Chapter 112: Jiang Chen’s decision, he wanted to break with Ma Tianyun?!!

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Did he quickly forget about the river organization?

Unexpectedly, this killer organization has now emerged again.


How does he feel that something is actually wrong?

Even if the river organization wants to avenge the owl, why should it be picked now?

Not in a while?

Today, Jiang Chen is in full swing and has a high prestige in the Jiangbei region.

The cohesion of their team has reached the peak of its strongest, and it is a very unwise decision to choose to take Jiang Chen now.

The top of the river organization will be so stupid?

Leaning on the chair, Jiang Chen said lightly: “Don’t worry, tell me the specific experience first?” ”

Zhang Huaqiang said: “Didn’t you let our brothers transport goods two days ago? ”

Since Jiang Chen became the boss of the Jianghe underground society, they have not been engaged in the gray industry business.

Jiang Chen changed all the original related industries into serious companies.

He has quite a great and excellent business acumen and is always comfortable running these things.

So their company can also prosper and proceed in an orderly manner.

The goods that are now transported are also serious goods.

“This time the cargo transportation volume is very large, a total of six or seven tons, and it was originally fine halfway. There were no accidents, but it was about to arrive in Jiangbei last night. ”

“We were resting in a service area, and at night a group of people suddenly jumped out, each with a gun in his hand, and a number of trainings, they were very combative.”

“Beat our brothers to serious injuries, and six or seven brothers are dead, Jiang Chen listened quietly, without saying a word.”

“The last one-eyed dragon warned our brothers that they were members of the Jianghe Organization, and they withheld this shipment.”

“What else do you say that if you want to return the goods, you must go to Jianghe City the day after tomorrow?”

“Otherwise, not only will they destroy the goods, but even the families of our brothers will all die!”

After listening to Zhang Huaqiang’s words, Jiang Chen’s divine beast became extremely cold.

“I’m really looking for death!”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Are they people from the headquarters of the Jianghe Organization or from the branch?” ”

“Should it be a master of the distribution of river organizations? How could there be only seventy or eighty people in their headquarters? ”

The seventy or eighty people of the river killer organization and the seventy or eighty people of the ordinary underground society are completely different concepts.

Each of them can be compared with special forces, and the means are extremely terrifying.

This is also the reason why the river organization can stand out among many killer organizations.

Their subordinates, their comprehensive quality and means are particularly terrifying.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “There are two doubts here. ”

“First, how did they know that the shipment we were shipping would rest in that service area?”

“Second, he has already seriously injured our brother, why not just do it neatly, do not stop doing it, and cut the grass and remove the roots?”

“Anyway, the river killer organization, there are not a few murders carried by everyone, wouldn’t it be better to directly choose to kill the killer?”

Hearing Jiang Chen say this, his body was stunned.

The other party’s analysis seems to make sense.

Zhang Huaqiang asked, “Boss, what do you mean then?” ”

“The latter problem is easy to explain, the reason why he kept his brothers alive is to come back and report to us.”

“Wanting to disintegrate the unity between our brothers from the inside, wanting to disturb the army’s heart, Zhang Huaqiang nodded and agreed with Jiang Chen’s opinion, and he continued to ask in confusion: ”

“That first question.”

Obviously, Zhang Huaqiang couldn’t understand, how was their whereabouts exposed? Jiang Chen was well aware of the importance of this shipment, so the action plan was quite thorough, and very few people knew about it, only the high-level within them knew about it.

“Do you think our brothers will betray me?”

He shook his head categorically and said, “Absolutely impossible, boss, I can guarantee that all our brothers are loyal to you.” ”


Jiang Chen also affirmed.

He said indifferently: “I also believe that our brother should not betray me.” Except for the high-level brothers, who else knows the whereabouts of our shipment? ”

“You, you’re talking about the Galaxy Group?”

Now Jiang Chen’s company is on the right track, and they are also engaged in some businesses that can be put on the table.

Of course, doing formal business is different from gray industry, and you need to cooperate with regular companies.

Galaxy Group is the most famous enterprise in Jiangbei area0… Annual revenue is in the multi-billions.

Jiang Chen naturally chose it as a partner.

This maximizes the benefits.


He calmly replied, “If the brothers didn’t betray me, it could only be Chen Xinghe of the Galaxy Group. ”

“It must be that bastard!”

Zhang Huaqiang gritted his teeth and said: “Most of them were bought, and that old man is not a good thing.” ”

“His son likes to spend a lot of time outside drinking, and he has done a lot of things that hurt nature.”

“There was also a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl who was cursed by him two days ago, and the little girl died the next day.”

“Everyone knows that he did it, but there is no evidence, and there is no way to take him down?”

“And his son is only seventeen years old now, and with the relevant legal protections, it is even more difficult to catch him.”

Jiang Chen frowned? And such things.

He slowly got up and said, “So it’s probably Chen Xinghe, and you have discussed it with the people of the Jianghe Organization?” ”

“Boss, what should we do then?”

“Do you really have to swallow your anger?”

Jiang Chen said with a faint smile: “The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, and then we will divide the troops into two ways.” ”

“You first go and send a message to the people of the Jianghe Organization, let them return the goods obediently within two days, and let the culprit come to see me.”

“Otherwise, I will let the Jianghe Organization branch all go to see King Yan the day after tomorrow.”

“As for Chen Xinghe’s side, I’ll go to Ma Tianyun first to discuss with him.”

“See what he’s going to do?”

Zhang Huaqiang didn’t understand.

What did Jiang Chen do with Chen Xinghe looking for Ma Tianyun? It didn’t work at all.

“Boss, I don’t quite understand why you are looking for Ma Tianyun?”

Jiang Chen replied lightly, “You will naturally know then.” ”

At the beginning, Fan Xiaoyong and the others could directly attack him without having the relevant evidence of him.

Now Chen Xinghe’s son Chen Xiaoyu, almost everyone knows that he has done a lot of bad things.

Then he wanted to see how Ma Tianyun and the others would react.

If Ma Tianyun made a decision, he would be disappointed.

Jiang Chen didn’t mind choosing to break with him!

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