble you.

"you say.

"Wait, can you send them down the mountain?

"It's definitely no problem, the police and the people.

Fang Haidao: "I've already called the finance, you can take a look later, the money should be coming."


The crowd came up one after another, and a few people stayed below, handing over the cultural relics one by one.

The small things are fine, but the big things like vases were brought up by Lu Yuan himself.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, all the money has arrived at 1.2.

"Comrade police, go over there, I told the pilot."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang."

The police officers breathed a sigh of relief. They were really tired, so tired.

When watching the live broadcast, Lu Yuan was so relaxed that when it was his turn, he didn't want any legs anymore.

The officers took the two bodies and escorted the four men towards the direction of the helicopter.

Fang Hai came over and said, "Xiao Lu, let's go see the tiger?

He didn't keep his voice down, and it wasn't necessary.

Anyway, buy on your own.

Sure enough, when he opened his mouth, everyone else looked over.

"Almost forgot about it."

"Go and have a look."

A group of people walked towards the South China Tiger burial point.

Arrived half an hour later, a bunch of flashlights illuminated the whole area like daylight.

Tiger Shark has arranged for someone to come over, and it is an outdoor anchor who is broadcasting live at the moment.

A group of people came to watch, exclaiming from time to time.

Although they themselves don't know what to marvel at.

Fang Haidao: "Xiao Lu, I want this tiger corpse, 1 million.

Not surprisingly, a group of museums followed suit.

Louis was on the phone, and after the call came over to make an offer: "Mr. Jason bid 4 million!

Fang Hai didn't even look at him: "How much you bid, I'll give you 1 million more.


You didn't raise the price like that.

Fang Hai did it on purpose. The foreigner's behavior made him very angry, and he used his own way to treat him.

Don't you like raising prices?

Then I mention it too.

Louis was silent.

In the end, the tiger corpse was bought by Fang Hai for 5 million.

After the transfer was completed, Fang Haidao said, "Little Lu, are you still digging this mountain?



"I'll go back in a while, and if I find something good, I'll come back again."


As for this tiger corpse, I turned around and asked people to come and collect it.

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