Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 66: Power Supply Test! The Much-Anticipated Highlight? And New Experiments?

for a while.

Both Adam and Jane were in a daze.

No matter how ignorant the two people are about technology, they still have some understanding of controllable nuclear fusion. After all, this is a technology that can change the world pattern.

The last time I read the news, Adam remembered very clearly that Eagle Sauce had taken an important step in the field of controllable nuclear fusion.

It has achieved ultra-long stable combustion controllable nuclear fusion of up to 1,000 seconds, but it is only 19 seconds.

Not counting the energy consumed to achieve controllable nuclear fusion, even the electricity produced in this 1,000 seconds is absolutely impossible to support Germany's winter needs.

Jane asked directly.

"No! Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"You Dragon Kingdom has come up with controlled nuclear fusion?"

"This technology, Ying Jiang has not broken through, you have achieved it?"

Jane doesn't believe that Longguo can produce controllable nuclear fusion at all.

Lin Yuan waved his hand: "You can choose not to believe it, but today, we are here to do a test!"

Anyway, in his plan, heiwuchang will be possessed by a ghost later, and then he will be hypnotized, so that they subconsciously believe that Longguo has created a controllable nuclear fusion

This is simpler than anything.

Lin Yuan's answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

The two German diplomatic ambassadors were dumbfounded. Adam said loudly: "In this project, our country has rejected olive branches from many countries. We hope to have good cooperation with your country. Is this your attitude?"

Chu Dingyuan was also not polite, and the guardian said: "What? We created controllable nuclear fusion for you, isn't it sincere? Don't you believe it?"

Adam's face froze. If you didn't play like this, you wouldn't really think that you guys have created controllable nuclear fusion, would you?

At this time, Wang Zhen came out to smooth things over and said: "Mr. August, Ms. Josephine, you two, don't get excited. Since Professor Chu and the others said that they are here for a test this time, please take a look before you talk about it." ?”

Adam and Jane also knew that there was no other way at present, so they had no choice but to follow the steps and agree to come down.

A wise man also said: "Then let's start! Let us see what is the most important weapon of the country!"

The wise man's attitude made the two of them a little more comfortable. At least they both believed that it shouldn't be a lie.

However, this made the two of them have a hard time. Could it be that Longguo really developed controllable nuclear fusion?

How long can it burn stably? 10,000 seconds, 100,000 seconds, or how long?

Here, Lin Yuan reminded: "Everyone, the controllable nuclear fusion I developed is based on cold nuclear fusion technology, so it may be a little cold later, so be prepared.

Everyone nodded.

Lin Yuan also opened the suitcase in his hand, and everyone looked over. They were very curious about what the controllable nuclear fusion made by Lin Yuan looked like.

"Tian 897 is peace?"

Lei Qiangjun was the first to speak. Looking at the four big characters in regular script and the hat-like shape, he always felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

A wise man said hesitantly, "But Eighth Master Fan Wujiu?"

Lei Qiangjun wondered, who is Ba Ye and who is Fan Wujiu?

Another wise man was taken aback, thinking of the source of inspiration for Lin Yuan's previous invention, it seemed reasonable, he nodded and said: "It looks like a tall hat, the background color is black, and the word writes world peace, it should be black impermanence!"

Chu Dingyuan clapped his hands: "Wonderful! You two are indeed think tanks, so you guessed it so quickly."

Lei Qiangjun was stunned: "Is it really black and impermanent? Why is it a thing from the underworld?"

He Kangguo smiled and said: "Lin Yuan has a dream, which is to develop the technology of black impermanence, and then embarked on a road of no return. He said that the nuclear level and the world are peaceful. The energy of black impermanence should be nuclear energy. Controlled nuclear fusion is the most suitable."

A wise man looked at Lin Yuan and asked, "Is that so?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right. I'm starting research and development in this area after I've developed the Soul Locker. For the complete body of the Soul Locker, some functions require huge energy output. The best energy source I can think of is the controllable core." fusion!"

The wise man nodded slightly: "Although it's hell from the head, it's a good thing to do it!"

On the side, the two German diplomatic ambassadors were completely dumbfounded.

Hei Wuchang they know, isn't this the ghost messenger in the underworld in the legend of the Dragon Kingdom?

It is said that after a person dies, black and white impermanence will come and take him to the underworld, and then enter reincarnation.

How can this kind of underworld thing be connected with controlled nuclear fusion?

The most important thing is, isn't that jingle a bit too forceful, with a feeling of rote.

Could it be that they are joking, playing us?

However, neither the two wise men, nor Chu Dingyuan, nor this mysterious army, could possibly play tricks on the two diplomats.

The more I think about it, the more weird it becomes. The hat of Heiwuchang is controlled nuclear fusion, and the two of them only feel that their three views have been subverted.

Best of all, the crew transported that top hat with care, and the testing really started!

"The power link is OK!"

"The voltage is stable!"

"All parameters are normal!"

"Do you want to start the power test? Please instruct!"

The soldiers in charge of the test spoke one by one.

Everyone's eyes were on Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan nodded and said: "Start the test! 220v, household voltage!"

The testers immediately adjusted the transformer, and then began to transmit electricity, and countless household appliances in the test room began to operate.

"The output efficiency is stable!"

"The voltage is too stable, and the most important thing is that we don't feel the energy is working!"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, this is controllable nuclear fusion, if even household electricity can't handle it, what's the use of it.

At this time, Jane and Adam also slowly let go of their doubts.

They did not see the ignition process during the whole process. According to Lin Yuan, this is cold nuclear fusion. Apart from feeling the temperature drop, they did not see the cooling process.

However, the possibility that this is just a large power supply is not ruled out.

Experimentation continues.

From household 220v, to industrial three-phase 380v and three-phase 660v, all are stable output without any setback.

It's as easy as pouring the sea into a stream.

Adam and Jane counted the seconds, and they came and went, and tested three times. It has been about 6 minutes, which is 600 seconds.

It's almost 1000 seconds for Eagle Sauce!

At this time, Lin Yuan looked at the various data and said, "Why don't you skip the middle test."

Everyone nodded. At present, it seems that the power output is very stable, and there is no potential safety hazard. It is true that the span can be extended.

However, in the eyes of the two of Adam, this is urgent!

They don't have much time for nuclear fusion, they must speed up the test, or they will be exposed!

Jane Josephine said: "Let's take it step by step, we have to be responsible for our people!"

The wise man raised his eyebrows, and saw through the playfulness in the eyes of the two at a glance, wanted to see them reveal their secrets?

But, what they make are not dumplings at all!

The wise man said: "Since you ask, we will naturally satisfy you!"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Continue to test normally!"

Afterwards, various tests were carried out, and the voltage also broke through from three digits to four digits, corresponding to various scenarios in various industries.

The time has already broken through 1000 seconds, and the faces of Jane and Adam have gradually changed, which is beyond their cognition.

This is definitely not controlled nuclear fusion!

This is a large-scale power source. Long Guo has already prepared for it, and they can't see through it no matter what!

"You two, are you still conducting detailed tests?"

Chu Dingyuan asked with a smile.

Adam and Jane didn't speak, just shook their heads.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan said, "Then let's go to the case!"

Hearing this, Chu Dingyuan, He Kangguo, the two wise men and other parties became serious.

Compared with the stability and security test just now, the next step is the real highlight!

The real function of controllable nuclear fusion is not to charge mobile phones or supply power to a certain factory.

A mature nuclear power project needs to supply power to at least 4 to 7 urban clusters with a population of 2 million!

And this is the requirement of a fission power station. A fusion power station whose energy level is four times that of fission must also be calculated by four times.

For this reason, Longguo started a huge power grid transformation project in the Sea of ​​Death long after the project was approved.

In two months, the power grid of the Sea of ​​Death was completely remodeled, connected to Mangya, and running through most of the western border.

It can be said that at this moment, when the switch is turned on, most of the western Xinjiang will be powered off, and then the power will be re-powered by controllable nuclear fusion to collect data.


"Preliminary test, start with Mangya! Connect to the Mangya data team!"

Lin Yuan said.

The technicians on the side immediately connected to the satellite video conference of the Mang technical team.

"Hello, leaders! I am the leader of the Mangya data team! Everything is ready! I am ready to pull the switch at any time!"

Lin Yuan nodded slightly: "Start connecting to the grid! Output power supply!"


The technicians on both sides spoke in unison [then intensive work preparations began. (cgcg)

The two German diplomatic ambassadors on the side looked confused.

Adam asked curiously: "Excuse me, what kind of test is your country doing?"

Chu Dingyuan patiently explained: "Since what Germany needs is new clean nuclear power to deal with the strongest cold wave coming!"

"Naturally, we need to conduct a power supply test. Under the sea of ​​death, our country has spent two months to carry out power grid transformation, and now it will supply power to Mangya City, which is the closest to here.

That's a city of 63,000 people!"

Jane and Adam were stunned for a while.

Mangya and the others knew about it, it was at least 200 kilometers away from here!

In order to test the power supply effect, Longguo actually pulled a power grid so far away?

You know, the straight-line distance from north to south in Germany is 876 kilometers, and the straight-line distance from east to west is only 640 kilometers.

Take a test, and it has already spanned a quarter of Germany.

The two of them didn't know what to say for a while, maybe Long Guo was just talking like this, and the next work might just be pretending.

In short, the two of them firmly do not believe that the Dragon Kingdom can produce controllable nuclear fusion.

However, no one present cared about their thoughts, and their eyes were all focused on the data panel fed back from Mangya in front of them.

"After the grid is merged, do you want to switch the power supply immediately?"

Mangya asked.

Lin Yuan nodded: "Pull up the switch! Change the battery!"

The voice fell, and both sides acted immediately.


A slight sound of energy fluctuations came from [Tianxia Taiping], and everyone saw a blue light.

Afterwards, the technicians at Mangya Fang shouted in amazement.

"Voltage is abnormally stable!"

"The current is smooth!"

"The power supply effect is gratifying!"

"The efficiency is at least 10 times higher than that of thermal power!"

Even if the technicians don't say anything, they can still see the changes visible to the naked eye. In the video, the incandescent lamps in the Mangya power station have become brighter.

This is the output

Efficiency makes a difference!

The more stable the output, the higher the efficiency will be.

The two wise men were delighted from the bottom of their hearts. Judging from the current performance, there is no doubt that Lin Yuan has developed controllable nuclear fusion. The next step is to look at this controllable nuclear fusion.

Change, what heights can you reach!

Looking at the various data, Chu Dingyuan had the feeling that the first Tenglong No. 1 nuclear power unit was tested.

He sighed: "I haven't exerted any strength at all! Mangya is too small!"

Lin Yuan nodded: "The stability test will be carried out first, and the comprehensive test will be carried out in half an hour!"

Everyone has no objection, no matter what, the test still requires stability.

However, in the eyes of the two German diplomatic ambassadors, this is a proper delay.

When the blue energy wave appeared just now, they almost thought it was real, but now it seems that it is just a show.

half an hour later.

The latest data is released, and everything is stable and excellent.

Chu Dingyuan asked the most concerned question: "How much energy is consumed?"

The inspector said: "The initial estimate of energy loss is after four decimal places."

In other words, even if Mangya is supplied with electricity for half an hour, [World Peace] basically consumes no energy.

"When the sea fills the stream, how can we see the loss?"

He Kangguo sighed.

Lin Yuan said: "Let's start the final test!"

Everyone nodded, and Adam asked at the right time: "Excuse me, what is the final test?"

Chu Dingyuan said: "The laying of the power grid this time covers half of Western Xinjiang. It was just a preliminary test. Next [Tianxia Taiping] will supply power to half of Western Xinjiang!"

Jane and Adam were surprised again. The land area of ​​Xijiang is four times that of Germany. That is to say, the Dragon Kingdom will give two lands the size of Germany to conduct power supply tests.


If it succeeds, it will not be a problem to supply power to Germany.

However, has Dragon Kingdom really developed controllable nuclear fusion?

Of course, they overlooked one thing. Although Germany is small, it consumes more electricity than the entire Western Xinjiang. After all, the population of Germany is nearly four times that of Western Xinjiang.

"start testing!"

Lin Yuan's voice sounded, interrupting their train of thought.

Here, everyone has already connected to the main power station in Xijiang, and both sides are pulling the brakes together as usual.

The power grid is merged and the power supply is changed.

buzz buzz!

[Tianxia Taiping] once again sent out bursts of blue energy light, and this fluctuation lasted for half a minute.

And, visible to the naked eye, there is a layer of faint blue fluorescence around the top hat.

Lin Yuan laughed: "Finally serious!"

Everyone didn't know that Lin Yuan was referring to black impermanence, so they just laughed.

Chu Dingyuan looked at the data sent over there, and said happily: "It's too stable! This performance! It's better than the original Tenglong!"

A reporter asked curiously: "This [Tianxia Taiping], about the electric range

Chu Dingyuan glanced at Chu Yurong. In this regard, his granddaughter is more professional.

Chu Yurong immediately analyzed: "Reporting to the leader, at least the entire western Xinjiang can be supplied, and some can even radiate to other surrounding provinces!"

The wise man said with satisfaction: "Good! Very good! It is worthy of being the most important weapon of the country!"

The power supply in western Xinjiang has always been a big problem. In such a huge territory, it is difficult for thermal power stations to provide stable power supply. In addition to the regional characteristics, it is hot in summer and consumes a lot of electricity.

But for the stability of Xijiang, the country has spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to stabilize the power supply of Xijiang.

Now with [Tianxia Taiping], one is enough to solve these problems.

According to the project summary reported by No.0 Research Institute, the total R&D funding of [Tianxia Taiping] [is not even 10 million.

This is definitely spending the least money and doing the biggest thing!

Of course, they are also very clear that all this is because of Lin Yuan's genius, which saved a lot of research and development expenses.

According to the project report, Lin Yuan has almost never done a failed experiment, and his research and development efficiency can be said to be extremely fast.

Another half hour passed.

The overall power supply is very stable, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, [Tianxia Taiping] this controllable nuclear fusion can be recognized.

Next, is the real highlight!

Chu Dingyuan opened his mouth and said: "Let Feilang prepare and start the explosion test!!!"

The two German diplomatic ambassadors were dumbfounded upon hearing this.


Are you still trying to explode?

Could it be that the high hat in front of you is really a controllable nuclear fusion energy source?

However, at the next moment, Lin Yuan said: "Don't worry, there is another experiment!".

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