Chapter 104 crushed the four major teams, Jiang Chen swept the audience!!

Zhang Huaqiang was not speaking.

He closed his eyes and had a pained look on his face.

He knew that with Jiang Chen’s personality, he would definitely come over this time.

However, I am afraid that he will never be able to leave when he comes.

The rain above is falling heavier and heavier, and the endless black firmament seems to reveal a huge opening, constantly pouring down the gushing flood.

Bright lightning was like a steel knife, and rolling thunder exploded all around.

Time passes minute by minute.

The people of the four major teams were in ambush in the dark, waiting for Jiang Chen to appear.

As long as he emerges, the four major teams will strike quickly.

Just take him down.

After more than half an hour, they saw a bright light in the darkness, speeding towards this side.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of them, and after the door opened, a young man, tall and burly, jumped from above.

Tall and strong.

It was Jiang Chen.

Seeing Jiang Chen coming, Fan Xiaoyong smiled, and he slowly stepped forward and said: “It’s really capable, I thought you didn’t dare to come over.” ”

“Chief of Staff Fan, the person you arrested me for no reason, is there something unexplainable.”

Fan Xiaoyong sneered and scolded, “I need to give you an explanation for something like this? ”

“Jiang Chen, how many things you have done that hurt the heavens and reason, you know it yourself.”

“I admit that I underestimated the enemy before, so I will give you the opportunity again and again.”

“But since you’re here today, don’t think about letting me go.”

Jiang Chen’s face did not change color and said: “Chief of Staff Fan, didn’t your white blood cell team fight me?” ”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Fan Xiaoyong was angry.

He gritted his teeth and scolded Jiang Chen, “Do you think it’s only our white blood cell team this time? ”

Jiang Chen, who had known the truth for a long time, deliberately pretended to be quite surprised and unbelievable.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Is there anyone else?” ”

“That’s right.”

He clenched his fists and said to Jiang Chen: “This is the four most powerful special combat teams in our Dragon Country, all of them are out of the horse, what are you fighting~?” ”

When Fan Xiaoyong finished speaking, the others seemed to have discussed it, and they poured out from all directions.

One by one, they stood behind him consciously.

The burly and tall body is even more majestic and tall under the light of electricity.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Huaqiang struggled with all his strength, wanting to get rid of the rope on his body.


He let out a loud cry, but the oncoming storm completely drowned out his voice.

“Hurry up!”

Zhang Huaqiang coughed and said, “You can’t be their opponent. ”

Fan Xiaoyong sneered: “Jiang Chen, even if you want to leave today, you can’t leave, since you are here, let me stay here.” ”

“By you?”

Jiang Chen’s icy gaze swept across, like a steel knife that could split everything, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to drop a lot.

He took out the matching gun he was carrying.

Fan Xiaoyong, Gao Fatian and the others all entered an instinctive state of full alert.

Beware of Jiang Chen’s attack at any time.


But the scene that happened next made them all stunned, and Jiang Chen actually threw the gun directly on the ground.

What is he doing?

People were completely stunned when they saw it.

Could it be that Jiang Chen was ready to break the jar and break?

“Jiang Chen, what tricks do you want to make?”

He smiled lightly and said: “I didn’t play any tricks, I just simply felt that to deal with people like you, you don’t need to use guns at all.” ”


People gasped.

Is he crazy?

Even if they were ordinary people, fifty or sixty people were fully armed, Jiang Chen was not necessarily an opponent, not to mention that all of them had experienced hundreds of battles.

As a result, Jiang Chen dared to be so arrogant? He was just looking for death.

“Wang Baegg!”

Fan Xiaoyong said coldly: “Your fighting ability is indeed not weak, but if you think that if you adopt such a radical method, you can let us fall for you.” ”

“Then you are very wrong!”

“Brothers, against such a dog thing, you don’t need to tell him to be fair and shoot me!”

Now the overall command of this battle was in Fan Xiaoyong’s hands, and as he issued the order, everyone else’s guns were aimed at Jiang Chen.

Pull the trigger one after another.

The clear sound and the rolling thunder above their heads stitched together and exploded in the darkness, and one bullet after another fell through the torrential rain towards Jiang Chen’s chest.

It’s extremely fast.

More than sixty people shot at the same time, and the bullets that shot blocked almost all of Jiang Chen’s way.

Completely let him retreat, there is no way to avoid it.

Many people take it for granted that Jiang Chen will definitely be beaten into a hornet’s nest next.

But the scene that happened in the next second shocked everyone to the extreme.

At the moment when the bullet was shot, people were surprised to find that Jiang Chen had actually disappeared.

It was as if he had evaporated from the world, blending in with the dazed and deep night around him.

Fan Xiaoyong and all the other team members froze.

They became puppet-like beings, as if they had lost consciousness and were also a little confused.

“What just happened?”

“This… What’s going on? ”

As an experienced special combat team member, Gao Datian has seen many masters.

But no matter who the criminals he arrested before were, it was difficult to escape such a siege.

But now Jiang Chen disappeared in front of everyone? It was simply refreshing his perception.

“Old Fan.”

Gao Datian swallowed and said, “Didn’t we hallucinate just now, Fan Xiaoyong didn’t speak. ”

Although he had long known that Jiang Chen’s strength was extraordinary, even if all the special combat team members went out together, I was afraid that there would be some trouble.

But…… But he didn’t expect his means to be so against the sky.

“Jiang Chen.”

Fan Xiaoyong searched carefully in the dark, and now he didn’t dare to relax at all, gritting his teeth and saying: “You’d better obediently get out for me, don’t be a shrunken turtle.” ”

“What kind of man is hiding and hiding?”

In the darkness, only the sound of heavy rain falling continuously.

Du Fei and Yang Xiaohu are also seriously searching.

However, the results were disappointing.

“Not coming out, is it?”

Fan Xiaoyong rushed down to Zhang Huaqiang’s side, directly raised the gun and pointed it at his chest and said: “I hope you can think about it clearly now, I will give you three seconds, if you don’t come out again, I will kill him immediately.” ”

This was Fan Xiaoyong’s expedient measure, and at present he couldn’t think of any other way to lead Jiang Chen to use Zhang Huaqiang.


Bang!!! A thunderclap sounded.

The rain overhead is getting heavier.

When Fan Xiaoyong was about to count to the last time, he loaded the bullet and said in a gloomy tone: “Since you really don’t care about your brother’s life or death, then Laozi will send him to the Western Heavens.” ”


There was a sudden sound in the darkness, and the next second a black shadow fell in front of Fan Xiaoyong…

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