Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 135: Catch a jet screw fighter, Japanese netizens vomit blood

Su Dong's live broadcast room.

The original few barrages instantly increased.

"Fuck! Brother Dongzi caught something again?! 99

"I don't know why, but I still look at Brother Dongzi's excitement. Although other people have also caught things like sea water detectors, they always feel that they are not as good-looking as Brother Dongzi."

"Indeed, it's the same with me. When Brother Dongzi caught the sea water probe for the first time a few days ago, I got goosebumps with excitement. It's only been a few days, and I'm not interested at all. what?

"That's because your eyes have been raised. Look at what Brother Dongzi was fishing a few days ago? Great white sharks, whales, bombs that exploded in the air, f22 fragments, and even nuclear bombs were caught. I just found them again. After going through the ancient shipwreck of the Southern Song Dynasty, and having experienced so much, the threshold has been raised by Su Dong, how can you be excited when you look at this?"

Someone pointed it out sharply.

Suddenly, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.


The threshold was raised by Brother Zi step by step, and only then did he discover the shocking scene of the ancient shipwreck of the Southern Song Dynasty. How could something like a seawater detector attract their attention?

It can only be said that everything is afraid to set off.

Just like watching movies, from the most simple and fresh, love movies, campus movies, you will find it good, and if you watch too much, you will be disgusted, and then step by step to action movies, shootout movies, and even horror movies, thrillers-, The taste is getting heavier.

on the deck.

Su Dong also received the end of the line, and saw the water surface tumbling for a while, and then a dilapidated propeller plane that was three or four meters wide and ten meters long was pulled up.

Suddenly, everyone on the deck widened their eyes.


Why did this big brother catch another plane?!

I just caught the f22 a few days ago, and I caught another plane today?!

But soon, noticing the fuselage, everyone began to twitch.

The front propeller has been broken into two sections, and it is swaying and hanging on the nose of the aircraft, as if a gust of wind can blow it off.

There is a big hole in the middle of the fuselage, and it is obvious that it was hit by a shell and then crashed into the sea.

The rear wing is also broken, leaving a little gap to hang on it.

The entire plane is rusted and clearly a decades-old product.

Cai Kun was the first to react and said speechlessly:

"Brother, are you going retro today? You've caught either f22 or nuclear submarine nuclear bombs a few days ago. Why are you fishing today are all old things and old objects? Old-fashioned fighter jets from years ago were caught.

God is so retro!

Lu Feng grinned and almost laughed.

But then, he noticed that this was not good, and hurriedly coughed twice, and said seriously:

"This spiral fighter should be a product of the Second World War. Look at the protruding parts on both sides of the fuselage. This is a jet fighter. During the First World War, the aircraft was not so developed. There are these types of screw jet fighters.""

A group of people in the live broadcast room widened their eyes,

"Hmm...this is really old fashioned, there's even a propeller in front of it. 99

"Tsk tsk, the fuselage is rusted. With such a large volume, if you sell scrap iron, you can sell it for a lot of money, right?"

"Hahaha, this estimate will be put on display in the History Museum of the Exhibition Hall, and it will be of no use at all."

"Sure enough, Brother Dongzi is still exciting, look at what other people have caught, and then look at what Brother Dongzi has caught, Nima, how heavy is this plane?! Is there ten tons?!

"It's not impossible, the fighter jets during World War II were far less massive than they are now. This one weighed five tons, not to mention the loss of a large piece of stuff in the middle of the fuselage."

At this moment, a series of numbers appeared in front of Su Dong.

[Name: Jet Helical Fighter - Zero]

【Date: 1939 Annual Production】

【Country: Japanese】

[Introduction: In 1942, there was an encounter between the Japanese naval fleet and the Eagle sauce naval fleet in the southern waters. Both sides suffered heavy losses. The fighter was hit by the Eagle sauce battleship and sank to the bottom of the sea. 】

Su Dong looked at the introduction and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Good guy, what I caught a few days ago has been hawk sauce, how did you catch the Japanese WWII plane now?!

Zero fighter?

Isn't this the plane that made the direct suicide attack at the end of the Japanese naval battle?

He couldn't help but say:

"This is a Japanese aircraft. The Zero fighter during World War II suffered heavy losses in the naval battle with Eagle sauce."

Lu Feng was stunned, "You still know this?

Su Dong shrugged and said casually: "Understand a little, the naval battles in the southern seas are just these few countries, it's easy to guess.

Lu Feng's mouth twitched.

It's easy to guess... a hammer!

He, the captain of the official coast guard ship, can't guess, how old is this kid, and he actually knows so much historical knowledge?!

It's so rare!

By the way, what about this plane?

Su Dong couldn't help scratching his head and asked, "Captain Lu, what to do with this plane?"

This is not a f22 fragment. If it is an f22, then there is no need to worry about it. This kind of high-tech thing has great research value. Long Guo has been looking for it for more than 30 years, and it will definitely stay, even if the deck of the ship is smashed a lot. The hole, but also stay.

A fighter jet during World War II, still from Japan, has no research value at all, and it is still so big.

There are already a hundred boxes of cargo on the main deck, and it is really difficult to put fighter jets.

Lu Feng thought for a while and said, "Tie it with an iron chain, let's hang it overboard first, there is really no place on the deck."

This is a coast guard ship, not a cultural relic salvage ship. He is responsible for patrolling and safety in the sea area.

These cultural relics salvage and the like, is not what he should do.

To be honest, Su Dong wouldn't even want to accept these goods if he hadn't asked Dolphin to bring them up.

After all, the Coast Guard has already notified the cultural relics department. If nothing else, the salvage ship has already set off from the port. Su Dong's wave, at least from his point of view, is a bit of a one-shot move.

Of course, if it's an f22, that's another story. If you put it on the deck, Lu Feng feels wronged by this thing.

As for the Japanese fighter jets, if they were decades ago, who cares?

He doesn't care anyway.

Su Dong smiled and tied the Japanese Zero fighter outside by himself.

The tail of the aircraft is buckled on the sea, and as the ship sails, it slowly moves back, and it actually feels like... walking a dog?

Lu Feng doesn't care, he doesn't care, anyway, it's not his, nor the dragon country, and it has no value at all, and if it is broken, it will be broken.

Not only Lu Feng and Su Dong didn't care, but everyone else on the deck didn't care, and even everyone in the live broadcast room didn't care.

Of course, there are still people who care... For example, Japanese netizens who are watching live broadcasts on the Internet.

Seeing their own country's fighter jet hanging outside like this, the Japanese netizens who were watching the live broadcast for a while vomited blood.

"Baga!! This guy named Lu Feng, and Su Dong, deserve to die?!! 35

"Damn!! Damn!! This is the hero of our country and you can't treat it like that!!!"

"It makes my chest feel tight. This is an object from World War II, and it is also a cultural relic now. Long Guo can't treat cultural relics like this!!

"Why can the things from ancient sunken ships in the Southern Song Dynasty be put on the ship, but our country's fighter jets can't?! Dragon Kingdom is discriminatory!!

"Dragon country should be more aggressive, this is more than seventy years ago, why are you still holding on to it?! 35

Of course, in the entire Internet, only people from the Japanese country vomited blood, and people from other countries, including the Kimchi country, South Vietnam, and even its Dade Eagle sauce, are all gloating at the misfortune.

"Hahahahahahahaha Longguo did a great job! Su Dong did a great job!! That's how you should treat Waguk!! 99

"It's a decades-old antique, why is it necessary to put it on the deck? How good is it to dry it outside the boat?

"It's so beautiful!! I don't like Su Dong!! Because he caught the sea water probes in our country, but I have to say, Su Dong's operation is really beautiful!

"Tsk tsk, I just searched, the Zero fighter was defeated by us decades ago, the loser should not speak, now you are a castrated country!

"That's how the Japanese plane should be treated! This plane may have attacked and slaughtered our ancestors decades ago! This is a great mercy!"

"Humph! If I want to say, this fighter jet should go down a little bit, put it all in the sea water, and let it accept the impact of the sea water!

"Deserved! Bah! Sinful warmongers!! Deserved to be so humiliated!"

It can be said that in the whole Internet, the very rare Kimchi country and Nanyue Eagle Sauce have united to ridicule the Japanese country.

This is a rare thing on the internet.

After all, the vast majority of netizens in these countries are spraying each other.

Therefore, these countries, also known as the five constants of the Internet, are the fighters among the trolls.

Beijing University.

Li Xiaoya saw this scene, her face was a little weird, she wanted to laugh, but she held it back, and finally shook her head helplessly.

"Forget it, a plane from World War II is not ours, so hang it.

As for the Japanese reaction, he did not think it was a problem.

After all, this is a coast guard ship, not a salvage ship, and this is an entire aircraft, which is indeed too large to be placed on the deck, which is somewhat inappropriate.

On the deck, Su Dong didn't know what these people were thinking. He just fixed something. Who wouldn't hang something on the outside of the deck?

Well, that's it!

After securing the plane, Su Dong waved the fishing line again and threw it into the deep sea.

He had discovered that the sea area that Lu Feng was patrolling was simply an unexplored treasure. It took only an hour to catch an ancient sunken ship and a World War II fighter jet, and what about the next one?!

The sea area that Wang Ze patrolled in front was fished by him for several days, and the wool was cleaned by him.

Now that we come to Lufeng's territory, we must not fish hard!

Beside them, a group of coast guards looked at this scene with envy.

Why can their masters catch ancient shipwrecks and planes, and they can only catch a sea water probe at most?!


Today's limelight is out of the master!

The sea breeze blew slightly, blowing the fine sweat off everyone's faces, and 20 minutes passed before they knew it.

At this time, the time has come to half past nine.

Su Dong sat on the pony, humming a song leisurely,

"No...is a hero, no...read the Three Kingdoms.

・・・For flowers・...0

'If... a hero, how can you not understand loneliness.

"Walking alone on Changban Slope, the moonlight is too gentle, Cao Cao is not long-winded,"

"I want to take Jingzhou~"

Cai Kun blinked and asked curiously:

"Brother, what song did you hum just now? It's very nice.

"That's a must, don't look at who sang it." Su Dong said boldly.

Cai Kun grinned.

Brother, you are so shameless.

Just as he was about to complain, he suddenly glanced at him and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Brother, did the fishing rod move just now?"

"Did it move? No...Fuck!

Su Dong looked casual, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly realized that the fishing rod was almost pulled down, and hurriedly stood up, like a flash of lightning flashing past.

A section of his body was exposed on the deck, and he grabbed the fishing rod that was about to fall into the water. Su Dong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I'm going, it's so dangerous!

Behind him, Cai Kun was dumbfounded while carrying the camera.

What the fuck?!

What just happened?!

How come a gust of wind blows, and Brother Dongzi ran three meters away?!

Isn't this too nonsense?!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stupid.

"What am I?! I'm sure I'm not watching a movie?! How did Nima do it so fast?! 39

...Nima! If it weren't for the distance of only three meters, I would have thought it was teleportation! 35

"Nima?! Can you believe it?! I just replayed it, frame by frame, and the result is still an afterimage. Is this too fucked up?!""

The netizens on the Internet are boiling.

"Kung Fu!! This must be Dragon Kingdom Kung Fu!!!"

"Watfark?! Are you sure this isn't a movie?! Bruce Lee is not so fast!"

"Can Bruce Lee kick a shark with one kick?! Can Bruce Lee pull up a 4-5 ton fighter jet? But Su Dong can!!

"Although I don't like Su Dong, I have to admit that his charm is so great that if I were a girl, I'd be hard-pressed to resist his charm.

"Nima, his strength is so tyrannical, his speed is so fast, and he looks so handsome, this person is simply perfect!

on the deck.

Su Dong put away the fishing line with a suspicious expression on his face.

How does it feel a little familiar.

This weight, about four or five tons, is not a fighter jet during World War II, right?

Seeing Su Dong's strange expression, Cai Kun couldn't help but ask:

"Brother, what's the matter? You won't catch something incredible again, will you?"

Su Dong shook his head and said, "I don't know yet, but I'll take a look at it later. 99

Cai Kun rubbed his cheeks, and said with a bitter face: "Brother, you can fish for anything, but can you stop fishing for nuclear bombs? I see that this thing has weak legs!

Su Dong's mouth twitched.

Depend on!

It's not only that your legs are soft when you see it, but I'm also very soft when I see it!

But then, he assured: "Don't worry! What I caught today is definitely not dangerous at all!! It can't be a nuclear bomb!

What are you kidding?!

Good luck eating chicken tonight!

Could this be dangerous?!

The two chatted, and things were pulled out of the water.

After seeing something, a group of people on the deck, together with the people in the live broadcast room, all fell silent.

After a while, Cai Kun said with a sore face:

"Brother, why did you catch another Japanese Zero fighter?!"

The group of people on the deck were speechless, even Su Dong himself didn't know what to say for a while!


He only caught one half an hour ago, how come he has caught another now?!

Are there so many Japanese Zero fighter jets in this sea area?!

In front of me, the Zero jet fighter, which also has a propeller, is swinging in the air.

The difference from the previous one is that the previous one was shot in the abdomen of the fuselage, and this one is the damage to the tail, and the entire tail is gone.

But its appearance will not change, and the most important thing is that the identification given by the system will not go wrong, so Su Dong said the name of the Zero Fighter with certainty.

He scratched his hair and turned back and asked:

"What to do with this plane? It's also hanging outside the hull?"

Lu Feng rolled his eyes, where would he not hang it outside? Is there a place to put it on the deck?!

"Continue to put it outside, remember to keep your balance, one on one side, this thing is quite heavy, and putting it aside will affect the navigation.

No problem at all!

Su Dong gestured to Lu Feng, then went to hang up the spoils with a smile.

Two Zero fighter jets, one on each side of the bow. As the ship sailed, the two fighter jets were gently swinging back. This scene made many people happy, even the coast guard on the deck couldn't hold back. She stopped laughing, and hurriedly turned her back to the camera, shrugging her shoulders.

On the Internet, whether it is the external network or the internal network, everyone is happy, except for the Japanese.

Looking at their own country's fighter jets hanging outside the ship, or two, this is no longer a matter of vomiting blood. They went crazy watching this scene, and they could not wait to kill Su Dong through the screen.

At this time, on the Internet, there has been a day when the Wizards began to take screenshots and make emojis.

If nothing else, this series of emoji will be popular all over Bluestar.

(Seeking data, the recent data is so miserable (??)) and .

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