Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 98 You have dug up the [Refuge]! [Chapter 1] Ask for a custom order, ask for a monthly pass,

Lu Yuan stopped and stared at the soil under his feet in a daze.

After a long time, the scattered thoughts slowly recovered.

He took a breath and looked back at the system.

【Petroleum】: Value: 800,000.


Only 800,000?

This field is also too small.

No, if there are small oil fields, there are big oil fields!

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, and the hand holding the hoe was already shaking.


He was so excited.

Although his reason told him that it was impossible for an oil field to appear in Tianyun Mountain, the fact was in front of him and he could not deny it.

The system can't go wrong, here's the oil field!


Lu Yuan laughed involuntarily and continued to dig.

"Why does Lao Lu laugh like a thief?"

"There must have been something dug up. 39

"What kind of baby does he have to make him smile like this?


After a few minutes, the smile on Lu Yuan's face became less and less, and finally faded away.

The digging action is getting faster and faster.

After a while, he looked at the iron bucket in the pit, lost in thought, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

He suddenly realized that there were no oil fields underneath.

The so-called oil is crude oil stored in iron barrels.

He continued digging, digging all the way along the edge of the tin bucket.

The sound of "clang" kept ringing, but there was no system prompt.

One barrel, two barrels, three barrels…


Different tactile feedback, similar to stone.

Dig the soil, not stone, but cement.

There's cement in this damn place?

Obviously not produced by nature.

There are traces of human activities underneath, which are still modern humans.

Although it was not the oil field that disappointed him, 800,000 worth of oil crude oil was buried here, and there was obviously a problem.

He suspected that someone had cast a concrete basement here.

As he continued to dig, a layer of red brick and sand walls appeared.

"What the hell is this?


"This is the tomb!"

"What is that tin bucket?

"Old Lu, stop digging, open the tin bucket and take a look. 99

The drop between the pit and the ground was less than half a meter. Lu Yuan jumped down, pulled the soil out of the gap between the iron bucket, and lifted it up by grabbing the edge of the bucket.

A barrel of oil is less than 300 jin. This kind of posture is not easy to exert force. For ordinary people, it is good to be able to shake it.

However, Lu Yuan lifted his arms with ease.

With a thud, the tin bucket fell to the ground.

Lu Yuan tapped with his fingers, making a muffled voice.

Then I found the small round cover on the barrel cover, and in the unpleasant creaking sound, the small round cover was twisted open.

Lu Yuan glanced inside, hooked it a little with a hoe, looked at the dark and viscous crude oil on the hoe, and said expressionlessly, "Petroleum.""

"What the hell? Oil?

"Is it wrong?"

"This thing is oil?

"Pass it on, Lao Lu has dug into the oil field!

"Old Lu, keep digging, I'm afraid there really is an oil field nearby, there must be someone secretly mining here!

"You think too much, Tianyun Mountain does not have the conditions for petroleum. 99

"Who knows if you don't dig?"

"Brother, the shallowest oil is usually 2,000 meters underground, and normally it's below 6,000 kilometers. How did you ask Lao Lu to dig?

“If there is an oil field, it is impossible to completely cover up the activity of exploitation. 35

"I have a bold idea to dig a few dozen meters and light a fire below. If it can breathe fire, it means that there is an oil field. You can try it, Lao Lu."

Lu Yuan, hehe, try your sister.

If there is an oil field, I am not digging my own grave.

Who do you take for a fool?

He didn't speak, closed the lid, glanced at the concrete wall, walked over and continued digging along the wall.

He didn't go to dig for oil, he only dug the cement wall. He wanted to see how big the cement wall was.

The digging lasted until 5:30, the digging was dripping with sweat, and the clothes were soaked.

The concrete wall was also dug out, and it was five or six hundred meters long and wide, and it was a square.

At first glance, it looks like a plow out of a circle.

And in the circle is still rammed earth.

Everyone was stunned, how big is it?

"There is oil in this circle of walls?"

"Is there a factory under it?

"It's a bit outrageous, and the amount of work is not small."

About half a meter underground, a cement wall five or six hundred meters long and wide is built with stone bricks.

Although Lu Yuan only dug a few oil barrels, he was basically sure that the cement walls were filled with oil barrels.

This is very confusing. Most people do not use crude oil at all, and there is no way to buy it.

This thing has to be processed in order to be useful.

Who is so idle to bury so much here?

Lu Yuan made a quick calculation in his mind, and came up with a rough figure based on the size of the cement wall and the stock price of the system.

There are about 1,000 barrels of crude oil below this, nearly 150 tons.

A proper big project.

The point is, although this thing is a good thing and valuable, Lu Yuan really can't think of who he can sell it to.

If it is an oil field, then don't worry, my son and daughter will be supported by the state in the future.

But 150 tons is enough for what?

He couldn't help but be a little confused. This was the first time he had dug up valuables, but there was no sales.

Without thinking too much, he glanced at the dense golden treasures and said, "Continue digging after dinner.

Putting the hoe aside, he carried the two fish he caught in the afternoon to the river to wash it, picked up a bunch of branches, built a fire on the spot by the river, took out the rich seasonings from his backpack and started grilling the fish.

"I wouldn't be in the mood to eat if I dig for oil."

"Really, Lao Lu, you keep digging down, first dig up two kilometers to see, if there is an oil field, the three generations will not have to bother. 39

"Old Lu's current worth, let alone three generations, is enough for thirty generations.

Dinner is relatively simple, only two fish.

Lu Yuan and Xiao Liu are one person per person, and the appetite of this food is getting bigger and bigger.

After a month, my body has grown several times.

At first glance, this is a pangolin?

Some people believe it is a pangolin.

However, the figure is still as agile as always, and the fat body has not affected its short and sturdy calves to take vigorous steps.

After dinner, the sun sets in the west.

Lu Yuan didn't rest, got up, grabbed his hoe, and walked to the treasure spot next to the buried oil.

There are quite a lot of babies in this place.

While digging, Lu Yuan thought about what might be underneath.


What factories buy crude oil?


He knew nothing about the nearby cities and lacked major analytical clues.

Even if you dig it out, you will know, but such a piece cannot be dug out within a few days.



The deep voice and slightly elastic feedback made Lu Yuan's heart sink.

"You dug up [gasoline]"

【Gasoline】: Value: 1.5 million.

Lu Yuan is a bit messy.


What are you doing?

Has the oil field evolved to such an extent?

Process yourself into gasoline?

He groaned silently in his heart.

Dig quickly.

Soon, a tin bucket identical to the previous one appeared.

Sure enough...

This is finished gasoline!

It can be directly added to the car mailbox for use.

"It's hair, it's oil again!" 9

"Look at how considerate these oils are, they have directly turned into the shape that Lao Lu likes.

"You're wrong."

Lu Yuan lifted the barrel of gasoline, opened it, hooked the hoe, and the light yellow transparent liquid with a pungent smell dripped down the hoe on the ground.

"Gasoline." Lu Yuan said.

"Gasoline? Not oil?"

"Color is clearly not. 35

"Looks like urine..."

"I see, this used to be a processing factory!

"I checked and there is no processing plant near Tianyun Mountain."

"It should be a black workshop. 55

Lu Yuan didn't speak, he dug along the gasoline barrel.



He dug into the concrete wall.

As he expected, there is also a concrete wall built under it.

He didn't plan all the way along the cement wall, but walked up to several dozen meters, dug a bit, and determined that it was a cement wall below, so he continued to move forward and continue to dig.

This efficiency is much higher.

When he thought of digging a prototype along the concrete wall in the afternoon, he was a little ashamed of his stupid behavior.

He is only determining the scope of the cement wall now, and does not want to dig it out.

Gasoline worth 1.5 million is just a small scene for him.

Half an hour later, he had roughly dug out the outline of the concrete wall.

It is about the size of the cement wall that stores crude oil barrels, and it is five or six hundred meters long and wide.

He avoided this piece and continued digging aside.

ten minutes later.


"You dug up [gasoline].

【Gasoline】: Value: 1.5 million.

Yet another underground concrete wall for storage of gasoline barrels.

Half an hour later, he dug out the outline of the concrete wall.

Keep digging.


"You dug up [diesel] 35

【Diesel】: Value: 1.25 million.

Come on, the variety is complete.

Half an hour later, a fourth basement with concrete walls was dug up.

Then there is the fifth diesel cement wall basement.

And then the sixth...

Well, the sixth is the crude oil basement.

Seventh, eighth...

Ten p.m.

Lu Yuan stopped.

He outlines the gains in general.

Petroleum crude basement, four, with a total value of 3.2 million.

Gasoline basements, two, totaling $3 million.

Diesel basements, two, totaling $2.5 million.

About 1000 barrels per basement.

Except for the first basement, which was completely dug out by him, the rest were dug out a section of the wall at intervals of tens of meters to determine the location.

He stood beside the pit and looked around. This wide area was neatly occupied by eight basements for storing oil products.

There is also a heated discussion on the Internet. When he dug out the gasoline in the third basement, it caused a lot of discussion.

Netizens did not think it was a big deal to swipe "Old Lu dug into the oil field", and after rushing to the hot search, they attracted a large number of netizens who did not know the truth.

"Oil fields? Really fake?"

"Look, it's fake, fuck it, a bunch of bastards.""

"I can't tell a lie, Lao Lu has indeed dug it up. 35

"It is estimated that the oil dealer buried it.

"Oil dealers only bury the oil when they are idle, and there is still crude oil.

"Crude oil, gasoline and diesel are available, all varieties are available, welcome to order. 99

People don't care about the value of these gasoline and oil, after all, Lu Yuan has dug more expensive than this.

A few million is nothing at all.

The question is, why is there so much oil under this?

Lu Yuan couldn't figure it out either.

Looking at the nearby treasure spots, he didn't want to dig a little.

It feels like it might still be oily.

"Stop digging, sleep, and dig tomorrow."

As soon as he threw the hoe, Lu Yuan sprinkled a circle of repellent on the side and fell asleep.

After a month, he has practiced the ability to fall asleep anywhere and fall asleep within a minute.

No matter what is nearby, it cannot interfere with his sleep.

The next morning, Lu Yuan didn't get up until eight o'clock.

After washing up, open the live broadcast: "Eat breakfast first, then dig after eating. 95

After saying that, he jumped into the river and fished.

A few minutes later, Lu Yuan caught the small fish that was preying on it.

He caught five pieces, cleaned them up and roasted them.

It was already nine o'clock after breakfast, I patted my stomach and grabbed my hoe to dig.

Avoid this basement and go to the nearest treasure point to dig.


ten minutes later.

"You have dug [coal]"

【Coal】: Value: 350,000.

Looking at the coal black that came out of the hoe, Lu Yuan's numb nerves twitched slightly.

He dug up a piece of the ground, and a layer of moisture-proof cloth was dug out. Under the moisture-proof cloth, there was dark coal.

This is lumpy processed coal, apparently buried under it too.

"What good things did you find again?

"So dark, is this black fungus?""

"Sister Mu, this is coal, isn't it?

"It's getting weirder and weirder, with my IQ of 150, I can't understand this situation at all.

Don't talk about them, Lu Yuan doesn't understand either.

It's oil, it's coal, who buried it?

What's the point?

It's nearly twelve o'clock.

Leaning on his hoe, he looked at the outline of the excavation.

Three cement basements, which add up to about 300 tons of coal.

From the perspective of supply, less than 300 tons can be ignored.

For personal use, this is a pretty scary amount.

"Hahaha, hold the grass, I saw the hot search on the old land on the subway early in the morning.

"Today, instead of digging for oil, we will dig coal mines instead.

"Old Lu worked hard and dug him for a few kilometers, maybe there really was a coal mine. 99

Lu Yuan continued to dig.



"You dug up the [granary]"

【Granary】: Value: 100,000.

Lu Yuan:

Ten minutes later, a steel cover was dug out.


"Be careful, there might be someone down there!"

"Damn it, have you dug up a gangster again?

Seeing this scene, everyone felt very familiar.

Lu Yuan squatted down, grabbed the handle of the cover, and lifted it forcefully, and the cover slowly opened.

Good guy, the lid even has hydraulics.

Turning on the flashlight and looking inside, Lu Yuan saw neat piles of supplies.

He was not in a hurry, but continued digging aside.

This granary is different from petroleum and coal. The top of this granary is capped with a cement wall to keep the lower part closed.

After digging out the concrete wall, Lu Yuan waved his hoe vigorously.

"Plop", a big hole was cut.

The hole was cut out more than a meter wide before it stopped.

Then stood aside and waited for more than half an hour to ventilate before going down the entrance.

A flashlight illuminated the huge granary in full view.

The full snakeskin bags were neatly piled up, he walked over, and with a swipe with a hoe, all the spoiled and moldy rice fell into the ground.

"Wori, are these all rice?"

"And canned food."

"This is a small granary!

"This place can't be an army base, right? You should stop digging, Lao Lu, and be careful to be taken away.

"I'm afraid it's really a military backup base.""

Lu Yuan thought to himself, how is that possible.

If it were a military base, someone would have contacted me long ago.

In this granary, rice, corn, soybeans, and peanuts are piled up.

And rows of cans.

It's literally built to granary standards.

He went to the can, picked it up and looked at it for a while, and was surprised to find that it turned out to be a military can.

Looking at the production date, it was in 1998, and it was from Sakura Country.

These grains are certainly inedible, but canned.

The shelf life of military canned food is quite long, and it is no problem to eat it for decades.

After walking around the granary, Lu Yuan came up.

He continued to dig.

"You dug up the [granary]"

Lu Yuan didn't even look at it, just gave up, turned around and walked towards the concentration point.

I thought that oil and coal were outrageous enough, but this small granary is even more abnormal.

Netizens also thought it was outrageous.

There are all kinds of guesses, but no matter what kind of guesses, they can't justify themselves.

At first I thought it was an oil field, then I thought it was a factory, and then I thought it was an oil dealer...

But how to explain this small granary?

It can't really be a backup base for the local army, can it?


This dig, dug a full half an hour.


The familiar feeling came, and then seeing the system prompt, all the doubts in Lu Yuan's heart were instantly explained.

"You dug up the [Refuge]"

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