Let You Escape From The Secret Room, But Not Let You Pass The Level Directly

Chapter 68 Clear The First Copy! 【Ask For Flowers】

Can't get on the bus: No. 20.

Can get on the car: the 20th.

The bus was still wobbling, Lin Ou and others left their seats the most, and grabbed the handrail pull ring. The next stop was the 12th stop. There were already 20 people in the bus. When they got closer to the 12th platform , The fingernails of these passengers elongated at a speed visible to the naked eye, black air began to radiate from the whole body, and they were already on the verge of going berserk.

There are 8 players still alive.

Except for Qingqiu who was driving, seven players stood in the middle of the vehicle. Ye Xin was carrying a gasoline barrel and poured gasoline on both sides. Over and over, only the middle without pouring gasoline.

Lin Ou took out the cigarette and lighter in his pocket.

"What do you want?" Someone asked in horror.

At this moment, the car was filled with the smell of gasoline.

The old man no longer pretended, and said: "The 18th station is Tucheng, the 16th station is the crematorium, the 14th station is the aquarium, and the 12th station is the lumber yard. Whether the station is a hexagram, it is a big ominous, so the 12th station belongs to the Mudan big ominous, fire overcomes wood, and Qingqiu! After the whole car is on fire, you step on the gas pedal to the bottom and rush to the 11th station at the fastest speed. Everyone is doing well Prepare for battle."

The moment the bus stopped at the 12th battlefield.

The cigarette butt in Lin Ou's hand also fell on the floor of the car. Boom, the entire front and rear compartments ignited raging fire in an instant. There were various screams in the fire. The star's body was quickly eaten up by them. Kazilan's big eyes with cataracts stared at the seven players surrounded by flames, but they dared not rely on them.

May wish to sort out the branch plot.

The bus appeared in the barren mountains.

It is far away from the suburbs, so someone will stop the car when there is no stop on the way. It stands to reason that it is okay to stop and pick up passengers in such a remote place, but the time in the car is always 20:20. There are two possibilities:

Type 1: The car was destroyed at 20:20.

The second type: the driver strictly follows the rules and regulations, and the non-sites are not allowed to park at will. Then the two 20 are the number of passengers and the number of people who refuse to load. This possible clue is very vague. Only after the player starts the vehicle Only by encountering can we find out.

Judging from the various people who tried to take a taxi along the way.

Obviously the second possibility.

Platform 12 is a death stop.

Reverse deduction, we can get that the bus accident happened on the 12th platform, which is surrounded by flat land, no buildings, and not close to the suburbs. It is undoubtedly impossible for the bus to overturn and fall off the cliff or hit the wall. It is even more likely to collide with other vehicles. It is nonsense, so there is only one situation left, the bus catches fire and finally leads to an explosion.

The cause of the fire must be related to the gasoline drum.

When passengers get on the bus, they cannot carry this kind of thing. Only the driver has the ability to bring gasoline on board.

The murderer should be the driver.

So here comes the problem.

Why did the driver kill this car?

Lin Ou found the answer on the station stop display map, the 11th station:

Z City Biochemical Research Center.

The hexagram at the 11th station is the Tai hexagram, which represents vitality and life. The reverse derivation shows that the destination of the passengers in this car is to get off at the 11th station. They are all employees of this research center, so the driver has to ensure that Don't hurt the innocent, refuse to take other passengers along the way, he knows that these highly educated researchers will not stop the bus halfway, or how to say that highly educated people do things well, let alone at night For the bus, those researchers who go to work must look for it and wait at the bus stop.

The 11th station has reached the research center, even if the people outside are on fire, there is still time to save them.

The 12th station is different, the passengers who need to be pulled are almost pulled, and there is also a distance from the research center, so this is the most suitable place to start.

This is the full subplot.

The bus is speeding down the road.

Qingqiu has already stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

The seven players in the middle looked back to back vigilantly at the evil spirits blocked by the fire, cold sweat broke out on Lin Ou's forehead, because he didn't know if this car could drive to the 11th stop, but there are more important things now, look at the old man And the bald head said: "I know that you two have been listening to the Morse code I sent, so you should know my name, and I also know that you are pretending to be pigs and tigers. If you want to kill the list, you'd better not mess around now." Come on, it's hard to say whether you win or lose in a fight, "~!"

Lin Ou said suddenly.

When everyone looked up, they saw an evil spirit hanging upside down from the steel pipe connecting the roof and the bottom of the car. A paw that was emitting black smoke hit Lin Ou's head. The sharp nails could crush Lin Ou's body. After grabbing the brains out, Ye Xin and the little sister were shocked, and hurriedly called out their guns, and shot at the ghost. Ordinary bullets can't hurt the ghost. Under Lin Ou's horrified eyes, the ghost's hand suddenly snapped. accelerate.

It was about to poke a hole in Lin Ou's head.

The Pixiu pendant on Lin Ou's neck glowed warmly and turned into a palm-sized Pixiu. Pixiu let out a roar, and the evil spirit hanging on the tube was frightened. He backed away with his hands and feet, and several cracks appeared on the pendant. Lin Ou Yu Sheng after Ou Jie, looking at the pendant, secretly thought that it could be used once more.

*`Here we come!'

Qingqiu shouted in surprise, at this moment the car door opened slowly, and everyone rushed out without saying a word.

The weird thing is.

The first player to rush out of the car door disappeared out of thin air. The car door seems to be connected to other spaces, and it should be directly transferred to the second copy of the Rubik's Cube. Everyone couldn't control that much, and rushed out. Lin Ou was squeezed behind. He only heard Ye Xin's "be careful", and at the same time Ye Xin quickly pushed him away, Lin Ou felt his shoulder was hit by something, it hurt a little, and then a huge pain hit, he was shot in the shoulder .

He hurriedly searched for the murderer.

The old man smiled at him, rushed out of the car door, and disappeared from everyone's sight. (Wang Nuohao)

"How are you?" Ye Xin hurriedly checked Lin Ou's body.

"Let's go out first!"

Lin Ou grinned in pain, and was helped by Ye Xin to get on the bus.

However, a flash of white light flashed, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a dormitory, and the rest of the players didn't know where they had gone.

【Congratulations to player Lin Ou!)】

[Complete Rubik's Cube Copy: 1/3]

【Get 18 Points Reward!】

[Congratulations to player Lin Ou, for his excellent performance, he won the Rubik's Cube 2/3 dungeon clue reward: he can walk without feet, speak without mouth, give orders, everyone obeys and deletes]

Before he had time to treat the wound, he heard someone calling his name.

"Now roll call!"

"Lin Ou!"

"Is Lin Ou here?"

The sound source comes from the dormitory, on the table, in the computer, and in the online class screen.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for subscriptions.).

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