Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 120: Goal: The first nuclear bomb, achieved!

on the deck.

Su Dong held the fishing rod with a melancholy face, and his face was a little dark.

Only fools want to fish for nuclear bombs.

If it weren't for Wang Ze talking like a Tang monk for a long time, plus the needs of the country, he would have gone as far as he could.

Next to Wang Ze, plus seven or eight coast guards, actually... they looked quite relish-delicious?!

For a while, Su Dong's face darkened.


He really could not have imagined that he was simply fishing for a nuclear bomb, and there were so many people watching.


Are these people really not afraid of death?!

Just fishing for a nuclear bomb, what's so good about it?!

Su Dong looked at everyone speechlessly,

"No, you don't have to work?"

Wang Ze blinked and said in surprise, "We are working right now."

Su Dong: "???!"

"Always pay attention to the movement of the nuclear bomb. Once it is caught, it must be dealt with as soon as possible. This is an order from a superior. Of course, you must listen to it." Wang Ze said as a matter of course.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in Su Dong's heart,

"Then there's no need for so many people to come and watch, right?!"

"Hey, for something as important as a nuclear bomb, of course, more people should be watching. It's okay, you're busy with yours, and we'll look at ours.

Su Dong scratched his head, "I'm going! Don't you worry about the nuclear bomb exploding when you catch it?!"

Wang Ze sneered, "It's funny, there are more than 50 nuclear bombs in the world that have not been found yet, it has been more than half a century, and I have never heard of nuclear bombs detonating, how could it explode so easily, you are the most timid, Worry about an explosion.

Su Dong was dumbfounded.



You didn't look like this when you saw the nuclear bomb only yesterday, what's the situation today?!

So fierce and not afraid of death, have you awakened the system?!

And who said I was the most timid?!

He was obviously the most timid kid from Cai Kun. Isn't it bad to go fishing together? When he heard that he was going to fish for a nuclear bomb, he had to run to the other side of the deck, a full fifty meters away.

This guy doesn't even think about it, he really wants to catch a nuclear bomb, and the nuclear bomb exploded, what's 50 meters enough for?!

Rolling his eyes, Su Dong was too lazy to talk to these people, lowered his head and continued to play King.

Fishing for nuclear bombs is very boring, just like fishing. In the past few days, when fishing was idle, it was impossible to do it. Now, during the rest time, can he not play a few games?

Anyway, there are so many people staring at it, and there will be no nuclear bombs that slip through the net.

Wang Ze and the others stared at it with big eyes and small eyes.


Let you come to fish for nuclear bombs, what do you mean by opening the glory of the king?!

But soon, as time passed, the attention of several people also shifted to the king.

The truth is, the boring sea level is not as attractive as the exciting canyon battlefield.

There were even two young men who commanded in high spirits,

"You can't use this equipment, you want to play anti-armor, there is Li Xin on the opposite side, you can't play anti-armor to let him feel?"

"Cheruban! Cut the shooter first! With such a little blood, the opponent must be returning in the grass, you can't be wrong! I was honored last season.

"Shut up!! I was the King of Hundred Stars last season, peaked at 2,300!

Immediately, the two young people quieted down and did not speak angrily.

Okay, you have more stars and you are awesome!

The king was playing here, and fifty meters away, Cai Kun suddenly made a crap, attracting everyone.

"Fuck! Hahahahaha! I caught a big lobster again!!

Immediately, everyone grinned.

Good guy, this kid is also talented.

We are fishing for nuclear bombs here. This guy actually still has the heart to fish, and he even caught a big lobster.

Fifteen minutes later, there was no movement on Su Dong's side, but Cai Kun's side actually started to rise again,

"Fuck! F*ck!! Why is it a big lobster again!! Hahahaha. You can eat it today!"

Everyone, especially Su Dong, twitched fiercely at the corners of their mouths.


I have been fishing for a whole week, except for whales, sharks, and other serious river seafood, I have not caught a single one.

Twenty minutes later.

There is still no movement on Su Dong's side, Cai Kun's side...

"Huh?! Another thing has been hooked?! What's the situation today? Obviously, I didn't catch anything in the morning, and I caught so many things at the beginning of the afternoon?

"Damn!! What is this thing! Nima? I'm scared when I see this, big brother, help me deal with it!"

With a green face, Cai Kun walked over with a half-meter-long giant octopus.

I caught this thing yesterday, how come I caught it today?!

"Big brother, help me get it, this octopus looks so disgusting, the octopus whiskers are squirming, and there is actually mucus on it!

Su Dong just finished the game, and rolled his eyes at this moment, while taking the octopus, he said angrily:

"Disgusting shit, it's been handled well the day before yesterday, you eat deliciously, and now you're disgusting when you see it raw?!

"That's not the same..." Cai Kun sneered, and then he said in high spirits:

"By the way, big brother, I don't know what's going on this afternoon. It took less than an hour to catch two big lobsters and such a big octopus. Hehehe, we have a good time.

The half-meter-long octopus was stuffed into the bucket, and the empty bucket was immediately stuffed into a small half.

Such a big octopus has been processed and sliced, and the coast guard tonight will have a good time.

After taking care of it and washing his hands, Su Dong was about to say something when suddenly the fishing rod hanging on the fence in front of him moved.

Immediately, everyone became nervous.

The few people who were originally amazed by the big octopus all stared at the sea without saying a word.

Cai Kun even trembled subconsciously, if it wasn't for him to slip away now, he would have wanted to slip away immediately.


When did you catch a bad catch, why did you just catch it when you came over?!

Su Dong frowned, took a deep breath, did not speak, just stood up and picked up the fishing rod to reel in the line.

The entire deck was extremely quiet for a while, except for the small scratching sound of Su Dong's fishing line.

A minute later, waves suddenly swayed on the sea level, and everyone became even more nervous, all staring at the sea.

The next moment, an item was pulled out of the water.


Looking at this thing, everyone was dumbfounded.

In midair, a plump, white cylindrical object with a length of almost one meter was swaying there.

This item...why does it look familiar...

A few people looked at it carefully, and then their eyes widened.


Isn't this a sea water detector?!

Let you fish for nuclear bombs, how the hell did you fish this thing up?!

Although this thing is not bad, and it's good to be able to catch it, but... I didn't let you fish this thing!

I thought it was a nuclear bomb, but who thought it was a sea water detector, everyone looked at each other for a while.

Su Dong smacked his lips, pulled the sea water probe up, glanced at the crowd, and said angrily:

"What are you looking at? You don't think nuclear bombs are so easy to catch, do you?!

Depend on!

The day before yesterday, this group of people were smiling when they saw the sea water probe, they were simply sweet.

It's only been two days, and Xiao Tiantian has become Mrs. Niu?!

Wang Ze's mouth twitched and he couldn't help asking:

"No, you don't know how much difference between the weight of the nuclear bomb and the weight of the sea water probe?"

Su Dong was stunned for a moment, then said confidently: "I don't know! I haven't really caught a nuclear bomb! 35

Wang Ze:

It seems so!

He coughed dryly and said:

"It's okay, we have time anyway, Su Dong, you don't have to be under any pressure. It's okay if you can't catch a nuclear bomb. The ocean is so big, and the nuclear bomb is not necessarily in the southern waters."5

"Whoever, go take this seawater detector away and record it, deal with it, go back and turn it in.

Immediately, one person left holding the sea water detector.

On the contrary, Su Dong blinked, he didn't feel any pressure...

Just fishing for a nuclear bomb, what pressure can this have?

Anyway, there is no guarantee that he will be able to catch it.

The appearance of the sea water detector immediately swept away the nervousness.

Su Dong continued to play games while fishing for nuclear bombs, while a group of people around them watched with interest.

Fifty meters away, Cai Kun continued to go fishing, and after a while, he caught two more fish. He smiled happily and posted five circles of friends within an hour.

After half an hour.

Su Dong looked at the gray screen and couldn't help pressing his eyebrows.


This pair of c's is really stupid, and I can't take the old sixth in the national costume!

Just about to rant.

Suddenly, the rod moved again.


Su Dong raised his eyebrows and hurriedly threw the game he was about to lose to others,

"I'm going to pull the fishing line, you help me play first, if you lose in such a good situation, you are the only one who asks!! 35

The person: "???!"


Two c-positions, one two-bar eight, one two-bar nine, and the three-way high ground are gone, do you call this a favorable game?!

Su Dong finished throwing the pot and continued to put away the fishing line.

For a time, the whole scene became tense again, and the person who answered the phone listened to Lezhen Terry on the screen, and simply put down the phone and looked straight at the sea.

After a minute.

Something was pulled out of the water, and everyone was silent again.

Well...there is a sea water detector!


Are you poisonous with sea water detectors?!

Why are you always fishing for this stuff?!

Su Dong didn't bother to speak either. With a flick of the rod, the sea water detector was thrown up, caught it, and threw it to Wang Ze, then threw the rod into the sea and continued to fish for nuclear bombs.

Sea water detectors, he has fished too much these two days, and he is too lazy to speak.

Wang Ze took it, and was about to throw it to someone else to deal with, when he suddenly glanced at it, and the movement in his hand suddenly stopped.


Su Dong was a little surprised, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this sea water detector? 35

"Yes." Wang Ze nodded and smiled: "Because this is not a seawater probe at all."

Su Dong: "???"

Everyone: "???"

"This is a metal detector." Wang Ze explained: "I don't need to say what the seawater detector is used for. The metal detector is actually similar, it is used to detect the composition of metal substances in seawater. 35

"The ocean is rich in products. Now many things on the mainland have been detected, so many countries are eyeing the ocean. After all, there is also land under the ocean. There are also a lot of resources such as various metal coal mines, as well as natural gas and oil. It can also be exploited and utilized.

...... ask for flowers ..... 0

"Our country also has this stuff, and we have put a lot of it in the waters. After all, we also lack oil resources, such as coal and natural gas. If we can extract a huge amount of oil in our waters, then we won't have to be controlled by others in the future.

"However, this is the first time I have seen metal detectors in other countries, and I don't know if they are intentional or unintentional. No, I will handle this matter, and I need to report it. After that, Wang Ze left with the metal detector. Foreign metal detectors are in the southern waters. This is the first time I have found them, so I don't know what they are thinking. Su Dong is a little surprised, good guy, why are other countries putting this in the southern waters? Even if it detects where there is oil Metal or something, can't be mined? But he didn't think about it too much. Anyway, this is not what he should care about. He should think about how to avoid meeting stupid teammates next time. Thinking, Su Dong opened the glory of the king again. After a full ten minutes, the game was about to be won, and Wang Zecai returned to the deck. For a while, the deck was extremely quiet, only the sound of the king's game was left. After another half an hour, the game started, and fish immediately The rod moved.

"Brothers, brothers, I have something to do temporarily. I caught a nuclear bomb and I need to deal with it. Let's reopen it?! 35 After saying this, Su Dong pulled the fishing rod and line again, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Huh? The weight is different this time. It's much heavier than the previous two times. It's really possible that it's a nuclear bomb." Immediately, the people around became nervous again.

"I'm going! Did you really catch a nuclear bomb this time?!

"Hey... no, I'm a little nervous, please help me.

"I'm so nervous! Help the fence! A minute later, a long, round wreckage of about two or three meters was pulled up. Immediately, everyone was silent again. Damn it! This is what you said The nuclear bomb? When did the nuclear bomb look like this?! After a moment of silence, someone said tentatively:

"How do I feel... This thing is a bit like the wreckage of the second half of the rocket... It's the part that was discarded when the rocket ascended into space.

'Hey...I feel like that too!

"I'm going! Su Dong, you're awesome! You can even catch rocket wreckage!"

"Tsk tsk, this wreck has English paint on it, shouldn't it be Eagle sauce?"

"Hey, eagle sauce, forget it, their aviation technology is not good, they have failed to take off several times in the past few months, and there are a lot of problems. I heard that the take-off time has been delayed again these days, and their rocket wreckage is true. Nothing to study.

"Indeed, the Eagle sauce sixty years ago could send people to the moon, but it is difficult for the Eagle sauce to send a rocket into space now, and I don't know how the Eagle sauce has been able to pull it off in just 60 years.

"The talents are gone. You said that it has been 60 years. In 60 years, the engineers and scientists who studied aerospace have died long ago, and the new engineers are not good. Even if they have the technology, they can't understand it. What can I do? In the end, it's the people that matter.

"Tsk tsk, after the two world wars, the eagle sauce was full." Everyone teased, and then the rocket wreckage was collected. After all, the collection still has to be collected. Su Dong also didn't expect that he would be able to catch the rocket wreckage, but this thing is really useless, the current Eagle sauce, its aerospace technology is not necessarily comparable to Long Guo. Putting down the fishing rod again, Su Dong lowered his head to look at the screen of the phone, and suddenly groaned. Nima? Didn't you say reopening?! Why didn't you reopen! When I opened the chat panel, Su Dong was speechless.

"Why are you putting this crap?! Still fishing for nuclear bombs?! I'm also fishing for planes and rockets! 55

"That's it! I even caught the spaceship?! Want to reopen? There are no doors!"

"Hehehe, I encountered three reopenings today, one said that the f35 was caught, the other said that the B2 bomber was caught, and the other said that the "Yongle Grand Ceremony" was caught. You are the most awesome, you actually said that you caught a nuclear bomb?! Really What nonsense! Don't even think about opening it again!"

"That's right! Do you think you are Su Dong?! Still fishing for nuclear bombs?! Why do you get so much interest in Su Dong these days? They only caught nuclear bombs yesterday, and they are imitating them today. Su Dong scratched his hair. Nima !

He is really Su Dong!!

In this day and age, how can anyone believe the truth?!


He is really fishing for nukes now!!

But there is no way, the game is open, you can't hang up, right?!

Su Dong pinched her nose and played Yaomei.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, at this time, the fishing rod moved again.

After catching the rocket wreckage, he caught two more seawater detectors and a metal detector.

So this time Su Dong started, everyone was still talking and laughing, no one cared.

No way, the story of the wolf coming is also useful here. They are used to sea water detectors and metal detectors. They thought it was those two things again this time.

When Su Dong pulled up a torpedo that was about five or six meters long and fifty centimeters in diameter, everyone gasped.

Among these people, Su Dong especially had a tingling scalp.

He looked at the system identification text that appeared in front of him, and his hands trembled for a while.


After a full afternoon of fishing, I finally caught the nuclear bomb! And.

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