Let You Form An Archaeological Team, The Team Members Are All Tomb Robbers

Chapter 64: 507 Innings? 749 Innings? Discover The Sea Of ​​Death Investigation Log! (Kneeling For F

The eyes of Zhang Qilin and the others also fell on the wall of the well.

Maybe it's because this place is in a desert area.

Even though the ancient well is old, there is no moss growing on the well wall.

It looks very old-fashioned.

However, the four of them didn't see anything unusual.

Tang Fan didn't speak.

He just put his hand on the wall of the ancient well, his fingers lightly slid across each stone brick.

After a while.

He seems to have discovered something.

Press firmly and lightly.

Then I saw that the stone brick he pressed sank.


A hole like a door appeared on the wall of the well.

It is a secret door.

The four of Partridge Whistle looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Who would set up such a secret door in this ancient well?

"It seems that this village has a lot of secrets!"

Tang Fan spoke.

Then walk into the hidden door.

The four partridge whistle followed closely behind.

After entering the secret door, there is a corridor.

After passing through the corridor.

Tang Fan and others came to a room with only seventy to eighty square meters.

first glance.

They saw a mummy.

"This service?"

Tang Fan frowned slightly looking at the mummy.

Hu Bayi behind him was also staring at the mummy.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

*People from Bureau 507!?"


Tang Fan spoke.

Almost at the same time, Hu Bayi also spoke.

Said the same words as Tang Fan.

Obviously both of them recognized the origin of the mummy!

"it's said----"

"The 507 Bureau established in 1968?"

Partridge Whistle frowned and asked.

"That's right!"

"It's the rumored organization formed by people with supernatural powers."


"How come there are people from Bureau 507 here?"

"Shouldn't it be under the jurisdiction of Bureau 749?"

Tang Fan stroked his chin and opened his mouth in thought.

In the "Eight Five Seven" generation in the 1980s, there were two mysterious institutions.

One is Bureau 749, which manages paranormal events.

This mysterious institution was established in the early Republic of China.

Specializes in dealing with paranormal events.

Northeast cat-faced granny incident.

Chengdu zombie incident.

Yingkou dragon falling incident.

1927 Disappearance of the Army.

The 1945 corpse resurrection incident and so on.

These are all investigated by Bureau 749.

The mysterious disappearance of Professor Lop Nur Peng should have been investigated later by 749.

How can there be people in Bureau 507 nowadays?


"Why did people from Bureau 507 appear here?"

Hu Bayi spoke in a little confusion.

"It's possible that Bureau 749 found something."

"But people from Bureau 507 are needed to help."

"After all, this group of people is really as rumored.

"It's a very powerful existence!"

Tang Fan thought for a while and said.

"There seems to be something in his arms!"


The partridge whistle said.

While speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed to a place on the mummy.

Tang Fan looked in the direction of his finger.

There is indeed something.

"Like a diary?"

Tang Fan said.

Go over and take it out.

It is indeed a diary.

It says 'Sea of ​​Death Investigation Log'!

Pat the dust off of it.

Tang Fan flipped through it.

What is stated above is that;

In September 1980, the search for Researcher Peng was fruitless. The 749 Bureau and the 507 Bureau jointly investigated the matter, and I was fortunate to be one of them.

In October 1980, the investigation was fruitless [someone in the team mysteriously disappeared in the sea of ​​death.

Nothing was detected in November, but someone in the team disappeared mysteriously.

The investigation in December was fruitless, and the headquarters asked us to evacuate due to the mysterious disappearance of people in the team one after another.

But among the missing people is my good brother, I will not leave, I want to find him.

In mid-December, I finally found some clues.

This place called Haikou Village is offering sacrifices to a monster called the Sand God.

After investigation.

I found out that this so-called sand god was a strange lizard cultivated by the ancient Loulan kingdom in order to pass through the Bailongdui in its territory.

This thing can find the right direction in the wind and sand, avoid quicksand pits, and lead people through Bailongdui safely.

This discovery makes me very happy.

Sand God may be able to take me to the legendary ancient country of Loulan.

But the Sand God will only appear in this ancient well every time.

In the eyes of Haikou villagers, the ancient well is the residence of Sha Shen, and no matter what my status is, I cannot enter it.


I can only sneak into the ancient well, make a dark room here, and wait for the sand god to show up and catch him.

Heaven pays off.

In March of 1981, I finally got Sand God.


It disappeared in front of my eyes out of thin air, leaving no trace.

This makes me wonder.

How did it disappear out of thin air?

Still no trace?

I'm baffled.

Until March 1982, Sand God reappeared.

When I was about to catch it, it disappeared mysteriously again without warning.

But this time I found something.

There is a strange energy in Sand God's body, just like our special ability.

That strange energy made it disappear mysteriously.

In 1990, I finally discovered a huge secret.

There are actually two in the sea of ​​death.

One is hidden underground, and the other is exposed to everyone's eyes.

I finally figured it out too.

Where did the mysteriously missing people go?

The people who disappeared mysteriously were all because they accidentally entered another sea of ​​death.

The sea of ​​death reproduced by the Pisces jade pendant!

But I don't know how to enter another sea of ​​death.

In 1994, I finally discovered a way to enter another sea of ​​death.

Just grab the Sand God.

Just grab the Sand God.

When it feels the crisis, it will stimulate the special energy in the body.

By then!

The way to another sea of ​​death will be opened!

Within a certain range, it can also enter another sea of ​​death with the Sand God.

I'm happy to find out, but I'm dying.

My special function allows me to have strange abilities, but my body is aging quickly.

Leave this diary, hoping that future generations will find it and uncover the mystery of the ancient kingdom of Loulan!

The content of the log is also over.

"I didn't expect it to be true."

"There really is a sea of ​​death that has been reproduced."

Tang Fan closed the journal and said.

This log also proves what Chen Yulou said before.

"What is recorded in it?"

Hu Bayi asked very curiously.

"See for yourself."

Tang Fan handed him the log.

Zhang Qilin and the others poked their heads out to read.

Not a lot of content.

The four of them finished it quickly.


"Those people who disappeared mysteriously were absorbed into another sea of ​​death?"

Hu Bayi handed the log to Tang Fan and said.

"The one who disappeared before."

"It should all be inadvertently entering the absorption range of another sea of ​​death.

"Sucked in."

Tang Fan responded.

"The year of sacrificial offerings has passed."

"How do we find this Sand God?"

The partridge whistle frowned.

The time for Haikou Village to hold sacrifices every year is one E.

It has been more than four months now, and it has already passed.

"Use food to lure it out."

"That thing must have thought that this is a holy place to get food."

"Go, go up first, and get a sheep."

Tang Fan said methodically.

Sheep are used for sacrifices here every year.

I love to eat sheep.

Using sheep should be able to lure that thing out.

Although the well is ten meters deep.

But for the five members of Tang Fan, this level of depth is pediatrics.

After a few kicks, he jumped out of the dry well and returned to the ground.

As soon as I left the village, I saw many people in camouflage uniforms.

It was Wang Sheng who took the lead!

"How did you go in here?"

"I'm so anxious!"

"I thought you were also mysteriously missing."

Seeing five people, Wang Sheng said with a long sigh of relief.

"Is there a problem?"

Tang Fan asked curiously.

"When will you enter the sea of ​​death?"

"Many people are waiting for the live broadcast now."

Wang Sheng said.

"Not urgent!"

"I just found a senior from Bureau 507 below."

"Find a lot."

"Go and get me a live sheep."

Tang Fan replied.

Although I am wondering what to do with live sheep at this juncture.

But Wang Sheng didn't ask too much, and let his subordinates do it.

"Inning 507?"

"Hasn't that institution been disbanded long ago?"

"There are people from Bureau 507 here?"

Wang Sheng came to his senses and opened his mouth full of doubts.

As a general.

He naturally knew the existence of Bureau 507.

But a long time ago, Bureau 507 was disbanded!

"It's a mummy."

"See for yourself."

Tang Fan didn't bother to explain, and directly threw the log to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng flipped through and looked it up.

Read it in a moment.

"Is that so?"

"No wonder it's hard to find people who go missing here."

"It turned out to be in another sea of ​​death, China."

After he finished watching, his face was full of disbelief.


Get a live sheep.

Tang Fan and the others returned to the ancient well with the live sheep.

Then the live sheep were kept in the ancient well.

They hid behind the secret door.

"Remember to turn on the locator."

Wang Sheng reminded on it.

Tang Fan replied.

Then the five of them waited quietly.

After waiting for almost an hour, there was no movement.

The live sheep seemed to sense something, and ran restlessly at the bottom of the well!

"It's coming, pay attention

Tang Fan opened his mouth to remind.

The four of the Partridge Whistle nodded their heads and calmed down.

After a while.

A red-yellow lizard appeared in the well out of nowhere.

The body is very large.

Just like an adult Komodo dragon.

When you see a live sheep, you rush towards it.

Then he bit the neck of the live sheep with one bite.


Tang Fan ordered,

Several people jumped out from the hidden door...

They rushed towards the Sand God one after another.

Sand God, who was about to enjoy the delicious food, was immediately frightened.

There was a strange fluctuation in his body.


Tang Fan and others were prepared for a sudden attack.

When Sand God just moved.

Several people have jumped on its back.

As the sand god stimulates the special ability in its body.

The five of Tang Fan only felt their vision blur for a while.

When I can see clearly again.

Already in a huge desert.

The vast expanse of yellow sand has no end in sight.

And the Sand God also disappeared.

There are a series of footprints left on the yellow sand.

"That thing runs really fast."

"Such a big man, as timid as a mouse."

Hu Bayi glanced around and said.

This is definitely the most cowardly lizard he has ever seen.

That's why it's called the God of Sand!

"This thing is certainly big."

"But the gene engraved in the bone is still a four-legged snake."

"Can you not run when you see someone?"

"Turn on the locators.

Tang Fan said.

Turn on the locator on your body.

The other four also opened it.

did not expect.

After opening the locator, it turned into a small drone and flew above their heads.

"It's the same as a monitor."

Hu Bayi raised his head and meowed at the locator, complaining speechlessly.

Tang Fan felt indifferent.

As long as it doesn't affect him in any way.

And after Tang Fan five people opened the locator.

The outside world has fried the pot!

This time, of course, it will be in the form of live broadcast.

It's just to let the picture transmitted by the locator be imported into Bingbing's live broadcast room.

"There is a picture!"

"It seems that the dispatched team has entered the sea of ​​death!"

I saw a picture appearing on the big screen that was originally dark.

Bing Bing opened his mouth.

The news was received in an instant, and the waiting audience became excited.


When seeing only five people on the screen.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

"Five people? What's going on? This is called a team!?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"At first, I still had hope, but now I can only say hehehe."

"The change in the restricted area has become a fact. It is a matter related to our lives. Why are you sending five bottles?"

"Are you sure this is the team that was sent in?"

"These five people went into battle lightly and didn't bring any weapons. Are you sure they didn't go to deliver their heads?"

"What a mess."

"Let's not panic, can this not panic!?"

"What are you doing?"

I saw that the so-called team had only five people.

Everyone is uproarious.

After seeing the message from Zhang Jianguo.

Their emotions had already stabilized.

Now, seeing the so-called team sent to solve the problem, there are only five people.

Everyone's calm mood fluctuated again.

It's not their fault either.

After all, with the successive outbreaks of information about the restricted area.

Now everyone is in a state of insecurity.

"Everyone, calm down."

"Listen to me first."

Bingbing saw the comment area a little out of control and hurriedly opened her mouth.

Then she explained: 1.4 "Everyone must not underestimate this team.

"The thing about the mutation of the gate of hell."

"That's the team that figured it out.

"I believe there are friends who live there."

"Have you received the news that you can go back to the previous place?"

she finished.

Immediately, someone came out to post barrage in the live broadcast room!


"We were originally the original residents near the gate of hell, but we were notified to move out before."

"Me too!"

"However, a notice came last night to tell us that we can move back."

"That's right!"

"I can prove this!"

"I can prove it too!"


Those who sent the barrage were all the original residents near the gate of hell.


Bingbing took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "Everyone, there is no need to panic."

"Even if they can't."

"The state will certainly send others as well."

"Isn't it?"

finished listening.

Many spectators thought about it carefully, and the Enlightened One stabilized.

Think about it too.

Even if this team is not good, it will definitely send other teams.

"These five people are going to give away heads!"

"Don't say it harshly, since it is sent by the country, it must be recognized.

"I feel the same way."

"Wow, that little big brother whose name is Zhang Qilin is so handsome.

"Yeah, it's really handsome."

"Captain Tang Fan doesn't look bad either."

"I still like the partridge whistle, which is so flavorful."

"Where is a group of nympho?"

"The legendary sea of ​​death, now that something has changed again, I don't know what will be inside?"

Everyone kept sending barrage.

Some people are amazed at the appearance of the people in this team.

Some people are curious about the secrets of the sea of ​​death?!!.

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