Chapter 105 What? Jiang Chen destroyed the four major teams?!!


Before Fan Xiaoyong could figure out what was happening, the opponent’s fist slammed into his chest.

Quite powerful.

Fan Xiaoyong felt a train hit his chest at that moment, and Wang Fu made him lose all resistance, and his body flew to the side.

Directly smashed into the wall next to it.

Poofan Fan Xiaoyong felt that all his internal organs were almost displaced, and blood spurted out of his mouth

When the subordinates around him saw it, they were ready to quickly make a move on Jiang Chen, but they didn’t have time to react.

Jiang Chen had already rushed into the crowd.

The reason why he chose to drop the gun is that he can move now, without restraint, and spare no effort.

If he really used the gun, with his skills, these sixty or so people were estimated to be not enough to plug their teeth.

In the minds of others, these teams are invincible legends.

They have performed many dangerous missions, but all of them have been able to successfully retreat completely.

But now facing Jiang Chen, he could only bear the fate of being crushed.

His speed was extremely fast, like an extremely fierce cheetah, and like a bullet that had just been shot out of the chamber of a gun.

Obviously one second he was still here, but the next second he went somewhere else.

No matter how powerful the martial arts masters are, they can’t hold up a move in front of Jiang Chen, and often before they have time to react, Jiang Chen’s fist has already beckoned 030 at them.

He is always clean and clean, without dragging mud and water, one move at a time.

Jiang Chen did not kill him, his attack would only make these people incapacitated, but it would not leave lifelong damage.

One, two, three…

At first, everyone was still full of confidence and could maintain the most basic calm, even if they saw the crazy and powerful means displayed by Jiang Chen, they were still methodical.

After all, they are not worthy of their name.

Being able to have such a status and strength now is definitely built by working hard with both hands.

But as they continued to fight Jiang Chen deeply, they all felt a deep despair.

Today’s Jiang Chen is a fierce tiger that rushed into the flock, and the terrifying power that burst out made people’s hearts palpitate.

In just ten minutes, half of the people fell in front of Jiang Chen.

The rest froze.

This…… What kind of evil is this? How could it be so terrible?

“Old Gao.”

Du Fei shouted a little nervously, “What now?” We are not opponents at all? ”

“Shoot, hurry up and shoot!”

Gao Datian could only come up with a way to continue, “Don’t care so much, beat him to death first.” ”

After receiving Gao Datian’s order, they no longer hesitated, and they all took out their guns and aimed them at Jiang Chen, but they didn’t have time to attack.

Jiang Chen’s body disappeared into the dazed night again.

When he reappeared, it was the same tragedy as before, and they could only withstand passive crushing when facing Jiang Chen.

Not to mention knocking him down, even if you get close to him, it is difficult to reach the sky.

Fan Xiaoyong, who was leaning against the tree, was now so frightened that he almost lost consciousness.

He had long experienced Jiang Chen’s power and knew that this was a rather terrifying and powerful master, but he never thought that he could reach such a point.

It’s terrible.

They are not ordinary people, they are the four major special combat teams that are quite famous in the entire Dragon Country, and their comprehensive combat effectiveness is terrifying, terrifying, and extraordinary.

But now facing Jiang Chen, he could only be crushed like an ant.

What’s going on here?

More than half an hour later, more than sixty people were all knocked unconscious.

They lay unconscious on the ground.

Fan Xiaoyong and Gao Tian were still awake.

They looked at Jiang Chen with fear written in their eyes.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen had thrown his gun on the ground before the operation, otherwise the four major special operations groups would have been wiped out today.


It’s really scary.

Zhang Huaqiang swallowed his spit, the scene that just happened, the scene was as unreal as a dream.

Their boss is also too awesome, right?

Without using thermal weapons, a person actually pressed so many special forces masters to beat.

It’s terrifying!

Before, Zhang Huaqiang was also particularly worried about Jiang Chen, afraid that he would appear three long and two short, but now it seems that the real object he should worry about is several special combat teams.

“What else do you have to say?”

Jiang Chen approached Fan Xiaoyong, and now his burly and tall body was like a Taishan lying in front of him.

Crushed him almost breathless?

“You, you don’t mess around?”

Fan Xiaoyong swallowed and said, “I tell you, if you really kill us, then you will go to a road of no return.” ”

“I’m not going to kill you.”

Jiang Chen said in an icy tone: “Doing something to you will only dirty my hands. ”

The cold sweat that broke out on Fan Xiaoyong’s forehead mixed with the heavy rain around him, fortunately, the rain covered the sweat.

Otherwise, it would be too humiliating.

“However, you should pay a little for your stupidity.”

Fan Xiaoyong’s face showed fear.

“You, what are you going to do?”

Jiang Chen took out a sharp dagger and untied the rope on Zhang Huaqiang’s body.

“What did he just do to you, you return it to him ten times.”

Zhang Huaqiang was a little hesitant, he already knew that Jiang Chen was an undercover identity, if he still did something to Fan Xiaoyong now, wouldn’t it be a little inappropriate?

After all, they are half colleagues.

Of course, Jiang Chen knew that Zhang Huaqiang shook his head worriedly and said, “Let you do it, you will do it.” ”


Zhang Huaqiang was very excited to get Jiang Chen’s affirmation, and when he heard the scene of Fan Xiaoyong torturing himself before, he couldn’t get angry.

This unscrupulous bastard is really extraordinary, and he definitely can’t spare him today.

“You give me death!”


Zhang Huaqiang moved his hand without mercy, Fan Xiaoyong was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, he held his head and curled up, letting out a sharp and harsh scream.

Several teeth were knocked out, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, but even so, Fan Xiaoyong still did not ask for mercy.

In the end, Zhang Huaqiang knocked Fan Xiaoyong unconscious alive.

As for Gao Datian, Jiang Chen gave him a pain.

A punch landed on his chest, directly causing him to faint to the ground.


Zhang Huaqiang gave a thumbs up in front of Jiang Chen and said from the bottom of his heart: “The four major special combat teams were served by you alone, I really didn’t expect you to be so awesome?” ”

“Minor problem.”

Jiang Chen replied calmly and said, “Let’s go back first, the brothers are still waiting to see you.” ”


After about an hour, the people of the armed police team were all united under Ma Tianyun’s order, and they were fully engaged in waiting for his orders.


Just as Ma Tianyun was about to speak and issue orders to his brothers, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Just said two words over there, his body was like being struck by lightning, as if he couldn’t stand steadily, and his eyes also showed deep horror.

After a long time, Ma Tianyun said lightly: “How is it possible?” Jiang Chen destroyed the four major special combat teams alone? ”

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