Let You Escape From The Secret Room, But Not Let You Pass The Level Directly

Chapter 91: Execute Longyuan! (1) [Ask For A Monthly Ticket]

What did Zhou Chen say?

[I thought I was trapped in the same day, only to find out that I was trapped in a dream, a frozen dream!]



Uncle, the policeman, suddenly remembered a common sense. Everyone has no reading ability when dreaming. You can dream that you are reading a book, but you can’t dream about the content of the book, because when you sleep, your brain is in a dormant state. Similarly, writing also the same.

This is the decryption of the second floor.

It directly drags the player's soul into a dream, so why can't you just tell others that this is a dream?

It's very simple, when a person realizes that he is dreaming, then he can really do whatever he wants, which is why Lin Ou and Yongyuan suddenly became so powerful "Nine Zero Zero", they can be as strong as they want How strong, but once you tell others that this is a dream, then the person you tell will be dragged into your dream by you and become a member of your dream. When you wake up, the person in your dream Everything will disappear, including the players you dragged into your dream.

The dream cannot say that this conclusion is hidden a bit deep.

In psychology, there is a phenomenon called omnipotent narcissism, which means that when a person is a child, he thinks that the world revolves around him, that other people are actors to cooperate with his performance, and that other people exist because of my will. When you die, everyone in the world will die. Similarly, dreams are the same. My dreams, I am the omnipotent narcissist. When I tell you this is a dream, then you will be pulled into my dream by me. I woke up and disappeared in my dream, so this dream doesn't need to exist, everything in the dream will disappear with it0


Police Uncle, no wonder Ye Xin didn't even think about it when she heard the fat player wanted to tell the decryption, and she took everyone to run. Ye Xin has realized that this is a dream, she has an independent dream, and will not be dragged by others Into other dreams, but the policeman Uncle is different, they have not realized that this is a dream, in other words, they have not yet generated their own dreams, once they are pulled into someone else's dream, their end can only be a dead end one.

This is a dream.

This is a dream.

This is a dream!

After the police officer Uncle reminded himself repeatedly in his heart, he tried to change himself according to the image of a super policeman buried deep in his heart. Suddenly he was pleasantly surprised to see that his body was changing rapidly, and various mechanical sounds sounded. The mighty police robot appeared in the eyes of the other three people, with two jets sprayed from his feet, and he flew up like Iron Man.



Police Uncle was flying around the corridor like a child.

"Remember carefully, when we first met Zhou Chen, what did he say?" The policeman Uncle looked at Cao Xiu and Xiao Taimei who were still in a daze.

Cao Xiu thought for a moment.

Thinking that Zhou Chen appeared when they had just cracked the library decryption, Zhou Chen was a chatterbox at that time, facing Lin Ou's suspicion, Zhou Chen chattered about what happened to him when they were decrypting the gymnasium, he said, he thought he was Trapped on the same day, only to find out that they were trapped in a frozen dream.


Is this a dream?!

Fuck, what a disgusting decryption, first strip the player's soul, create a smoke bomb, make the player think that he is in the state of the soul in a parallel time and space, there is only one prompt for the whole decryption, that is, the player cannot see the prompt of the paradise, what the hell Who can guess it?

Not long.

All the injuries on Cao Xiu's body have recovered. He has the sword fairy ability that he has dreamed of. He is dressed in white, ancient costume, long hair, and a peerless fairy sword. So cool.

"Why have you all transformed?" The little girl was a little anxious.

"Hurry up and decrypt it, if a player shows up later and tells you the answer, you will die." Ye Xin urged 0...

"Zhou Chen deciphered that scene alone in the novice dungeon?" The police officer Uncle almost slammed the answer in her face.


"What is the subject of his decryption?"

"Hunting the campus."

Police Uncle:

Under the constant reminders of the three, Xiao Taimei also began to realize that this was a dream. So far, everyone in Lin Ou's team has their own independent dreams. In their own dreams, they are invincible and cannot be killed.

The bald head wanted to hit someone right now.

"What do you do during the day?"


Bald: "

"I have a what?"

"I have an ideal."

"Foreigner, did you do it on purpose?"

Among the few people he rescued was a foreigner, probably because of the language surprise, no matter how the bald head reminded him, the foreigner couldn't imagine that this was a dream, so angry that his teeth were itching, and he roared angrily: "What space is stolen?"

The foreigner was about to say something.

Lin Ou's voice rang in everyone's mind.

"The players who have successfully decrypted cannot be killed, everyone came to the stairs, and we will carry out the final decryption.

4.0 This ability?

Similar to the sound transmission, it seems that Lin Ou subdued Longyuan, and indeed as he said, when the player realizes that this is a dream, then the player is invincible and will never be killed. The various struggles before, in the decryption of the player There is no meaning between them, Lin Ou is responsible for intelligence, and only he can lead everyone to escape this decryption.

Ever since.

All the players who successfully decrypted went to Lin Ou's position.

Except for one person.

That was the old man. When he heard Lin Ou's voice, he couldn't stop trembling, ran away crazily, and continued to run forward, muttering to himself: "Big fear! Big fear! I must get farther and farther away from that guy. it is good!"

(New book, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass.).

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