Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 104: The nose is caught! F22 fighter achievement achieved!

For a while, Su Dong had the urge to curse.

If he remembers correctly, Eagle sauce has crashed a total of five F22 stealth fighters.

But of these five, two of them crashed on land!

In other words, the other three f22 wrecks that fell to the bottom of the sea were all caught by him!


I really can't listen to what Ying-chan said!

Whoever listens is unlucky!

Zong Zong crashed on the bottom of the sea, and repeatedly vowed that he would definitely salvage all the wreckage on the sea floor.

So what are you fishing for now?!


Su Dong vowed from the bottom of his heart:

In the future, if he is listening to anything Ying-chan says, he is a puppy!

On the seventh ship next to it.

Captain Lu Feng was also dumbfounded.


How does this thing look like the body of a Raptor?!

The white and silver stealth coating is almost exactly the same as the two big wings in front.

He meows!

It took less than ten minutes for you to return to your ship, and you caught the Raptor body?!


Do you want to be so powerful!

"Let's go! Put down the floating boat!! In addition, I notified the No. 8 ship and said I was going to board!!

Lu Feng hurriedly said.

This process takes a few minutes. Impatient, he even picked up a telescope and stared at the fuselage to observe.

"Hi...this body...hi...this shape...his"

A few minutes later, he arrived at the No. 8 ship in a floating boat. Lu Feng didn't bother to say hello to Wang Ze, and rushed to the fuselage to observe closely.

With a smile on his face, Wang Ze, who was about to say hello to Lu Feng, pouted and said angrily:

"Who is this! See you as a friend!"

Immediately, more than a dozen marine policemen around them immediately grinned and almost couldn't help laughing.

Captain, how dare you talk about others?!

It was obvious that just now he had the look of seeing a peerless beauty, and the one who smiled while stroking the f22 body was called a wretched one.

It's okay to laugh at others.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lu Feng and Wang Ze walked into the liaison room again.

South Guangdong Police Department.

In the office, Zhao Ye was frowning, wondering if there was anything else he missed.

At this time, the office door was pushed open, and the secretary walked in. His expression was a little weird, a little weird, and a little incredible.

"Director, there is news from the joint name of the eighth ship and the seventh ship. Just ten minutes ago, Su Dong caught another thing. After confirmation by the two captains Lu Feng and Wang Ze, there is a high possibility that it is the fuselage of the f22. .35

Zhao Ye:

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there were countless grooves in his heart that he wanted to reveal. He even wanted to make a foul language, saying that he was lying in 630 grooves, but after all, he held down the thoughts that came from the bottom of his heart, and as a result, he looked at the document carefully.

Text content, image content, video content, everything.

After reading it, he also felt very similar to the body of the f22,

"Transfer this document to the provincial capital, the provincial capital, the capital's coast police department, the Nanyue Military Region, and the Nanyue Military Science and Technology Research Institute. 39

This is the third time that I have been familiar with it once and twice. Whether it is Zhao Ye or the secretary, they are all extremely skilled.

Anyway, Zhao Ye's positioning for himself is very clear, that is, the transfer station, transfer the hot taro of the f22 wreck to the military region, and his task is completed.


Suddenly, Zhao Ye was stunned for a moment, he thought for a while, and suddenly scratched his head and thought:

"F22 has the left wing and the right wing, and now even has the fuselage, but the nose is missing. Is this still a wreck? 55

Immediately afterwards, he thought of a second question:

"Since Su Dong has fished up the left wing, right wing and fuselage of the f22, and only the nose is left, will he also fish it up?"

Then, he diverged his thoughts and thought of the third question,

"If Su Dong caught the nose of the machine, wouldn't he have to report it again?"

For a while, Zhao Ye was a little messy.

On the cruiser and destroyer, the two captains' eyes were protruding when they received confidential documents from the military region.


I'll leave in twenty minutes!

Did you fish the fuselage up again?!

Is f22 so good for fishing now?!

There is no way, Hai Cheng has already gone halfway, and he still has to turn around and return.

The importance of the fuselage is much greater than that of the wings. Including the engine power system, all kinds of secrets are inside the fuselage.

Even if the sea journey has already gone halfway, he still has to return.

The only difference is that in the naval base, two more destroyers slowly moved out of the port.

They did not have any lifting devices on board, and their only function was to escort them and ensure that the fuselage and two wings returned to the port safely.

At this time, in the port of the naval base, a large number of scientific research professors were already far away. They were from the Nanyue Military Science and Technology Research Institute. In order to touch the f22 wing first-hand, they even rushed from the research institute to the port by car.

I thought that there were only two wings, but who would have thought, only when I arrived at the port did I find out that the fuselage of the Raptor was found.

After watching the pictures and videos again, a group of scientific research professors suddenly boiled.

They didn't even stay in the lounge, they just came to the port and looked at the sea eagerly, hoping that in the next second, the destroyer with the wings and fuselage would appear in front of them.

Obviously the staff said many times, at least an hour before (bjfa) to arrive, but no one listened at all.

Fortunately, there were no storms in the port today, and the temperature was just right, otherwise they would really worry that some old professors would not be able to carry it.

Twenty minutes later.

The captains of the two warships came to the eighth ship again.

After saluting and handing over the documents, one of the warship captains suddenly smiled and said:

"This time there should be only one fuselage, nothing else?

Wang Ze was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and said:

"No, this time it's really gone, just the fuselage."

To be honest, he was a little bit unbearable today, from the sea water probe, to the bomb, to a box of gold coins on the seabed, and finally to the two big wings and the fuselage in the afternoon.

What he experienced today alone is something he has not experienced in more than ten years after he was transferred to the Coast Guard.

The four of them chatted, and on the two warships, the crane was slowly operating, transporting the fuselage from the coast guard ship to the warship.

At the same time, on the other side of the deck, Su Dong was still fishing.

"Five minutes to six o'clock! I can finally get off work and eat!!"

"I don't know how the food on the coast guard ship is. Is there a good one from the navy, but they are all sailing at sea.

Long before crossing, Su Dong heard a widely circulated statement:

The title of the air force, the meal of the navy, the army of a group of Qiongguang eggs.

This sentence does not mean to insult any kind of troops.

The main thing is that the rank of the Air Force is generally high, especially the rank of aircraft pilots. Air Force pilots are not called soldiers. Except for officers, they are officers. Although there is no one under their control, they are also officers.

Of course, this is also because pilots are very precious now, and the price of training a pilot is worth the same weight of gold!

Therefore, there is a saying that serving in other arms for ten years is not as good as serving in the Air Force for three years.

As for the navy's meals, it is also because they often travel at sea and are far away from the land, so they will naturally arrange various logistics, and the arrangements are particularly good, so the navy's meals are extremely famous.

And the last one... um... I heard that the army has changed a few new clothes and shoes this year...

Of course, the Air Force and the Army have nothing to do with Su Dong. He is now on the coast guard ship, so he naturally cares more about the food on the coast guard ship.

It is also active in the sea, so the food of the coast guard ship cannot be much worse than that of the navy, right?

Next to him, Cai Kun blinked. To be honest, what he admired the most was this brother's unchanging mentality. Whether it was catching a Kyushu tripod, a royal jade seal, or the wreckage of today's F22 fighter plane, he could eat it all. dinner.

And he also eats deliciously!

Except for the nervousness that is visible to the naked eye when holding the Chuan Guo Yuxi, other times, it is like catching a fish, ordinary and very calm.

"Brother, I just heard from those marine guards that it seems that they will be patrolling the sea for three days, and we may not be able to go back tonight."

"If you don't go back, you won't go back. It's not very good here. There are no self-media people who catch the camera and slap their faces, and there are no crazy fans. It's quiet, and you don't have to work with the Coast Guard and the others. Good? It would be even better if the coast guard ships were well-fed."

Su Dong looked at him strangely, "What, what's the matter with you?""

Cai Kun scratched his head and smiled bitterly:

"I'm fine, but the chief director is currently in a new club, and he wanted to sign with you to revise the contract, but now it seems that today is impossible.

"This." Su Dong thought about it and said:

"It's not a big problem. Isn't today the first day? I'll wait until I get back to land to sign in two days. Besides, it's not up to us to decide whether to go back or not. We can't let the coast guard ship deliberately interrupt the patrol plan for the two of us. Huh?'35

"Also, do you think that even if we return to land, the coast guard will let us leave so easily? You know, we caught the f22 wreck by ourselves. Whether it's for safety or information shielding, it's impossible to leave so quickly. of."5

The corner of Cai Kun's mouth twitched, and he corrected himself: "Brother, you fished the f22 from the sea, not us."

"What nonsense?! I'm your brother, you're my brother, we share the blessings and the difficulties, and besides, you have also witnessed all this with your own eyes, and it is impossible to slip away. Be honest with me, and the country will definitely follow. will reward you."

Cai Kun said angrily:

"I don't want to go up to accept the award. Every time I go to the stage to accept the award, my stomach hurts. Can you give me the award directly in private?

Su Dong:

Look at your unpromising look!

How many people want to go up to receive the prize, but they don't have this chance!

He didn't understand, so he just went up to receive an award, what's so nervous.

Rolling his eyes, Su Dong was about to educate Cai Kun about hating the education of iron and steel. Whoever thought about it, the fishing rod in his hand sank.

"Huh? It's about to get off work, how can there be anything else?!

Su Dong was a little surprised, and while holding the fishing line, he weighed it and said:

"It's not very heavy, it only looks like two tons, which is similar to the weight of a howitzer. I don't know what it is."

Cai Kun was speechless.

Good guy, it's not very heavy, it only looks like two tons, is this what people say?!

But he was also a little curious, this time brother mover caught what.

"Brother, it's as heavy as a howitzer. You shouldn't have caught the howitzer from the bottom of the sea, right?"

"No one can tell. The ocean is so big that it's possible to catch anything." Su Dong skillfully collected the two-ton fishing line, and quickly caught it in less than a minute.


The next moment, a round, pointed thing that looked like a rocket head was thrown to the shore, the glass cover outside had long been shattered, and the dazzling buttons of the seat and operating lever inside were clearly visible.


With a bang, the rocket head landed on the deck and smashed the deck into a small recess.

This loud noise made everyone on the deck tremble with fright, and even the staff on the warship who controlled the mechanical transfer of the fuselage were dumbfounded.

Even because of the angle, the staff member could see more clearly. He saw the whole process from the item being exposed on the water surface to being thrown to the deck by Su Dong.


Are all anglers so ruthless these days?!


Is this a fish?!

Even the deck was smashed into a hole, this weight can be pulled up manually?!

Because of the operation of the crane all the year round, the staff member is very sensitive to the weight of the items. Such a large pit is still the deck of a special material such as the coast guard ship.


Look at the shape, and the seat, with a bunch of buttons in it, looking at the fuselage that you are fishing.

The staff had a terrible idea.

Will this fish catch the nose of the plane?!

This person is so far away that he is blinded.

Not to mention a group of people who are still on deck.

Those coast guards didn't say anything, and the four coast guards who were chatting were also shivered by the loud noise.

After finally turning his head, he was about to curse when he saw something like the nose of an airplane thrown onto the deck. The nose was deeply carved on the deck, and the tail was standing in the air.

In this situation, the four of them were immediately taken aback.

But then, the four of them reacted, especially the experienced Lufeng Wang Ze, who glanced at each other and immediately flew towards the nose of the plane.

The two warship captains behind him were also messed up.

He meows!

What's the situation?!

They haven't even transferred the fuselage of the f22, and you have fished the nose of the plane again?!

Are you too efficient?!

Witnessing this scene with their own eyes, the two took a deep breath.

In one afternoon, the left wing, right wing, fuselage, and now even the nose are caught.


Is that human being?!

Shouldn't this be a humanoid f22 search machine?!

In front of the railing, Su Dong was also drunk.

It's about time to get off work for dinner, why did you fish the nose of this thing again?!

At the same time, the familiar system identification appeared in front of Su Dong again.

[Name: f22 stealth fighter - nose]

【Date: 1998】



The head is still integrated with the fuselage!

Su Dong was shocked, he thought it was the nose of another crashed plane.

It seems that Eagle sauce is not completely deceitful, as expected, only three planes fell into the sea.

South Guangdong Police Department Office.

The secretary walked in with the documents again, dark and complicated, the fact that happened today was too shocking to his worldview.

Seeing this expression, Zhao Yexin felt bad, he hurriedly put down the things in his hand, and asked involuntarily:

"Don't tell me, Su Dong has caught something again on the eighth ship?!"'"

The secretary nodded, handed the document over, and said in a complicated mood:

"Just five minutes ago, Su Dong fished the nose of the f22 again.

"This is the document."

"By the way, this time it was signed by four captains. At that time, two warships in the military region were transferring the fuselage, so the captains of the two warships were also on the No. 8 ship and witnessed all this with their own eyes. This document also has their signatures. , and this document has been conveyed to the top of the military region by them."

"The good news is that this time the warship doesn't have to make another trip."

Zhao Ye:

He rubbed his brows and was a little speechless.

Good guy, he never imagined that something that he thought was absurd and almost impossible ten minutes ago would actually happen like this!!

First the left wing, then the right wing, then the fuselage, and finally the nose.

Depend on!

Are you putting this on to play Pin Ping Le?!

After reading the document, Zhao Ye said again:

"Transfer this document to the provincial capital, the province, the capital's coast police department, the Nanyue Military Science and Technology Research Institute, the Nanyue Army... Forget it, this one doesn't need to be handed over."

"By the way, get another copy of the document handed over by the nose. 35

at the same time.

The building where the live broadcast platform is located.

A group of programmers frowning.

"This can't be done. The warship is still here, and the fuselage is also being handed over. It can't be released."

"Wait a moment, the airframe has been successfully handed over immediately, and the broadcast can continue after the handover."

"Nima! This guy caught the nose of the machine again!"

"Grandma, I have already expected that my eighteenth generation ancestors will not be at peace, and I hope those users will swear less.

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