Inside the bus.

Lin Ou communicates with Uncle, the policeman in parallel time and space, through the flickering frequency of the blue light on the seat.

Not long after.

Lin Ou stopped knocking on the seat, and said, "Let's drive, Ye Xin goes and fetches the gasoline can, and we all sit separately.

The vehicle starts slowly.

Driving in the dark night, Qingqiu drove very slowly. The whole bus looked like a monster with a pair of big eyes. During the driving, the headlights illuminated the road ahead, and there was a woman in red with bloodless face and long hair fluttering in front of her. , Standing in the middle of the road, making a gesture to hail a taxi, seeing this scene under such circumstances, everyone's scalp tingles.

"Crash!" Lin Ou said in a deep voice.

Qingqiu, who was sitting on the driver's seat, was stared at by the woman in red. She gritted her teeth and stepped up the gas pedal. The woman in red passed through the bus. The woman in red bared her teeth and claws, two lines of blood and tears flowed from her eyes, flashed by, and she still stood where she was, the distance between the bus and her was getting farther and farther.

The hearts of everyone in the car were about to jump out.

If the car stopped to let the woman in red get into 03, everyone would probably be killed.

The time when Lin Ou looked up into the bus for the first time: 【20:20】


Another wet man appeared by the side of the road, he was overjoyed when he saw the bus, he waved his hand quickly, signaling him to take the bus, Qingqiu swallowed his saliva and didn't dare to turn around and asked nervously: Do you want to stop?"

"Don't stop unless it's a bus stop!"

After Lin Ou finished speaking, he began to count silently in his heart, the second one.

However, at the next moment, through the windshield, Qingqiu saw a bus stop in front of him, and five pale-faced men and women stood beside the platform. They stared straight at the passing bus, and lightly raised their right hands, Although I was scared in my heart, I was still ready to slow down and stop.

"Don't stop!"

"This is not a platform!"

"Not yet!"

Three shouts sounded, it was Lin Ou, the old man, the bald man, the old man and the bald man seemed to think that they should shut up immediately, they glanced at Lin Ou secretly, and saw that the other party was looking at them with a half-smile.

Qingqiu hurriedly looked at the navigation, and sure enough, there was still nearly half of the distance to the 19th stop, he stepped on the gas pedal in fright, and the bus disappeared into the darkness at a fast speed, his hands were trembling, and his face was full of horror I didn't dare to turn around and ask, "What's going on?!"

"You just need to remember that the only thing you can trust is the navigation. Before arriving at the station, no matter who or what strange phenomenon appears, do not stop. The duty of the bus driver is to transport passengers from one stop to the next. .”

After Lin Ou finished speaking, he counted silently in his heart: the seventh one.

I do not know how long it has been.

The bus staggered to a cemetery and drove very slowly on the road in front of the cemetery.

"Where's the platform?"

Qingqiu's eyes widened, and the navigation showed that the 19th stop was here, but he didn't see the platform, and a few people beside the cemetery were waving to the bus.

"Stop! Open the door!" Lin Ou continued to order.

The bus stopped in front of several people. When the door was opened, the four passengers swiped their cards to get on the bus, and the bus wobbled again and set off.

The four newly boarded passengers chose the empty seats to sit down.

Burying her head on the female star as the backrest, she felt that someone was sitting beside her. She raised her head nervously and slowly, and saw a person covered in blood, whose face was pierced by glass shards, causing the person's face to be covered in blood, with no eyes in their eye sockets. , Feeling the star looking over, the passenger also looked at him and murmured: "At the next stop, there are people, get on the bus, they want to go home.


The star screamed in terror.

However, the next moment, the passenger next to her suddenly opened his mouth wide, bit off the female star's head in one bite, and chewed it in his mouth, saying at the same time: "Don't make noise, we want to go home."

The temperature in the car is dropping.

To be exact, it was the hearts of all the players who were chilling. Seeing the female star who was still shouting just now turned into a headless corpse, everyone couldn't help but hugged their arms with both hands and beat a shudder.

"Continue to sit separately, remember, there are no people on the seats on both sides." Lin Ou's voice appeared again, but this time his voice was very soft.

at the same time.

He also said silently in his heart: No. 4.

The previous 7 were not allowed to get on the bus.

These 4 can get on the bus.

He placed his hand on the empty seat next to him and kept tapping, and the seat flashed blue lights of different frequencies.

Two students covered their mouths.

He began to switch seats, but when he got up, he found that there was no seat in the car with no one on both sides. The four passengers who looked like ghosts looked at them with empty eyes, and the two students were frightened. Legs were numb, the old man glanced at 937 Lin Ou who didn't speak, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and said: "If you don't have a seat, you just stand, the new passenger is the dead passenger on this accident bus, there should be 20 There are exactly 20 seats. It can be concluded that they were sitting on the seat before they died, so we have to keep giving up our seats. However, we were all coin-operated passengers at the beginning, and we also have the right to sit on the bus. After driving, we must sit on the seat and cannot stand, and we can only stand up if we give up our seat to the dead passenger. This is a dark line. Reasoning is required.”

"Yo, stop pretending?" Lin Ou said coldly.

"Little brother, how did you find out?" The old man didn't have the sulking look before, he was radiant and full of energy, even the crutches were put aside.

"Didn't you keep eavesdropping on my chat with Zhang Yong? The players in the parallel space are all rookies, and they were convinced by him, so the elites are all on our bus. After the novice dungeon, three The one-day rest period, I think, is enough time for each team to recruit teammates, so every team that downloads a copy has masters in charge, your acting skills are too clumsy, don’t you think you are bald?”

(New book, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass.).

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