Let You Escape From The Secret Room, But Not Let You Pass The Level Directly

Chapter 90 One Can Pretend More Than One 【For Flowers】

"Isn't Zhou Chen dead?"

"Did Lin Ou mention that Zhou Chen wanted to remind us of something?"

The little sister and the policeman Uncle each expressed their opinions. Ye Xin didn't say anything, but walked to the wall on the right, and pulled out the Tang knife from behind. Gestures in the air, like a child who just learned to write and forgot how to write that character, Ye Xin murmured: "Has the ability to write also been deprived?"

A total of 18 people entered the laboratory.

In the laboratory, 6 people died, Lin Ou and Long Yuan fought at an unknown distance behind, the old man ran to the front, now there are 9 people left here, as the saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang, they gathered together Start to express your own opinions.

"Our ability to read-read is taken away."

"Our ability to write was taken away.

"Our souls have also been stripped of our bodies."

No one questioned these three points of view. They couldn’t see the words and pictures prompted by Paradise in their minds, which meant that their reading ability was deprived; they couldn’t engrave words on the wall, and they couldn’t write on the ground, which meant that their writing ability was deprived; based on From the first two points of view, it can be concluded that their souls have been stripped of their bodies, and their bodies are probably lying on the stairs on the second floor now.


"I didn't see our bodies at the entrance of the corridor before.

"This is not simple, it means that our souls are now in a parallel space."

Everyone spoke out their thoughts.

It has to be said that they have two brushes to survive until now, and soon the weird deciphering of the second floor has been roughly figured out by them: the second floor is a parallel space, and when the player steps into the second floor, their souls They were stripped away, and at the same time, deprived of their ability to read and write.

To escape from this secret room.

It is necessary to find the task.

"So, what's the mission?" someone asked.

"I remembered." A player said excitedly: "Do you still remember that when we were escaping just now, the horror value reminder of the paradise in our minds, since there is a reminder, it means that there are ghosts in this decryption, but The problem is that some players whose horror value has reached 60 have not been attacked by the ghost, which means that the ghost is hiding, as long as we find the ghost, we can decrypt it successfully!"

The corners of many people's mouths twitched.

Looking for a ghost?

What's the difference between that and going to die?

Immediately, a chunky player objected: "You are fine, maybe this is the fog set by the paradise. I think the task is on Lin Ou and Yongyuan. Why did they suddenly become so powerful? I think this is a collective deciphering , Only if all of us succeed in deciphering, can we escape the endless corridor."

Swish Swish Swish Swish.

Several eyes were focused on the short and fat player. Everyone's complexion was not quite right, and they moved quietly. Ye Xin held the Tang Dao tightly in her hand, and the policeman Uncle also summoned his machete, staring at him intently. The short and fat player, the little Taimei hid behind the two of them behind Cao Xiu's back.

The short and fat player, seeing everyone's expressions, cursed in a low voice: "Fuck! I was fooled!"

May wish to sort out.

There is a reminder of the horror value in the park, indicating that there must be ghosts in the corridor.

However, the players were not attacked by the ghost, which means that the ghost is not an NPC in the instance, but a ghost buff obtained by a certain player.

Who is the first to come out against the point of view that there are ghosts.

Who is the player with the ghost buff.

The chunky player has been hiding very well. Since he entered the laboratory, he has been sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight. He has not lost his body and turned into a ghost to create horror incidents. There is no doubt that the laboratory building has great fear. As long as he waits quietly The horror value of each player reaches 60, and then it's time for him to perform, but it's not as good as God, he never thought that the second floor of the laboratory directly stripped the souls of all players, causing him to start from entering the second floor, Always in the ghost buff state, when the player feels the horror, the horror value will increase, which makes other players realize that some of them have obtained the ghost buff, no, they will be scammed out of it.

0...asking for flowers...

His body gradually floated in mid-air.

His facial features became ferocious, his nails were slowly stretching, he opened his bloody mouth wide, and rushed towards the player whose horror value was already 60, the player just reacted, raised his middle finger at everyone, and ran away. While running, he shouted angrily, "Thank you so much!"

He fled in the direction of the corridor entrance.

This made the chunky player in the ghost state a little entangled, he pondered for a while, and murmured: "Since it has been exposed, then let's expose it all."

He stretched out his palm and scratched at random, only to see that the player who had already run tens of meters suddenly appeared in his hands. This ability beyond the ghost buff made all the players' scalps tingle. They couldn't help but think of Lin Ou and Long Yuan also has this ability, which means that the fattened player has already solved the puzzle.


The player was crushed by him with one hand, he turned his head and looked at everyone jokingly said: "Do you want to know the answer? I'll tell you now, the decryption answer on the second floor is...

He hasn't spoken yet.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Ye Xin's pupils shrank suddenly and she stepped on a Tang saber, flying like a flying sword. With a wave of her big hand, the policeman Uncle and the three disappeared. The bald head directly tore through the space and disappeared with the other players. At the same time, she said in her mouth: "Don't forget Yes, we agreed before, I will take you out of the dungeon alive, and you will pay me reward points."

The fat player looked at the empty corridor, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Damn, one can pretend better than the other.

But said.

The little sister who was taken away by Ye Xin and was in a state of rapid flight said happily: "Sister Ye Xin, have you solved the puzzle? What is it?"

"It can't be said that for players who haven't solved the puzzle, they will die when they hear the answer. No matter who solves the puzzle later, don't tell your teammates. Lin Ou has reminded you about this decryption. Zhou Chen, you guys Think carefully about what Zhou Chen said in the novice dungeon." Ye Xin said coldly.

(Beginners, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets. Inches).

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