Let You Form An Archaeological Team, The Team Members Are All Tomb Robbers

Chapter 63: Lop Nur! Pisces Jade Pendant! The Archaeological Team Has Added Newcomers! Include Chen

Presented to the eyes of the whole people in the form of video.

Isn't this the same as live broadcasting!


It's just a live broadcast of the official organization!


"Is there a problem?"

Zhang Jianguo asked.

Now, after all, it is Tang Fan who dominates.


If Tang Fan can successfully solve the problem of the sea of ​​death.

He himself will be praised by the people above.

Good thing for him.


Now it’s basically what Tang Fan says, that’s what it is!

"no problem."

Tang Fan waved his hand.

His target is only the evil veins in the sea of ​​death.

and rewards after solving.

It doesn't matter if it's live or not.

The three then took a helicopter to the Sea of ​​Death.

The gates of hell are not far from the sea of ​​death.

In half an hour, he arrived at the army base where Sea of ​​Death was stationed.

Tang Fan did not expect that it was Wang Sheng who greeted him.

"Here we are, waiting for you."

Wang Sheng welcomed the four of them with a smile.

Before Tang Fan could speak, he said: "Live your light."

"I've now been promoted to the unit that manages all restricted areas."

"So come here early."

Tang Fan nodded suddenly.


"The person you told this side to watch out for."

"Really got caught."

"That guy is also a man of high art and boldness."

"He ran into the village where the population mysteriously disappeared before."

"Now being held in the interrogation room!"

Wang Sheng continued.

heard the words.

Tang Fan's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yulou was actually caught!

"I'll go see him first."

he spoke.

If you can include Chen Yulou, you will be rewarded again!


Wang Sheng personally led the way for Tang Fan.

After a while, he saw Chen Yulou.

The current Chen Yulou still looks like a middle-aged man.

He is slightly fat and wears a double-breasted blue robe.

Because of his blindness, he wore a pair of sunglasses.

"Partridge whistle?"

The four of Tang Fan just walked into the interrogation room.

Chen Yulou opened his mouth in astonishment.

It seems that he did not expect to meet the partridge whistle here.

"Brother Chen."

The partridge whistle cupped its hands and opened its mouth.


"Have you joined the official organization?"

Chen Yulou continued to ask in confusion.

"He is now a member of my archaeological team."

"Mr. Chen, would you like to join our team and serve the country?"

Tang Fan took the words.

There is nothing to say about Chen Yulou's abilities.

His strength is comparable to that of the partridge whistle.

Hear him.

Chen Yulou smiled: "As soon as I am the leader of the mountain, I am a deadly enemy with the archaeological team."

"You actually recruited me? It's really a rare thing!"

"However, I'm used to being an idler and a wild crane."

"I don't like being tied down."

Obvious refusal.

When the partridge whistle on the side heard this, he became anxious immediately.

He frantically made tricks for Chen Yulou.

What benefits can follow Tang Fan bring to oneself.

Partridge whistle now has a deep understanding.

He doesn't want his friend to miss this thigh!


Tang Fan smiled lightly, and continued: "You are the leader of Xiling today.

"Stand on the opposite side of the archaeological team."

"If you don't join my archaeological team, you are our enemy.

"You have been fighting for so many years, and you can already be sentenced to a lifelong package of food and housing."

"Even, reward you with a gun!"

He said calmly.

Now Tang Fan doesn't need to ask Chen Yulou to join his archaeological team.

It doesn't matter if Chen Yulou doesn't join.

to him.

It's just a loss of some rewards!

heard the words.

Chen Yulou's expression darkened instantly.

He is also very clear.

What crime would he be convicted of if he fell over these years?

Especially now that he's still in custody.

Escape is definitely impossible.


"Join my archaeological team."

"Then it's a family."

"I will not treat anyone badly."

"Your eye problem, I can help solve it."

"Think about it for yourself."

Tang Fan continued to speak.

he feels—

Since Black Jade Ointment has the anti-sky function of bone regeneration.

It should be no problem to restore Chen Yulou's eyesight.

The partridge whistle beside Tang Fan kept making small moves to Chen Yulou.

Urging him to agree quickly.

Follow Tang Fan, you will never lose money!

"Your team is archaeology?"

Chen Yulou asked.

"Let's be honest."

"Now the mysterious restricted area has changed."

"It's caused by the evil pulse in the ancient tomb."

"What we have to do is to cut off all the evil veins in the world!"

"Keep the peace of the country!"

Tang Fan spoke.

There is nothing to hide.

finished listening.

A look of shock appeared on Chen Yulou's face.


Of course he knows.

But is that something that ordinary people can deal with?

"Brother Chen, agree quickly.

"You can be appreciated by Brother Tang."

"That is definitely the greatest luck in your life!"

Seeing that Chen Yulou has not agreed yet.

The partridge whistle couldn't help but reminded.

His words made Chen Yulou couldn't help but whisper in his heart.

Chen Yulou was very clear about Partridge Whistle's temperament.

Love and righteousness!

But never take orders from one person easily.

This young man in his early twenties.

How could the partridge whistle say such words.

Could it be that what is so special about this young man?

"Okay, I'll join."

Chen Yulou thought for a while and opened his mouth.

He has no choice at all right now.

Don't join Tang Fan's archaeological team, and wait for the day when his hands step on the sewing machine.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for including Chen Yulou. 】

[Receive the inclusion reward, ten years of internal strength. 】

[Self attribute points four points! 】

Immediately the sound of the system sounded.

"so little?"

Tang Fan was a little confused.

This reward is not as much as the inclusion of Hu Bayi!

But there is a good saying.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat, and it is better to have it than to have nothing.

"Increase four for each attribute."

Tang Fan muttered in his heart.

Before Hu Bayi's strength went from level 5 to level 6, the eight attribute points he gained were still useless.

Adding the current four o'clock, it is exactly twelve o'clock.

[Ding, added successfully. 】

[Current attributes, strength: 170. 】



The sound of the system sounds.

Tang Fan no longer cared about the system, but took out the Black Jade Ointment.

"Eat this."

"See if it restores your eyesight."

He said and poured a grain from the cup.

Although judging from the name, this seems to be a dog skin plaster.

But it's actually a pill.

Chen Yulou took it suspiciously.

Smell it carefully with your nose.

Just this small pill can restore eyesight!?


Now Tang Fan is his boss.

He had to listen to the boss's order and swallowed the pill in one gulp.

But for a moment.

His body trembled violently.

Because he found his blind eyes, his eyesight is slowly recovering!

"This! This! What kind of medicine is this!"

When Chen Yulou opened his mouth, his voice was trembling.

This made Partridge Whistle stare.

What's the meaning?

That little pill could really heal Chen Yulou's eyes.

Just when he was wondering.

Chen Yulou has already taken off his sunglasses.

The eyes were clear, and there was no sign of blindness.


The partridge whistle stared fiercely.

He knew that since Chen Yulou had eye problems, he had visited famous doctors all over the world.

But none of them could solve his eye problem.

And now.

It was solved by Tang Fan with a small pill!?

"Grace of reinvention, grace of reinvention.

"I, Chen Yulou, will be at your disposal in the future!"

The most shocking thing was Chen Yulou himself.

He searched for famous doctors all over the world, and all he got was one result——

There is no one to save!

And now.

It was cured by Tang Fan with a pill.

He finally understood.

Why did the partridge whistle urge himself to agree.

"From now on, we will be our own family."

"Tell me the purpose of your coming here."

Tang Fan waved his hand and asked curiously.

"I'm here for the legendary Pisces jade pendant."

"It's been rumored that this jade pendant has mysterious abilities."

"I wanted to find it and see if it could cure my eye problem."

Chen Yulou answered honestly.

"Do you have a clue about this thing?"

Tang Fan asked in surprise.

Pisces jade pendant, a very peculiar jade pendant.

Possesses a mysterious power that can be perfectly reproduced, and is rumored to have the power to travel through time and space.

As long as you know about the mysterious disappearance of Professor Peng back then, you must know about the Pisces Jade Pendant!

"I do have a clue about that thing in my hand."

"That thing reproduced the sea of ​​death and formed an underground space."

"Just below the sea of ​​death."

"Those missing people were probably sucked into the underground space."

Chen Yulou spoke truthfully.

Hearing this, Tang Fan frowned slightly.

Recreated a sea of ​​death, forming an underground space!?

This is the past.

Pisces Jade Pendant does have this ability.

"In this way, we need to find the Sea King of Death who should be in the underground space in Loulan.

"Because of the evil veins, it caused a mutation."

"The underground space is unstable, and there is a situation of swallowing people."

Tang Fan thought about it and spoke.

"Xiaofan, something happened."

At this moment, Wang Sheng walked over with a solemn expression.


Tang Fan looked at him puzzled.

"Another person is missing."

"It's the village from before."

"There was a village where people mysteriously disappeared."

"We sent people to study it all the time.

"A researcher just disappeared in the village for no reason."

"It just disappeared in front of everyone's eyes out of thin air."

Wang Sheng explained with a dignified expression.

It was the first time he had heard of such a strange thing.

"Take me to see."

Tang Fan said.

That village devoured people one after another.

Most likely, there is the entrance to the underground world.

People who disappeared for no reason should have been pulled into the underground world.

Wang Sheng Dian Dian

Head, lead the way.

Tang Fan led the partridge whistle and the four followed closely behind!

0…ask for flowers………

not for a while.

They came to the village.

The whole village has now been cordoned off.

There is a stone tablet at the entrance of the village.

Three words are distortedly engraved on the stone tablet——

Haikou Village.

"Do you have any details about this village?"

Tang Fan glanced at the stele and asked.

Wang Sheng immediately handed him a file.

Tang Fan opened it to check.

The origin of Haikou Village is not very big.

It is a village formed after the nomads moved here after the sea of ​​death dried up.

The villagers are all Uighurs.

However, there is one point in this file that caught Tang Fan's attention.

It is this village that holds a sacrificial activity every March 3rd.

This sacrifice is called the River Sacrifice Festival.

The content of the sacrifice is to throw the sheep into an ancient well in the village that has long dried up.

"What are these people doing to worship the dry ancient well?"

Tang Fan asked puzzledly.

The custom of offering sacrifices is found in every place.

Most of them are sacrifices to mountain gods, river gods, and dragon kings.

Especially minorities.

He couldn't figure out what the Uighurs living here were doing to offer sacrifices to an ancient well?

"I asked someone."

"It is said to be a sacrifice to the Sand God."

"In this way, there will be no missing persons.

Wang Sheng on the side said.

"What's the meaning?"

"Before this, there were people in this village who disappeared for no reason?"

Tang Fan asked with a frown.

"From what I've heard, that's the case."

"Before there is no sacrifice to the evil god."

"One person goes missing every six months."

"People here say it's because the sand god is evil, and he came out to find something to eat."

"However, it's weird."

After the sacrifice, nothing really happened.


Wang Sheng continued to explain.

"What do you think?"

After Tang Fan listened, he looked at the four partridge whistlers.

"It's impossible to tell."

"In the old days, every village had something that every village worshiped."

"Some are birds, some are fish, some are snakes."

"And all sorts of weird stuff."

"This so-called Sand God must be some kind of mysterious creature.

Hu Bayi spoke immediately.

"I have some reflections on this Sand God.

At this time Chen Yulou said.

"It is rumored that everything in the world is governed by gods."

"Mountains have mountain gods, rivers have river gods, and this desert also has a sand ginseng.

"That's what I heard."

"This killing god is made up of gravel."

"It has the ability to control sandstorms and tornadoes."

"Some people think that quicksand is the mouth of the sand god."

he finished.

Wang Sheng said: "From the point of view of understanding, this is not the case."

"The Sand God enshrined here is a full-color brown-yellow guy.

"It seems to exist like a lizard."

"But the size is huge, at least five meters or more."

After Tang Fan listened, he began to think.

in his understanding.

Only Komodo dragons qualify.

However, Komodo dragons are dark in color.

"Could it be Stone Dragon Boy?"

Tang Fan said.

"Stone Dragon Boy? What is that?"

Hu Bayi asked in confusion.

"It's a four-legged snake and a thunder dog."

"But this thing can't grow so big."

"Unless, mutated!"

Tang Fan said.

The four-legged snake is a small lizard, and it can be found in many places.

But in ancient times.

The status of this thing is not low.

Many people regard this thing as Jackie Chan.

"Let's take a look at the village first."

"I would like to know what kind of seals are in this village."

Tang Fan waved his hand, putting Sand God aside,

In villages of ethnic minorities like this, basically every village has a god.

The gods worshiped in many villages are actually some of the giants due to mutations, so they are regarded as gods by the older generation.

Like those villages that live by the river.

In some places, river gods like tortoises are worshipped.

In fact, it is just a cherished animal, the spotted softshell turtle.

However, the spotted soft-shelled turtle is large in size, several times that of the common soft-shelled turtle.

Therefore, people regard it as a spirited old turtle and enshrine it as a river god.


Tang Fan walked into Haikou Village with the Partridge Whistle and the others.

A very ordinary village.

Nothing special.

"I still have things to attend to.

"You guys are busy."

Wang Sheng said.

Tang Fan waved his hand and asked him to do his own work.


He directly opened the golden pupil to investigate the situation in the village.

But nothing came out.

"Come on, let's go to that well and have a look."

Tang Fan thought for a while.

The four partridge whistle naturally had no objection.

Soon they found the dry well behind the village.

It looks very old.

Tang Fan jumped in without thinking.

Zhang Qilin and the others followed closely behind.

Almost ten meters deep, this depth is easy for them.

"Strange, sacrifices are held here every year."

"There should be a lot of bones."

"Why are there none?"

After Tang Fan glanced around, he was puzzled.

The other four were also puzzled.

"Huh? There's something wrong with this place."


Tang Fan looked at the well wall on the left and said the door. .

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