Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 97 I found oil?! [Chapter 3] Ask for a custom order, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers

A group of people returned to the ancient tomb, each took their things, and walked towards the helicopter.

Gu Deyong and a group of archaeologists have already set up tents nearby.

In the future, they will all carry out archaeological work here.

They had already entered the burial chamber, and knowing the structure, it would be much faster to excavate.

Lu Yuan looked at the camera and said, "I'm here today, let's rest early and leave early tomorrow.

After that, it's the next broadcast.

He came to Gu Deyong's tent and said, "Mr. Gu, there is something I want to ask you. 99

"Please teach me?"

Gu Deyong was very surprised: "I have nothing to guide you."

Lu Yuan said: "It's not a professional thing, I want to ask, how to join the archaeological team?"

Gu Deyong was ecstatic in his heart: "Do you have this idea?

Lu Yuan sat down, thought for a few seconds, and said, "I haven't dug an ancient tomb before, and I didn't have this idea. After digging once, I found that if I were an archaeologist, I would be more open to doing many things. .

Gu Deyong looked stunned.

After a few seconds, he asked: "You joined the archaeological team, yes..."

"It's mainly for convenience." Lu Yuan said sincerely: "This time I found a robbery hole, but what about next time I dig it? What if there is no robbery hole? Then I have to wait for the archaeological team to come over before I can dig further. I think this is a waste of time. But if I have an archaeological certificate, I don't have to worry about digging the ancient tomb, I can save a lot of time, and I don't have to be tied up. What do you think, Mr. Gu? Hey, Mr. Gu, you are this what expression?"

Gu Deyong said: "Xiao Lu, you... you are thinking...

Are you trying to be a legitimate grave robber?

Don't ask, he is.

Gu Deyong didn't know how to respond for a while.

promise him?

However, it always felt weird.

Lu Yuan said: "Mr. Gu, is there any difficulty in this aspect? You should be able to see my major. I don't ask for salary or anything to join the archaeological team, mainly because of my status. Of course, I'll see you later. Ancient tombs, you must be invited to dig, and other archaeological teams don't even want to get through my phone. 99

This sentence made Gu Deyong wake up immediately.

What if you let him in?

He is indeed very professional, there is absolutely no problem in joining.

Moreover, he dug up the tomb again, and we can go there as soon as possible.

Gu Deyong showed a sincere smile: "Go through the process tomorrow."

Leave the tent.

19 Lu Yuan went back under the big tree and sprinkled the insect repellent. When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the bank APP.

When he saw the balance, Lu Yuan's mind briefly fell into a state of shutdown.

How many zeros is this?

After counting several times, Lu Yuan finally settled on the number.


An ancient tomb made him 2 billion!

This income is enough to hang more than 90% of listed companies.

Of course, the more you earn, the more you pay in taxes.

There is a 20% tax on the sale of antiques.

2 billion, and 400 million just to pay taxes.

"Only four hundred million, I don't care, well, I don't care at all.

Lu Yuan comforted himself with a painful face, put down the phone, and fell asleep.

The whole process of the transaction at night ended under the siege of tens of millions of netizens.

Almost every sale of cultural relics will set off a huge wave on the Internet.

At this time, some enthusiastic netizens have calculated Lu Yuan's total income that night, and it is currently on the hot list of major forums.

#Laolu 10,000 earns 2 billion madly#

"I don't know what to say except envy.

"To be honest, I have no idea about money.

"The excavator advertisement will become the black spot of Lao Lu's life!"

"Black chicken, give me 100,000, I am willing to be hacked every day. 35

"I'm curious how much tax Lao Lu has to pay?""

"20% tax, starting at 400 million."5

"Really, one person drives the economy of a village!

"A village? Could it be a county?"

"2 million, earning 2 billion, this return is really exaggerated.

"The two tomb robbers buried below are really miserable, if they are lucky, these will be theirs. 55

"There are still people who robbed in the past, and the key was killed by Lao Lu. I can laugh at this for a year."

The night is getting darker, and the heat on the Internet has dissipated like a low tide, but many people are stimulated and can't sleep.

A gust of morning breeze blew, and the dark night was replaced by the white sky.

Its daybreak.

Lu Yuan was woken up by the sound of digging.

Sitting up from under the big tree, Gu Deyong's group had already started digging.

After washing up and having something to eat, Lu Yuan walked over to say goodbye to them.

"Teacher Gu, I will trouble you about the archaeological certificate."

"Well, leave it to me. If you come across an ancient tomb again, just dig it up, just remember to give me a call. Do you keep my number? 99

"Stay, don't worry.

Before leaving, I sent him the photo of my ID card, and I don't have to worry about the rest.

Lu Yuan put his bag on his back, picked up his hoe, stepped on the wild knife, and walked deeper into the mountain.

"Morning, brothers. 35

Lu Yuan hummed a little tune all the way, and was in a beautiful mood.

"Go away, without you brother!"

"The thought of you earning 2 billion is more uncomfortable than killing me!"

"On the bright side, he still has to pay 400 million in taxes.

Lu Yuan:


After walking three kilometers, Lu Yuan stopped, pretended to drink water, and actually scanned.


Tilt less and the scan is over.

Looking up, there is a lot of golden light, more than 30.

Lu Yuan walked from place to place, and when he came to the first place, he saw the leaves of Gastrodia elata at a glance, and then Lu Yuan also became numb.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen cars at the foot of the mountain.

The young and strong young men, all equipped with energy, set off towards the mountains with confidence.

Lu Yuan earned 2 billion news overnight, spread all over the country, basically everyone knows.

Many people came this early in the morning, and they wanted to be like Lu Yuan, looking for an opportunity to get rich overnight.

As for the mining license...

What the hell is this?

2 million, who can do it!

What to do when you dig an ancient tomb?

It's a big deal to be a tomb robber.

Anyway, they didn't live broadcast, who knows if they really dug it?

Wang Bing and the three have entered the deep mountain for three kilometers.

They arrived last night, but they didn't go into the mountain. They took a rest in the car and went into the mountain early in the morning.

They do not seek to dig tombs, the main purpose of coming here is to find landslides.

The probability of digging up animal corpses is much higher than that of ancient tombs, and there is no risk.

One morning, Lu Yuan walked five or six kilometers.

This progress is very fast, and the reason why it is fast is because I have not encountered good things.

Herbs make up the majority, and the rest are potency drinks.

He didn't even find an animal carcass.

Find a place to sit and eat and take a break.


Wu Jie's phone call, she said excitedly: "Lu Yuan, it will be broadcast live on YouTube at 12 noon."5


The oil pipeline was opened, and the global synchronous live broadcast was basically realized.

Lu Yuan doesn't care about these things very much, but many netizens on the Internet do.

The live broadcast on the Asian side was opened, and many netizens from Europe and the United States poured into the past.

Today, the tubing is finally going to be opened, and they are still very excited.

Although the first broadcast was at 12:00 a.m. in the beautiful country, there are still many netizens guarding the screen.

At twelve o'clock, the YouTube live broadcast was launched.

As soon as the broadcast started, more than 100,000 people poured in. After all, it was this time.

Foreign netizens were very excited, and they tapped the keyboard to send the barrage.

"Old Lu, old Lu, old Lu!

"The treasure digging king in my mind!

"Old Lu, come and dig treasures here, we have gold mines here!""

Lu Yuan rested in place for half an hour before continuing to set off.

Time flies, Lu Yuan has been in Tianyun Mountain for a month.

When the food ran out, he rented a helicopter and let people drop supplies.

While waiting for the supply, I dug some wild vegetables, caught a few fish in the small river ditch in the mountains, and made a meal by myself.

That meal made him amazed at his cooking skills.

So after the supplies were eaten, he did it by himself, and had enough food and clothing.

This month, he searched Tianyun Mountain for seven, seven or eight, and found that the most valuable ones were seven wild ginseng plants that were over a hundred years old.

As well as some lightning-struck wood buried in the ground, other than that, there are no particularly valuable treasures.

Rao is so, or let foreign netizens see God directly.

At noon that day, Lu Yuan sat by a small river, eating wild vegetables he made and a few fishes he caught, his mouth full of oil.

This river flows through the river, although it is not deep, there are many fish.

After eating and drinking, Lu Yuan said: "No accident, I can go down the mountain today, rest for a few days after going down the mountain, and determine the next location before starting the broadcast.

"Old Lu, you haven't found a treasure for five days, how dare you rest?"

"Only those who are useless to society will rest!""

"I can't sleep at your age!

After eating and drinking, and resting for half an hour, Lu Yuan got up and said, "Let's go, make a circle and go down the mountain.

He went from the east of Tianyun Mountain to the south of the present day, and scanned most of the places in the mountain.

There must be omissions, but he is not a machine after all, and he cannot scan without any omissions.

It is a third-tier city after going down the mountain here and driving 30 kilometers.

He didn't plan to return it the same way, it would be too troublesome, so he would just spend some money and have the car transported over.

Staying in the mountains every day, he is also a little tired mentally. He has to go to the city to rest for a few days and feel the modern atmosphere, otherwise he will feel like a savage.

Walking out five kilometers along the river, Lu Yuan scanned: "Level 5 scan."

After a while, the scan is over.

Looking around, scattered golden light scattered around.

Lu Yuan turned around suddenly, and along the river all the way to the south for about three kilometers, there was an extremely dense golden light gathering.

The word ancient tomb popped into my mind almost instantly.

Is it a tomb?

Otherwise, how could it be so dense?

He picked up his hoe and walked along the river.

It looks like something unexpected is going to happen today.

Some tired spirits, at this moment regain the light!

Go out 600 meters and come to the first treasure spot.

Not to be missed on the road.

Although I don't hold out much hope, who can be sure if the next place will be able to dig some emotional treasure?

This treasure is located in a small river, which is not deep. Lu Yuan has fished many times, and the deepest point is only two meters.

He unloaded his things and walked towards the small river: "Touch two fish to eat at night."

"Lao Lu has started to do nothing. 35

"As we all know, Lao Lu is a food anchor."

"Ma, he can cook for Mao Lian? Every time I see his skillful cooking, I wonder if he has been a cook before.

“Plop ∼”

Lu Yuan jumped into the water, very shallow, less than one meter.

He came to the treasure point, took a breath and squatted down.

His eyes focused on the golden light in the clear river water, and he groped with both hands to remove the stones on the golden light.

"You dug up the [ring]"

【Ring】: Value: 10,000.

Lu Yuan felt a ring from the gap in the stone, and immediately stood up, tossed the water droplets from his hair, raised the ring in his hand, and said, "The fish didn't touch it, but I touched a ring.


Put the ring in the palm of your hand and look carefully, it is a very ordinary hoop-shaped ring with a decent weight.

He looked around, a little strange.

Where the hell did the ring come from?

The upper stream of the river is deep in the mountains, and the ring is either discarded here or washed down from the upper reaches.

"If you touch a fish, you can still touch a ring?"

"Come on, here comes the unpredictable luck of Lao Lu!"

"I have a hunch that Lao Lu is going to dig something good again."

Stuffing the ring in his pocket, Lu Yuan touched two fish before landing.

Kill the fish now, pass the tree sticks through the fish's gills, and carry it to the next treasure point.

Walking and digging, the surrounding woods suddenly disappeared, and an open area appeared in the field of vision.

In front of you is a short grass with sparse weeds.

The small river passes through here, but the small river below is much wider, about five meters.

The dense golden light was three meters away from the river below.

Ten minutes later, he came to a large treasure spot, dropped the fish, and started digging for treasure.



"You dug up [Geology]"

【Geology】: Click to learn, you will master geology.

143 Lu Yuan learned immediately and continued to dig.

This dig, he immediately felt the details that he hadn't noticed before.

This shovel soil is dark brown, soft to the touch, and mixed with fine sand.

Just a glance at Lu Yuan confirms that this is raw soil.

The so-called raw soil is dead soil, which is not suitable for growing crops, and even weeds are difficult to grow.

For Lu Yuan, however, this dead soil has an advantage, which is that it is easier to dig.


After about ten minutes of digging, they had dug out about half a meter deep.


The hoe is getting pretty strong feedback.

"You dug up the [dynamo]"

[Generator]: Value: 2000 yuan.

Come on, it's not an ancient tomb.

Lu Yuan was a little bit hurt, and there was a vague guess in his heart.

This place is about ten kilometers from the foot of the mountain, not too close but not too far.

He suspected that it might be a site for dumping rubbish.

This is done in many places, and the garbage is piled up in wild mountains and buried.

Otherwise, how can there be a generator in this ghost place?

"I heard the voice, what did Lao Lu dig?"

"It sounds like stone. 35

"Obviously metallic sound.

Lu Yuan dug for a few more minutes, and part of the generator was dug out.

"What is this?


"Broken copper and iron."

"Looks like a TV.

"Isn't this in the mountains? How could there be such a thing? 95

People are also fascinated.

After another ten minutes, the whole picture of the generator was dug out.

This generator is about one meter five, a big chunk of the guy.

"Yamaha three-phase synchronous generator, 100kw.

Lu Yuan said something casually and then ignored it.

Go to a place less than five meters away and continue digging.

After a few minutes.


"You dug up the [dynamo]"

After half an hour.

A more powerful generator was dug up.

Change places and keep digging.

"Clang!" 5

"You dug up the [dynamo]

A more powerful generator was dug up.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yuan had dug up seven generators.

He was a little less confident.

Isn't this place a dumpster?

These generators can now be sold for thousands of dollars, who would be so lazy to bury this?

"Old Lu Liu, a generator professional!"

"Unscientific, how could a generator be dug up in the mountains?

"Is it possible that there used to be a factory here?35

"Impossible, even if there is, the generator is a good thing and won't be buried.

Lu Yuan went to the next treasure spot and continued digging.

I don't believe it anymore, if you have the ability, give me another generator!



With a different touch, Lu Yuan was relieved.

Then the system prompt made him stunned.

"You found [oil]"

"I... I found oil? 95

"Is there an oil field underneath?"

"How is this possible!""

【Ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers】.

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