Chapter 106 Miracle against the sky, Jiang Chen caused a sensation again!!


The thunder above his head exploded again, and the endless deep night seemed to be completely torn apart.

The rain is getting heavier.

However, the people of the armed police team now ~ feel that the world is silent.

Their eyes were full of dazedness, and they all looked at Ma Tianyun blankly.

What was he talking about just now?

With his own strength, Jiang Chen actually destroyed the four major teams? What kind of terrifying demon is he?

In their minds, the four major special combat teams have always been legends that can only be looked up to.

The combat effectiveness and comprehensive means possessed are extremely terrifying and powerful.

Ordinary people are not opponents at all.

But now…

Jiang Chen crushed them alone.

It’s just terrifying.


One of Ma Tianyun’s subordinates walked up to him tremblingly and asked cautiously, “Is the news I just got reliable?” ”

Ma Tianyun did not answer.

His eyes were also confused.

After a long time, he hung up the phone and returned to the eaves with a lost soul.

What happened tonight made him and Jiang Chen on the verge of a break

Although he hadn’t completely pierced the layer of window paper, Ma Tianyun already knew that it would be a little difficult to get along with Jiang Chen and before in the future.

He had thought that Jiang Chen would be terrifying, but he never expected it to reach such a point.

Everyone saw that Ma Tianyun did not speak, and their hearts became even heavier.


The previous subordinates summoned up enough courage to come to Ma Tianyun and asked, “Why don’t you speak?” ”

“Let’s all go back.”

“For, why?”

Ma Tianyun let out a long sigh and said, “Even the four major special combat teams are not Jiang Chen’s opponents, do you think we can deal with it?” ”


At first, everyone thought it was a self-appearing auditory hallucination.

When their inner conjecture was affirmed, everyone was stunned.

No one expected that there would be such a terrifying and powerful demon in the world, and Jiang Chen was only in his early twenties.


It’s really a genius.

In addition, they couldn’t think of other words to summarize their impression of Jiang Chen: “Let’s all go back!” ”

They were all a year or two older than Jiang Chen, and even had richer resumes.

But now in front of this heavenly wizard, everything about them seems to be so worthless.

Everyone gradually turned away.

Looking at their backs disappearing into the dazed night, Ma Tianyun had mixed tastes in his heart.

He suddenly regretted that he shouldn’t have let Jiang Chen go undercover in the first place.

Now that his strength is so terrifying, if he embarks on a road of no return, who can stop it?


Lightning shines brightly.

Wang Xiaotian led his brothers to crawl in the darkness, holding a telescope to observe everything in front of him.

Now he still knows nothing about Jiang Chen’s glorious achievements.

He brought all the more than two or three hundred brothers under Wang Shaohua’s original subordinates, and with Yang Tianlong’s sophisticated weapons, he believed that it was not a big problem to deal with Jiang Chen’s men.

Wang Xiaotian leisurely lit a cigarette and gestured to the one-eyed dragon next to him, “Boss.” ”

The one-eyed dragon asked, “What are the orders?” ”

“Lao Tzu just looked at it, and the group of people in the villa are all core members under Jiang Chen.”

“However, none of them have weapons, and if they do, they are only machetes or something.”

The one-eyed dragon listened quietly.

“Let’s hurry up and try to take down all those people within half an hour, I want to give Jiang Chen a big gift.”

Wang Xiaotian said with a smile: “I believe that when Jiang Chen comes back and sees his brothers all dying in front of us, he will definitely be very excited, don’t you say?” ”

“You have a point.”

The one-eyed dragon nodded and said, “Then I will take the brothers to do it now.” ”

“Be clean, and definitely don’t drag me mud and water.”

The one-eyed dragon replied, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you down. ”


Wang Xiaohu and the others sat in the villa, everyone did not say a word, their faces were quite ugly, and there was a strong worry in everyone’s eyes.

Feeling the dullness of the atmosphere in the room, Wang Xiaohu said loudly: “What are you doing with a straight face every day?” Can I all be happy? ”

Everyone did not speak.

In this case, if you can really be happy, then there are ghosts.

“Lao Wang.”

A crippled man next to him was holding Erlang’s leg, he thought for a moment and asked seriously: “Do you say that our boss can come back?” ”

Wang Xiaohu did not speak.

Of course, he wanted to say bitterly, Jiang Chen’s life was absolutely not in danger.

But he himself knew that that was impossible.

That is the four major special combat teams of the Dragon Kingdom, a nightmare in the minds of many terrorists

Not to mention one Jiang Chen, even if it is ten, it is estimated that there is no resistance in front of them.

The most important thing is that there are still hostages in their hands, and after Zhang Huaqiang is captured, his actions in all aspects will be restrained.

If you want to retreat from the whole body, it will only be difficult?

“Why do you want so much?”

Wang Xiaohu was very dissatisfied and said: “Anyway, let’s just follow the boss no matter what, I believe his skills will definitely not disappoint us.” ”

Everyone was not speaking, and people could feel Wang Xiaohu’s voice.

He is giving everyone a shot in the arm and preparing them mentally.

Maybe this time Jiang Chen will die.

Wang Xiaohu really couldn’t stand this oppressive atmosphere, he stood up and said, “Laozi wants to go out and take a look.” ”

As soon as he reached the door of the villa, he suddenly heard extremely dense footsteps outside.

Frowning, Wang Xiaohu’s face changed slightly, and his intuition told him that the situation was not good.


Before Wang Xiaohu could finish speaking, the door outside had been kicked open, and dozens of people flocked to them, all holding guns in their hands to surround them.

Before Wang Xiaohu could get his weapon, he was already held to his chest with a gun.

The opponent only needs to pull the trigger and he will be beaten into a hornet’s nest.

The other dozen or so high-level officials can’t react now.

One by one, they sat on the sofa, their eyes full of confusion.

Obviously, they were somewhat surprised by this sudden situation.

“Who are you?”

Although Wang Xiaohu was held hostage, his face still did not change, and he said without fear: “Dare to run to our boss’s territory to spread wilderness, you don’t want to live, don’t you snap!” ”

The subordinate couldn’t help but say and slapped Wang Xiaohu fiercely.

“When is Dute, you still dare to force Lai Lai with us here?”

He sneered and said, “Don’t say that you are just a dog under Jiang Chen, even if Jiang Chen himself is here now, we will not be afraid of his power.” ”

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