Chapter 65:

three days later.

January 31st, Sea of ​​Death.

Adam August and Jane Josefini, two diplomatic ambassadors from Germany, stepped off the plane, looking a little unhappy.

Jane Josephine looked at the diplomat of the Dragon Kingdom beside her with displeasure and said, "Mr. Wang, why did your country bring us here?"

"According to what I know about your country, this is your so-called no man's land, the sea of ​​death in the world, and this is where you test nuclear bombs!"

"We, the German side, are asking for a cleaner nuclear energy solution this time, rather than wanting to buy your country's nuclear bombs! We, the German side, have our own nuclear reserves!"

Wang Zhenxuan said: "Ms. Josephine, bringing you here this time is also an exception for our country. Today you will see the most secret new equipment of the Dragon Kingdom army!"

Adam August's expression changed, he shook his head and said: "Mr. Wang! We have said it many times! Don't treat us as oil tycoons in Yadong, we are not here to buy arms! We are here to seek cooperation, we need You provide clean nuclear power!"

Wang Zhendao: "You two, please don't get excited. Here, you will see what you want! Anyway, it's not too late, isn't it?"

The two didn't speak, but they were thinking in their hearts. After returning this time, they must severely condemn them on the international stage.


The planes landed on the field, and they began to lay all kinds of instruments, with higher and higher specifications, and more and more outrageous.

Adam and Jane also gradually calmed down. The posture in front of them is definitely not a simple display of arms.

Even if there is no gain in nuclear energy, maybe some confidential information can be obtained, and it is not all in vain.

Right here sits the initial preparations.

A 20-mile plane sailed from Kyoto, and two wise men who had participated in the exercise of the Donghai No. 5 aircraft carrier were having final discussions.

Three days ago, the news that Lin Yuan completed controllable nuclear fusion reached the South China Sea Institute.

Soon, a piece of military order mobilized nearly 30% of Long Kingdom's military power from top to bottom. With the help of the military industry assessment, the military set the assessment location of the No. 0 Research Institute in the sea of ​​death.

At the same time, the old man also agreed with Lin Yuan's suggestion.

Lin Yuan said a reason that none of them could refuse.

The controllable nuclear fusion he produced cannot be reversed by technology, nor can it be inspected, and has absolute countermeasures.

As long as it can be installed in other countries, it is equivalent to installing a time bomb, which has a great strategic role.

This time, the German side had to accept their plan, and Lin Yuan provided a perfect plan.

That is to trick the people from the German side over, and then use the ecstasy lock to hypnotize them, so as to thoroughly finalize the plan this time.

It can be said that there is a seductive lock, this is a foolproof plan.

"No one thought that Lin Yuan, a little Tongzhi, would break through the controllable nuclear fusion technology in just three months, and successfully realized it. What a monster!"

"Just like the military exercise three months ago, who would have thought that Lei Qiang's army would have that kind of powerful individual equipment?"

The two wise men sighed with emotion.

For this assessment, they didn't ask for much, as long as Lin Yuan's controllable nuclear fusion passed the test without any problems, the task was completed.

Another half hour passed.

On the sea of ​​death, the two German diplomatic ambassadors couldn't sit still anymore.

Jane Josephine said: "Mr. Wang, when will your people arrive? Do you want us to keep blowing here?"

Wang Zhen dealt with it with a smile, and he was also a little puzzled in his heart, why no one came to say that they came early.

Just then, a loud sound came from the sky.

The three looked up to the sky subconsciously, and immediately held their breath.

The huge Kunpeng, escorted by four fifth-generation fighter jets code-named Veyron, slowly landed on the far apron.

A row of strong troops escorted the two old men, and slowly rushed towards the observation platform until they approached.

The two German diplomatic ambassadors were the ones who saw the two of them clearly, and they were instantly in awe.

It turned out to be these two?

As diplomats, the first thing they do when they enter the profession is to write down the countries of the world, and as ambassadors to foreign countries, the first thing they do when they set out is to write down all the important people in the country and make it clear.

The two old men in front of them don't need them to write down, nor do they need to understand.

Because they always appear in the newspapers of the foreign office, they are the most intelligent people in the Dragon Kingdom.

And these two wise men are even more important figures among them. They have repeatedly guided the success of the important development strategies of the Dragon Kingdom. The two of them have contributed a lot to the rapid development of the Dragon Kingdom in the new century.

Neither Adam nor Jane thought that these two would come today.

At this moment, they didn't complain at all. The arrival of these two people was enough to see Long Guo's attitude.

Not only did it give enough face, but it also sent a signal that the Dragon Kingdom attached great importance to this arms test, and there was something incredible in it!

But even so, they still can't figure out why they came here, how do the issues of ammunition and nuclear cleansing come together?

While the two were thinking, the two wise men had already arrived at the observatory. After greeting Adam and the other two, they began to understand the situation with the local ground crew.

After understanding everything, a wise man said: "When will the person with number zero arrive?"

A liaison officer hurriedly said: "Leader, number zero and the others..."

Before they could speak, an army camouflage J-15 with an exaggerated painting of flying wolves, leading five J-20s, and two Kunpengs appeared in the distant sky.

Then, on the horizon, a huge convoy also appeared, billowing smoke and dust, seeming to be roaring their arrival.

A wise man said: "Hurry up and meet it."

The liaison officer nodded, calling for the people in the logistics team to respond.

The two German diplomatic ambassadors were even more shocked, not because of how grand the scene was.

It was a plane in the sky, which made them full of astonishment.

Not the Kunpeng, not the Veyron, but the old-generation fighter that piloted it, the legendary Flying Wolf J-15!

This is a legend in the Dragon Kingdom's air force. In the German foreign office, there was a legend of flying wolves.

109 sortie missions and 109 missions were completed without any mistakes. This is the trump card of the Longguo Air Force.

However, according to anecdotal information, the pilot of Flying Wolf is not affiliated with the Longguo Air Force at all, "he is affiliated with a top-secret team in Longwei.

A force that scares international mercenaries, drug lords, terrorists and other criminals, and dare not set foot in the Dragon Kingdom.

Jane Josefini said in German: "I never imagined that one day I would see so many legends!"

Adam August didn't speak, but he agreed with it.

This time, no matter what, it's already worth it!

As a diplomat, besides wanting to represent the country and accomplish every diplomatic mission well, don’t you just want to meet more people, more legendary people?

After the two of them gradually came back to their senses, the planes had already landed smoothly, and the huge smoke and dust dispersed.

The ground crew will conduct the disembarkation guide in an orderly manner.

"Army goes here!"

"Register all explosives!"

"Top secret items, please place them here!"

"Give me the box, sir!"

A ground crew member came to Lin Yuan.

Before Lin Yuan could speak, Lei Qiangjun stood in front of Lin Yuan and said, "Soldier, go help elsewhere.

The soldier was stunned, and hurriedly saluted: "Yes! Captain!"

Lin Yuan was surprised: "These are all your people?"

Lei Qiangjun said proudly: "That's not natural, the level of secrecy this time is too high, and other troops don't have this strength.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly. On this trip, he had a good understanding of the strength of the Shadow Wolf Squadron.

For example, the Flying Wolf who only loves the J-15, the last test was a J-20. He thought it was just an ordinary pilot, but later found out that he was Guan Erye among fighter pilots.

It can only be said that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the Shadow Wolf Brigade, the ground crew just now, maybe they all came from the soldier king of a certain number of troops.

Everyone hurried to the observatory. Lin Yuan, He Kangguo and other high-level figures from the No. 0 Research Institute finished greeting the two wise men one after another.

The two wise men didn't say much except for looking deeply at the suitcase in Lin Yuan's hand.

For this assessment, due to the controllable nuclear fusion, the researchers of No. 0 did not have the opportunity to come. He Kangguo and others will replace the researchers to explain the equipment.

The two German diplomatic ambassadors on the side have also become numb. The two granddaughters Chu Dingyuan and Chu Yurong have come. There should be no problem with nuclear energy cleanliness.

Half an hour later, when everything was ready, Jian Dingyuan said, "Let's start the assessment!"

The two wise men nodded.

The two German diplomatic ambassadors looked forward to it, and it finally started. Now they have no worries at all, and just want to see the secret arms of the Dragon Kingdom.

Pass down with the order.

The first assessment is that the exoskeleton R&D team and the UAV R&D team will develop a silent stealth war machine based on high-density hydrogen-ion battery and super alloy technology.

Their silent stealth war machine has a famous name: ghost tiger. Code name: Tiger.

At this time, He Kangguo started to introduce: "This war machine is called Ghost, and it possesses absolute anti-reconnaissance capabilities such as being absolutely silent, isolating electromagnetic interference, and isolating infrared detection.

Under the operator's control, it is the perfect killing machine in the dark!"


A wise man listened to the explanation of the representative researcher and sighed.

Adam is a little confused, is the current technology of the Dragon Kingdom so awesome?

Absolutely silent, is this something that can be produced now?

However, in the next test, he was convinced!

I saw that under He Kangguo's operation, the war machine that looked like a saber-toothed tiger started to move, but there was no sound at all.

Adam was sure that it wasn't that the wind and sand were too loud, but that there was really no sound at all.

Chu Dingyuan asked: "Has the data come out yet?"

The data inspector on the side said: "Current decibel: 1, no, this is the sound of rolling gravel! Chief! Leader! Zero decibels! There is no response from the infrared sensor!"

Chu Dingyuan nodded slightly, and the rest of the people were not surprised, after all, they had all seen Lin Yuan's Ecstasy Lock.

Adam and Jane are different, their scalps are numb, how is this possible, there is really no sound?

Curiosity drove them to lean forward and glanced at the data. There was a huge "0" after the colon in the column showing the decibel value, and there was nothing on the infrared sensor display.


The two looked at each other, they don't know much about technology, maybe Deutsch and Eagle Doctor can do it too?

The two nodded, yes, this is not a very powerful technique.

"Turn on the electromagnetic interference and test the combat effect at the same time!"

Chu Dingyuan said.

With a buzzing sound, the electromagnetic interference was turned on, but the war machine did not stop at all, and quickly rushed to the test site in front of it.

Because it is silent

Into the drone, the tiger is not equipped with any thermal weapons, and the combat method is the purest melee.

Under the strong kinetic energy of the solid-state hydrogen battery, the tiger displayed powerful physical skills, maneuvering in front of the 10mm-thick homogeneous steel dolls, tearing the doll's vitals with each claw

, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.


Chu Dingyuan sighed, and the two wise men who were in charge of scoring this assessment also nodded slightly.

Although the combat method is ancient, it is fast and efficient, and it is an excellent drone for sneaking into combat at night!

Subsequently, Tiger conducted several routine tests, energy consumption, armor strength, claw durability, etc., all of which far exceeded the requirements of a super-intensive battle.

The two wise men also gave the overall score: 75 points, and special operations: 90 points. He Kangguo was overjoyed.

The assessment standard this time is very strict. As an assessment for screening mixed researchers and comprehensive layoffs, a passing score of 60 points is a watershed. Every increase of 10 points is a new level of difficulty.

A comprehensive score of 75 and a specific score of 90 are already very high!

The two German diplomatic ambassadors felt a little guilty, and they whispered to each other while there was still some excitement.

"Do we have something like this too?"

"We don't seem to have one, but Eagle Sauce definitely has one!"

"The Dragon Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger!"


"I hope that Ying Jiang will work hard and create greater glories again!"

The content of the chat between the two was heard by Lin Yuan, who has enhanced five senses. He chuckled, "Can Yingjiang take out a tiger?

There may be something comparable to it, but the cost is not at the same level as the tiger in front of you, and you can't touch porcelain at all!

Immediately afterwards, the assessment continued.

The second one, led by Chu Dingyuan himself, and the individual armor R&D team jointly developed the individual portable artillery project.

Through Chu Dingyuan's self-developed latest detonation technology and explosive base, it surpassed the power of current artillery by 30% and its super-fast rate of fire, and achieved a comprehensive score of 85 points.

This time, the two German diplomatic ambassadors became a little anxious. I also believe that this fast-firing artillery is a machine gun.

How did the rabbit's technology improve so fast?

Then, the third one, led by He Kangguo himself, together with Wang Liang, Zheng Rong and others, developed a new generation of combat uniform project with the decentralized technology of [Ghost Clothes].

Even Chiu (Hainuo Zhao) had an outstanding performance and scored a high score of 90 on the overall score.

There are only some faint optically distorted combat uniforms, and it is almost impossible to detect the existence of the opponent without looking closely.

At this moment, Jane Josephine fell into deep thought.

Can Eagle Sauce use this technology?

Based on their characters, shouldn't this kind of thing be in a movie a long time ago?

No, Eagle Sauce and the others are saving their strength!

That's right, save your strength!

Besides, the cost of this combat uniform must be high!

"How much does this suit cost?"

-15 Qi asked, they knew that the cost of ghost clothes was 100,000 yuan, and they were not equipped by the whole army at all.

He Kangguo said with a serious face: "10,000, the effect is not good, it can only maintain 90% of the invisibility when not moving, as long as 5,000, mass production can be controlled at about 3,000

The wise man laughed: "Good!"

As for the two Germans, they were stunned, so cheap? True or not, they did not doubt that Longguo raised them as pigs.

However, the two still couldn't stop worrying.

It seems that the Dragon Kingdom is really about to rise!

"Okay! Now is the main event! The two Germans must be unable to wait any longer, right?"

At this moment, Jian Dingyuan asked.

Both Jane and Adam were taken aback for a moment, and Adam said politely, "Don't worry, don't worry."

Chu Dingyuan was puzzled: "Aren't you in a hurry? You have been urging us to give you a plan every day these days! Are you not in a hurry now?"

Jane nodded hurriedly: "Hurry up! I don't know what your country's plan is? Can it be compared with those products just now?"

Chu Dingyuan smiled: "That's natural Zhu."

The rest of the people also laughed and said nothing. Seeing this, Jane seemed to have noticed something was wrong. She wondered: "Could it be that your country's plan is very powerful?"

Chu Dingyuan looked at Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan said, "You two must have heard of controlled nuclear fusion, right?"

Adam, Jane: ???

What did you say?

Controlled nuclear fusion?

Let you engage in clean energy, have you developed controllable nuclear fusion?

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